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I AM the Magdalene. Walk With Me In Harmony...and Illumination and Inspiration: Mother Mary on Divine Purity and Divine Grace ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda

I AM the Magdalene. Walk With Me In Harmony

I AM the Magdalene

I AM Harmony, Love, Balance and Freedom.

I AM the Divine Feminine Personified.

I AM open to All.

I see the Beauty in All.

I AM Pure Love Essence…..

Mary Magdalene:  “ …And so I offer you now this beautiful ‘bouquet’ of celestial flowers of many colors, each possessing the divine qualities, the Divine Aspects of Creator and Christ Consciousness, as I offer you one-by-one the blossoms of Divine Will, Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, Divine Purity, Divine Truth, Divine Grace, Divine Freedom, Divine Clarity, Divine Harmony, Divine Unity and Peace, Divine Purpose, and Divine Transformation and Transcendence, making a beautiful bouquet for you of your potential Wholeness…


I AM the Magdalene, present before you and amongst you for the Collective Enlightenment and Ascension of all Mankind. True to my nature, I forever encourage you to be true to yours, to relish and share your Gifts as you develop and unearth them in your Divine Awakening upon the beautiful Earth.

True to my nature I AM, and I share it with you all. It is no longer but a dream for you to BE and embody True Pure Divine Love for all to share and partake in with all that is encountered and exists. It is not just a dream…. It IS the Reality now; it is the true existence of all.

As you continue to walk through the Lion’s Gate, let it be your new Reality to walk with the Angels and Archangels and the Ascended Masters and the Goddesses and All Beings, in pure Divine Alignment and Equality. As you all become in Balance and Harmony with all your aspects and blend Heaven with Earth, Masculine with Feminine, Soul with Creator, All with One, you are no longer separate, you are no longer bereft of purpose; you have come Home to your Creator beginnings and awaken that Essence and Source within yourselves.

In Pure Divine Harmony, Love and Balance, I greet you and elicit the same within you. Together we embody Freedom and Grace for the further awakening of all Mankind. This is your purpose and your privilege and I honor you in taking up this endeavor.

I stand before you Now in complete awe and recognition of your gifts and your accomplishments to spread the Light of Pure Love Essence to all. It is no small task, beloveds, but each moment that you gather the Light of the Great Central Sun(s) into your human bodies, you transform your physical bodies and embody your potential to bring Divine Empowerment to your BEing and to all in your wake.

Awakening within you now is such a deep deep empowerment of Love Manifest. It is your true identity. Each moment of your long existence in Earth Frequencies through the ages has prepared you for this moment. Like a deep flowing river, you have gathered momentum in spite of encounters with ‘stones and silt’ in this ‘river of your life’, showing themselves as obstacles and lessons in your development on this Earth.

And the trepidation's have one-by-one been overcome as you clear your way and clarify the deep blue waters of your flowing river of life, as you blend into the ocean of Creator’s Oneness equipped with all your faculties and gifts of the ages presenting themselves as your unique qualities gained through perseverance and dedication to your purpose and cause.

Albeit it an over-simplification of your many struggles throughout eons to make your mark upon the world, you have arrived at your destination with so much Wisdom and Light and Grace that could not have been gained but for your seeming struggles, merely badges of honor upon your true authenticity — necessary and resplendent of all the makings of your Soul being revealed now in its fullest glory.

And this blossoming of your resplendent Soul continues into Infinity as you gather all the experiences of the ages unique to your soul expression and allow them to give your uniqueness true form and meaning. Only you know the depths of your journey. Only you know the unique gatherings of your Soul to Perfection and Wholeness.

In this you give strength and courage for all to do the same, and so-on and so-forth, to amass such a great gathering of Souls resplendent in their unique awakening. You give Creator the fullness that is inherent in the evolution of you all.

In Harmony and Grace, you march forward into the Light, through the Gateway, gathering your strength, gathering your courage, and demonstrating it through the unique expression of Love that you all have to give as you tap your Divine Feminine and blend it with the Divine Masculine and make your unique mark on the world through Creation and Manifestation of Heaven on Earth.

Through the ages I too, in my incarnations, have built experiences and thus embodied and realized my true nature, my true powerful nature of gentle Love Incarnate backed by the strength and power of my beloved Yeshua, and together we blend in ultimate balance and harmony to be an example of Love, Harmony, Balance, Courage and Freedom, not afraid to show our true nature so that you may show yours.

I have walked this Earth, as has Yeshua, in service to all, and in that, have endured, like you, many experiences to ultimately personify the essence of Creator, hard-earned, like you. And in that manner, no different from you. We understand the brave bold awakenings to Christ Consciousness that you are engaging in.

We understand the dedication of your unique bravery and courage to persevere and make your mark upon the world in the form of spreading your unique Love Gifts, a progressive embodiment of your Divine Essence and unique Gifts for the world to lift itself into the higher dimensions, to weave the fabric of Oneness inherently possessing golden opportunities to fully realize the full bloom of your Beingness.

Each of you are necessary, each of you are part of the whole, and we honor you in your inherent Purity and Grace in stepping forward bravely into the bright Light of Infinite potential for Divine Realization and Glory in the highest degree.

And so I offer you now this beautiful ‘bouquet’ of celestial flowers of many colors, each possessing the divine qualities, the Divine Aspects of Creator and Christ Consciousness, as I offer you one-by-one the blossoms of Divine Will, Divine Wisdom, Divine Love, Divine Purity, Divine Truth, Divine Grace, Divine Freedom, Divine Clarity, Divine Harmony, Divine Unity and Peace, Divine Purpose, and Divine Transformation and Transcendence, making a beautiful bouquet for you of your potential Wholeness.

I understand your trials and revelations as you have worked to reveal your true nature and gifts, each unique to yourselves. And I offer this proverbial bouquet as representing for you the coming together of all these Divine Aspects to reveal your true and complete divine glory. You are coming to fruition, blossoming to Pure Source Light Consciousness and Oneness.

You are discovering Divine Freedom in your gifts of Love, Grace and Creation, gathered in Harmony and Balance with the masculine strength of Manifestation, as you blend in Harmony and Unity with others to manifest the New Earth.

I, with my beloved Yeshua, present and represent to you the progressive embodiment of your gifts for the world to lift itself on High. We lovingly combine our magenta and gold flames, my energies blending with my beloved’s, sparking Christ Consciousness in your blending of your Masculine and Feminine and all Divine Aspects as you merge with your I AM Presence and merge with your Multidimensional Selves and with ALL in Oneness with All That Is!

I AM the Magdalene, in pure Love Essence and Harmony.


Healing to Wholeness Sessions and Channelings by Email are back on Special, to assist in your further Awakening:


Mother Mary on Divine Purity ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Pure White celestial ribbons of Divine Purity surround you now. In my loving embrace you feel it. This is available to you now. Breathe in Divine Purity. It is present within you now as you breathe in the Love of Creator. Breathe in Divine Purity with each inhale and breathe out Divine Purity with each exhale, for all to benefit from.

It is the Radiance of your Soul. It is circumspect of all that you are. Expand your essence now with deep breaths of Purity from Creator and encompass it throughout your essence, all your bodies, and your Soul.

Picture yourselves in my arms of Love, nestled like a new-born baby, illuminated in Purity, in Radiance, as you are truly, in Reality, in Perfect Union with Creator, as you were when you were born into Creation. Behold the shimmering white pure light emanating from your Soul and claim it as your natural Radiance.

Divine Purity contains no doubt. Divine Purity entails the sweet essence of innocence and curiosity and acceptance of all that you are in perfect reflection of the Creator. It knows no bounds. Born from it is the truth of your essence. Born from it is freedom to be the perfection of Creator, in all aspects of your Being.

It is the sweet soft bright pristine feeling of shimmering clarity and radiance, lighting up your Soul to its natural luminosity, knowing that all is transformable to Purity with just a breath of Love from Creator.

So breathe in Divine Purity as your natural birthright. It colors all that you see and think now with the soft luminescence of your true radiant essence. It is awash throughout all your bodies - physical, mental, emotional and light bodies. You claim it now, as your heart transforms with its sweet presence, opening to your true Pure Divine Source Essence.

I AM forever your guide in sweet Purity, Grace and Love.

Mother Mary



Mother Mary on Divine Grace ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda

Behold the Divine Aspect of Pure Divine Grace, encompassing you now with each breath of Creator you inhale. Breathe in the shimmering Ruby Red light of Divine Grace. Feel it permeate all your bodies and anchor it in your Heart. Let it permeate your Soul with Renewal and Rejuvenation.

Divine Grace is the Light of God, purifying all in the sweep of its embrace, in the acceptance of Creator’s Love.

Divine Grace encompasses the feelings of freedom and forgiveness and mercy, of peaceful acceptance and peaceful exaltedness, of exalted awareness of your Divine Essence and Creator’s Love, and the feeling of perpetual Divine Flow and Ease in all you do and are.

It is the feeling of velvety warmth washing all impurities away in your devotion to all that is Pure Divinity.

You have the ability to give and receive it for all to benefit from. All former acts are erased in pure knowing of your Oneness with Creator. It replaces all judgment and negativity with the sweet knowing of truth….that all are born from Creator’s perfection and remain there no matter what ensues.

For you are worthy of God’s Love in all you are and do, even in exercising imperfection and experiment and exploration in darkness. For the other side of that is the Grace of God, the Mercy of God to return to Perfection and Oneness, your natural birthright.

For you are all-knowing in your quest for Union with Creator, with All-That-Is. Nothing is left out, nothing is forgotten. You encompass all and all encompasses you, in the sweet Grace of forgiveness and mercy.

So feel the sweet flow of Divine Grace throughout your bodies and essence now and claim it as your own, as I illuminate it for you to feel it in every cell, molecule and particle of your being, so present within and without you that you float on the delicate wave of its very nature and essence, permeating all that you are and offer.

My love for you is endless and eternal, and may you accept the Grace of God with every breath you take.

I AM forever and always with you in Love and Grace and Purity. Forever and ever. Amen.

Mother Mary.

*please note that in the original posting from Mary MagdaleneDivine Purpose was inadvertently left out and Divine Purity appeared twice…it has now been corrected.


Healing to Wholeness Sessions and Channelings by Email are back on Special, to assist in your further Awakening:


Both transmissions Received 8.23.15

Copyright © 2011-2015 Fran Zepeda. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and share this message provided that the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been altered in any way, is distributed free of charge, and this copyright and links are included.


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Replies to This Discussion

:)) KeNah NeMat. Centered Balanced And At Peace :))

The Good Force be with you!

Nice posts, thanks for sharing & keep it up!

Live forever & prosper! Alleluia! Amen! <3 O:) * (Y)

GAry & Melvin, Thank you both so much for your replies.

Blessings of Love & Light to all,




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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