lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

The Sacred Pulse of CREATION - The Sacred Numbers 1 - 13 which make up a Sacred Pulse of WAVE

The Sacred Pulse of Creation
The Sacred Numbers of the Maya

Aluna Joy Yaxkin
September 1994

The world around us is a living school teaching us how the universe works. We find examples every day within the simplest expressions of creation. If you have ever gazed upon an inch worm, crawling along, you have witnessed an example of how the universe works with the creative pulse of creation. The inch worm crawls in an undulating fashion. It moves forward in a burst of energy, hurling itself forward. Then it gathers up the remaining portion of its body until all of its mass is collected together again, in a mound of life force. Now it is ready for the entire process to repeat. It is ready to pulse forward again. Watching an inch worm use the creative life pulse to move forward, teaches us everything we need to know about the creative pulse of creation we use every day.

The traditional Maya understand this sacred pulse of creation through the symbol "G". This "G" symbol is a representation of the cosmic egg and our galaxy, the Milky Way. It is pronounced "Hay" or "Hay ya". Native Americans sing "Hay ya", the sacred "G", to the heavens still today. They are aware of the source of this energy we create from comes from the universe.

The Maya explain the pulse of creation, the "G", by using 13 numbers. These 13 numbers are a map of the creative pulse and defines how the pulse manifests in the physical world. Like the undulating, pulsing inch worm, the numbers do not work separately from each other. They work together to generate a complete pulse of energy that we use for creating. The energy established with each number is the foundation for the next number.

This unified creative pulse is broken down into 13 parts (1-13) which explains the process of creation in detail. Unlike the inch worm, the energy created by the 13 sacred numbers are non-physical. The best way we can define these sacred numbers is by calling them the energy of memory, possibility, intention and spirit. They are non-physical and are just raw energy, until a consciousness places an intention or purpose and begins to create from it.

This energy of 13 parts of creative pulse, can be explained in various sizes of time - space - experience. Since time in the universe is spherical and unending, we can use this power of 13 in any size time frame, as long as it does not lose its symmetry. The 13 parts could be, 13 seconds, 13 breaths, 13 months, 13 years, 13 centuries. Remember here that all these possibilities are working simultaneously. We experience these creative cycles within cycles, as a web that weaves our reality. There are large intentions placed by the mass consciousness. This would look like a large programs like "the sky is blue or the grass is green". Everyone aggress to these programs. They encompass all earthly manifestation. There are simple, small intentions that we create individually, like what we will transpire in the next few moments. These are created individually. The small intentions are influenced by the larger programs and fit into a frame work where all intentions work together in harmony.

So how do we create using the pulse of life with these sacred numbers? Let us define each of the 13 numbers individually.

#1. Hun (Source; Unity; God; Memory, possibility and intention) When we begin to create we always start at the #1 point the Maya call "Hun". This is the origin of the creative force. In this beginning point you gather up the energy you need to create from.

#2. Ca (Polarity; Duality; Separation of the light from the dark) When we move into the second phase of creation we begin to separate the energy we collected in #1. The Maya Call this "Ca". This is the phase where polarity is born. In the grand scheme of creation, this is where the light was separated from the dark. We begin to separate the unity of source to create a diverse and creative universe. This necessary dualistic friction of the opposites, create a "cosmic heat" in which to create from.

#3. Ox (Movement; Activation of creative pulse; Creation of the four directions, vertical, horizontal, and center; Represents the Spirit; Sacred symbol is the circle.) The third phase of creation is "Ox". Up until now the creative energy has been undetectable. In the pulse of #3, the collected and polarized energy begins to move. When you have movement in space you create an orientation point for the creation of the 4 directions. Sensitive beings can detect energy fluctuations and changes at this point. In the grand scheme of creation this is where the four directions were created.

#4. Can (Measure; Attaching definition to movement; Creation of the elements, Fire, water, air and earth; Represents the Body; Sacred symbol is the square.) In "Can" we begin to define our intention. Spirit begins to works with the body and movement begins to works with the measure.

#5. Ho (Integration; Merging of movement and measure; Empowering the creative force; 90º dimensional shift.) All energy and intention to this point has been gathered up into itself to empower and intensify the intention, and to facilitate the pulse forward to the next phase.

#6. Uac (Time/Space; The creation of the cycles of time based on the Cosmos.) The intention of the first 5 phases are now beginning to cycle with natural rhythms of the cosmos.

#7 Uc (Resonance; a place between the spirit and the body of creation; The center of creative pulse.) The number 7 is like a two sided mirror. Number 7 lives between two worlds. It is an invisible doorway to the realm of physical reality. It is neither spirit or the body of creation, yet it is both. #7 is the converging point between the past and the future.

#8. Vaxac (Galactic; Cumulative creative pulse transduces to galactic grid.) The intention of the creative process has now been intricately defined, concentrated and integrated. The creative energy now begins to move toward manifestation by emerging in our universe by traducing the creative energy into to our own galaxy.

#9. Bolon (Solar; Creative pulse transduces from galactic grid to solar grid. 90º Dimensional shift.) The creative energy merges all collected intention and intensifies it and moves it through our Sun into our solar system.

#10. Lahun (Planetary; Creative pulse of placed intention manifests on earth grid.) Up until now all that has been done in this pulse has been "non physical". It has only been a thought, an intention or a possibility. By the time we reach phase 10 the creative intention has manifested on Earth. It works through the heart of the spirit manifesting the base intention of the heart of each individual spirit.

#11. Hun Lahun (Dissonance; Integration of past cycles with current cycle; Chaos within manifestation) When a new intention is manifested on the earth grid it needs to merge and integrate with the other established intentions. This creates a temporary chaos.

#12. Ca Lahun (Complex Stability; Balance; Preparation for new cycle; 90º Dimensional shift.) All the dust has settled down after the integration process and manifestation has become stable. At this point you begin to consider what the next intention of creation will be.

#13. Ox Lahun (Ascension; Return to source to collect base energy for next intention) This is the return movement back to source carrying the integrated energy of the past cycle. You ascend back to source to collect more energy for the next intention of creation.

We go through this creative process every 13 seconds, minutes, hours, and any space of time that is in the symmetry of 13. The first 9 phases of the creative pulse are non-physical. It is has been all intention, thought, and possibility. Only when you get to number 10 do you actually see the physical reality of your heart's intention. No sooner than it is manifested you begin to look for something else to create. The creative pulse of the source only stays in the field of manifestation on earth for a fraction of time. It touches earth and immediately ascends again to source. When you understand this, you began to see how fragile life is, and how wonderfully synchronized. All humanity co-creates continually to renew the creative intention to keep physical reality in manifested form. This repeating, renewing, creative process evolves and ascends life, in a subtle way, every moment by our thought and intentions of our hearts. Energetically we create like the inch worm moves. We expand and contract in pulses, carrying with us intention and creative energy from the source. The whole physical universe is held together by our own heart song!

Solar Meditation/Exercise for the Creative Process

In the August issue we reconnected with the source of creation with a Solar Meditation. Now we are going to take it a step further and learn to connect with the creative energy of the source. We will begin to learn how to take control, consciously, of our own creative energy from the creator.

The creative pulse of creation radiates, encompasses and penetrates everything, physical and non-physical. It is every where and no where at all. It is memory and possibility. It is the movement of the creator. The Maya called this force "Lol" (spirit that permeates everything) or "Ik" (the wind) The Maya believe that all creative energy comes to us through the lens of the creator, our Sun. The sun sends cosmic energy to earth. When this energy reaches earth, it is collected by the trees. Then the trees create the wind and distributes the information/energy though-out the earth garden. With this is mind the obvious place to connect with the creative pulse of our universe is in its primary form, on earth, in nature and under the sun.

Begin to reconnect with the creative pulse by finding a place in the sun, near some trees. If you are more daring, climb a tree! I recommend the second suggestion highly. Remember the trees collect the energy sent to us by the creator. The ideas here, is to connect with the spirit-energy of earth and the trees.... then move beyond this energy to the primary creative energy of source that is the genesis of all spirit.

Get comfortable either in the tree or next to it. With your face turned toward the Sun begin to merge with the trees. Feel the tree. Become the tree. Recognize the tree's spirit. Let the tree's spirit recognize you. Let the spirit of the tree fill your heart.

When you have successfully merged with the tree begin to notice the wind, the breeze that makes the leaves ripple in waves. Watch this for a while. Feel the spirit of the wind blowing in the trees. Watch the trees and their unified interaction with the wind. See how the wind and the trees become one. Recognize the spirit of the wind and allow it to recognize you. Allow your spirit to blow with the wind and move with the tress. Let the wind fill your heart. This is quite powerful when you are actually in the trees moving with it. Remember the Maya believe the trees make the wind from energy received from the Sun.

Once you have connected with the obvious energy-spirit of the trees, begin to connect with the more subtle energy of the rocks, the bushes, the sand... Look all around you. See the spirit-energy in everything of earth. Merge with earth and its spirit and let this creative pulse flood your heart.

While containing the spirit of earth in your heart, begin to shift your consciousness by pulling in the energy of the cosmos into your being. Seize the energy of the Sun. Even if you can't see them during the day, be aware, of the stars and planets. They are also sending you energy. Remember you are a piece of the sun and a part of the cosmos. Now merge yourself with this cosmic energy and let the sun, stars and planets fill your heart. Begin to combine together the energy cosmos with the spirit of earth. Become one with this unified spirit. Let all of the creative energy of the universe enter your heart and flood you with sustaining energy. You will begin to feel like you are in an ocean of spirit, and the individual definitions of reality will become fuzzy and blend.

Once you have merged with this encompassing spirit of the universe, ask to go beyond this spirit and understand the primary energy behind it. Listen with your heart to hear the solar wind that is not a wind. Listen to the cosmic voice that is not audible with our physical ears nor can be seen with our physical eyes. Hear the song of creation. Begin to experience this place before physical reality. Sit with this creative pulse until you feel you have connected completely. You have now reoriented yourself with the center of creation.

At this point it is deeply meaningful to commit yourself to this new orientation point. I use various forms of affirmation and prayer. The example below is a suggestion only. Sing what is in your heart.

I am one with the memory of the creator.
I am one with the possibility of the creator.
I am one with the intention of the creator.
I am one with the creative pulse of creation.
I remember now, I always have been.
I draw all my life's creative force from the source of the creation.
I will remember this always.
This energy is attainable to me at all times.
Every second, every minute, with every breath I take,
for I am a piece of the creator.
I commit my spirit to the source of creation,
and thus is my orientation point for all my creations.

Creative energy is available to us at all times to be used by our individual intentions. We realize we are existing and creating with this energy in every moment. Remember that all we create begins from this source. We need to begin to be aware of where we are receiving our energy from on a daily basis. If we are receiving energy from others, we are taking in a fragmented source of energy, and may be impairing the person we are pulling it from. Be conscious to draw sustaining energy from the universe, in which to create, and center ourselves with the core of creation in this place-energy beyond physical form. This meditation-exercise, can also be done during night time under the natural light of the stars.


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Dear Sonja,
Thanks for this good information of creative, Universal Energies.

The Thirteen Intentions

The Thirteen Intentions or Numbers when added to a Tzolkin Solar Seal, gives valuable specific information that applies to that Solar Seal.

Number One

is the Sun, Spirit of Creation and Re-Creation. It is the pulsation ray of unity with Self and the Universe: light of the world, rainbow of diversity; magnetic force that brings cosmic vibrations into harmony; chalice of the infinite.

Number Two

the pulsation ray of the Dual Polarity, the two opposites that also complement each other. The essence of the Universe is to merge and balance these Sacred Twins, Yin and Yang Female and Male, Night and Day, Black and White, Good and Evil. Spirits maintain a perfect balance and are therefore neither female nor male.

Number Three

is a triangle, universal sign of the female principle. It tells of caprice, crystals, charms and creativity; all in the name of generation and growth. It is the heartbeat of the Cosmos, the rippling rhythm of the river of life, the flight of the birds and the bees, the Moon of Deflowering, the gestes of the Ladies and Lords of the land.

Number Four

is the most sacred number: as the four seasons, the four quarters of the Earth, and the four phases of human life (Maiden, Mother, Mage, and Midnight.) The four elements that are the foundation of all life on Earth.

Number Five

marks the center of the structure of three-dimensional space. It is seen as the First Direction (instead of the Fifth,) for it is the place that All Directions are relative to. Five is related to Venus, the stellar Spirit of Love. This is a very young and feisty feminist, recently thrust from the arms of Jupiter; she dashed about as a Comet, clashed with Mars and threatened Earth for half a millennium before settling down to the orderly life of a planet; a diamond in the sky.

Number Six

is the Moon, called Six killer, and the Great Hunter. He is also the King of Hearts. He is a man of many phases, also known as The Apportioner, for he measures out the months of the lunar calendar.

Number Seven

is two sets of six steps; up one side of a pyramid and down the other, adding up to twelve; plus the landing in between a total of thirteen. The top level is the ritual Seventh Heaven, Platform of the Sky. Seven is a sacred balance of the Dual Polarities; seven times seven is the most Holy of Holies: Foundation of the Earth Ritual.

Number Eight

is the Earth and its harmonic resonance. It embraces the male-female duality of the fourfold nature of divinity: the four corners, elements, seasons, mountains and primal rivers. It is the act of starting over from the beginning, of repeating the octave the frequency level at which all crystals and organic matter vibrates.


Number Nine

is the World Tree at the end of the Sacred Path, on the edge of the abyss. The transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. It is the portal to the mystical and magical land of the wanderers of the night land: Chiron, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury. Part of the woof and warp of the tapestry of time and tide.

Number Ten

is the flow of manna between Earth and Heaven, the equal sign of the “as above so below” concept that every Star in the Sky has a mirror image here on Earth. Two bars (=) counts ten half of the duality of twenty, which is the base of the Amerindian vigesimal number system. In the beginning was the computer with ten fingers and ten toes.

Number Eleven

is the crossroads on the Astral Trail, that Maze of Migration of the human Soul: from birth through the Return Journey to the Stars. The place to stop and confirm a Guiding Star. The action of peeling off outworn husks and freeing the kernel within. From here on out it is necessary to move onward and upward like an arrow in flight.

Number Twelve

is the Magic Crystal, the six sided stone that is the half of the dual polarity of Twelve. It amplifies electrical current sensitivity, prayers and wishes; it heals by brining the body’s natural vibrations into sync; it starts a fire by concentrating the rays of the Sun, for energizing the heart and mind.

Number Thirteen

is the Universe: all there is, was, or ever shall be. There is an umbilical cord that stretches from the Navel of the Earth to the North Star, the union of Mother Earth and Father Sky. The Quadrinity of Spirit, Nature, Fellow Man and Self comes around full circle to the Place of The Beginning World without End!

This is: The Voice of The Great Spirit

The Beloved Woman

The Sun Priestess

Source: The Cherokee Sacred Calendar, A Handbook of the Ancient American Tradition

By Raven Hail




7 - Resonance


 The vibration of the mind can be stilled, the consciousness being withdrawn from it; an impact from without will then shape an image exactly corresponding to itself.
 --Annie Besant, "Thought Power"

 "Resonance" is a term used to describe what happens when one system sends out some waves that travel to another system and start the second system to vibrating. For resonance to occur, the two systems must have the same natural frequency of vibration. In this manner, one vibrating tuning fork can send out waves that can cause another similar tuning fork to start vibrating. A radio station can send out waves that can cause a radio to respond if the radio is tuned to the same frequency as the station.

 People also radiate waves. When a thought is constructed it causes mental, emotional, and etheric waves to radiate outward from the person who created it. If these waves are clear and steady, and if someone is able to attune himself to them and resonate to them, then the receiver will become aware of the thoughts and feelings of the sender. At the emotional level, resonance produces sympathy in the receiver. At the intellectual level, resonance produces understanding in the receiver.

 The radiations from Aquarius stimulate the development of resonance in people. If we would hasten the progress of the world toward the Aquarian Age, we may consciously attempt to improve our ability to resonate with others. In order to achieve resonance, the receiver must be able to attune himself to the sender. If the reciver has his own opinions as to what the sender ought to be thinking or feeling, or if the receiver has prejudices as to what the sender could think or feel, then the reciver will atune his mind to his own preconceived ideas, and resonance will not occur. If the receiver is to attune himself to the sender, he must clear his mind of his own thoughts and be open to receiving whatever thoughts the sender radiates. Thoughts of separativeness [superiority, pride, annoyance, anger] also tend to hinder resonance. On the other hand, love aids resonance. With practice, we can learn to resonate to a broader and broader range of types of people.

 Resonance can also be extended to animals, plants, and things. In time, we will learn to sympathize with animals, and to see things from their point of view, and to attune ourselves to the inner being of plants, and understand the life within them, and to comprehend even the mineral and constructions made from the mineral kingdom materials. Works of art [stories, drawings paintings, sculptures, and musical compositions] all have built into them the feelings and thoughts of their creators and can only be properly appreciated if the observer can attune himself to the creation and allow its built-in feelings and thoughts to resonate within his own soul.

 In the Aquarian Age, people are supposed to become self-directing. To become self-directing, people need the Light within. To gain the Light within, people need to be able to attune themselves to and resonate with other people and the world around them and with the Cosmic Consciousness [God]. When people resonate with others, they sympathize with others and understand others and thence can resolve conflicts with others. When people resonate with the world around them, they can learn to live in harmony with it. When people can resonate with the Cosmic Consciousness, they can understand the Divine Law and Plan and can understand what they need to do to move forward in the scheme of evolution.



 -Besant, Annie. Thought Power. Wheaton, Illinois: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1973.



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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