lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
The Spiritual Meaning Of Life On Earth | ||
I am Jeshua speaking. You are my brothers and sisters. I join you here as an equal, not as one who is exalted above you, but as a friend, a comrade. Feel the common source through which we are connected. Feel the life flow between us, the connection that heals and sets us free. Have respect for yourself in the same way as you do for the others in this gathering. Respect means to value yourself by realizing who you really are and what you have taken on in this journey to be in a body of flesh and blood, here and now, on this Earth. It was a leap of faith, and deep within you is a belief, a force, a deep consciousness by which you have chosen to be here. Each of you said “yes” to this incarnation, to your present life. That moment of saying “yes” was based on a very deep knowing, yet doubts have since arisen due to old memories from experiences of other lives on Earth. Those doubts have veiled the clear and obvious “yes”, and have caused it to become cloudy and obscured. You have felt lost in this earthly adventure, alone and abandoned. I know this pain from having experienced it. I have been portrayed too often as a saint, an enlightened one who knew everything. That was not so, for I have known deep doubts and fears. That was part of my journey, as it is part of yours, so see me in my imperfection, my brokenness. When I lived on Earth, I was inspired by a light to which I wanted to bear witness; a light that is beyond words, that contains love, wonder, beauty, humor, and wisdom. That light was not from me, but it was given from through me, just as is the case with you. But I also had moments of deep despair through experiencing a lack of understanding from those around me, of not feeling recognized, just as you do. Which is why I could reach out to people who were very lonely; despairing people who felt pain, both physically and emotionally; people who found themselves in a spiritual wasteland. I could understand those people, because I had experienced, within myself, the emotions, moods, and thoughts they were experiencing. Human experience, with all its heights and depths, is necessary in order for your light to shine here. What you experience now in your life as darkness, as gloom, as obstacle, all that is part of your journey. It is not an obstruction you should try to avoid. It is more about your ability to accept these things and to bring the light of your heart to them, just as a stone can be lit up from within and become a beautiful gem. That is the task you are destined for: to experience the darkness, to understand it from within, and then to light it up and undergo the whole range of human experiences; to envelop them with consciousness and to feel them through and through. Then the Christ energy awakens in a human being – and being human is required for this to happen. You can not develop that energy, that particular unique power and brilliance of the Christ energy, in highly etheric realms where resistance and the depth of the human experience is lacking. See then that what seemingly holds you back, what causes you to resist, what discourages or bothers you, and what you might abhor, as precisely your destiny, the purpose for which you are here. It is a magical experience to help another human to enlighten from within, who then becomes a being through which miracles can happen. There are stories told about me regarding miracles, and sudden physical and mental healings. But the power I had was not one of being a magician; it was not a mystical trick through which miracles happened. I could reach people who were ripe for it, who were about to experience a breakthrough on the inner level, through my deep understanding of their humanity. I made no judgment about who they were, their negative or positive sides; I was just there. And there were people who, in their contact with me, experienced love and that love made them whole. It was as if their true nature was called upon to suddenly awaken, and that is what happens in such a magical moment. It was not something I actually did, it was something that happened in the interaction between us. The fact that I was open is what made it possible for me to receive the Christ light and to be able to pass it on to others. And this openness I am talking about is very often attained, as a human being, through an experience of crisis. You are usually caught up in all sorts of beliefs about what might or might not happen, or should or should not be, before you are actually open to the Christ light. You are full of ideas and patterns of thought that create a multitude of emotions and moods. You try to shape your world, your life, from such ideas and thought patterns until you come up against something that is so enormous you can not find a tidy way to avoid it, and then all your certainties, your beliefs and thought patterns, are swept away. You fall into a deep hole and this can bring up an overwhelming amount of fear. You can also call this “the dark night of the soul”, and it is a frightening experience. At the same time, there is the possibility that you can become open and realize you no longer know the “right” way, and then a part of you gives up, while another part opens up. The part that gives up is the defensive, resisting part that always thinks it knows better, that is impatient, that wants and demands all kinds of things from life. That part often dies away in a crisis, and if you dare to let it die, the light can begin to shine inwardly. You can here see that a crisis experience, something that seems too much to be digested, also has the potential for an opening to the light. But it is a very intense experience, because the part that dies does not want to die, it wants to hold on – it resists. I ask you to bring to mind the part in you that is opposed to your light and is against the light in general: the light of the cosmos that wants to flow through you. Something in you wants to protect itself against that possibility, so feel, if you can, the hesitation when I ask of you to imagine that the light flows through you very easily and freely, through all parts of your body and out into the world. What does this image call up in you? Can you allow that possibility? Do you feel it is even possible? Or is there something in you that wants to protect, to shield? And look at that protective part and see it before you as a guard. Ask yourself: "Why do I need this shield"? Take this defensiveness seriously, because there is something in you that feels the need to have this shield in place. Respect that part in you because the shield always has a purpose. It is there to protect a very vulnerable part of you. What part in you will not permit the light? What part in you experiences it as too much to ask of you, or as threatening, or as even dangerous? And approach this part gently, as you would a child. See it as a child who has become discouraged, a child who has turned its life energy inward. Approach this child very gently and see how beautiful it is; it still radiates beauty even with this extreme vulnerability and defensiveness. Kneel down before this child and envelop it with your generosity and kindness. Kneel down in gentle acceptance without wanting the child to change, or wanting to impose anything on the child. Sit down quietly, in a relaxed way, with this child and feel how you can take the place of that shield. Until now, the child has felt protected by this defensive barrier between you and the outside world, but this shield is also a barrier between you and your deepest feelings. Ask the child if you can take the place of this shield. Simply ask the child: "Will you allow me to take care of you, is that okay with you?” Ask honestly and openly: “Am I protecting you sufficiently?” And let it speak freely. Maybe it says: "No, I’m not safe enough, I'm afraid". Ask what it needs, or what you can do, to make it feel safe. Take your time when doing this, because you can have this conversation with your inner child over and over again. It is a living being, a part of you that carries a lot of love, and so has a lot of love to give. But it should feel safe on Earth and that is why your gentleness and faithfulness are necessary. When you have erected a defensive barrier, a shield, to protect and hide your inner child, you are no longer consciously connected to that child; it becomes hidden from you. You strike out, for example, from defensiveness, or you close off at certain times in your life, and you do not know why this is happening. You can become angry, or disappointed, or discouraged, and when this happens it is because there are automatic reactive patterns at work that stand between you and your inner child. By renewing the connection with this vulnerable child within you, and beginning the conversation over and over again, you can gradually find a way to resolve these automatic reactive patterns – the defensive barrier – but it demands patience and gentleness on your part. And it asks of you to understand, very deeply, that this vulnerable part of you is no obstacle which must be avoided or overcome, and it should not be eliminated. It is intended that you grow by way of this child by enveloping it with understanding and love, and then the Christ light awakens in you. Gone are the fixed ideas and judgments and beliefs, and forever striving and struggling for something you think you need. Instead, there is now a willingness and openness in you to meet yourself over and over again through attention and wonder. By not thinking that you already know what you need and what is good for you, you allow yourself to be surprised by the answers of your inner child. This is your path, because the soul has something to learn from the human experience. Sometimes you see heaven, the world in which the soul belongs, as a perfect world, but also as a place from where you have been cast out. You were then forced to survive in an imperfect and often alien world, the Earth, where so many emotions weigh you down, and this feels like a punishment. But the realm from where you came, the world of the soul, is not perfect, either. Something essential is missing there and that is why you have always taken the leap of faith into incarnation. It is life itself, this groping search, this deep and intense way of experiencing – which is possible especially on Earth – through which your understanding, your patience, insight, and compassion become deep and substantial. That is the spiritual meaning of life on Earth. The glimpses of perfection you can experience here – often in moments of simplicity, or through insight, or in an experience of pure enjoyment and beauty – such glimpses carry more weight than simply being in a euphoric state for years in the heavenly realms. It is certainly wonderful to be in an atmosphere of harmony, with less resistance and fewer heights and depths, and you long for that. But do not deny the beauty and the deep spiritual value of life on Earth, of what you are going through. Take the experience, the wisdom, and the breakthroughs you experience here into the realms of light, and those realms will gain more substance and more aliveness because of that. There is an ongoing interaction between the realm of Earth and the realms “on the other side”. Treasure your own life as valuable. You are brave; you act powerfully; so acknowledge your own light. I enjoy our being together here. When I am here, although I am not in a body, I become human in some small way, and I remember again how it is to be human. The burden, yes, but also the moments of lightness, friendship, and solidarity, which touch the soul very deeply. The bonds of friendship built up on Earth remain with the soul and continue doing their work forever, so precious is life on Earth. I thank you all for being together and I greet each one of you from my heart. Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
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A Time To Heal, Be Seen, & Express Ourselves - July 2017 Energy Forecast By Emmanuel Dagher
Hi My Friend,
It’s such an honor for me to connect with you in this way. Thank you for choosing to consciously align with a path of love and expansion, and for allowing your heart to be open.
There are many new changes happening right now, so let’s get right to them!
Expressing Ourselves
The first few weeks of July are all about coming out of our energetic shell. There will be a strong desire to step out of our regular routine, to try something different.
If we have a naturally outgoing personally, this will only be enhanced. If we tend to be a bit more shy and introverted, these next few weeks will open up something within us, giving us the opportunity to let go of much of the armor we’ve built around ourselves.
This armor had the purpose of protecting us in the old paradigm. However, it is no longer needed, because our mind is expanding to a point where it fully understands that our Spirit is and has always been taking care of us, every step of the way.
That armor can be set aside now.
Being Seen
We came into this world to been seen.
Being seen starts with consciously choosing to “see” ourselves first.
If we are not seeing ourselves fully for the magnificence that we are, we will keep searching outside of ourselves for approval, love, and acceptance.
Doing this will keep us in “chase” mode, where we are constantly seeking something, and never feeling truly happy and fulfilled.
When I mentioned that we came into this world to be seen, did that feel true for you? Or did you feel some resistance come up?
If you felt resistance, know that that is absolutely normal. Often, the reason we are resistant to anything that helps us make ourselves a priority, or that allows us to shine brightly, is that we have conditioned ourselves to believe the opposite is preferable.
Most of us taught ourselves early on to “blend in” with the majority of society.
We made up our mind that it was not safe or OK for us to fully be ourselves. And when we were being ourselves,
we seemed to get punished for it, because the world didn’t seem ready for what we had to offer.
Of course, we know that this is not what was really happening, when we look at it from an expanded perspective. But to the mind, these experiences were very important, and shaped how we started showing up in the world.
The way to move beyond the need to identify with the old patterns of remaining “safely invisible” is to understand that it was never about anyone else seeing us.
It was us about seeing ourselves.
Every experience we have ever had brought us the gift of this awareness. The awareness of seeing, loving, and honoring ourselves fully.
During the first half of July, we may find ourselves desiring to connect and communicate with others more. This might happen face to face, over the phone, online, or in some other way.
However it shows up, it’s important to honor that moment by not holding in whatever we truly desire to say.
We may also find ourselves trying new things. It could be anything from trying a new class or hobby to getting a completely new hairstyle, and everything in between.
Whatever presents itself to us, as long as it feels positive and exciting ... now is the time to try it!
Expressing our thoughts, feelings, ideas, and heart in the early parts of July will set the foundation for the second part of July, which is all about taking action, especially with the things we are most passionate about creating and experiencing.
A Time to Heal
During the past few weeks and continuing well into July, many of us will notice and experience big changes, especially when it comes to our healing journey.
The paradigm we have expanded into now is allowing for quick changes in healing to happen in our physical, emotional, mental, and financial bodies.
Healing used to be more about “doing,” which required more of an “effort” energy. Now it is more about simply “being,” where we operate from a space of allowance.
When we allow things to unfold as they are naturally meant to—when we move out of the way—the healing occurs on its own.
Those who serve as a holistic/wellness practitioner or spiritual teacher, and those who are in the creative arts, may have noticed their gifts have evolved quickly over the past few months.
It takes a certain kind of practice to reach a state of pure allowance, where we no longer exert as much energy as we may have in the past, especially when it comes to reaching a desired outcome.
One of the main reasons for this, is that the need for or attachment to reaching a particular outcome is itself actually falling away. That opens us up to even greater outcomes the mind may not have consciously thought of yet.
This is where that saying, “Let go and let God/the Universe take care of everything” finally begins to make a lot of sense.
When we operate from this space of complete nonattachment, we become witness to instantaneous physical, emotional, mental, and financial healing, within ourselves, others, and the world around us.
If you feel you have not been able to receive or notice the healings taking place within and around you, now is your opportunity to be willing to let go of your expectations for specific outcomes.
Those expectations may be holding you back from experiencing the ultimate, much higher reality available to you.
One of my favorite morning intentions is to affirm: “I choose to let go, and let love.”
This reminds me that whatever burdens and attachments I’m still carrying, I can lovingly hand them over to my Higher Self / Spirit Self so that I can make space for new blessings to enter my life.
The attachments the mind often creates to keep it operating in the “doing” energy actually serve as fillers or placeholders in our inner vision that prevent us from noticing and being open to new, unexpected blessings in our lives.
As simple as the intention “I choose to let go and let love” may sound, to the mind it can present a real struggle.
This is because when the mind tries to let go of something it thinks it still needs, it fears that it’s losing something important.
In reality, by letting go of what no longer serves our highest good, such as attachments to specific outcomes that keep the mind in fear, worry, lack, judgment, etc., we’re not losing anything.
Instead, we are gaining everything.
How? The mind may ask.
When we let go, we are letting go of the illusion. We can also call it “the chase.”
The illusion or “the chase” is simply another way of saying “expecting a limited reality.”
So when we let go of our belief in the limitations around a reality, what happens?
We step into a reality of Infinite Possibilities. expanding into our greatest potential, and no longer keeping ourselves small.
We are then opening up to Life in the fullest sense.
Ending the Chase
Society has taught us to look outside of ourselves for anything we want to create and experience.
This conditioning has created the illusion known as “the chase.” This occurs when the mind has decided that it has to pursue and attain something, exerting lots of energy and time and moving through challenges, in order for it to get what it thinks it really wants. Doesn’t that sound exhausting? Yet we all know this process very well, don’t we? Choosing to live in chase mode does at times satisfy the left brain, which is all about order, structure, and organization. It satisfies that part of the mind, because it feeds its ability to operate in linear time, which is where mental structure and survival patterns thrive. It's important to honor the structured aspect of ourselves. Yet if we are always operating from this space, especially when it comes to living the life we truly desire, it creates many limitations, and exhausts us on all levels. The key to attracting well-being, joy, abundance, and all of the fun blessings life has to offer, is to recognize that the world around us is a direct result of the internal awareness, thoughts, and actions we are choosing daily. It's about understanding that we are the magnet that is bringing to us all of the experiences we are having. So with this awareness that we are the magnet, and not our actions, we can then pay attention to whether we are creating from a space of being in the illusion/the chase, or creating from a space of being fully aware. We attract to us everything we are experiencing as a result of what we project out into the world. So if our desire is to receive more love, we can then become love. If our desire is to become more financially wealthy, then we can share and give from a place of joy and nonattachment. The big difference here is that one reality exerts a lot of energy through forcing things to happen, while the other allows us to simply attract and bring in the things we desire with ease and grace. If we are ready to heal, we are being given the opportunity to do so now, in a very real and lasting way. If we are not fully willing and ready to heal, that’s OK too ... there will be more opportunities to do so in the future. Everyone is exactly where they are meant to be on their journey. If you are being called to learn and enhance your natural healing and/or creative gifts, trust your inner guidance. You might choose to enrich your gifts by taking a class or a workshop that resonates with you, or to read a book that feels empowering. Receiving support from a compassionate wellness or spiritual practitioner would be another way to contribute to your healing. Being a practitioner myself, I find that it can be easy for me to forget to ask for support. In fact, asking for support used to be quite challenging for me. But once I decided to move out of my comfort zone and ask for help, many doors that were once closed opened up for me. I even became a better practitioner as a result. Finding an opportunity to give back and to be of service to humanity is also something that will greatly support our own expansion and healing. This allows the mind to move out of the pattern of being self-involved, and redirects its awareness to the betterment of all humanity. The Universe LOVES acts of service that come from a place of our simply wanting to experience the joy of helping others. Taking Inspired Action As mentioned earlier in the forecast, during the second half of July, beginning around July 17, we will experience a newfound confidence that will help us take inspired action when it comes to creating and aligning with the things we are most passionate about. Inspired action is about taking action from a place of complete flow and awareness. It is not forced. It doesn’t require a lot of effort. A big part of taking inspired action is about allowing ourselves to be seen. Rather than staying home most of the time, this will be the time to get out of the house and have some fun. With this kind of “being out and about,” all that is required of us is simply to be ourselves. Everything else will take care of itself, as long as we are present and in the moment, and noticing the opportunities as they come in. For those of us who are ready to expand and heal, the temperature is perfect for all of that to happen now. As always, it’s such a gift for me to get to share with you in this way. If you enjoyed or benefited from reading this forecast, please pass it on to someone you love and care about. With so much love, Miraculously yours, Emmanuel
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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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