lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Dear Lightgrid Family,
2012 is near ... not just in terms of calendars - but also in terms of ENERGY, RESONANCE, VIBRATION and ASCENSION!
We have gloriously CREATED this portal and NOW is the TIME to enter. 12-22-11
We are going to celebrate YUL, the return of the light in the Northern Hemisphere - and LITHA, the longest day in the Southern Hemisphere.
I use these terms in absence of NEW ones which will express EXACTLY the balance ... for now we still use TWO terms to express what happens on that day: The pendulum starts swinging into the other direction again!
And it truly does!
12-22-11 carries the signature of the cycle closed (12) and the master numbers 22 and 11.
12 represents the FULL CYCLE - it carries the CRYSTLLINE energy of perfection.
22: SACRED STRUCTURALIZATION, the Master Builder, idealism, big plans, leadership - the cross and the square - two and two: the vertical line and the horizontal line: together they make upthe four direction, the four elements, the four seasons: and thus MANIFESTATION on the earthly plane - 4 is the number of MATTER - 22 is about BUILDING matter.
11: REVELATION, Intuition, Illumination - dualism is split in two parts, thus opening a pathway for anyone ready to move on.
The solstice carries the energy of RENEWAL - much more so than New Year, which is celebrated at an artifical date, totally out of synchronicity with the natural cycles of nature!
THIS solstice moves us into the energies of the Divine Feminine, the Holy Spirit, NEW EARTH!
We have been discussing the changes we feel in a discussion posted by Sarah: new year connection 2012
And we have already been working on seeding New Earth by calling in the 12 Rays of Creation and then connecting to Mother Earth and each other, weaving a Net of Light inside Mother Earth. ANew Earth Matrix is needed -- and we have been guided by Sarah to aid this process by seeding the light of the 12 Rays as WHITE LIGHT into the Earth.
Mother Earth is ready to move on. She asks us to fulfill our part. It is YOU who has to decide what exactly this part is. It might be to work as ONE through lightgrid - It might be that you are needed somewhere else. I can only advise you to listen to your heart and learn the language of yourSELF.
If you should decide to join us, you may want to check out Sarah's post on Yul as well: My calling to Holy Island 21/12/11 Yule cermony of light
And if you have not worked much with the 12 Rays so far, here is an easy introduction which you can use to connect to their transforming crystalline Power. The following is my reply to Sarah's discussion on our new year connection which I wrote last Thursday:
Two days ago I was calling in the 12 rays as you described in your former post, Sarah - and It was an amazingly powerful experience!
As somehow the full post does not want to show ??? I post the rest of the message here:
Two days ago I was calling in the 12 rays as you described in your former post, Sarah - and It was an amazingly powerful experience!
First I connected to Heaven and Earth, becoming a PILLAR OF LIGHT!
Then I was led to call in the third ray first - which is the golden yellow Ray of Divine Wisdom.
Next came the blue Ray - and it entered on the left - and then the Pink Ray on the RIGHT.
These are the rays of the THREEFOLD FLAME - and I was sitting there - Becoming this Threefold flame ... BEING the Threefold flame ... like a lotus flower ...
When all three rays were fully anchored, I started to call in the remaining 9 Rays - left - right, left ....
After the 12th Ray I felt the urge to call in a 13th ray as well ... so I was sitting, meditating, asking ... and then it became obvious: The 13th Ray is the Silver Crystalline Ray of SPIRIT - the MOTHER Energy! [and today I realize: It is the Energy of Divine Crystalline EARTH!]
If we need its cleansing power, it exhibits the essence of the Platinum Ray.
If we need protection, the Silver Hue is enhanced.
And if we are fully centered and clear in our intent it is simply CRYSTALLINE!
So the last two Rays are the Golden Ray of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS ( left)
and the Silver Crystalline Ray of the DIVINE MOTHER's LOVE!
When I wanted to continue to connect to the matrix below, I was advised not to continue at the moment, because it was important for me to FULLY INTEGRATE first what I had just learnt .
I will do the next step as soon as I am ready for it ...
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for having created this wonderful opportunity to work together in such beautiful and new ways, integrating the 12 rays much more fully into our current consciousness!
On Yul we will go to a SACRED PLACE near where we live - and we will call in the 12 Rays and sow the WHITE LIGHT of ASCENSION, the New Earth Matrix, which is like a Net of White Light which runs between all of us who participate - and especially between YOU and MOTHER EARTH - as YOU ARE HER - and SHE IS YOU!
I would suggest you call on the 12 Rays somewhere out in Nature - and then let yourself be guided!
Let us unite in Spirit over Time and Space - and then continue our Sacred Connection whenever you feel called until December 31st - January 1st, whence we could celebrate the NEW YEAR by finishing the foundation of the New Earth Matrix of Crystalline White Ascension Light!
I would like to close with an excerpt from Sarah's post on Yul, wishing us a BLESSED Solstice,
Sonja Myriel Aouine
I will climb the mountain and when I reach the peak I will wait for the time 11,11 and 11 seconds and I will begin my ceremony of light.
I may be alone in body but I have the ancients with me, the Angels with me, the lightworkers with me and I will walk with the Lion of Judah to the mountain peak.
I will call in the light and send it deep into Mother Earths core.
She waits for it with open heart. She calls for it
I will sow the seed of the earth matrix and it will flow through Earth like veins and arteries, seeking out those who connect to her.
Others on Earth will be doing the same thing and Earth will unite us like the handfasting ceremony will will be Married to Earth and sky
Male and female
As above
so below
The lightgrids will complete with the Earth grids
united in balance
And Earth will do her work filled with the Holy light of god.
And throughout the year of 2012 Earths Matrix will grow stronger and stronger deeper and deeper
and all energies will align in peace and Harmony through the will of our Mother Earth in her time with her spirit
Blessed be New Earth
Posted by Sarah Tamara Sarah of White on December 17, 2011 at 2:55pm in Planet Dolphin 2012 and New Earth
Thank you for the wonderful pictures, dear sister - they are absolutely AWSOME!!!
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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First I connected to Heaven and Earth, becoming a PILLAR OF LIGHT!
Then I was led to call in the third ray first - which is the golden yellow Ray of Divine Wisdom.
Next came the blue Ray - and it entered on the left - and then the Pink Ray on the RIGHT.
These are the rays of the THREEFOLD FLAME - and I was sitting there - Becoming this Threefold flame ... BEING the Threefold flame ... like a lotus flower ...
When all three rays were fully anchored, I started to call in the remaining 9 Rays - left - right, left ....
After the 12th Ray I felt the urge to call in a 13th ray as well ... so I was sitting, meditating, asking ... and then it became obvious: The 13th Ray is the Silver Crystalline Ray of SPIRIT - the MOTHER Energy! [and today I realize: It is the Energy of Divine Crystalline EARTH!]
If we need its cleansing power, it exhibits the essence of the Platinum Ray.
If we need protection, the Silver Hue is enhanced.
And if we are fully centered and clear in our intent it is simply CRYSTALLINE!
So the last two Rays are the Golden Ray of CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS ( left)
and the Silver Crystalline Ray of the DIVINE MOTHER's LOVE!
When I wanted to continue to connect to the matrix below, I was advised not to continue at the moment, because it was important for me to FULLY INTEGRATE first what I had just learnt .
I will do the next step as soon as I am ready for it ...
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for having created this wonderful opportunity to work together in such beautiful and new ways, integrating the 12 rays much more fully into our current consciousness!
On Yul we will go to a SACRED PLACE near where we live - and we will call in the 12 Rays and sow the WHITE LIGHT of ASCENSION, the New Earth Matrix, which is like a Net of White Light which runs between all of us who participate - and especially between YOU and MOTHER EARTH - as YOU ARE HER - and SHE IS YOU!
I would suggest you call on the 12 Rays somewhere out in Nature - and then let yourself be guided!
Let us unite in Spirit over Time and Space - and then continue our Sacred Connection whenever you feel called until December 31st - January 1st, whence we could celebrate the NEW YEAR by finishing the foundation of the New Earth Matrix of Crystalline White Ascension Light!
I would like to close with an excerpt from Sarah's post on Yul, wishing us a BLESSED Solstice,
Sonja Myriel Aouine
I will climb the mountain and when I reach the peak I will wait for the time
11,11 and 11 seconds
and I will begin my ceremony of light.
I may be alone in body but I have the ancients with me, the Angels with me, the lightworkers with me and I will walk with the Lion of Judah to the mountain peak.
I will call in the light and send it deep into Mother Earths' core.
She waits for it with open heart. She calls for it
I will sow the seed of the earth matrix and it will flow through Earth like veins and arteries, seeking out those who connect to her.
Others on Earth will be doing the same thing and Earth will unite us like the handfasting ceremony
we will be Married to Earth and Sky
Male and female
As above
so below
The lightgrids will complete with the Earth grids
united in balance
And Earth will do her work filled with the Holy light of god.
And throughout the year of 2012 Earths' Matrix will grow stronger and stronger deeper and deeper
and all energies will align in peace and Harmony through the will of our Mother Earth in her time with her spirit
Blessed be New Earth
Posted by Sarah Tamara Sarah of White on December 17, 2011 at 2:55pm in Planet Dolphin 2012 and New Earth