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Our Sacred Universe - Explanation of the 9 Levels of Creation and their Subdivision into 13 Individual Sections: 7 Days and 6 Nights!!!



Our Sacred Universe
Sharing the Mayan Calendar and her cycles

The Galactic Fruit of the 7th Day
starting on 3rd November 2010
Article written and compiled by Sean Alan Caulfield, 27th October 27, 2010

For me the single most important “Happening” I have come to understand according to consciousness is to know that the “New Earth” is descending upon us as we with a higher understanding of ourselves ascend upwards to meet her. In order for us to synchronize to the “New Earth” and survive, we will need to be in our center. To be in our center means to balance everything within and outside of ourselves, from our past, in our now and for our future, so as to be at one with the natural order of the Universe. The seeming challenges are the collective consciousness and our selves finding our centre within Creation’s dualistic process to attain Oneness.

In this article I will bring to you the very broad but specific facts as to where we are as the “Collective Consciousness’ according to my understanding through the knowledge and wisdom of the Mayan calendar.

I started this article on the 23rd October 2010 which is 7-Dog according to the ancient Mayan calendar day count of the 260 day Tzolkin. 7-Dog brings in the consciousness of revealing divine will and devotion to the highest ideal.

According to the Prophetic Mayan Calendar we are on the eighth level and in the12th of 13, 360 day Tun cycles which started on the 5th of January 1999 and completes on the 28th of October 2011. Metaphorically speaking this 360 day cycle we are just about completing now sees the wilting of the flower. Its consciousness is the “Creation of understanding” and is known as the 6th night that also represents the application of consciousness. Where as the 360 days prior from November 2008 to November 2009 was known as the 6th day and held the consciousness of the “Creation of clarity” and was the flowering. On the 3rd of November 2010 we enter the last 360 day cycle and the so called 7th Day. It is “Completion” bringing the fruit and the last of 13 by 360 Tun cycles which are driving the 8th level of the nine levels of the Mayan Pyramid of Creation’s evolution.

According the 9 levels of Creation mapped in the Mayan calendar there are 7 days and 6 nights to each level. These levels are also known as Underworlds. This is translated from the 13 divisions represented as 7 periods of light (allowing for ignition) and 6 periods of dark (allowing for application). We as the collective consciousness have travelled a long road as light essence (antimatter into matter) from the beginning of time. The Mayan calendar allows for you to see that this process of growth started some 16.4 Billion years ago. The core driving force of the Mayan calendar is the 260 day Tzolkin round which also happens to be the gestation period of the human baby in the mothers womb. Metaphorically speaking the 16.4 Billion year cycle is one large 260 day Tzolkin round. The Tzolkin is “Our Creation Story” we are giving birth to and has driven cycles within cycles and each cycle is ignited into life and completes a certain divine process and purpose to life. So “Our Creation Story” is all about life, death and rebirth. I like to use the understanding of the seed that comes from the tree of life and this seed grows into a tree that allows for a mature fruit and that fruit provides the many seeds that will grow and allow for a future.

Where exactly are we according to the Mayan Calendar?
We are in the 7th day of the first 7 levels of Creation. We are on the 3rd November 2010 entering the 7th day on the 8th level of the 9 level pyramid of time. This 8th level started on the 5th of January 1999 and completes together with all 9 levels on the 28th of October 2011. It is this process of seed to mature fruit that I will share now in this article. But firstly I will briefly explain a few relevant facts about the various levels of the pyramid.

Level One
The first level that started 16.4 billion years ago ignited a certain type of consciousness to be part of the divine plan’s purpose. This level resonates to Substance and at the inception of its fruition stage (the 7th Day) it brought in the fruit as Cellular. Each of these13 divisions of 7 days and 6 nights is 1.26 Billion years long. Thus the 7th day started nearly 1.26 Billion years ago and we are still in it and this level together with all levels completes on the 28th of October 2011. In fact all the above 8 levels fit into this 13th section called the 7th day which is 1.26 Billion years long. For a great explanation you can watch Ian X Lungolds DVD presentation at or you may read Dr. Carl Johan Calleman’s books where he shares his sacred findings

Level Two
The second level which is 20 times smaller started some 820 Million years in the past. This level resonates to animals and its fruit is Mammalian. The 7th day started 63.1 Million years ago. As Creation resonates through and up the 9 levels of the Mayan Pyramid, each level is 20 times smaller. This allows for the feeling of time speeding up.
In other words more and more is happening in less and less time. Life is a process of evolution which is speeding up to a point of Oneness where only sacredness will prosper. This speeding up has brought in the feeling of how many more challenges we are encountering because of the fact that we are learning to find our center point which will
bring our physical and spiritual being into synchronicity with Oneness.

Level Three
The third level resonates to Families and was ignited 41 Million years ago. The purpose brought in the fruit as the Anthropoid (human like in form) and the 7th day started 3.2 Million years ago.

Level Four
The 4th level started 2.05 Million years ago and resonates to Tribes. The 7th day and fruit of this level is the Human and this started 158 thousand years ago. As we climb up the levels you will start to notice how these cosmic forces of natural order are coming down to meet us and gift us with what we need to be complete and thus whole. Weather it seems bad or good we are gifted the tools from Creation to confront all situations. Our mind might get in our way but our heart will know the truth.

Level Five
The 5th level started 102 thousand years ago and resonates to Shamanism (communication with the cosmic forces). The 7th day of this level started 7900 years ago and the fruit is Regional consciousness.

Level Six
The 6th level (also known as the Mayan Long Count) started in 3115BC and resonates to Religion (a manmade system of faith and worship). The 7th day started 394.3 years ago in 1617 and brought the fruit of National consciousness.

Level Seven
The 7th level started in 1755 and resonates to Materialism (a greater interest in material possessions and comfort rather than spiritual values). The 7th day started in 1992 and brought the fruit of Planetary consciousness. The fruit of this level brings balance to
Materialism which has been driven by power and it is from here that our human greed has been fueled. This fuel has given us inspiration to become successful in the illusion of our temporary comforts. If one goes back to the date of 1992, one can see what was going on in the collective consciousness. Apartheid was abolished in South Africa and in Germany the Berlin wall had just fell, to name just a few material powers that had to fall because they where not in balance with Creations divine purpose. We are for the most part starting to see ourselves for whom we have become and are starting to accept that ignorance is not bliss. Where we are now in consciousness on the 8th level was just before 1992 on the 7th level.

Level Eight
The 8th level started on the 5th of January 1999 and resonates to Spiritualism (belief in, and divine communication with, cosmic forces). The 7th day starts on the 3rd November 2010 and brings the fruit of Galactic consciousness. This 13 year period from 1999 to 2011 comprises basically of 13 by 360 day cycles which are 7 periods of light and 6 periods of dark. These 12.8 years also represent a process of seed to mature fruit. What it has been all about is balance especially with our core truth, we are finding out how unethical the collective consciousness has been and how blind we have been. Its all part of the divine plan, consciousness in the 7th level was subjected to a unitary blindfolded consciousness taking it collectively away from inner spiritual truth, which it had to be to resonate to Materialism. Then we entered the 8th level and our eyes have been opened back into a dualistic consciousness which was last in effect on the 4th level some 102 thousand years ago. As we enter the 9th and last level we enter back into an opened unitary consciousness, which will be 234 days long and each day and night will be 18 days. The last time the collective consciousness was here was before 3115BC when there was receptiveness to the universe and a balanced attitude to life and humans lived in harmony with Creation. These last 13 years to the completion the Mayan calendar are preparing us on all levels for our birth into a “New Earth” of sacred balance.

On the 8th level, in 1999 it was the start of the first of 13, 360 day Tun cycle taking us to the completion of the Mayan Calendar on the 28th October 2011. What is interesting to note is that from a numerological point of view the year 1999 added up, is 1. If you add 1+9+9+9 it = 28 and if you add 28 you get 10 and take away the 0 you get 1. Also, you will find that on a numerological level for all the years leading up to 2011 they synchronize with 1 to 13. 1999 = 1, 2000 = 2, 2001 = 3, and 2002 = 4 and so on up to 2011 = 13. For me this brings to light the notion that even the Gregorian calendar, as insidious as it is, is also on some level synchronizing to the completion of the Mayan Calendar.

From 1999 to these present times we can look back in consciousness to see what we were up to and how things on a spiritual level are growing from a seed to a mature fruit. You can add your own experiences into these times but for me it has been a time of deep exploring within my heart, with much duality teaching me to trust the divine flow of life as I see myself connecting to my spiritual truth.

First 360 day Tun cycle - 1st Day
The year 1999 is 1 and the start of the first 360 Tun Cycle. 1 = Initiates
Cycle one is a period of light or an opening for the growth of consciousness. The seed is planted and it is time for a new beginning to create the flow in a new direction. For some it may have been a time of being unsure as we entered a new millennium. One is the beginning of all things and new perceptions are available.

Second 360 day Tun cycle – 1st Night
The year 2000 is 2 and the next 360 days. 2 = Creates a reaction
Cycle two is a period of dark or the opportunity to apply the enlightenment just received from creations flow. The germination of the seed allows for new points of view. To be or not to be is the question. We are separate but one. We are 2 sides of the same coin and the coin will not be whole if we only look at one side. It is the application of “initiates”. After the seed is planted, does the seed grow or not? Have you noticed that before something begins we hold our breath in anticipation? Breathe in and let go with trust.

Third 360 day Tun cycle - 2nd Day
The year 2001 is 3 and the next 360 days. 3 = Activates
Cycle three is another period of light, in nature the seed sprouts and displays 2 leaves. New points of view override old ones. History has shown this period to be a time of civil turmoil. This is the new light that brings the movement. The question is answered through communication. Sept 11, 2001, a big movement was communicated to the world.

Forth 360 day Tun cycle – 2nd Night
The year 2002 is 4 and the next 360 days. 4 = Stabilizes
Cycle four is a period of dark when polarized factions come to blows over their differences. In human history these are peeks of violence. The 4 sides of a square bringing complete balance. The 4 directions connect with the center to bring about freedom from past barriers.

Fifth 360 day Tun cycle – 3rd Day
The year 2003 is 5 and the next 360 days. 5 = Empowers
Cycle five is another period of light and in nature the development of a root system and the second set of leaves that will be the permanent part of the plant. Lies are disclosed so that progress is not blocked.

Sixth 360 day Tun cycle – 3rd Night
The year 2004 is 6. 6 = Creates flow
Cycle six is another period of dark and the seedling set of leaves are dropped from the plant as another set of leaves spring from the top. Failed systems are washed away, usually be force.

Seventh 360 day Tun cycle – 4th Day
The year 2005 is 7 and the next 360 days. 7 = Reveals
Cycle seven is a period of light where in the plants life good progress is made for it to develop into a strong tree, the taproot grows deep to firmly attach the plant while the stock thickens and branches form. It is a period of expansion of the foundations laid. New points of view and ways of doing things take dominance.

Eighth 360 day Tun cycle – 4th Night
The year 2006 is 8 and the next 360 days. 8 = Harmonizes
Cycle eight is a period of dark and brings the application of new procedures. The plant multiplies its leaves and root system abundantly. In human evolution it has been a time of rebuilding and healing.

Ninth 360 day Tun cycle – 5th Day
The year 2007 is 9 and the next 360 days. 9 = Creates forward movement
Cycle nine is the brightest period of light (Quetzalcoatl – God of Light – Christ consciousness) and in the plants life it is when the chemicals are produced that carry information for the buds to form. In this period was when art was invented, the message of Jesus moved over Earth, Einstein discovered the theory of relativity and America with the victory of WW1 rose to world power.

Tenth 360 day Tun cycle – 5th Night
The year 2008 is 10 and the next 360 days. 10 = Challenge
Cycle ten is the darkest period of dark and in the plants life it is the growth of the bud. In your life it was puberty. This has been a time of great physical hardships or major conflict. Going back in time, the Illonian Ice Age, Neanderthals going extinct, World War II, the Great Depression of the 1930’s and more recently the World markets finding challenges and crashing in December 2008 were examples of this cycles energy.

Eleventh 360 day Tun cycle – 6th Day
The year 2009 is 11 and the next 360 days. 11 = Creates clarity
Cycle eleven is an enlightenment period of light and this brought the flower in a plants life. For you it was adolescence. In human history this was the creation of the 1st tools, the 1st attempts at agriculture and constructed shelter, the renaissance and the flower children of the 1960’s. This has also recently seen the Flowering of our spiritual consciousness on a galactic level. Many of us are meeting our galactic friends.

Twelfth 360 day Tun - 6th Night
The year 2010 is 12 and the next 360 days. 12 = Creates understanding
Cycle twelve is the last period of dark. In the plant’s life the flower wilts and dies, setting the stage for the fruit development or of seedpods that will dry. This is what happened to the Maya civilization right on queue. Throughout human history there have been conflicts and revolts during this period, most recent of these being the Vietnam War.

Thirteenth 360 day Tun cycle - 7th Day
The year 2011 is 13 and the next 360 days. 13 = Completes
Cycle thirteen and a period of bright light, a time of readiness for something new and different. This is a time of ascension – going from one level to the next higher level. The plant spreads the seeds or drops the fruit to begin again a thousand times over. In human history it was during these repeated cycles of seed to mature fruit that consciousness developed Homo sapiens, agriculture and domesticated herds, signed treaties to establish the sovereignty of nations and their people and put up the Internet creating a planetary consciousness in 1992. Here we are now in 2010 at the precipice of the fruit of Galactic consciousness which will bare the seeds for our spiritual growth.

The 7th Day Tree of Life Celebration

With the beginning of the 7th day on the 8th level starting on 3rd November, one of the biggest “Happenings” needed now in consciousness is to balance the duality of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. I believe that for too long has the Masculine suppressed the Feminine and this is a great opportunity to set in place the “Intention” for this balance to happen. In fact the first 20 days holds a specific intention on the Mayan Calendar’s 260 day Tzolkin of the “Creation of forward movement” (Quetzalcoatl – God of Light). Below I have copied what Dr. Carl Johan Calleman states as an intention for us to possibly bring into our realm of consciousness. Possibly in some sort of sacred ceremony by yourself, or in a group which would magnify the intention.

''About 5100 years ago, at the beginning of the Mayan Long Count (6th Wave or National Underworld) a polarity of consciousness was introduced that created a separation between the masculine and the feminine. The result has been a suppression of the intuitive and feminine aspects of the human mind and soul. The pain associated with this separation has created a long-standing conflict between men and women that has resulted in often unbalanced, twisted and distorted relationships between them. With the beginning (November 3, 2010, 5 Imix) of the Seventh day of the 8th wave, (Galactic Underworld) a polarity shift in consciousness will support humanity in the co-creation of a new, balanced and more harmonious, relationship between the masculine and feminine.

While the true cycle begins on November 3, 2010, women and men all over the world are invited to locally co-create processes and ceremonies designed to restore the sacred relationship between the feminine and masculine for two days on the weekend of November 6-7, 2010. The intention of these ceremonies is to co-create balance and mutual respect between the genders and the freedom for all individuals to embody any combined expression of the sacred feminine and masculine''.
Carl Johan Calleman

I Sean Alan Caulfield make a pledge
I say this to myself because I am ancient and now only waking up to this truth. I love you, I thank you, please forgive me and I am sorry. I am seeing where I have gone wrong and I take full responsibility and from now on I consciously do the best I can to walk the SACRED road of balance, peace, harmony and love.

For too long have women been suppressed and I as a man apologize for this, I am sorry. I open up a doorway to the Great Spirit asking for forgiveness for what I have done wrong knowingly and unknowingly towards women and the divine feminine within me. I will change my attitude towards women and I respect the female role as equal to the male, thus bringing in sacred balance of the divine feminine and masculine within my being.

The 7th Day will also bring the balance of Eastern and Western hemisphere and the balance of the right brain and left brain.

Level Nine
The 9th level starts on the 9th of March 2011 and will resonate to Oneness. The 7th day and fruit of this level will be complete “Universal” consciousness and will start on the 11th October 2011. Each day and night of the 13 divisions of this 9th level to ascension will be 18 days. The possibility is that we will be gifted the tool’s for “Universal Co-Creation” enabling humanity and all of creation to live a future of complete Oneness. We will embark upon a time of anything but separate. It is already becoming more realized that everything outside of ourselves is inside and we are infinitely connected to everything. What we do to the sacred hoop we do to ourselves. The ancient people of Earth Mother knew this and still know this and they knew that humanity would lose its way and thus left clues in the form of sacred teachings to help us now. In order for the fruit that we become to be able to give good seeds for our future we need to look inside our heart and look at who we are.

Sources of inspiration
Since May 2007 I have been studying Dr Carl Johan Calleman’s findings on the synchronicity of the Mayan calendar. I would like to add that this came about through the profound wisdom that Ian X Lungold shared in his Mayan Calendar DVD presentation and his website. I was guided this way through my own spiritual quest as a searcher of truth and it has been my art and its influence from ancient sources that has aligned me closer to my hearts center. My heart feels we are certainly living in revealing yet exciting times.

This quest for the truth resulted in my journey to the Maya lands in May 2010 to meet the Mayan Elders with a group of beautiful people that travelled from all over the world. An inspiring pilgrimage it was and something that will forever be part of my spiritual essence. This sacred experience allowed me to not only talk about the Mayan calendar but also guided me to show myself how to walk the Mayan calendar from a perspective of the Maya Elders and Day Keepers. I had many questions and I learnt a lot. Meeting with Don Alexandra known as “Tata” and hearing his teachings was a great honour. This website shares Tata’s journey to fulfill an ancient prophecy.





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I'm wondering what these 9 levels of creation and their division into 13 segments each of Day and Night have to do with the 9 levels of the Underworld (Xibalbá) and the 13 levels of Heaven ... ?!?

"Here is the story of the beginning when there was not one bird, not one fish, not one mountain. Here is the sky, all alone. Here is the sea, all alone. There is nothing more-no sound, no movement. Only the Creators, only Heart-of-Sky, Huracán alone. And these are his names: Maker and Modeler, the first is Caculhá-Huracán, the second is Chipi-Huracán, the third is Raxá-Caculhá, those three form Hart-of-Sky. But there is no one to speak his names. There is no one to praise his glory. There is no one to nurture his greatness...

How should it be sown, how should it dawn?" . . . And then the Earth arose because of them, it was simply their word that brought it forth. For the forming of the Earth they said "Earth." It arose suddenly, just like a cloud, like a mist, now forming, unfolding. . . . Such was the formation of the Earth when it was brought forth by the Heart of Sky, Heart of Earth, as they are called. . . The Sky was set apart, and the Earth was set apart in the midst of the waters). (Popol Vuh)

Paris Codex: Showing the Creation: Note the central Ceiba tree. Creation of the Earth-Sky is the central motif of Maya myth and religion.

It represents the world as having 13 levels of Heaven and 9 levels of the underworld or Xibalbá, united by a green Ceiba Tree that represent the earth, that have 4 more trees 1 in each cardinal point with a different color for each one:


(Left) Representation of the Maya Universe, with the Sacred tree, Yaxché (Ceiba Tree), and the 4 Bacabs in the corners holding the earth, each of the 13 Caan (heaven) levels had its Oxlahuntikú or main god, with Hunab’Kú (father of the twins and the Maize god) at the top. The Earth (Cab) represented as a caiman, with is Tzultacah or gods (we don’t know the number), and Xibalbá or underworld with nine levels and its gods or Bolon Ti Kún being Ah Puch, the God of the Death in the lower level. East (lak'in) is the direction of sunrise, associated with red (chak), the color of dawn. West (chik'in) is the direction of sunset; its color is black (ek'). North (xaman) is white (sak). The color of the south (nohol) is yellow (k'an). Green (yax) is the color of the center, of the green Ceiba tree (yax´che´), representing the great World Tree itself, raised in the centre of the cosmos. This Tree was the conduit of communication between the supernatural world and the human world: The souls of the dead fell into Xibalbá along its path; the daily journeys of the sun, moon, planets, and stars followed its trunk. The Vision Serpent symbolizing communion with the world of the ancestors and the gods emerged into our world along it. The king was the axis and pivot made flesh. He was the Tree of Life. The king sustained his people, but he also required much from them in the way of service.
An Overview of the Mayan Calendar by Ian Xel Lungold

Most people knowledgeable in the field of the Mayan calendar understand the Mayan Calendar as a system of an indigenous people’s astronomy/astrology, divination and prophecy.
The Mayan sacred books of astronomy and prophecy are painted on pages of processed bark of the Amate tree. Many thousands of these books, called codices, were burned during the early 15th century by Catholic priests. Much knowledge was lost, which is the first step in cultural annihilation. Maya Priests were pushed far into hiding. They could only practice their culture in the most remote areas of Central America. Those who were caught were murdered.
This practice continued up to the late 1980’ s
The Maya knew this 500+ year period of horror and devastation was coming.
It was written in their prophecy over 2000 years earlier...
Dr. Carl J. Calleman PhD is a biochemical scientist from Sweden; he has for 30 years worked in labs performing microbiology experiments. Most of his work was investigating how pollution causes disease to proliferate. 15 years ago he trained his attention on the Mayan calendar to see what correlations or sets of facts could be proven, not just “studied” as the archeologists have done. What he uncovered with his new found “hobby” is quickly changing the world and the way we live with it.
For Dr Calleman, has scientifically proven the Schedule of Creation and Evolution over the last 16.4 Billion years. (From the “Big Bang” forward)
Mr. Ian Lungold entered the scene for his discovery of a simple formula to find any day on the Mayan calendar from the Gregorian calendar. There-by providing access to every man, woman and child on Earth to the Mayan calendar.
What makes this information vital is many fold. First in general we have a road map of time and history. A road map is not a crystal ball, you don’t know just what will happen when you get to a destination. But knowing where you are going and seeing the landmarks along the way, is very reassuring. If you’ve been to a place before you can prepare for the circumstances you will find there. If you were going to Paris for example, you’d need French francs and some French phrases. This Creation pattern has repeated 7 times before and so we have, or at least consciousness has, been through all of this before.
The actual pattern of Creation described by the Mayan calendar looks like a pyramid with 9 levels. Immensely long periods of time with shorter and shorter periods stacked on top. Or even more accurately, as a set of nestled vessels, each of them 20 times smaller than the last. Each of these 9 Creation cycles is 20 times shorter than the previous cycle. Each of these cycles is further divided into 13 equal sections of time and each of these sections has a purpose onto Creation. There are 7 sections of day and 6 sections of night to each level. The Sumerian, and
Mesopotamians wrote this same pattern in clay tablets as their understanding of Creation. The Ancient Vedic texts, that are the basis of Buddhism, Hinduism, Sufism and Taoism have the same understanding of 9 levels with 13 sections each. Our own Bible, states that there were 7 days to Creation in the book of Genesis.
Section one: is a period of “Light” or an opportunity for the growth of consciousness. It is the inception, a planting of seed, a new beginning or impetus to change or flow in a new direction. New perceptions become available.
Section two: is a period of “Night” or the opportunity to apply the enlightenment just received from Creation’s flow. This would be the germination of the seed planted in the dark soil or the developments of new points of view.
Section three: is another period of “Light” when duality is put on display. In nature, a seed sprouts up out of the ground and displays two leaves. The essential duality is always a new viewpoint that is overriding the ”old” consciousness.
As it has come down in human history, this has always been a time of civil turmoil.
Section four: is a period of “Dark” when polarized factions come to blows over their differences. Indeed these periods in human history are peaks of violence.
(We are in the 2nd Night of the Galactic cycle from Dec 19th 2001 – Dec 14th 2002)
Section five: is another period of “Light.” In nature this is the development of a root system and the second set of leaves that will be a permanent part of the plant.
It is the establishment of the new consciousness as viable. In human history during this section lies or failed systems are disclosed so that progress is not blocked.
(Hold on to your hat as the truths pour forth from mid 2002 through most of 2003)
Section six: is another period of “Dark” The seedling set of leaves are dropped from the plant as another set of leaves spring from the top. These are at 90 degrees from the last set. In human history failed systems have been jettisoned, usually by force, during this section.
Section seven: another period of “Light” In a plants life, the tap root grows deep to firmly attach the plant while the stock thickens and branches form.
It is a period of expansion of the foundations laid. In human history the “New” point of view and way of doing things takes dominance. For instance the empire of Greece was built during this section.
Section eight: is a period of “Dark” once again or the application of new procedures. During this time a plant is multiplying its leaves and root system like mad. In human history it has usually been a period of rebuilding and a time of healing.
Section nine: here is a period of “Light.” In fact the brightest period of “light in the entire cycle. In a plants life this is when new chemicals are produced that carry the message to form buds. In human history, it was this section when Art was invented, the message of Jesus moved over the earth, Mr. Einstein discovered the theory of relativity and America with the victory of WWI rose to world power.
Section ten: another period of “Dark,” in fact, the darkest period of each cycle. In a plant’s life this is the growth of the bud. In your life it was puberty.
In human history this has been a time of great physical hardship or major conflicts. The Illonian Ice Age, Neanderthals going extinct, Rome falling and WWII are glaring examples.
Section eleven: again we are in a period of “Enlightenment.” This is the time of flowers for the plant. For you it was adolescence. In human history this was the creation of 1st tools, the 1st attempts at agriculture and constructed shelter, the renaissance and most recently, the flower children movement of the sixties.
Section twelve: one last period of “Dark” in the cycle happens now. In the plant’s life the flowers wilt and die setting the stage for fruit development or of seedpods that will dry. This is what happened to the Maya civilization right on queue. Throughout human history there have been conflicts and revolts during this period, most recent of these having been the Viet Nam war.
Section thirteen: a period of “Light” once again, a time of readiness for something new and different. A time of ascension, going from one level to the next higher level. The plant spreads the seeds or drops the fruit to begin again a thousand times over. In human history it was during these repeating sections that consciousness developed Homo Sapiens, agriculture and domesticated herds, signed treaties to establish the sovereignty of nations and their people and put up the Internet creating a planetary consciousness in 1992.
This pattern of Creation, an action plan, can be seen happening everywhere in the universe from sub-atomic particles to galaxies over and over. “As above, So below.”
Notice that we go from a “Light” section directly to another new “Light section.
The deck is stacked. Creation is on our side and always has been.
This pattern does have an acceleration built into it. Each cycle of Creation contains the same amount of advancement and change but each cycle runs 20 times faster. The same amount of change that happened in 1.26 billion years of the Cellular cycle now occurs in 360 days as can be seen on the chart below and in the news on TV. Cycle name Began Length of Days/Nights End Results Cellular 16 .4 billion Years Ago 1.26 BY 1st Live Cells Mammalian 820 Million Years Ago 63.1 MY 1st Live Births
Family 41 million Years Ago 3.1 MY Family Relationships Tribal 2 million Year Ago 158,000 Yrs Homo Sapiens/ Tools Cultural 102,000 Years Ago 7900 Yrs Agriculture/religion National 3,115 B.C. 394 Yrs Sovereign Nations/laws Planetary 1755 AD 19.7 Yrs Internet & Global Economy Galactic Jan 4th 1999 360 days Ethical Considerations Universal March 9th 2011 18 days Conscious Co-Creation
The above chart is generated from the Mayan Tun (tune) calendar that runs in 360 day long cycles not 365.25 day long cycles of the Gregorian calendar. This is a very important point that will be covered later.
This chart does in no way conflict with either the Creationist or the Evolutionist points of view. This schedule marries the two beliefs in fact. No matter how uncomfortable that concept may be at the outset, the facts that Creation has evolved are indisputable because that evolution and schedule continues today. In fact the evolution of all consciousness has accelerated to such a degree that we can watch it unfold step by step as in time-lapse photography in the current headlines.
In Dr. Carl J. Calleman’s book, “Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time, The Mayan Calendar,” click here he carefully lays out all of the scientifically accurate facts used to prove this thesis. The article here is not meant to fill everything in, just give an over all view. It is hoped that each person will investigate these facts for themselves and not take any of this on “Faith”. Belief in this thesis is actually counter-productive for two basic reasons; those without adequate knowledge can not effectively pass the information to others and a formula that I have developed which states;
“Peace of Mind” comes when a person is “Centered.” Centered-ness comes from Certainty. “Certainty comes from the recognition of patterns. So the stability of your “Peace of Mind” is directly related to your degree of certainty.
Blind faith, in my opinion, is not certainty but an obstruction of any facts that might undercut the faith. Thus creating a limit to one’s true Peace of Mind.
This in turn is the generator of all types of defensive measures including wars, to protect one’s personal faith in how things are or ought to be. We’ve gone down that road far enough don’t you think?
I would like to show the evolution of Religious thought as a further demonstration of this schedule. This is something that all religious scholars can agree on no matter what denomination or personal agenda.
As previously stated the “Light” sections or “Days” of the Creation cycles, are periods of enlightenment when new perceptions are gained by consciousness. So it is with the evolution of our concept of God and our relationship to him. “Day” by “Day” we have increased our understanding and altered our approach toward God.
The first “Day” of the National cycle was from 3115 BC to 2721 BC. It was at this time that the Sumerian’s worshiped An or Anu.
Anu was seen as an omnipotent Creator God who had to share his space with a host of household, workplace, weather and nature gods of all kinds.
The second “Day” of the National cycle was from 2326 BC to 1938 BC. During this section Abraham
moved to Cana in 2300 BC.
The third “Day” of the National cycle was from 1538 BC to 1144 BC.
This was the time of Moses and the beginning of Monotheism. (The Truth coming into sharper focus.)
The fourth “Day” of the National cycle was from 749 BC to 355 BC.
Isaiah was from the year 748 BC, Buddha, 552 BC, Confucius, 551 BC, Zoroaster, 550 BC, Pythagoras, 550 BC, Deutero- Isaiah 550 BC .
The fifth “Day” of the National cycle was from 40 AD to 434 AD. During this period Paul took the message of Jesus to the world and Christianity was born. Buddhism started in China 60 AD and the Talmudic and Judaism religions began at this time.
Not to mention Quetzalcoatl, the Maya Creator god who appeared to them in Teotihuacan, as a Christ like personage with a very similar message, in 40AD
The Fifth “Night” 434 AD to 829 AD was when Islam was inspired in 632AD
The Sixth “Day” of the National cycle was from 829 AD to 1223 AD. At this time there was a general expansion of Christianity to Northern and Eastern Europe.
The Crusades and development of the Papacy happened here as well as the second Quetzalcoatl in the Maya/Toltec city of Chichen Itza walked the earth.
The sixth “Night” the second wave of Islam 1223 AD to 1617 AD
The seventh “Day” was from 1617 AD to 2011 AD. During this period, Christianity expanded once again, starting with the Pilgrims in 1620 AD.
We could go through the discovery of scientific principles or communication methods or development of political ideals or the creation of America and we will see that the developments in each field conform to the same schedule. In fact everything we know of what has happened when follows this schedule.
There is no mistake; this is no 16.4 billion year long coincidence. Ian Xel Lungold For more details - please consider purchasing Dr. Calleman's books or Ian Xel Lungold's DVD's.
I have just come across another interesting synchronicity: In Norse Mythology they also talk about 9 "worlds" ... Maybe comparing these worlds to the nine levels of creation from Mayan Cosmology would be interesting?!?

Here's a discussion which I found at starseeds:


Posted by Inzjana AeiLanTenie on November 15, 2010 at 8:48am in Leg...

Out of all the ancient civilisations of the world, there is only one whose cosmology actually mentions "worlds" or as we know them "planets" and that is Norse Mythology.

An interesting note is that many of the human extraterrestrials that many have claimed to be in contact, or have had contact with, are called the Nordics, which comes from the Norse.

In Norse Mythology there is mention of a world-tree, or what is also known as the "tree of life", which in Nordic is called YGGDRASIL.

Just a thought, but it doesn't take much imagination to see that the map that Marjorie Fish made from the
description of a navigation-map that Betty and Barney Hill were supposedly shown aboard a Grey-Alien
spacecraft looks rather like a tree.



This was the home of the gods and goddess. These were the sky gods. There are many gods and goddesses in Asgard. They are called the Aesir.

The chief god was Odin. He was married to Frigg (also called Frigga) the queen goddess.

The Aesir were the dominating gods in Norse Mythology.

All the gods and goddesses had magnificent mansions in Asgard.


This was the home of the Vanir gods. The Vanir gods are an old branch of gods. The word “heim” means home. The Vanir were masters of sorcery and magic. They are also widely recognized for their talent to predict the future.

After the war between the Aesir gods and the Vanir gods, three of the Vanir came to live at Asgard. Freyja, her twin brother Freyr and their father named Njord.

Nobody had mastered sorcery better than Freyja.

She was the one who taught Odin the secrets of magic.


This was the home of the Jotuns, the giants. They were the sworn enemies of the Aesir. They lived in the mountains.

The world in Norse Mythology was created from the corpse of the first Jotun, named Ymir.

The Jotuns and the Aesir were constantly fighting, but love affairs could also occur. Thor and Odin had lovers who were Jotuns. Freyr married a Jotun. Njord also married a Jotun woman, though not by choice.

Loki was a Jotun who was accepted by the Aesir and lived in Asgard. In the end Loki does turn against the Aesir showing his true nature.

There was a river called Ifingr which separated Jotunheim, the home of the giants and Asgard, the home of the Aesir. The river was fast flowing and therefore never froze.

In Norway there is a mountain range called Jotunheimen. The 29 highest mountains in Norway are found in Jotunheimen.


This was the dark land of mist and cold. It was in the far north. This was the lowest of all the nine worlds. The home of the dead was in Niflheim. It was ruled by Hel. It was a
gloomy and pitiful place. All humans who died of old age or illness were sent
to live in Hel in their afterlife.

One of the three roots of Yggdrasil ended here in Niflheim. The serpent named Nidhogg resided here. He not only gnawed on the root of the tree, but also took pleasure in eating


Alfheim was the home of the light elves. Their home was right by Asgard in the heaven. They were beautiful and auspicious creatures. They were considered the “guardian angels” in Norse Mythology. The light elves
were certainly a good omen.

Freyr was the god of fertility, but also associated with the light and the sun. The gods gave Freyr Alfheim as a teething present.


This was the home of the dark elves. They lived under the ground. They were hideous and could be a great nuisance to the humans. The dark elves were nothing but trouble.

Many believed dark elves were also responsible for nightmares. These dark elves were called mare. A mare would sit on a sleeping person’s chest and whisper bad dreams to haunt the poor soul. A mare could also haunt animals, especially horses.

The dark elves could not be exposed to sunlight. If the sun’s rays reached them they immediately turned into stones.


This was the home of the dwarfs. They lived under rocks, in caves and underground. They were masters of craftsmanship.

The gods of Aesir received many fabulous gifts from the dwarfs; the magical ring, Thor’s hammer, and the amazing ship are some examples of their outstanding talent of craftsmanship.

The dwarfs stayed underground during the day as they would turn into stones if they were exposed to the sun. The dwarfs could not always be trusted and could be trouble to the
gods and the giants.


Midgard was the home of the humans. It was mostly populated by the Sons of Heimdall. The humans were constantly exposed to the gods, goddesses and creatures from the other worlds
in Norse Mythology.

It was Odin and his two brothers who had created the humans. A rainbow bridge called Bifrost connected Midgard and Asgard. The gods frequently travelled across Bifrost.


Muspelheim was the land of fire. It was ruled by the giant Surt. He was a sworn enemy of the Aesir. It was located in the far south. It was the first land of existence.

Surt will ride out with his flaming sward at Ragnarok, the end of the world. Surt will kill Freyr and set fire to Asgard, turning the home of the gods into an inferno.



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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