lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
On August the 8th the biggest Synchronized PEACE Meditation ever is about to take place - if YOU choose to be part of it and SPREAD the message.
The time coincides with our 6pm CET (CEST) connexion time. To find out about YOUR time zone, click the link to Deepak Chopra's site here:
You can register there - and thus get access to meditation resources and more.
May PEACE reign on EARTH!
Blog post created by Ishema, Carol Suchecki on August 1
We have known for over a decade that a Great Shift in Consciousness is occurring. Teachers have been saying for many decades that when consciousness shifts so does the physical plane of actions. This Shift is obvious by now. We see it everywhere and everyone is talking about it.
We have been hearing for several years that Earth has been moving into closer alignment with the Universe. There are Teachings everywhere telling us about our increasing closeness with the Divine Intelligence of All. Lately we are hearing that this alignment is even closer. There are many wonderful sharings of this on Lightgrid!
We have seen the steady growth of Light, Love and harmony within humanity. Lightworkers have been finding each other on the Internet. We are hearing of children being born with extraordinary spiritual gifts of telepathy, grace and love. We meet many of them, now grown and contributing their Light here on this site. It is obvious that humanity is moving forward into a new period of creativity and Oneness.
So now, why does it seem that humanity is taking a giant step backward into the chaos of ancient hatreds and wars? It almost seems as if the dark forces are making a last desperate effort to stop this new alignment and pull us back into the ancient ways of hatred, fear and greed. In the last few months it seems as if chaos is breaking out in a fierce new way, We have two dangerous places in the world where war is occurring. There are dark rumors on the Internet about the recent plane crash in the Ukraine. The media in the US which is becoming increasingly more controlled, is having a feast in reporting these conflicts as they feed negativity into the minds and emotions of the vulnerable.
I have been increasingly concerned about where the balance is to this chaos. I know there are thousands, perhaps millions of Lightworkers in incarnation at this time. Lightworkers are here in mass. We are here on purpose to make a difference. So, what can we do to bring about balance?
Just by remaining peaceful and centered within our hearts our very energy makes a difference. Remember how many of us there are!
I think that what is most needed at this time is for us to radiate our thoughts of compassion into the mental and emotional atmosphere through our meditations and prayers. Those who are embroiled in these conflicts need our compassion the most. Many of them have been taught to hate for generations for many incarnations. They are caught in ancient cycles of revenge which perpetuate the continuation of these wars. Our meditations and prayers lift the vibrations on the planet and help them to break these cycles.
I am sharing this channeling by The Group because it explains so much about what we are seeing, pointing out how humanity advances by steps. The Group is saying that consciousness advances two steps forward, one step back - sometimes one step forward, three steps back. Presently we seem to be taking three steps back. But, they give encouragement that our momentum is going steadily forward and I agree.
Our Love and Light is an essential part in creating the needed balance. I remain steady in optimism.
With Love, Light and Balance for our Beloved Planet!
May we BE as ONE!
May we ACT together!
May PEACE return to EARTH
and elevate our SOULS, MINDS and BODIES into a state of
Thank you Sonja for sharing this blog. It was inspired by a dream in which I heard a voice saying, "Why don't you do something." I knew that sharing a blog here would make a difference.
Love, Light and Balance!
I just read Ammersee, about this crop circle.
Thank you for this fascinating post.
The circle called my attention immediately :-)
I will print it out twice and then cut out the inner circle and put it over the big one, fix it in the middle, so I can TURN it ... It's like a motor ... or like adjusting binoculars - or one's frequency - the frequency of Mother Earth? HA!
Will play with it :-)
Sonja Myriel
The Hathors – Lion’s Gate Portal August 8th & 25th – THEME MAGIC – EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS
By annamerkaba on August 7, 2013 • ( 28 )
We are the Hathors, and we come to bring you a message. A message that a new MAGICAL wave of light is about to sweep your planet and YOU are NEEDED yet again. For the theme of the portal that is about to sweep your planet is MAGIC.
On August 8th of your earthly time, many will experience the incoming energies, for the Lions Gate will indeed open and allow the energy to come through to all the light workers. As this occurs many of you will experience the expansion of your energy body, your physical body and your consciousness. Many of you will experience yourself becoming denser and heavier, and yet larger than life, at moments you will feel as if you are about to burst, worry NOT, for what you will be experiencing is a collection of energies that you are then to anchor into GAIA on August 25th.
We the Hathors from the ancient order of light, are asking you to get ready and open your hearts wide, dear children of light and love, open your hearts for the beauty for the creation of your own selves awaits!
For the theme of the portal that is about to sweep your planet is MAGIC – as you truly open to the divinity within your hearts and soar up into the sky like the eagle free at last, free at last!!!!!! YES indeed it is true, for you have freed yourselves from all the agony of the past!
But let us return to the moment at hand, for there are those amongst you and there are those that are walking this earthly plane of existence, who have not yet reached the highest destination of their souls, and for those, there is about to occur a dark hour, the dark hour of the soul, for what is a dark hour of the soul, but an opportunity to recognize that which they are? And we say onto you that it is precisely what is about to occur…
Those of you who have walked through the veil, who were courageous enough to face themselves and their own ego, have indeed soared higher than the eagle in the sky. For others, the journey is to begin NOW.
For once they are again bathed in the loving light of the Alcyone Central Sun of the Pleiades, their true essence will rise to the top and their ego will try hard to hold them locked in a cage of fear, hatred, anger, irritability and confinement. Their EGO that knows not any other way of survival, will create fear in their minds in order to hold on to this world, in order to hold on to the one thing that it does understand – the matrix, the 3D existence. For it knows not any other way of survival and it wishes to remain in power. Please understand dear children of light, that the EGO is not the enemy, it is part of oneself, and one is simply to embrace it in loving light and reassure it that it will continue to exist as long as it allows one to remain in balance.
Therefore we ask all of you light workers, at this very important moment in time, to anchor you truth, into the mother GAIA to anchor your light and loving energies and spread this light and love to the whole of humanity, for when the gates open on August 25th, Humanity is going to experience another influx of energies to such high degree that many will simply go into the opposite direction of ascension, running to hide behind their EGO’s, holding on to what no longer has any place on this plane of existence.
To lessen the blow and prevent this from impacting the earthlings to such a high negative degree, we ask that each and every one of you to open your hearts to the energies coming form you respective planets, and from the Central Sun and act as anchors to anchor the energy into mother GAIA, so that from there she can then feed this energy to all who walk upon her, in order to ground each of her children as they battle within their own selves and to stabilize them in order to facilitate a positive outcome for all involved.
On August 8th of your earthly time, many will experience the incoming energies, for the Lions Gate will indeed open and allow the energy to come through to all the light workers. As this occurs many of you will experience the expansion of your energy body, your physical body and your consciousness. Many of you will experience yourself becoming denser and heavier, and yet larger than life, at moments you will feel as if you are about to burst, worry NOT, for what you will be experiencing is a collection of energies that you are then to anchor into GAIA on August 25th.
And so, we ask those of you who are ready, and you will know who you are, to go into a deep meditative state on August 8th and simply allow the new energies to bathe and to store within your very being, within your heart within you sphere of enlightenment. For from this moment you are going to fully expand into your true selves. And from that very moment you are to expect MIRACULOUS EVENTS TO OCCUR IN YOU LIVES. Carry this energy that you will receiving hibernating within your sphere, savoring each and every moment that this energy is fully present within your being, let is merge with your soul, your heart and your body, let it circulate throughout your very being, getting stronger and stronger by the second of every moment, until August 25th, when you will finally unleash this tremendously strong, loving, peaceful, harmonious energies into the Mother GAIA.
Keep this energy steady, DO NOT ALLOW YOUR MIND TO TAKE YOU INTO ANY NEGATIVE STATES.. for even if it shall try it will not succeed. For you have passed the ring past not, for you have passed beyond the veil, for you have fully aligned with your purpose of being, those of you who will begin to experience the expansion of your bodies, the expansion of your true being, will understand that which we speak of.
This even is of HIGH IMPORTANCE to all of humanity, for a new wave of enlightened ones will emerge once the “dark hour of the soul” comes to an end. For those that will be able to withstand the new energies, and be brave enough to face themselves with tremendous support from each and every one of you, once they walk through the veil of forgetfulness, it is then that they will join your ranks and walk onto your path – The path of liberation and freedom of humanity from their own EGO’s, from their own self destruction, from the wheel of karma.
And so, expect that new souls will enter you domain, expect more questions to arise, expect more wonderful stories to flood your internet, expect new strangers to stop you in the streets and tell you their life stories and the magical and magnificent experiences happening to them. Expect more and more stories to emerge of how they are seeing through to 5D. For indeed it is happening on your planet. For indeed you are moving in the right direction. The direction of your TRUE SELVES.
We the Hathors, the forefathers of your vehicles creation that you call the human bodies, are standing before you, once again in line with you energies, once again, with open arms and open heart ready to assist you, ready to guide you, ready to be guided by YOU, standing by your side, as you plunge ahead and lead humanity out of the veil of forgetfulness and onto the magic road leading them to their true magnificent selves.
We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.
Personal Note: Last night as I set down to mediate, I’ve experienced something that I only experienced when I was a little kid before. All of a sudden I began to expand, beyond my body, beyond the house that I was sitting in, beyond the neighborhood, and all the way expanding, further and further out beyond the planet, as I felt myself expand, I actually began to feel that I am expanding into a ball, a sphere that is becoming more and more dense, as if I am a huge rubber ball that is about to burst. It was incredible as I looked down on earth and everything seemed to be very tiny, I continued to speak as I began to channel the information that you have read above. It felt that I have expanded to the size of the earth and have covered it completely with my energy. I continued to expand further out into the cosmos, and move further and further away from the earth, all the while continuing to channel. While it was happening I felt incredibly free. Once I realized that I am no longer in my body, I did not want to come back. I felt FREE, POWERFUL, And IMMENSE. I have expanded to my true self – a big ball of fire ;) – no an energy sphere which is what we all actually are. Spheres of loving light.
The reason I’m telling you all of this here, is that WHEN some of you experience this, for you not to freak out that something is wrong with you, but to understand that you are simply becoming your true selves, free, magnificent beings of light and love :). Once this happened,
and I’ve fully expanded, I started to wonder how will I ever condense myself back into a tiny little body that is sitting in the living room channeling the info. It is then that I began to repeat the following words “Condense me, ground me, bring me back” over and over again, until I’ve finally felt that I began to shrink, actually condense, become smaller and smaller and finally fit right back into my body. The important thing here is not to rush to open your eyes, but to make sure that you are fully grounded and connected to all your senses, to just sit there for a few seconds feeling your hands, feet, etc., wiggle them, and THEN open your eyes. Still sit for a bit to allow yourself to fully come back, and then go about your day J HAPPY TRAVELS EVERYONE!!!!
Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –
Thank you SohiniBen for this encouraging post. This dark night of the soul is what I sense that humanity is experiencing. I love this message about our collective emergence out of this tunnel and into a brighter Light than before.
But let us return to the moment at hand, for there are those amongst you and there are those that are walking this earthly plane of existence, who have not yet reached the highest destination of their souls, and for those, there is about to occur a dark hour, the dark hour of the soul, for what is a dark hour of the soul, but an opportunity to recognize that which they are? And we say onto you that it is precisely what is about to occur…
This even is of HIGH IMPORTANCE to all of humanity, for a new wave of enlightened ones will emerge once the “dark hour of the soul” comes to an end. For those that will be able to withstand the new energies, and be brave enough to face themselves with tremendous support from each and every one of you, once they walk through the veil of forgetfulness, it is then that they will join your ranks and walk onto your path – The path of liberation and freedom of humanity from their own EGO’s, from their own self destruction, from the wheel of karma.
And so, expect that new souls will enter you domain, expect more questions to arise, expect more wonderful stories to flood your internet, expect new strangers to stop you in the streets and tell you their life stories and the magical and magnificent experiences happening to them. Expect more and more stories to emerge of how they are seeing through to 5D. For indeed it is happening on your planet. For indeed you are moving in the right direction. The direction of your TRUE SELVES.
Looking forward to this bright new day!
Dear Sonja & Ishema,
Thanks to both of You....!!
I am with you on 8-8-'14....for the gathering for Peace...and Harmony and Balance...!!
very good surge of Energies from the cosmos we are going to feel and we will have to share that in the Universe where there is needed....
And 10th August is Again a very powerful Day of Full Moon For Good Flow of Positive Energies for Harmony, balance, And Peace in the World....will bring prosperity along with it....
I wish that our most of the friends will be with us on both the Days....the whole day will be Powerful.....but on 8th 8 A.M. and 8 better for our Meditation.....
Thanks to Anna Merkaba also for sharing her Message from Hathors by Sonja.....
I am so much excited for this Events ....Now filled with so much energies and Love for sharing Peace in our Universe.....
Sending all Love & Blessings...
My excitement and joy are growing, too, with every breath I take, dearest SohiniBen - and when I read the message which you posted - this part here spoke out so clearly to me that I have to post it here, too, as it perfectly fits ...
Powerful Surrogates
Each one of us is a powerful surrogate for humanity. Every individual situation we are seeing out in the world is directly linked to what each of us is experiencing within ourselves.
So when we see separation, war and fighting in the world, we have the power to remedy it all, by choosing to exemplify unity, love and peace within ourselves.
This is what Gandhi meant when he said, “Be the change . . .” When we worry less about aggressively trying to fix the world outside of us, and focus more on being proactive in taking care of the world within us, then the outside world will naturally heal.
This is not to be mistaken with ignoring all the challenges happening in the world. It’s important to acknowledge and be aware of what’s occurring.
However, instead of reacting to it all from a helpless victim point of view, we can use it as feedback to focus on what we’d like to see more of in the world. We can do so by being the first to embody the qualities we’d like to see more of.
8.8.2014 - then the Full Moon two days later - and then a time of letting go (waning moon) - while simultaneously letting in the powerful energies of the LION's gate - until we will anchor them on August 25th with the Dark Moon so that its energies are available to humanity from the beginning of the rising NEW MOON ...
Sonja Myriel
Dear Sonja,
I saw four Lions down on the road I could see from 8th Floor of my Flats of the Dream.....
On that day I was thinking why Lions in my Dream ? and since two days very different dreams and yesterday went the same place three times in a single dream.....
Last week very different type of dream and I could not understand what is going on....because I am going on earthy roads and also mountains....and some times Dream state combines with half aware state....and want to reach my destiny just to have start that Dream again because have reached with difficulty up to that level and can not want to leave that place at the same time it gives me fear also of Unknown places !!
Lions - 4 Lions?! - the symbol of the King of the animals - 4 Lions: the rulers of the four directions, the 4 seasons, the 4 winds, the 4 elements - 4 is the number of Mother Earth, of CREATION!
The 4 Lions seem to announce an important event - can you remember more of the dream? Colous, mood, feelings, male or female lions? Everything could serve as a clue for further interpretation.
The half aware state in between dreaming and waking signifies that you are at the verge of waking up ... when this happens you get the chance to CONSCIOUSLY dream, that is to CREATE.
Your re-visiting the same place again and again is a hint that this place truly exists - whether here on earth, on another planet or another timeline / reality is not as important as RECOGNIZING that it is so ... and that you are there. You begin to experience your multidimensionality, dear SohiniBen ... don't be afraid, instead, take a REST at the place you have reached until you feel comfortable again - and then you will be ready to continue on your journey upwards - until you will reach the TOP of the mountain you describe.
You can WORK with your dream - enter a meditative state and then enter the dream ... and CREATE consciously ... :-)
All my LOVE, dearest SohiniBen,
Sonja Myriel RAouine
Ad LIONS - FELIDAE: Sirius A Beings:
The Felidae are assisting humanity in physical manifestation ...
The Sacred Felidae and Canidae are incredible Beings that bring tremendous support to the field and purposed evolutionary growth of Humanity.
The Felidae are Divine Intelligence, fully evolved, magnificently conscious in crystalline expression. They are members of both the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, and of what may be termed the Niburian Mastery Council. Both of whom are benevolently involved in the up shift of the consciousness evolution of planets and planetary races who are prepared to graduate into the next level in their Ascension.
Their full consciousness existed and manifested in LeMurian, Atlantean and early Egyptian eras.
The Masters of the Sacred Felidae were involved in the genetic engineering in the Temple of Purification (on Poseida) in Atlantis during the Golden Age of the Law of One. This was done in a very positive and benevolent manner, prior to such technology being tragically misused by the Aryan Sons of Belial in the sad demise of the final era of Atlantis.
The Felidae of Sirius A and Cetacean Sirian-B Masters are skilled at integrating spirit into physical matter. This in not only giving life-force to a physical form, but also in integrating higher chakric levels of consciousness within the physical matrix in Mer-Ka-Na level multi-dimensionality.
SEE the connexion to SIRIUS RISING!!!
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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