lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
In the sacred calendar of the Maya, the Tzolk'in, there lives 20 glyphs, or as I call them suns. These suns define our reality. They define our creative intentions that we place into action. As discussed last month the numbers are the spirit of the sacred calendar. The 20 suns are the body or the measure of the sacred calendar. The 20 suns and the 13 sacred numbers work together to merge spirit and form into the reality we experience on a daily basis. The traditional Mayas refer to these 20 sun, as the Gods of the calendar, the Gods of time.
Within the 20 suns of the sacred Mayan calendar there are four groups of 5 suns each that hold directional positions. These are the suns of the East, the suns of the North, the suns of the West and the Suns of the South. Each of these directions also have a corresponding color. East is represented by the color red. North is represented by the color white. West is represented by the color blue. South is represented by the color yellow.
Within the directions, these 5 suns hold a common theme or intention. The 4 directions evolve the creative pulse of life in a cyclic fashion beginning with the initiating, pulsing force of the East. East creates the intention and gives it life and pluses forward to the North. Then in flows inward with the energy and intention of the North. When North internalizes the intention then it releases it to the West. West integrates, transforms the information into a refined, polished idea or creative intention. West merges with the collected information it has received from the North. Then we move into the direction of South with ascension, fruitfulness and mature power. South completes the picture. It is the last stroke of the painters brush. The intention is fulfilled.
Within the four directions, we experience this evolutionary force of ascending cycling directions every four days on planet earth. These four directions cycle over and over again building upon one another, using the completed prior cycle for the foundation for the next cycle. These directions are alive with life force and intention and are the initiating force behind our creations.
Understanding the Suns of the East
The Mayan word for east is "Likin". East is represented by the color red. In Mayan it is called "Chau" The suns of the east are represented by the Suns IMIX, CHICCHAN, MULUC, BEN and CABAN. East is where the sun rises. It is the direction of "coming to power" or the "birth", the renewal of life. These Eastern days can be very powerful. It is a good time to start projects or at least begin to create them in your dream time. In the suns of the east, issues such as struggling with personal problems or concerns with the establishment of self arise. Let us look at these five suns in detail.
IMIX - ee’meesh - The Dragon. Imix lives by instinct in the physical world. Imix initiates and births new creations. It contributes by being an informer, and does well transmitting information. Imix in ruled by the throat chakra, and is the power behind it's informing nature. Imix is a water Sun and is always dealing with a lot of feelings. It is ruled by Neptune. Imix can be energetic, creative, protective and dominating in a parental way. It is by nature a sensitive and private sun. Imix is always challenged to become free from feelings of rejection.
CHICCHAN - cheek’ chan - The Serpent. Chicchan lives by instinct. Things always work out for this sun but it is not quite sure why. Chicchan like all other suns of the east initiates or births ideas or creation. Chicchan remembers and receives knowledge, and is ruled by the crown chakra. Chicchan is a water Sun that is strong willed, extremist, powerful and charismatic. It has a very penetrating almost harsh energy. Chicchan has strong emotions and feelings that affect others powerfully. Chicchan is ruled by the asteroid belt. This sun is always challenged to experience powerful transformations in a conscious way. Also on Chicchan days be kind to yourself, accept changes in your life as part of the learning process. On these days it is good to trust your instinctual hits. Truth and trust are good key words for the Serpent to remember.
MULUC - moo’ look - The Moon. Muluc lives by reason or the mind. It can be quite a mental Sun. It as all other easterly suns initiates and births, but also formulates and transmits the creative pulse. Muluc is ruled by the root chakra and is a water Sun. This makes it a very emotional, imaginative and even psychic. Muluc can be romantic and fantasy prone. It tends to be dominating by the projection of strong feelings. Muluc is ruled by Mercury. Muluc is challenged to control the self and take responsibility for what is has started. Being consistent, persistent and intelligently responsive are good qualities to work with on Muluc days.
BEN - ben - Pillars of light. Ben lives by the emotions, and can be physic. It initiates and births ideas and intentions as do all sun of the east. Ben is very expressive and receives wisdom. Ben is ruled by the solar plexus and is a water Sun as are all the east suns. Ben is ruled by Mars. It is popular, knowledgeable, accomplished and competent. It is a fighter for principles, a crusader. Ben loves to take on challenges but is always challenged to curb its opinionated nature, to loosen up its rigid attitudes. Ben smoothes out its fighting nature when a deep knowledge of human nature is understood and good social skills are developed.
CABAN - ca ban’ - Earth. Caban lives in the spiritual realms. It is centered in the heart. It also initiates and births ideas but this sun also self-regulates, needing very little from the outside world. It has the ability to transduce information from the cosmos into a more accessible form. Caban is centered in the heart chakra and is the last water sun in the sacred calendar. Caban is ruled by Uranus. Caban is very mentally active, rationalizing, clever and practical. It is usually liberal and progressive and often controversial. Caban has strong convictions once it has anchored ideas. Caban's challenge is to hold one's life together according to a plan and to become more flexible and patient.
It is not by chance that in every new day, the first perfect and pure energy we receive from the sun comes from the east. The East in the Mayan calendar represents an initiating force. On Earth the rising sun also represents the beginning, or initiation of our day, and gives us the necessary information and energy to continue our creative process called life. In order to fully anchor into our being, the powerful initiating pulse of creator we receive at dawn, it is beneficial to receive it as the Mayas do. The Mayan Priests rise before dawn and make ready for the first rays to hit them. When they do they write down the things they received from the sun. In a sense they talk with the sun. Now you can too! It is easy. Believe you can and be open to receive the subtle energy and light as it comes in. Here are a few suggestions that I find valuable. But please do what is in your heart to do, for each of us does things a little differently and perfectly so.
Rise before dawn and place yourself in a position so that you will be able to see the rising sun. Begin to resonate with the cosmos and realize the energy of the now fading stars. Say good-by in your heart to the stars and thank them for their sustaining energy while you were regenerating and dreaming. As the sun breaks through let the sun see you, let it recognize you and you recognize the sun. In a sense say hello to the sun. Feel the pulse of life force flow through your body. Pull the light of the sun into every cell of your body. Feel its activating force within you. Here is a prayer to use at dawn. This prayer was inspired by Hunbatz Men, a Mayan elder and some of my own personal experience.
With the coming of the winter we feel our bodies begin to slow down and we find ourselves looking for that quiet place inside where we refine and understand what we have experienced during the past year. The sacred Mayan suns that represent the north affect us in the same way the winter does. They turn us inward for inspiration and guidance and a quiet expansion that we do not even notice until spring.
The Mayan word for north is Xaman. It is pronounced "chaman" and clearly points out a linguistic connection with the native American word "Shaman." In Mayan Tradition many Shamans are born within the influence of the northern suns. Especially powerful is the sun of IX. Ones born with the influence of this sun are the Jaguar priest and their words are considered holy and absolute truth.
The five sacred suns of the North hold a common theme of inward refinement and the use of the mental facilities. They are Ik, Cimi, Oc Ix and Etznab and are represented by the color white. North can be a direction of cold and ice and symbolizes the turning inward of life. In some cases it can represent danger and difficulty. You may find on North days that you are wandering in the labyrinths of the mind. Considering it is a very mental direction you may struggle with your emotions while understanding with your mind. North's aloof nature can activate defensiveness and a general distance as you turn inward for refinement and understanding.
Understanding the Mayan Suns of the North
IK - eek’ - Wind. - Ik lives by its instincts in the physical world. It defines itself by the body but is also quite connected with the breath of spirit. It thinks in terms of "I" rather than "we", and lives in individual consciousness. Ik says "What do I want, What do I need?". Ik is a good communicator, informer, and refines and transduces information into a more usable form. The chakra represented by Ik is the heart chakra. Its element is air and planet is Uranus. Ik is a Communicative and mental sun. Ik is agile, clever and multifaceted. It can be quite idealistic and even romantic. Ones born with the sun Ik can be fashion conscious and artistic. Issues that seem to effect Ik most are fears about responsibility, obligations, commitments and decision making. It will find solutions by getting an education. Ik says "feel the fear and do it anyway!" What are you afraid of? Understand the fear and move through it.
CIMI - k’ee mee - Death. - Cimi live in the realm of reason and mental activity. Cimi harmonizes and refines the influence of the north. In Mayan tradition it was said to be linked with death. Cimi is the opportunity to let go and remember spirit. The base energy of this sun transmits and is represented by the throat chakra. Its element is air, and the planet it is connected with is Mars. Cimi is security conscious and materialistic. It can be quite sacrificing and helpful especially in community matters as it has strong interests and concerns for the community and politics. The issues that face Cimi are having faith in the universe, and evolving past victimhood. Solutions can be found when Cimi gives meaning to life by making contributions to society. Have faith in your vision and begin to manifest them.
OC - oak’ - Dog. - Oc lives in the mental world and works with reason. It can be quite community conscious and is linked to the energies of love and the heart. Oc is very loyal to friends and family. This sun refines information from spirit and formulates in a way to make accessible to others. It receives information though the crown chakra. Its element is air, and the planet it is connected with is Mercury. Oc is cooperative, consistent, loyal and helpful. A good team player and joiner, but also a good leader. It needs much variety in life. The issues that confront Oc are the challenge for emotional maturity and healing father related and authority issues. Solutions will come to Oc when it finds acceptance of leadership when it is needed. Heal the past and move toward your destiny.
IX - ee’sh - Wizard. - Ix lives in the realm of the emotions and can be physic. It is Globally conscious. It is linked to the energies of enchantment, timelessness and receptivity. Ix refines information from spirit, and expresses it in a more usable form and then transmits it. It is associated with the root chakra, and its element is air, and its planet is the asteroid belt. Ix is a sun that is definitely connected with the Orion conflicts and have issues to heal in this area. Ix can be secretive, sensitive and intelligent. It is concerned with religion and spirituality. It is quite aggressive but avoids direct confrontations. The issue that confronts Ix is the management of complex and entangled human relationships. It will find solutions when it develops counseling skills and learns to release relationships that do not feed it. Find the complex relationships in your life and re-evaluate them. Release the one that are not for your highest good.
With the beginning of the new Gregorian year we find ourselves looking to the future for what the new year will bring. We reflect on what has been learned and look forward to what will be. In this way we begin to initiate the creative process for the coming year by integrating the past and visualizing the future. This action activates deep transformations, facilitating the creation of new intentions.
The Suns that represent the West activate these deep transformations. In Mayan tradition the West is considered the direction of the dying God yet is also a place of peaceful repose. West is a place where the light enters darkness, a place where inspiration is born and worlds are created. West is a place where we loose our egos and begin to merge with the greater whole. We may find ourselves concerned with our relations with others. Problems with cooperation may need to be addressed, and compromises made in relationships may need to be reconsidered during these days. The Suns of the West are for spiritual speed freaks that are always striving for transformation. It is a constant internal pressure to activate the transformation process and to evolve.
The Mayan word for West is Chik'in and is represented by the color blue. The five sacred Suns of the Mayan calendar hold this common theme of the West. These are the suns AKBAL, MANIK, CHUEN, MEN and CAUAC.
Understanding the Mayan Suns of the West
AKBAL - ak’ bal - Night - Akbal lives by its instincts in the physical world. It is the informer and receives information and informs other suns of it discoveries. Akbal is represented by the chakra of the solar plexus. Its element is Earth and its planet is Saturn. Akbal is a powerful yet conservative Sun that shows logic and organizational skills. It is symbolized by the dark inner reaches of the temple and is deep, thoughtful, and introspective. This sun exhibits good endurance and can work hard. Akbal's challenges can be mental rigidity and problems with sharing. This sun does well by establishing secure foundations in whatever it does.
MANIK- man eek’ - Hand - Manik lives in the world of reason, the mental world. It is the Sun that remembers and transduces information to a more accessible form. It is represented by the heart chakra. Its element is Earth and the Earth is also the planet it is associated with. Manik is a peaceful, generous sun that show skills in cooperative ventures. It can be very artistic and inspiring to others. Manik can be nomadic, outspoken, and quite individualistic, yet it needs companionship. Understandably its challenges involve handling the contradictory needs of personal freedom and relationship security. It finds it does well by learning to become comfortable with its own individuality, no matter how strange that may be.
CHUEN - chu’ wen - Monkey - Chuen operates from the emotional and physic worlds. It is about abundance. This is not exclusive to an abundance of money. It could translate to a general abundance of energy or to an abundance of success or failure. Chuen formulates information and transmits it and it is not by accident that the chakra associated with this Sun is the throat chakra. Its element is Earth and its planet is Venus. Chuen is an attention getter. It will get attention one way or another, may it be by positive or negative means. This Sun can be artistic, clever, and demonstrative. It exhibits multiple interests, is quite communicative, and very curious. It's challenge is to stay with one thing long enough to master it. This sun does well with having many creative outlets and an active social life.
MEN- men - Eagle - Men operates from the emotional or physic world. It expresses information that it receives. The chakra associated with this Sun is the crown chakra. It's element is Earth, and its planet is Jupiter. Men is independent and ambitious. Within its independent nature it uses escapism to cope will controlling situations. It is scientific or technically inclined as it exhibits a critical and exacting nature. Men has unique ideas about life. Its challenge is to accept its unusual relationship patterns. It does well when Men cultivates friendships that place high value on personal freedom.
CAUAC - k’awak - Storm God - Cauac operates from the spiritual world and the universal heart. It is self-regulating. This means it needs very little from the outside world in order to understand its own process. Cauac is a transmitter. it shares information it has received from other sources, many times nonphysical sources. Its chakra is the root chakra. Its element is Earth and its planet is Pluto. Many Cauac born are Scorpios. Cauac has a presence of youthfulness and can be quite restless. It is a friendly and helpful Sun. Cauac is multi-faceted, a good learner and teacher. It is often drawn to philosophy or religion and shows concern for healing and purification. This sun is challenged to become the healer and does well to study under a master.
Since we have revealed the West Sun's need for speed in their transformational process I thought it would be appropriate to share an instant Mayan mediation. This quick process realigns you to the vibration to the Sun in about 60 seconds flat!!
Find a comfortable spot for this meditation, preferably in the light of the Sun. This technique is disorienting so you must not try this standing up. Put your hands on your face with the thumbs up. Place you little fingers just below your mouth. Place your ring fingers on your nose to close the nasal passages. Place your middle fingers on your closed eyes applying a slight pressure. Place your index fingers on your temples with a slight pressure. Place your thumbs in your ears to completely block out all outside sound. The idea here is to completely lock out the senses of our physical reality in order to enter into the nonphysical world of spirit. You can't smell, see or hear anything! Yes, it may look silly but don't quit now. Give it a try. Now before you suffocate say the name of the sun "K'in". Say k'ieeenn with a distinct "E" sound until you run out of breath. Practice saying the name of the Sun a few times in various sounding frequencies until you can feel the vibration of the sun in your body and head. You will know when this happens correctly for you will not be able to feel anything else but the vibration of the Sun. You will loose touch with the physical world. Take another breath and close your nose once again and repeat. Say K'ieeenn. Do this as many times as you like. In this internal space we can visualize we are a piece of the Sun. We have become the expansive cosmos and are on our way to becoming Cosmic humans! Until next issue, may you be K'inan Ra K'u "The Spirit of the Sun God!"
In the last few months we have learned about the suns of the east, north, and west, and the center of these directions call the equinoxes. We have learned how the directions evolve creation by cycling from the initiating force of the east to the refining energy of the north, to the transforming energy of the west. The Mayan suns that represent these directions cycle in our reality every four days leaving behind a new foundation for the next four, thus continuing to build a evolutionary ladder of spirit and definition.
The last of this evolutionary cycle of directions is the Suns of the South. South takes the intentions of the east, north and west and make them bloom. South is a direction of tropical heat and abundant vegetation. It is life giving. South points to one's highest position in life. It is the noon, the summer, an outward direction and is linked with fruitfulness and mature power. The suns of the south, especially Ahau, are idealistic and can ripen what has been started and raise it into full potential within the highest form of manifestation..
Some issues that emerge on South days may manifest as being very emotional, reactive and outspoken. You may find yourself struggling with the rational side of self. Suns of the south can be quite idealistic and yet become disillusioned easily by life when what has been manifested in vision does not flesh out in the physical.
In Maya, South is called "Nohol" and is represented by the color Yellow "Kan". The element associated with the South is Fire. These South Suns are "KAN" the seed, "LAMAT" the Venus Star, "EB" the Human, "CIB" the Warrior, and "AHAU" the Solar Lord. Let us take a closer look at these idealistic Suns.
Understanding the Mayan Suns of the South
KAN - k’an - Seed - Kan lives by instinct and relates to the world based on the five physical senses. It is the "I", individual consciousness. It is an informer. Kan makes a good networker. It transmits information. The chakra is associated with Kan is the root chakra. It's planet is Jupiter. Kan is interested in leadership and performance. It is active, dynamic, sexual, and influential, with high standards. Kan's issues relate to being a balanced individual, and to mature sexually. Kan finds help with these issues by engaging in artistic or performance related activities and mastering the details involved with these endeavors.
LAMAT - la mat’ - Star - Lamat lives by reason and operates out of the mental world. Lamat is the "we", community consciousness. Lamat in essence remembers. It receives through the solar plexus. Lamat is energetic, busy, nervous, clever, and playful. It shows a strong intellect, but can become somewhat paranoid. Lamat likes to fight, but is always reaching to operate out of love. This reflects in the planet it represents which is Venus. Lamat's issues are based in keeping themselves under control in order to finish things. Lamat needs to learning to express feelings and avoid extremes and excesses. Lamat says "Don't make mountains out of mole hills".
EB - eb - Human - Eb lives by the emotional body and operates out of the physic world. Eb is global consciousness. Eb in essence formulates. It transduces what it receives into a more understandable form. It is ruled by the heart chakra. It associated planet is Earth. Eb is relaxed, courteous, careful and useful. It can be also sensitive, touchy, and easily hurt. Eb is ambitious and hard-working. Eb is challenged to avoid poisoning itself by suppressing anger. Eb needs to express feelings and foster purifying and healing actions.
CIB - k’eeb - Cosmic Warrior - Cib is a warrior for Spirit and operates out of Universal heart. Cib is universal consciousness. Eb in essence expresses. It transmits information, and is represented by the throat chakra. Its planet is Saturn. Cib is serious, deep, wise, realistic, and pragmatic. Cib can become hardened to life and is often status conscious. Sometimes Cib allows itself to be dominated by others. Cib's challenge is to overcome self-consciousness and personal insecurities. Cib heals when it excels in its chosen career and lives out of its high standards, and can be comfortable with authority figures with out giving up personal power.
AHAU - a how’- Lord of the Sun - Ahau lives by spirit and operates from universal heart - Ahau is universal consciousness. It is enlightenment and universal fire. Ahau self-regulates meaning it receives what it needs from itself. It is represented by the crown chakra. Its element is fire. Its planet is Pluto Ahau is loving, devoted, artistic, dreamy, and romantic. It can be socially awkward, but is well-intentioned. Ahau in its idealistic nature can become stubborn and uncompromising. Ahau's challenge comes in learning how to handle disappointments due to unrealistic expectations. Ahau heals when it learns to be a good friend and keeps life simple.
The South K'atun of 13 Ahau
At this time on planet earth we are in the last period of 20 years that is influenced by the south energies. This 20 cycle is called a K'atun and is represented by 13 AHAU. Ahau is the flowering of evolution and is the highest evolutionary expression of the Suns. The number 13 is the highest evolutionary expression of the numbers, ascending us to a new dimension. This K'atun is a cycle of time ending around 2012-13. It is a part of a larger cycle called a Baktun that is roughly 400 years long and this current Baktun is the last of 13 Baktuns in an even larger cycle that encompasses roughly 5200 years! With the force and momentum behind these 5200 years, the K'atun of 13 Ahau is destined to be a cycle of unprecedented transformation when humanity will flower and ripen into a mature authentic power. This K'atun of 13 Ahau prepares us to enter, what the Maya call, THE ITZA AGE, the age of water. This is known to modern day astrologers as the age of Aquarius. We are beginning to emerge into cosmic humans and manifesting the highest evolution possible within the last days of this large 5200 year cycle!
To help with this huge undertaking of flowering into cosmic human-hood it helps to merge and work with the energies of the south. Below is an example (meditation) of how we can begin to allow the flowering of the Itza Age within each of us.
A Meditation for the Suns of the South
At high noon, sit comfortably and preferably facing south, in front of the Sun. Place the graphics provided in this article of the five south suns in front of you. If you live in a cold climate sit inside near a window where the sun is shinning through. Sit calmly with eyes closed in a meditative state. Begin to feel the light and the heat of the sun on your body. Feel the light and information transmitted from the sun. Begin to consciously pull the energy of the sun into your physical body. Allow the sun to enter your crown chakra and work down through your chakras until the sun blasts through your feet! Let it merge deeper and deeper into your body. Continue doing this until you feel that the energy of the sun has penetrated your entire body. Now begin to shift your perspective from the physical body as a whole to visualizing each cell of your body individually becoming the light of the sun. See each cell of your body as a sun until each cell is completely full. Now allow each cell of your body to go supernova. Let each cell explode with the light of the SUN. Within this brilliant light send your heart, love, and blessing to the giver of life on this planet, our star the Sun. Allow the brilliant sun that you are to anchor with our sustainer of life, our planet earth. Give your heart, love, and blessings to earth. Remember your commitment to being here at this incredible time in the universe. Realize you oneness with all of humanity for we all are pieces of the SUN!
20 Sacred Kin (days)
1 Imox
left-handed alligator
2 Ic
moon, wind, spirit spider
3 Acbal
night cougar
4 Can
dragon dragonfly
5 Cat
serpent serpent
6 Came
death vulture
7 Queh
deer deer
8 Cana l
wealth, ear of yellow corn rabbit
9 Toh
rain, storm shark
10 Tzi
dog wolf
11 Batz
monkey monkey
12 Eb
teeth thrush
13 Aj
cane or tender corn bee
14 Balam
jaguar jaguar
15 Tziquin
bird quetzal
16 Ahmac
owl owl
17 Noh
conscience crow
18 Tihax
edge, obsidian turtle
19 Caoc
lightening & thunder woodpecker
20 Hunahpu
hunter, chief or lord eagle
Source: Popol Vuh, The Book of the Ancient Maya
By Delia Goetz & Sylvanus Griswald Morley
20 Solar Seals
Maya - Cherokee - Aztec
Imix Left-handed - Turtle - Cipactli Alligator
Ik Wind/spirit - Whirlwind - Ehecatl Wind
Akbal Night - Hearth - Calli House
Kan Dragon - Dragon - Cuetzpallin Lizard
Chicchan Serpent -- Serpent -- Coatl Serpent
Cimi Death -- Twins -- Miquiztli Death
Manik Deer -- Deer -- Mazatl Deer
Lamat Yellow -- Rabbit -- Tochtli Rabbit
Muluc Storm -- The River -- Atl Water
Oc Dog -- Wolf -- Itzcuintli Dog
Chuen Monkey -- Raccoon --- Ozomatli Monkey
Eb Teeth -- Rattlesnake Tooth -- Malinalli Grass
Ben Cane -- Reed -- Acatl Reed
Ix Jaguar -- Panther -- Ocelot Ocelot
Men Bird -- Eagle -- Cuauhtli Eagle
Cib Owl -- Owl -- Cozcacuahtli Vulture
Caban Conscience -- Heron -- Ollin Movement
Etz’nab Obsidian -- Flint --- Tecpatl Knife
Cauac Lightening -- Redbird -- Quiahuitl Rain
Ahau Ancestor -- Flower -- Xochitl Flower
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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