lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear Lightgrid Team,

We are entering new energies - and Shakti has announced her presence this time. To honor the Divine Feminine Light WITHIN all Creation and INTEGRATE the White Light (White Buffalo Calf Woman) and the Crystalline Light (Gayatri) we are now called to work together with SHAKTI, the ACTIVE Principle of all that IS.

This Moon is all about integrating the Divine Inner Light: CHI - Kundalini - Life Force: this is Her domain!

The BIG  HUG on May 1st is like a trigger - Let us stand together on that day, holding hands, world wide - allowing SHAKTI to SHINE through us ... and radiate out into the WORLD! If you have no plans as of yet for that day - it's time to make up your mind!

A few days later we will celebrate WESAK, Buddhas's Birth and Enlightenment - It is said that Wesak is that time at the Full Moon of May in which the Christ gathers the entire Spiritual Hierarchy together in meditation to invoke the forces of Shambhalla. The Buddha, representing those forces, appears and blesses humanity. May the Wesak Blessings reach each and every soul on this planet this year!

The Moon will end in a most potent SOLAR ECLIPSE on May 20/21st, whence a New Moon shall rise and gain power. Many are going to gather at Mt Shasta, the greatest Storehouse of the Violet Light - and we as  lightgrid will WELLCOME the hightened influx of VIOLET LIGHT and GROUND it together with all the lightworkers who are opening up to the task at hand through their inner guidance.

The Crystals and Initiation Stones are on their way through Europe and America - they have already arrived in India with Dr. SohiniBen and should be arriving soon in Australia, too, with Kali. By the time of the Solar Eclipse next month we will be able to ground the energies not only through our bodies - but also through these stones and Crystals, that is the MINERAL KINGDOM - world wide! And everyone can participate through INTENTION - and a stone or crystal at / in hand.

The Goddess is RETURNING.

We are amidst the AWAKENING of the Goddess - the goddess WITHIN!!!

And what we call "the GODDESS", the Divine Feminine Principle - is WAY BEYOND GENDER.

Gayatri is neither male nor female - nor is Shakti. But they stand for that which was LOST when the male gods took over - which is the connection to the LIGHT WITHIN. WOMEN have always held this connection SACRED - and for that reason they had to suffer - because only when the rich world within is forgotten can the outside world rule the people. 

NOW is the time for men and women to re-MEMBER these inner worlds of bounty, LOVE and PEACE.

Now is the time for the Goddess to return ...

Gayatri has promised to be with us - and SHE IS!

And Maha Shakti, the Divine Light of ACTIVE CREATION, is invited by us now to SHOW Herself and BE with us - in our mundane and individual lives to anchor and ground Gayatri's Light into matter.

It is time to find equilibrium and balance - time to perceive the feminine principle in the Sun alongside the masculine, and to attribute CREATIVITY and ACTIVE Power to the FEMALE stronghold of LOVE!!!

Men and women are called to embody this LOVE LIGHT now - as Shiva and Shakti, as Yin and Yang.

I wish you ALL a BLESSED Shakti Wesak Moon, a Happy BIG HUG and a miraculous Solar Eclipse at its end,

Sonja Myriel Aouine




Blessings, it is I, Archangel Zadkiel, speaking again to concludethis transmission. I wish to tell you how Angels use the Violet Fire. Our angels are often called to heal a situation, but often, those who call do not know that healing is actually a transmutation from that which is ending to that which is beginning. Many of you are calling now because you are at that point of transition, and your body must alter in way that causes many symptoms of illness. Injury can also occur during this transition, as you are having difficulty paying close attention to your physical surroundings.


It is during this transition that the Violet Fire can effectively be used to raise the frequency of any area of your body, your entire body and/or your consciousness. The Violet Fire will transmute (raise the resonance of) any area of your body so that it can more easily heal. Your "immune system" is actually the system through which your higher frequency of Spirit can interface with your earth vessel. Hence, once you raise the resonance of your earth vessel you develop a stronger immune system and greater powers of "healing." These healing powers can be used for yourself, others and for your dear planet, Gaia.


Those who are still bound to third-dimensional thinking tend to believe that a disease is beyond their control and something that they "caught." They also think that an injury, or even death, is beyond their control. However, once the higher frequency reason (karmic initiation) for the injury or illness is revealed, the wounding can be transmuted. Conversely, once any person, place or situation is transmuted into its higher frequency of expression, the wounding begins to clear.


We tell you of these powers to remind you again that YOU are the creator of your reality. Furthermore, YOU are your multidimensional consciousness. Your earth vessel is only a temporary container. Once your consciousness has returned to its true multidimensionality, you will KNOW that you are the creator of your life.


However, there is an exception to this paradigm that is unique to your NOW because you are transmuting your carbon-based personal and planetary vessels into their innate crystalline form. Therefore, there will be disruption to the normal functioning of these bodies during this alteration. Fortunately, the Violet Fire can be of great assistance. 


As your Two-Way Inter-dimensional Portal remains opened, you will consciously, as well as through your dreams and meditations, be open to receiving information about how NOTHING is beyond your control. This realization creates a great responsibility for our Human Angels to transmute all that resonances to fear or darkness into love and light.


Fortunately, this transmutation will come quite easily because you are connected to the healing force of unconditional love constantly flowing from the higher frequencies of reality, as well as to the great healing and regenerative force of Gaia. Also, you have established an opened Portal through which we, the Angles of the Violet Ray, can blaze our Violet Fire. Through the Portals that you have opened, Gaia and ALL Her human and non-human inhabitants can more easily receive our gift, as it will automatically be grounded in and integrated throughout the entire planet.


Furthermore, as you learn to perceive reality through the Inter-dimensional and Planetary Portals of your ascending earth vessel, there will not be much that you will miss. At first, you may be overwhelmed, but that will cease as you learn to use the new programs of your Multidimensional Operating System. You will then have access to "whole brain thinking," which instantly presents the cause and effect of every situation. You will also be constantly connected to your Higher Expressions of SELF, who will assist you in learning and acclimating to your new multidimensional perceptions.


With the constant flow of our Violet Fire through your fully opened and grounded Portals you can release the need to call for our force of transmutation because our Angelic Kingdom "has your back" at all "times." FEEL our Violet Fire within the Core of your Body. SEE our Violet Fire as it embraces and transmutes your reality. HEAR the tone of our Violet Fire and carry it in your inner ears. TOUCH the Violet Fire, which ALWAYS surrounds and encompasses you. 


Whenever, the stress of your daily life lowers your consciousness and you can no longer maintain these sensations, call us. We are ONE with you.


Before closing our message, I Zadkiel, wish to share with you how angels use the Violet Fire: 


First we hold the intention to call upon the Fire...


Then we share that Violet Fire with our High Heart to imbue it with our unconditional love...


Then we direct the Fire out through our right hand and

Blaze the Violet Fire


We point our finger or hold our "hands" open. In this manner, we can either create a laser effect that can transmute an ant or broadcast enough Violet Fire to transmute a city. Practice this use of the Violet Fire and Know that YOU have the innate ability to transmute ALL fear and shadow into unconditional love and multidimensional light.


We light you return with Violet Light,


 Archangel of the Violet Fire

From the same source:

Sharing the Violet Fire  

With your Inter-dimensional Portal fully opened, we, the Guardians of the Seventh Ray, can send our Violet Light through the Inter-dimensional Portal of your Pineal Gland (crown), where it is shared with your Pituitary Gland (brow) to distribute the power of transmutations throughout your entire body via the Endocrine System. Therefore:

  • Our Violet Fire transmutes the perceptions of your Third Eye to perceive even higher frequencies
  • Transmutes your mundane communications and creations into creative expressions of your Higher Expression of SELF
  • Transmutes all your thoughts, emotions and communications to integrate your higher perceptions of reality into your daily life
  • As our Violet Fire enters your Thymus Gland (heart) it transmutes your blood and breath (heart and lungs) so that you can better circulate the higher light throughout your body and into your atmosphere via your breath
  • As our Violet Fire enters your Three Fold Flame, your multidimensional Wisdom, Power and Love is remembered, which transmutes your mundane communications into your innate Light Language.

As you share our Violet Fire with Gaia and with ALL the members of Her planet, you become a "Pyramid of Transmutation."

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~ Shakti ~

Thank you, Kerrie :-)

Hi Sonja and all at LightGrid

Just a note to say the Crystals & Stones have arrived in Australia.....the energy is so beautiful, I was really drawn to the stones!

Today I am meeting with Zoolithe to pass on the parcel, after reading this letter, I'm sensing a possibility with the other people in Australia, I'll keep listening.  

Thanks again Sonja for the honor of receiving and giving these sacred stones and crystals.

Love Kali 

it was so lovely to re-connect Kerrie, thank-you for coming. 

I feel the Light increased, deepened in our sharing and will be delighted when we are called together again. And thank-you for the message here from the Federation of Light,  I am re-membering. 

Your Sister in Light,


thanks Sheena,  

Love Kali



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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