lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team,

A gorgeous THANK YOU! to all who participated in our Solstice and Full Moon Transmissions - as this is what our Connexions have truly become!

We lit the Solstice Fire here in Austria on June 21st at dusk, that is two children, my son and my friend's daughter, did it. I used the drum for cleansing and we were joining all around the fire ... it was a momentous moment! Later at night, when the children were all asleep, Tanja and I connected to lightgrid again - and witnessed the building of a permanent Crystalline Dome - or White Light Coccoon all around the Earth ... The main structure of the Crystalline Creatrix is now fully established and can be acccessed ANY TIME you wish to connect!

We were all guarding the fire until MONDAY, June 24th, well after the Full Moon. When a tremendous thunderstorm broke loose on Saturday, 22nd of June, I fed the fire with wood to protect it from extinction and connected it to the energy of the Sun - Central Sun - Third Central Sun as well as to Inner Earth Sun ...

The videos and photos which I uploaded at FB that evening speak of all this ... If you would like to receive first hand news like this during the summer, PLEASE befriend LIGHTGRID at Facebook. When I am not at home, I like to use my mobile phone to take photos and make videos - and I upload them at FB, especially when I do not have regular access to the internet.


One more word concerning the Violet Ray and Light here now - and how I have finally come to understand the words of the channeling "About the Use of the Violet Flame", which ignited the creation of this site here, from a new persepctive - First, some short excerpts from the channeling:

First of all, I will tell you that the purpose of handing over the power of the Violet Flame to today's humanity is to give you a tool which is powerful enough that the small percentage of conscious beings is able to balance the enormous quantity of unbalanced energy which has already begun to suffocate psychically those beings who are caught up in the materialistic world without having declared themselves as belonging to the conscious seekers of the truth; moreover, the latter find their seed plot in those impartial beings who have not decided yet which way to go.

...  Thanks to the continual and intense use of the Violet Flame, we are able to open big holes through which the Cosmic Energies are finally able to come down to the surface of the Planet and enter human consciousness. Yet, the Violet Flame must be understood in its material function as well as in its internal function. The use of the Violet Flame brings in its most rudimentary manifestation the direct transmutation of the non-manifest harmony to an energy of a higher level, an internal function of the Violet Flame inherently activates the individual's fire which is located at the base of the spinal column.

I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now. ...  in order to avoid losing orientation in the sight of innumerable new impressions which will flood your mind, it is necesary to use the power of affirmative decree.

I AM God in Action
I AM God's Will in Action
I AM God's Love in Action
I AM God's Creative Intelligence in Action

By affirming the three qualities of the first three personalities of God, you will be able to enter through the Seventh Door which is represented by the Seventh Ray, to the three higher aspects of the manifestation of God. If God is Will, Love and Intelligence, you are Will, Love and Intelligence as well, affirming the decree:

I AM God's Will
I AM God's Love
I AM God's Intelligence

In this way you will find your way to the true key of your I AM presence.“

And now we come to the part which explains WHY WE HAVE COME TO WORK WITH THE CRYSTALLINE CREATRIX - White Light Matrix:

Let me explain in which way the Seventh Ray is working on Earth these days: First of all, the Seventh Ray came down by cosmic command and even if, as a sensorial impression, it is perceived as a similar colour to Violet, this Senth Ray in its higher aspects, is but uncoloured light in a certain superior radiation. When this energy comes ino contact with your energy, this violet tone appears which you have learned to identify. Thus you can eplain why you sometimes sense other tones, not violet, when you invoke the Violet Flame using certain spiritual techniques; and this is exactly when you start realizing the work done internally by the Violet Flame.

When you started out to work with the Violet Flame we told you to visualize the colour violet.
Once you are trained in this, once you are familiarized with the essence of the Violet Ray, the simple decree

I AM The Violet Light
Transmuting This Place

will immediately help you with the true energy of the Ray, no matter what colour you actually manifest, which in the most cases will be violet; just on those occasions, when you use the Ray in order to transmute something which is already part of the higher harmony, you will perceive it in glistening tones which you still don't know.


The following message may illustrate how not only we, the members of lightgrid, are working with these higher frequencies and harmonies - but how ALL LIGHTWORKERS are ACTING AS ONE these days!!!

Observe how the various messages you receive from different channels go together ... Humanity is entering the realms of UNITY Consciousness - and our work here at lightgrid, as essential as it is - is at the same time PART of an elaborate Plan which we have been working out all together in the Higher Dimensions where we exist as gods and goddesses, Ascended MASTERS and Angelic Beings of Light Star Beings and more  - depending on where we have come from to aid Mother Earth, Gaia Terra Shan, on her Path of Ascension, to make her dream come true of ENLIGHTENED matter made MANIFEST ...! 

Draw on SOURCE, drawing upon the newly established PERMANENT CREATRIX of Crystalline Light, WHENEVER you wish from NOW on! And remember that when you work with this High Frequency Light of the Crystalline Creatrix you help to establish DIVINE HARMONY in all dimensions. You will notice VIOLET HUES of LIGHT when the Crystalline Light touches lower frequency entities - be it thought forms, emotions or elementals - and this Violet Light results from the TRANSMUTATION which takes place!!!

The Crystalline Creatrix holds ALL Rays, all frequencies of the visible and invisible light on Earth. We currently work with 12 Main Rays - plus some Higher Rays, as the Platinum Ray, the Diamond Ray, the Silver Ray and others. It is important to notice here that ALL Rays can COMBINE again - and thus an infinite variety of HEALING LOVE LIGHT is at our disposal - and we are but at the BEGINNING of our work with this enormous potential of energy.

I wish you all a MAGICAL SUMMER - and those in the Southern hemisphere, a BLESSED WINTER!

Beware that YOU hold a very special piece of the puzzle - and your presence here on Earth AND here at lightgrid, reading these lines is NO coincidence!

Enjoy AA Michael's message now,

Sonja MYRIEL RAouine

Crystalline LIGHTit touches lower frequency

A message from Archangel Michael for this Solstice:

The New Earth and the New Human    



Beloved Ones and Dear Family of Light, 


You have traveled a corridor of light to the New Earth. During this journey you have encountered increasingly high vibrations and with this container of presence altering and unfolding, you have been uplifted, clarified, activated and awakened into more remembering. Countless energies have focused upon your unique presence in this time/space continuum supporting this embodiment of your True Being, the Universal Source as You, through in and as your presence. And with this opening into greater fullness of life you are about to encounter the way of being here on Earth to be changed. The New Human now meets the New Earth, fully resourced and ready to participate in the Divine Plan of full remembering and Universal Embodiment.


At the first dawning of the New Reality, the Earth had transpired into a new expression of being. With the completion of this arc since December 2012, the last Solstice, your physical presence is now aptly designed to meet this New Earth. You now have the proper interfaces and structures to arise in the fullness of your being, within your human form. The actual decension into your physicality by your Universal Presence will continue to unfold at a pace and rhythm that suits your unique desires and participation in the divine unfolding. But the actualization of your divine template for wholeness is now complete and available to meet you and the planet in new and uplifted ways.


This will empower a fullness of being that has not existed in human form with conscious remembering on Earth in collective fullness ever before. The realm of Earth as one of the Sacred Planets of this Universe has reached a pitch of fulfillment so that the Living Library's promise now opens fully and Earth experiences the bud of flowering sprung open. The petals of this opening are infinite and sustained.


You brave beings living here, will shape, create and discover the true nature of divine embodiment and be the keys to exploring how this knowing interacts with a living breathing planet and all life forms and fields within this sphere of frequency now sharing the Divine Planet of Earth. Gaia has completed here upliftment and she is now joined by humanity, who although they will perhaps not yet be conscious of and able to take advantage yet of their new capacity, do have such within their physicality now and can awaken rapidly at their own soul's wisdom and urging. The lion's share of physical transformation has reached a zenith and the transition for others going forward will be empowered and grace-filled because of what has gone before.


Oh you courageous souls! We cheer you on, we dance with great joy! It is divine upliftment of the highest aspiration made manifest and you and we have done it as One! In the way in which all is accomplished; with a singular momentum.


Did you doubt this? For it is always such in All That Is, that everything, indeed, and all that is within the wholeness of the One I Am/We Are, moves in perfect harmony and as a Unified field, despite any and all appearances to the contrary.


It is this which makes the great mystery of the different realms of focus, so rich for exploring and experiencing. We celebrate with you and as you, we are your wholeness the One I AM, the Universal Om, the Family of Light that is and will be and has been and always perpetually expresses Source Creation as Love, in this endless dance of diversity and reunion. We ignite into Great Sources of Light! The glow from the fields of the New Dawn are resplendent.


The Solstice and the upcoming lunar cycles, the solar energies and all that is will continue to fuel your unique timing for synching up with this Universal Unfolding, but the keys are turned, dear ones. Feel no need to do anything, except care for yourselves with great tenderness, appreciation and love. For it is through all of this and you, that love is made manifest.


With great love and appreciation, I am with you always.


I AM Archangel Michael


To share this message and/or to comment, you may find the original post here:

Solstice Message 2013: the New Human & the New Earth

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sooooooo beautiful my Dear sister Sonja...LOve you xxx

I LOVE you, too, Arleem!!!

Thankyou Sonja

your love filled message resonates with me!

with a big hug of love and light   

Tej xxx

Beloved Light SiSTAR - we were UNITED as ONE - YES!!!

I lit the Solstice fire at dusk - and the other day, on Saturday, I GURADED THE FIRE DURING LIGHTGRID CONNEXION TIME - for at about one hour - which must have been the time when you sang the Havan, right? Oh WOW!!!! These moments were so magical ... The rain was pouring down and within a few minutes big pools of water had formed.

Tanja, my soul sister from Germany, had made me aware of my intent to KEEP the fire going at about half an hour BEFORE the storm was upon us - and in the beginning wind I re-kindled the Solstice Fire from the Ashes and nourished it until it grew large and strong.

I had to bring dry wood several times - to protect and nourish the flames. And in addition to this I connected my inner SUN to the FIRE - and we connected to Inner Earth Sun - and the Sun - Central Suna dn 3rd Central Sun above ... ALL was ONE ... 

At one point, when the fire was save, I went down to the pond. I went inside - and then sat down in the water. All around me WHITE FOG was rising ... I sensed AVALON sooo near, soooo near! ... and if it had not been for the thunderstorm, I would have swum out into the pond - and who knows where I would have found myself then, lol!

We truly DID IT TOGETHER - AS ONE, my dearly beloved siSTAR!!!

Your havan nourished our solsticee fire - and we became ONE with ALL Suns ... AND the RAIN AND the WIND /AIR and the EARTH beneath our feet AND our Bodies ...

I was soooo aware of ALL four elements - and the fifth element being SPIRIT - the LIGHT - who unites us ALL ....!

THANK YOU so much for having been with me at that time - Saturday from 6 pm CET onwards!

Maybe someone reads this - and is reminded of what s/he did at that exact time, too ...


I'm looking forward sooo much to August!

Sonja Myriel RAouine

Beautiful ! WE ARE ONE 

am looking forward to August too ;)

love n light hugs to you x

Beautiful light siSTAR sylvia,

Your words touch fertile ground - and the seed of LOVE and Unity is WELCOME in my HEART's core!

UNITY and LOVE shall replace the illusion of ego and separation.

So BE it!

And so it IS ...

Sonja MYRIEL RAouine

Talking about synchronicities - did anyone read Aluna JOY'S message in time before the Solstice??? I have JUST read it - and WOW!!!! She also speaks about united meditations during the four days from the Solstice to the Full Moon!

I see the tremendous storm and most heavy rains through which I protected the FIRE of the SUN now in even more clarity ...

Here is the link for those interested:


Sonja Myriel

Another grat link which I just followed, provided by Evi:

Shanta Gabriel worked together with lightgrid when we were doing our Rainbow Bridge Mediations - now THIS meditation is inspired by the very same SOURCE as our lightgrid connexions - white light cocoon blessings :-)




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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