lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Dear Lightgrid Family and Gridwork Team,

Connected as ONE through the GOLDEN LIGHT we will invoke the Violet Light for the transmutation of all emotional blockages and bonds during our 4 connexion times on 4-4-2015 , SURRENDERING our emotions to the POWER of CLEANSING under the guidance of Lady Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, Lady Portia, AA Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, Elohim Arcturus and Lady Victory and ALL the Legions of Light from On High!


May the Emotional Plane be cleansed and all darkness be transmuted back to LIGHT - NOW

May all fear return to the eternal SOURCE OF LIGHT and thus become pure LOVE again - NOW

May anger, aggression and hatred make way for insight and the VICTORY of PEACE and and LIBERTY - NOW

May death be overcome by life - NOW

May the CHRIST LIGHT be RESURRECTED and shine its light onto ALL that IS, was and shall be - NOW

So BE it - and so it IS

Let us build Crystal Grids again - wherever you ARE - so we will have Crystal Grids all over the world for the

4-4-2015 event.

The sum of digits of 2015 is 8

4-4-2015 = 4-4--8

This number speaks of Manifestation in Duality (4-4) which reverberates throughout Eternity / Infinity (8).

What we wish to manifest is the liberation of our emotional body from fear! This s the focus, this is the intent …

It is time to RELEASE all anger, FEAR and hatred, and thus all energy related to death and darkness, to then be able to start anew into the REALMS OF LOVE which will bring PEACE and HARMONY!

4 + 4 + 8 = 16 = 7 – the energy of the mystic, of the Collective Consciousness, of spiritual awakening and inner wisdom and awareness


The Story behind:

Shortly after the Solar Eclipse and March Equinox, a realization began to take form and crystallize in my mind concerning the Golden Light Frequency Activation which we initiated in October 2014. Back then I wrote:

"... this (Partial Solar October) Eclipse is connected to the Total Solar Eclipse on March 20th, when a PORTAL of LIGHT will be opened to the Higher Dimension which will allow humanity to take the next step towards Unity Consciousness, ..."

This next step has indeed taken place! And what I realized is the following:

The SPIRITUAL restart button for all Beings on Mother Earth was pressed in October last year. When we began to ANCHOR the GOLDEN LIGHT on EARTH on October 23rd 2014, Partial Solar Eclipse, we initiated a restart of all our lower earth bodies:

Restart of the MENTAL Body: March 20th, Total Solar Eclipse

Restart of the EMOTIONAL Body: April 4th, Total Lunar Eclipse

The Etheric and Physical Body are to follow suite in September:

Etheric/ or VITAL Body Restart: 13th September 2015, Partial Solar Eclipse

PHYSICAL Body Restart: 28th September 2015, Total Lunar Eclipse

Sandwiched inbetween these latter two Eclipses, we encounter the September EQUINOX, the Time of BALANCE (as was March the 20th, too, whence the Personality Restart Button was first pressed. → Personality - composed of Mental, Emotional, Etheric and Physical Body)

Interestingly, the Partial Solar Eclipse from September 13th will be visible in the SOUTHERN Hemisphere 10 days before the September Equinox, which in these parts of the world is the SPRING EQUINOX - just as the March 2oth Solar Eclipse, which was visible in the Northern Hemisphere, was the SPRING EQUINOX here. Thus, all these restarts are truly announcing NEW BEGINNINGS, which SPRING time stnads for.

Now, all this these insights take on even deeper meaning and dimensions in the light of the following:

As we filled Gaia's Golden Heart Chamber with Pure Golden Unity Love Light, she responded through the emanation of Copper Golden Love Light throughout Her Many Parallel Realities, Dimensions and Realms. As Ishema pointed out in her latest Permalink comment Permalink  to the last broadcast message: The shining forth of Mother Earth's Copper Golden Love Light to the Sun, Central Sun, Great Central Sun, Galactic Center, back to SOURCE, corresponds exactly to Amoran's vision and experience about the Earth Star being a Dragon Heart ... 

Permalink Dear Sonja and All,

As I work with this meditation it seems that I need to send the energy through our Group Heart Stream to the Lightworkers of the World, who do bless the World with their work, and from our World to the Sun, Central Sun, Great Central Sun, Galactic Core and beyond to SOURCE.

It also occurred to me that this meditation is a further extension of an insight that Amoran made a year ago:


March 28, 2014 

The EarthStar: A Dragon Heart!


" On that morning I took part in a very complex, very sophisticated, very dynamic energy experience with the trees and Gaia Terra Shan. I saw energy constructs everywhere – I mean EVERYWHERE – I saw the planet creating and sending the “pulses” of energy into the junction and beyond. I knew that the next step was for the planet and the Trees to begin “streaming”. The energy pulses are only the first step. The goal is to have a steady, solid, flowing STREAM of energy to feed other parts of the “body” (the Universe). And I knew. I knew what this phase is really all about:


The Earth is becoming a STAR (energetically, of course). All of the “energy workings” and “energy manipulations” I saw all around me that morning triggered some very ancient and very deep memories. I knew that I was “seeing” how a star is born and how a star generates and sends its (light) energy into the cosmos. Wow, that was a pretty deep and very special moment. "

"We have finally moved beyond EarthShine. We are now in “EarthSun” or “EarthStar” as I prefer. I continue to have visions of the Universe as a “body” (not necessarily a “human” body but a living organism nonetheless). There are many “limbs” and “organs” of this body. It has become clear to me that our tiny little planet is a very important “organ” (or “chakra” if you will) of this Universal Body.  The Earth, or rather, The “EarthStar”, is acting very much like a heart – pumping life giving energy into the rest of the body … ."

What do you think?



Summing up:

Mother Earth, Gaia Terra Shan, is resuming its place and function in the Universal Body of LIGHT which is experiencing it-SELF.

This realisation is NOW about to enter human consciousness through the lightworkers' and embodied Christed Beings' awareness.

GAIA is going to become a STAR, in the etheric realms. A STAR shines forth its light, which means that GAIA has begun to emanate Her Unique Frequency again in a steady FLOW, a stream of LIGHT and energy, this March 20th, 2015.

GAIA and humanity and thus our entire Solar System are finally going to contribute their part to the Universal Network of LIGHT as a fully functioning ORGAN of the WHOLE again - the frequency lock of this quadrant of the galaxy going to be finally lifted!

Ready for the ongoing and incoming upgrades? There we go!

In practical terms:

We are NOW preparing for an emotional upgrade, which will begin with a RESTART on April 4th, 2015, EASTER SATURDAY.

All those fear patterns which we have experienced in order to transmute back darkness into light shall potentially be RELEASED now, that the Golden Bridge of Light was sucessfully anchored on Earth on March 20th, 2015, most of all the fear of DEATH which is the underlying fear and source of all dark energy.

On Easter Saturday the body of CHRIST rests in the grave. His Spirit in the Underworld, his body is about to be resurrected in the night from Easter Sunday to Easter Monday.

The message of EASTER is the message of resurrection.

It is a rare occasion that the Full Moon falls directly on the EASTER WEEKEND, even more unique, that it is accompanied by a TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE which follows a total solar eclipse which occured directly on the day of the Equinox.

The Full Moon's Light being overshadowed briefly by Earth's shadow, generating a BLOOD MOON, is the most perfect symbolic reflection of Christ's light being temporarily overcast by the illusory death of the earth body in order to OVERCOME death itself.

There is no way in which the universe could speak more clearly, more directly to us.

So let us prepare for another unique energetic occurance which shall allow us to FREE our-SELVES from the grip of the fear of death, which is the grip of darkness on our emotional body!

Let us build Crystal Grids again - wherever you ARE - so we will have Crystal Grids all over the world for the

4-4-2015 event.

The sum of digits of 2015 is 8

4-4-2015 = 4-4--8

This number speaks of Manifestation in Duality (4-4) which reverberated throughout Eternity / Infinity (8).

And what we wish to manifest is the liberation of our emotional body from fear! This s the focus, this is the intent … It is time to RELEASE all anger, FEAR and hatred, and thus all energy related to death and darkness, to then be able to start anew into the REALMS OF LOVE which will bring PEACE and HARMONY!

4 + 4 + 8 = 16 = 7 – the energy of the mystic, of the Collective Consciousness, of spiritual awakening and inner wisdom and awareness

Connected as ONE through the GOLDEN LIGHT, which shall run through our Crystal Grids which are, in turn, connected to the Earth's Crystals and Energy via the CRYSTALLINE WHITE CREATRIX, we will invoke the Violet Light for the transmutation of all emotional blockages and bonds on 4-4-2015 , SURRENDERING our emotions to the POWER of CLEANSING under the guidance of Lady Kwan Yin, Saint Germain, Lady Portia, AA Zadkiel and Lady Amethyst, Elohim Arcturus and Lady Victory and ALL the Legions of Light from On High!

May the Emotional Plane be cleansed and all darkness be transmuted back to LIGHT

May all fear return to the eternal SOURCE OF LIGHT and thus become pure LOVE again

May anger, aggression and hatred make way for insight and the VICTORY of PEACE and and LIBERTY

May death be overcome by life

May the CHRIST LIGHT be RESURRECTED and shine its light onto all former forms of pain!

So BE it - and so it IS

The Cycles are closing, NEW BEGINNINGS beginning, refresh buttons being pressed - one after the other


Sonja MyrYam Myriel RAouine


Views: 670

Replies to This Discussion

Shortest total lunar eclipse of century on April 4

  • Total lunar eclipse in 2004 by Fred Espenak


The total eclipse of the full moon on April 4, 2015 will last less than five minutes, making it the shortest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. It’s perfect for short attention spans! The total lunar eclipse will be visible from western North America, eastern Asia, the Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. At North American time zones, that means the greatest eclipse happens before sunrise on April 4 – the morning of April 4, not the evening. From the world’s Eastern Hemisphere – eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia – the greatest eclipse takes place after sunset April 4. Follow the links below to learn eclipse times and more:

Eclipse times in Universal Time

Eclipse times for for North American time zones

Is this the third of four Blood Moon eclipses?

Who will see a partial lunar eclipse?

What is a Blood Moon?

A lunar tetrad – four total lunar eclipses in a row – began a year ago. The next eclipse in this tetrad will take place on April 4, 2015.

The first Blood Moon eclipse in a series of four happened on the night of April 14-15, 2014. The second one took place on the night of October 7-8, 2014. The third one is coming up on April 4, 2015 and will be visible to North American skywatchers. A series of four total lunar eclipses is called a tetrad. We in astronomy had not heard the term Blood Moon used in quite this way before this year, but now the term has become widespread in the media. The origin of the term is religious, at least according to Christian pastor John Hagee, who wrote a 2013 book about Blood Moons.

We at EarthSky don’t have any special knowledge about the Blood Moons of Biblical prophesy. But, since they’re moons and since people are asking us, we wanted to provide some info. Follow the links below to learn more about Blood Moons.

What is a lunar tetrad?

Blood Moons in Biblical prophecy

Dates of Biblical prophecy Blood Moons in 2014 and 2015

How common is a tetrad of total lunar eclipses?

Why is the term Blood Moon being used to mean a full moon of a lunar tetrad?

Other times in astronomy you hear “moon” and “blood” in same sentence.

Dates of Harvest and Hunter’s Moons in 2014 and 2015

Shortest total lunar eclipse of century on April 4

Thank you Sonja for this beautiful meditation and opportunity to move beyond our fears -  to Love.

Blessed BE Humanity!


Yeah! Let's move beyond all fear!!!

Thank you so much for this powerful picture and your loving comment, dearest Ishema,

BB, Sonja Myriel

I just realized that April 4th also brings the restart of another round of the Mayan 260 day Tzolkin with IMIX1 , the DRAGON - and guess what? I spent the whole morning with some internet research on the DRAGON LINES of the Plumed Serpent and the Rainbow Serpent ... here's the link:

IMIX, the DRAGON --- the Dragon HEART ... a new calender round ... NEW BEGINNING, a fresh new START!

IMIX ...

IMIX - ee’meesh - The Dragon. Imix lives by instinct in the physical world. Imix initiates and births new creations. It contributes by being an informer, and does well transmitting information. Imix is ruled by the throat chakra, and is the power behind it's informing nature. Imix is a water Sun and is always dealing with a lot of feelings. It is ruled by Neptune. Imix can be energetic, creative, protective and dominating in a parental way. It is by nature a sensitive and private sun. Imix is always challenged to become free from feelings of rejection. 

Come what may ~ Be Good Always 

For it is Light ~ Omnipresent. 

So it IS ... we give the best we are able to contribute - every evolving, ever changing as CHANGE is the only constant in the flow of the river of LIFE ...

I greet you in deep gratitude, dear Mukesh - heart to heart, sun to sun, soul to soul - ONE!

Sonja Myriel

:)) Kenah Nemat. Blessings of Love Light and Peace to All. :))

Thank you, Gary, your support is like a wave of love washing over me - connected WE ARE!

Sonja Myriel

I have just had a WOW moment, reading the first few lines of Mahala's latest blog which speaks of October 8th as of the BEGINNING of the WEAVING of the LIGHTBODY.

Back then I wrote at the end of the broadcast message:


If we decide to make it so ...

At the end of our meditation we GIVE THANKS to Mother Earth and all the Beings of LOVE and LIGHT who are working together NOW to make this dream of an ASCENDED EARTH and HUMANITY come true!

I see you all, united as ONE, exactly where you ARE - weaving the most beautiful and astounding NET OF LIGHT all around the globe ... Beyond everything that I could ever breviously envision ... NOW it is going to become REAL! And this POWER BALL of LIGHT, called EARTH is made of LIVING CRYSTALLINE ENERGY ... everything INTERCONNECTED ... and thus I see ... a STAR being born ...! A Crystalline Being - US as ONE!


NAMASTE - In Lakesh!

And it truly was a beginning, as right afterward I was led to google information on Solar Eclipses in connexion with the Solstice - and there is was, the info about the March 20th Solar Eclipse - and I realized that the Solar Eclipses were connected and we began to build the Golden Bridge of Light ... we began to weave Gaia's new Lightbody!!!

And the beginning was in the WATERS ... as we joined the Matariki Prayer Circle, we were pasing on the Blessings of the Golden Light to ALL the Waters on the Planet ... and hence our very own bodies, made of 70 - 80 % of water, too ...

It all makes sense ... so I wish you all a most blessed FULL MOON and LUNAR ECLIPSE!

May we enter the next round of the Spiral of Evolution through the upgrade of our emotional bodies, now that our mental bodies are already resonating to the higher frequency octave of New Earth!

I begin to see that MORE Earth changes are right around the corner ... our united effort will be very much needed to help the planet to transit as peacefully and smoothly as somehow possible! New Earth is not just a metaphor ... our Mother is truly re-juvenating! Leaving ... transitioning ... making way for a New Earth Being, as SHE is ASCENDING - fully! -Leaving behind what She once WAS ... to BECOME!

Will the Sun rise in the West one day? We do not know, but Hunbatz Men insinuated this possibility in 2012.

All insights into what is happening is MEMORY.

Our MEMORY is being re-awakened by the SUN ...

Love Light Blessings,

Sonja Myriel


At the end of the 5125 year cycle, which came to an end on 21st of december 2012, SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH / IN the SUN!!!

Thus, we need to meditate with the SUN ...

Chichén Itza - the site where the Serpent comes down ... und climbes up again, visible in the shadows of the stairs of the pyramid - is the largest Ceremonial Centre on the peninsuly of Yucatán ...

Will the sun appear one day in the WEST?

Why pray to the SUN, to the Cosmos?

Because it can and will wake up your MEMORY ...

I just posted a blog about the full moon energies when the sun is in Aries. This too, is part of the mix of energies we are receiving on April 4th.

I am including Aries in my alignment on April 4th at the time of the full moon, when sending our golden light from Earth through the suns to Source. Then I pause in silence to receive the answering energy as I was taught to do with each full moon.

The exact time of the full moon is given in the blog.

Aries Blessings!




Bildergebnis für Aries

I am Aries, too :-)



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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