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The Magnetic Center Of Our Hearts

By Jesus & Mary Magdalene Via Yael & Doug Powell

Walk with me and let me show you what it feels like to know God within. You are at the place of this blending where your consciousness of God becomes your own life, not separate. It is like walking as a pure light package, one’s being a wholeness of pure pulsating light. Every step is pure exaltation. Every nuance of life is pure, sweet joy. Every life form is a being to be cherished and with each contact the life force surges forth to greet each one, acknowledging its presence and receiving its wisdom.

When God is within us so clearly and is so limitless, every sweet encounter is God meeting God. Pure light, pure pulsing Love. And everywhere and always the communion with God is alive and aware as me. So I am Jesus only in the smallest sense. In the larger sense, I am God, giving birth to light every Now Moment.

So how does it feel to be the living word, the Logos? How does it feel to be the Christ? How does it feel to be still fully present in the world and to have everyone aware of me, the majority of them focused mainly on my death?

How it feels is like being a living sun, burning, Mary Magdalene and I in the great union always. It is this union that is the fire, the core, that which fuels the great combustion that makes us one with the great light, the Moment of Creation. LoveMaking as you know IS what creates all Creation’s movement. Every star you see, every sun is a Twin Flame pair Making Love. What you see is the light, the fire that which IS the shining of their union.

You believed these things are “physical” because you don’t yet see the Real all around you. You don’t yet see with your hearts because when you do, you will quickly realize that every one, every star, each sun is a Twin Flame’s energy, the light exploding from their womb, their core. Pulsing forth both light and heat, these are the living forces of life.

So once Mary and I had come together and the secrets of I Am had revealed themselves to us, we learned how to sustain our Love – Making Love at all times, even when our “bodies” did not seem to be together. We walked as a living sun, alive with God’s creative force. The aura or our emanation reached out for miles around us. And as we walked forth, as we moved, all life on Earth became us, as together we recognized ourselves in everything.

As each life came within our light, each one knew itself as a part of the whole, the one life of Christ, and gently became the expression of the Greater Will -- every element the expression in color and light, and most of all, in feeling, of the wonder of God’s great intelligence, orchestrating the whole. And the one Love became the whole of our being, and when spoken through the heart, each energy has a voice, a consciousness of itself as this Love.

It is as God has been showing you – the whole of the conscious Love, the Ocean, the Love coming into awareness of countless energetic “heart points,” or points of view within the whole Divine Masculine, the Will of God to know God’s Self. And all of it pulsing in and out, in and out, the silence between the heartbeats and then the pulse, the “coming out” of all the awareness points.

Words of course are so inadequate but to you we deliver the feelings. And we want you to know that you have called us (through giving yourselves to God’s Will), and we are answering the call. So we will be present now a lot of your life and we ask you to also publish our encounters as this joy unfolds (we will use ‘joy’ instead of ‘work’ because joy is what we will together – being the joy of God).

It is the fact of your integration and the fact that you now are moving forth to do your service, joy that makes our life most relevant to your life now. And in terms of reaching people, at the present state of consciousness, many people will find it easier to contemplate us than God, though of course they are in essence the same.

So the first thing we bring to you is the feeling of your center point, the feeling of the vibration that is your heart. To become in the world the force of Love, the Source, the cause, you have to be the fully charged magnetic sun or center. Only thus will you have the focus to change the appearances before you of that which is called “the world.” But which of course is totally malleable, conscious energies of Love that have been stopped by the ego-mind’s energies and made to appear solid, not fluid at all. But appearances can be deceiving as of course you already know.

So let us start with our Twin Flame Love, our work together. Let’s also start by showing each one how to tune in to his/her own center point. The center point is the heart of your heart, the point of your unique gift of life. It is the point where, forever, God has encoded your unique pattern, recorded the song of your life and made the connection as Twin Flames and the point that connects you always to God, to the exploding into conscious relationship, the eternally alive Now Moment.

This point is the center point of your being, of your greater Will. It is also the magnetic, genetic code that will always draw to you “your own” – that which reflects your Twin Flame heart. It is this magnetic point in action that brings your supply to you – the supply of energy to sustain your life always, your supply of joyous creative energy. Your supply of endless Love “stamped” with your energetic signature, so it always reflects you (your heart, the expression of God you are) as a Twin Flame Love.

Without the connection to this magnetic center, beloved heart sister (and all), you cannot have enough life force or compression to clear the illusion, dispel the reversal, light up the shadows and “heal, supply and serve.”

You know that magnetics are the basis of all created life, also what you call resonance – the law of attraction. But magnetics is far more than just another way of speaking of resonance. It is the result of God, our Creator’s decree that Love shall forever and ever be More. More of itself, Love Making more Love, forever and ever and ever.

So it is not as if you can simply be the opening for the very River of Life to pour through, to be delivered by you as a Twin Flame heart in service because this would be only the same Love sent. It wouldn’t be More Love, More energy, more life. Thus the Twin Flame womb.

You already know the experience of Making Love in the Real. You know the sensation of amplifying the Love from God and pouring it forth as one beating heart. But you do not yet know how to direct this process in specific ways to charge up your center -- to become a magnetic presence that can literally change the world with your every step. You have not learned how to charge up your heart, to make of it a whirling generator that besides generating a new level of energy, will “suck in the shadows” and reconnect them with God. In other words, you become a transforming heart universal, taking in the illusion of ego-mind and replacing them with what is Real. It is up to you to be sure the old pattern is replaced with Real Love.

This is your source of power. The magnetic power of Love. And when the heart-center is really generating, it opens up all dimensions at once, so the magnetic power of Love can accomplish God’s Greater Will everywhere at once. This is the same premise as “stacking in the Twin Flame heart,” except it is not about getting things done. It is about pulling together the split. It is the drawing together the horizontal arm and bringing it into alignment with the great River of Life.

Magnetics also create a powerful vortex which means that all who come near have assistance in “vaulting” into the Real. Oh, how I want you all to experience the miracles that will ensue as you live from the very alive center where you are amplifying Love.

There are things about the magnetics of an awakened Twin Flame heart that are powerful beyond your imagining – and hard to explain to the little ego-mind. We will be teaching you to use this power for all of the things you’re aware is coming – the perfecting of the body, the return of the body to radiant health, returning the body to light and developing the practice of generating power. Power which then can (and must) be used to heat and cool buildings, to power transportation and to create the abilities to travel using the dimensional connecting lines, etc. Most of all, it is the most important to use this power to bring forth life, whether this is the “healing” of other bodies or the creation of babies from the pure realms of Love (as I was born) with only spiritual DNA (not human DNA!)

God/dess, (I prefer to speak of the wholeness, of both Divine Masculine and Feminine, probably “Mother/Father/God would be the most in alignment with my/our vibration) has worked with this center point in each of you when He/She has said to focus on the center of your heart. Now we will be assisting you in this endeavor of “coming into your power.” However, I just ask you to remember, and to speak about this regularly. This can only take place in the center, meaning when a person has made the shift to Love, when the ego-mind has been subdued, at least to a large extent.

Since all that is sent out invariably and by law returns (multiplied of course), we want to always and ever listen for God’s Will and not ours in the use of the power, every little bit. But most important to us at this stage is the connection in each of you to your power -- your connection, beloved hearts, to the source of power and life in yourselves. You can feel how true this is, so that the world of the reversal can’t suck you in and convince you to forfeit your glorious life, in so many many ways, each and every day.

Feel how it feels to feel powerful. To remember your essential self. To walk each step truly knowing that anything and everything is possible. As you will come into understanding how to hold this and feel it, how to charge it up using your Twin Flame womb, you will realize what a powerful tool this will be in the times that are now entering in. In times of upheaval of ego-mind (and as you know, this is the biggest upheaval of them all now beginning), this connection to the center point and your communion with God is going to allow you to be the miracles that others will need.

This center of your open hearts is yours forever. It is your connecting point with God, with your Twin Flame, with the power of your purpose. It is already in operation. It is just bringing it into consciousness. It is very much a part of the glorious waking heart experience. Thank you for being willing to remember. It has nothing to do with the solar plexus center, and this will be important as we practice.

Thank you for your dedication. Thank you for your Love. Mary Magdalene and I are honored to be here. I am your brother. I am Jesus, and I am Mary Magdalene.

Video - Lifting In Infinite Love" By Melanie Beckler -


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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