Dimensional Shifts Within the Body by Mary Magdalene
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
It is with the seeds of love of my soul that I step forth to honour your divine and sacred being, showering you in all that is
your truth as you recognise it within yourself and within my presence. Your divine truth and sacred self is everywhere
and can be recognised within each and every person. You are never alone nor are you separate from the Creator for
not only can you see the aspect of the Creator within yourself but you can recognise it within all around you. This
recognition and familiarity brings forth the greater understanding and experience of oneness, even in a reality where
separation is dominate. With the awareness and perspective of oneness, meaning the recognition of the Creator
within yourself and all, you allow yourself to experience high levels of awakening and important merging with the
Creator. The process and experience of merging with the Creator assists you in moving through numerous levels of
activations, dimensional shifts, awakenings and releasing of old energetic patterns, thus you become and realise
yourself to be the great beacon of light that you are.
In this new era your body and entire being has been given permission by you and your soul to fully awaken into and
experience the radiance, power, love and light of your being and divine self. This signifies that you are allowing the
Creator to draw closer, becoming fully present within your being. The Creator draws closer into your being to be fully
manifested both within and around you, in all aspects of your creation. With your greater acceptance of the presence of
the Creator and the permission you have granted to yourself to awaken, you allow your entire being but especially your
body to enter into a rapid and powerful shifting, releasing and activation process. The body and energetic bodies
begin to shed unneeded energies, patterns and perspectives as if they are old layers of skin no longer required.
Powerful alchemical changes and awakening occurs within your soul and body as it opens all energetic systems to be
used by the vibration and energy of the Creator. The alchemy and transformation of the body brings your body into
divine power, health and attunement with all that is the Creator. Light particles not only form but erupt within the body
causing a further enhancement of the presence of light. Energetic keys to awaken so many skills, abilities and
consciousness flood forward from the soul and from memories held within the soul which can be activated by walking
upon hot spots of energy or familiar pathways for the soul upon the Earth. Vibrational codes are constantly being
released into the body and energetic bodies to further spiritual knowledge and understanding as well as elevating
vibrations of love, truth, light and wisdom within. Due to all of these releases of energy into the body and energetic
system, that which no longer serves you whether emotional, mental and physical will be brought to the surface for
complete release and healing.
You may notice that your release and healing processes are more dramatic and dominate within your being and reality
when they arise at this time, this is due to the intention of your soul for complete healing of many issues, emotional pain
and blockages. Complete healing signifies a completion of many areas of release that you have been working through
for many years and maybe even many lifetimes. As if the final page of the story is being brought to the surface for
release and for your viewing for a greater experience of freedom.
With these powerful processes of release, healing and shifts in vibration your body and energetic bodies are
constantly shifting between and through numerous dimensions of light, energy and consciousness. This constant
hovering between dimensions allows you to collect vibrational frequencies and anchor them deep within your being
thus allowing your entire being to naturally rise to higher and quicker frequencies of light. Your body and soul begin to
test which vibration and dimension of light is most appropriate and nourishing for you to related with at different times
of your spiritual ascension. Your being may naturally seek out a dimension with a powerful healing focus which you
would automatically shift into when healing is required. At other times your being may seek a dimension of
magnification or amplification, maybe even seeking certain qualities and needed connections. Your being may bounce
between dimensions because of the speed of your spiritual acceleration, the need to obtain certain frequencies, the
intention of integration and oneness but also due to the constant enhancing pulsation of your energy causing a fluttering
effect which will become stable as you allow your truth to become more present within your being.
Do not be surprised if one moment you feel connected with extremely quick vibrations and the next you feel yourself to
be heavy, your body and entire being is beginning to merge in oneness not only with the aspects of the Creator on the
Earth but also the aspects of the Creator known as the dimensions or levels of energy throughout the Creator’s
universe. Each dimension represents an existence of integration with the Creator as well as specific qualities and
aspects of the Creator. You do not really need to understand the dimensions with your mind but you can experience
and feel them energetically especially in meditation by simply asking to experience the most appropriate vibrations for
you of each dimension or as many as you feel is appropriate, whether you ask to experience them individually like
levels of energy or as one vast source of light. Even sensing without awareness and understanding can bring a
stabilising to your entire being which will allow for your spiritual ascension to flow with greater ease.
The automatic hovering and linking into many dimensions at this time is needed as gradually all dimensions of the
Creator will become as one within your being and soul signifying a deep acceptance of the Creator internally and
externally. At this time the process can allow you to feel ungrounded or bring powerful processes of releases to the
surface. It is as if you are being shaken into further activation and awakening, experiencing a deep shift and
purification of all that you know and understand. There is simply a need to be conscious of this process that is
occurring often without your awareness, with your recognition you can become aware of any highs and lows in your
energy and vibration, allowing yourself to experience them and the dimensional energies that need to be obtained then
bringing yourself back to the vibration of the soul. The soul is always evolving but holds a stabilised vibration, frequency
and connection into a dimension of light for what seems like to the body greater lengths of time therefore is a
grounding point for your entire being. The soul is the vibrational dimension of light that your entire being is wishing to
obtain. While moving through and to different dimensions, especially within your light body, you are able to reach and
access different aspects of your soul. By then calling your attention back to your soul you are able to ground these
aspects of your soul, uniting numerous aspects of your soul as a powerful vibration and experience of your soul into
your present moment, thus experiencing a deeper oneness with the Creator. The vibration of your soul is the united
vibrations of all dimensions but now is the time to explore these aspects of your soul in order to know, acknowledge
and recognise all that is the Creator within and around you.
You may wish to say out loud,
‘With the presence of Mary Magdalene and the support of my guides and soul, I now allow myself to experience a
deeper absolute oneness with the Creator in my current lifetime and present moment. I am aware of the dimensional
shifts that my entire being is moving through now as I automatically connect into different and appropriate dimensions
to serve my ascension and deeper understanding of my soul. As I shift and move through different dimensional
energies and levels of the Creator’s universe, I allow myself to collect and heighten within me all that is needed while
constantly allowing myself to return to the core central energy of my soul, thus experiencing a deep oneness and
integration with all that is my soul and the Creator. Let it be so.’
With love and blissful blessings,
Mary Magdalene