lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

March 9th, 2011 - October 28th, 2011: The 9th Unerworld - The Universal Convergence - UNITY WAVE

March 9th, 2011 - October 28th, 2011: The 9th Unerworld - The Universal Convergence - UNITY WAVE

 The following text is the beginning of a series of texts in which I will describe my insights on the topic. I am not sure, yet, if Callemann's concept reflects the overall Truth, but the following summary is an accurate description and summary of his insights plus the beginning of describing my own findings of the concept of Cyclical Time for a broader audience. 


It is my way to understand more and more of the puzzle. It may be that in the course of time I find out something which has an impact on all that I say here - but the concept of CYCLICAL TIME and what it offers us, is truly a universal component. I found out about this concept when I was writing my thesis 12 years ago.  This here is an introduction to Calleman's concpet of the 9th Underworld and how I realized what the cyclical concept of time, as found by me in 2000, indicates. I will write more on the indications of this ancient concept of time, soon.


If you feel this is of interest for other people as well, I would be honored if you chose to share this writing on your own site or with your friends on other sites.


In the Light of LOVE and PEACE for a revolting world,


Sonja Myriel



March 9th, 2011 - October 28th, 2011:

The 9th Underworld – The Universal Convergence or



You remember what I said about the Harmonic Convergence of 1987, don't you? It marked the beginning of a global shift in consciousness as it was the first time that thousands of people were meditating world wide at the same time for a better future, inviting change and unity into their lives.


The Conscious Convergence on July 17th, 2010, marked another important step towards that goal – and this year we celebrate the last step on this ladder: the Universal Convergence, the last wave of creation, the 9th underworld, or Unity Wave.


To better understand what makes the time between March 9th and October 28th so unique and important, I will have to explain the basic concept of the 9 underworlds and the 13 heavens or steps of creation as presented by Carl Johann Calleman.


According to Calleman, there are basically 9 waves which mark the evolution of consciousness,


The first underworld or wave lasted for 16,400,000,000 years.

The second underworld comprised 820,000,000 years.

The third was made up by 41,000,000 years.

The fourth by 2,050,000 years.

The fifth by 102,000 years.

The sixth by 5,125 years.

The seventh by 256 years.

The eigth by 12,8 years.

and the ninth by only 234 days.


This means that with the beginning of each new underworld, time is accelerating by the factor of 20. What took 16,400,000,000 years in the first underworld, will only take 234 days in the last underworld which is to begin on March 9th, 2011. Or: a proportional shift in consciousness which took place between January 5th 1999 and March 8th 2011 – which are the dates that mark the beginning and the end of the eigth underworld - will now be effected in less than a year, which is between March 9th and October 28th, 2011! And before January 5th, 1999, it took 256 years to reach a similar shift in consciousness / evolution …



It is important to note that each underworld is again subdivided into 13 steps of creation, which are called „heavens“ by the Maya peoples. Calleman speaks of 7 days and 6 nights (7+6=13). This pulse of creation which is made up by the number 13 is to be found in all the cylces of nature. Whenever you want to create something new, you develop this new idea from step one to step thirteen, which, as the last step in the cycle, is the return movement back to source. You find a wonderful description of these thirteen tones of creation on Aluna Joy Yaxkin's website. The article I refer to is called: The Sacred Pulse of Creation - The Sacred Numbers of the Maya


The following is a chart given to us by Carl Johann Calleman:




For the 9th underworld, which lasts 234 days, this fragmentation into 13 waves indicates that each wave is 18 days long – or 9 plus 9 days.


The first „Day“ lasts from March 9th to March 26th. It is marked by 9 days of ascension and 9 days of decension. The first „Night“ lasts from March 27th to April 13th – and here the first nine days lead further downwards and the next 9 days lead upwards again. In this way the first Day and the second Night together form a sine curve.



The picture above and hose below were created by Arctorus, administrator at lightgrid. You see the sine curve wich marks the ups and downs of the energy. This is a linear representation of time – just as the diagramm by C. J. Calleman is. Mayan peoples however perceive time as circular. If we want to represent the same concept in a circular perception of time, one day and one night form a CIRCLE.



Affter the first day and night come the second day and night and then the third, the fourth, the fifth and the sixth – and then the seventh day. The following is a cyclical representation of time: what we get is a spiral:



You have to view the spiral as three dimensional – days and nights are of equal length. each lasting eighteen days: nine steps upwards – nine steps downwards for each day; and nine steps downwards - nine steps upwards for each night. The Pyramid of the Jaguar in Tikal follows this concept – on top of it you have a sanctuary:





Thus, in the 9th Underworld we find this concept of the number nine reflected in the wave itself: as 18 days make up a day (nine days with ascending energies – nine days decending energies) – and 18 days make up a night (nine days with decending energies – and nine days with ascending energies again) The ninth underworld thus reflects the whole cylce of Creation – from beginning to end. It is a fractal. And we can access the corresponding past and future by establishing a bridge from the centre of time through the present moment to any point in time which can be reached via this vector. What makes October 28th so special, then, is that we REACH the CENTRE and thus are able to connect to ANY point in time we wish to …!




In order to explain this concept better, I will write a second part in which I will draw on my thesis where I developped this concept which explains why certain rituals are held at certain times by indigenous people who are still connected to the cylces of Earth: because they still know about the accessability of the past which is told in their myth and lore!


The Universal Convergence on March 9th marks the beginning of the last wave of creation which leads us directly into this CENTER POINT of TIME and the purpose of this wave is the establishment of a profound sense of Unity Consciousness. Unity Consciousness which comprises past, present and future, all timelines and all realities – and as many dimensions as you are ready to access ...


We have 13 steps of 18 days each, to reach this goal – and if we use time wisely, we can make quantum leaps of consciousness and evolution within a very, very short time in our physical reality.


We are currently planning at lightgrid what exactly we could do all together to further the dawning of Unity Consciousness during this most intense and interesting period of time. If you would like to participate and learn more about the Circular concept of TIME, join us at


Do not wait for any final date – the end date – be it October 28th, 2011 or December 21st, 2012. We have already entered a unique time frame which allows us to develop and evolve in an exceptionally short time. And all we are asked to do is open up to LOVE because our HEART is the doorway to heaven, the doorway to the higher frequencies of Light, the doorway to the New and Golden Age where man shall no longer live in war – but PEACE and UNITY prevail, opening fantastic possibilities to humanity, like time travelling, telepathy and teleportation, astral journeys, and much more.


Love is the key to elevate our vibration. Love is the key to better the world. Love is the key to understand that all things are living. Love is the key to be at the right place at the right time. Love is the key to find out more about the interconnection of all BEING on planet earth and beyond. Love is the key to understand our brothers and sisters and ourselves more fully and to embody more and more of our spiritual essence – our SOUL – here on earth. Love is the key to a smooth transition. LOVE is the key to PEACE.


When you are connected to this universal energy called LOVE, fear is gone.


Fear may be spread by some who do not understand that actually this is a time to rejoice, a time to leave all fear behind, which was such an intrinsic part of our past. Whatever may happen – or not happen – we are never alone. We are all closely connected to each other, to the Planet, to the Universe. When we find the peaceful place in our heart to realize this unversal truth, WE ARE LOVE and we are safe – and all who are connected to us as well.


May PEACE reign on earth and mankind learn from its mistakes. May we remember that we are all part of Mother Earth – and not meant to reign over anyone else but ourselves, in control of our emotions and thoughts, responsible for all our words and deeds, including those we omitted. May we become explorers of LOVE, conquering fear, hatred, distress and aggression. May we become conscious of our basic UNITY with all that IS,


Sonja Myriel Aouine

Views: 29


Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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