Dear friends,
I am Jeshua speaking. I love you all deeply. Please feel my energy around you as I greet each of you – I honor you deeply. As you open your heart to me, remember that I am there inside it. When you recognize me at your deepest level, you recognize your own essence, which is of the purest light. You are eternal light and this is what the universe is made of.
Some of you see this light shining from my eyes or from another teacher’s eyes, but I am here to remind you that this light is yours, as well. It is my deepest desire that you see and experience your own greatness and inner light. This is what will change the world, which is in need of change.
You are here to make a difference, but you can only do so when you truly trust who you are. This can be a difficult thing if you are raised with ideas that tell you that you are not good as you are. For many of you, your natural life and knowingness, your intuition, becomes veiled as you advance through childhood.
Most children have a keen intuition; they know spontaneously when something is right or wrong. Many children still have a close connection with their soul and the origin from which they come, and they have a desire to connect their parents with their own child's light. I am speaking here of many of you, who as children wanted to heal your parents. At a young age, you were still aware of the joy and the natural flow of life, and you wanted to spread that vibration around you. That is what it is like to be a lightworker; it is really to share the vibration of joy and love that is the essence of the universe. Being a lightworker is not about teaching principles or theories, it is about sharing energy and about remembering who you are.
When you grew up, your natural light and understanding became dimmed and vague, because you doubted yourself and it is almost inevitable for this to happen, which is why I honor you. It takes a lot of courage to enter into this world, into the three dimensional realm of Earth. You know you will temporarily lose your guidance, the knowledge of who you are, and in its most extreme form, this happens when a "dark night of the soul" occurs in your life.
But, paradoxically, it is also this same "dark night of the soul" that can bring you back home to yourself. The reason for this is that there is a kind of power in darkness. It seems to you that dark emotions like fear, anger, or sadness should be avoided, but, in their origin, these emotions are part of your soul’s language.
The soul speaks to you primarily through your feelings, and it is actually when you suppress these feelings, which you are often told to do in society, that you become disconnected from your soul and your soul’s language. You are trying to obey the rules of society, to work hard, and to be a "good" person. But, by doing so, you lose touch with who you really are, and, in the end, you become lonely or frustrated, and you feel that your life is lacking in joy and inspiration.
You think: "My soul, why can’t I hear its language?” You might start to have darker and darker emotions of frustration and depression, and, if you feel this way, it is because your soul is knocking on your backdoor. This darkness, in fact, holds power, because in the darkness are hiding the emotions you once suppressed. That is why it is so important to face the darkness inside you, to look directly at the negative emotions that are there.
When a "dark night of the soul" happens, you are, in a way, forced to confront your emotions, you can no longer escape doing so. This encounter can also happen when you lose something which is really dear to you, when you lose a loved one, or when a relationship breaks up. These deep experiences of loss make you aware of the desolation and despair inside you. You might feel that the pain you are going through is senseless, cruel, and meaningless, and I understand that deeply. I will never undervalue the pain you have, but I encourage you to please not see the darkness and the pain as a mere negative thing.
I would like to invite you to now explore this process a bit more deeply. Look for an emotion inside you that often upsets you or makes you feel down. Maybe you can sense that there is a lot of anger inside you or maybe you feel you have to deal with fear. I ask you to now let the energy of that emotion appear to you; welcome it, and ask it to show its face in the form of an animal. Do not judge it, however it looks.
Say "hello" to the animal and look into its eyes. Feel how much aliveness and power are in this animal. Maybe you have thought for a long time that it is bad to have fear and it is bad to be angry, but it is important to hear the message inside the anger, the fear, or whatever the emotion, because you then start to cooperate with your own natural energy, with your soul.
So ask this animal what it wants to tell you, what it wants to express to you and how it can help you to achieve what you really want. Animals are by nature very spontaneous creatures, they do not have a mind that analyses everything, so they can show you in a very direct way what your true feelings are. They also show you your innocence, because animals are innocent and so are your emotions.
Emotions become dark and unmanageable when you suppress them and do not accept them. Spirituality is about truly accepting who you are, right now, with all the emotions you now have. As you develop compassion for yourself, and your most difficult emotions become your own best friends, you become whole. Nothing has to be hidden away behind locked doors; you are allowed to be fully human. And when you allow yourself to be human and imperfect, you start to get closer to other human beings; you see their struggle, their pain. When you stop judging yourself, you become more accepting of others. This is what sharing your light means.
Feel the gentleness of this energy. It does not tell you to change, or to be a "good" person, it tells you that you are a miracle, right here, as you are. See this whole play and dance between light and dark inside you as a miracle. Do not judge darkness. Please allow the energy of light that is present here to shower over you, to uplift you. Allow yourself to relax, not just physically, but to relax, deep down, and to feel good about yourself. What you truly have to offer to this world comes spontaneously out of your heart as your natural light that shines forth. Making friends with the darkness is part of your mission.
Darkness has been misrepresented through your traditions, especially the religious traditions. Darkness was, in fact, considered not human so it was damned, and you have had to live up to an ideal that is not human. But I am here to encourage you to open up to your humanness, your true magnificence, and to appreciate your beauty and to rejoice in it – to have joy in your life.
Thank you for sharing this moment with me.
Purify, Rise and Expand by Joanna & Ashura & Tanabor
Dear All,
Well, what a start to 2017, with much intensity as the wave of higher light rolls in stronger this year. The ‘new’ energies in motion feel expansive, clarifying and powerfully shifting, around the Earth and in synchronicity with our galactic region. The friction of ‘old’ energies – limiting thoughts, fear-based reactions, neediness – is magnifying, no longer able to be masked or avoided. This is obvious to many on the ‘path into the Inner Divine’ at an individual level, just as these effects are likewise to the forefront in the human collective consciousness. If you’re experiencing less than peaceful energetic discharges or imbalances coming into this year, rather than looking at or for an external ’cause’ (personal, political, environmental, social) see and feel your emotional, mental or physical reactions as a message from you to you…showing you that some part of yourself, at some level, isn’t in that moment aligned with the rising Wave.
You can transform your energies in this moment, however! We all can, and today’s post is dedicated to coming into 2017 and a higher accelerated phase of the planetary Shift in a centered, peaceful, high vibrational flow…and maintaining it. We mentioned last year the importance of shifting your focus from achieving balance to coming into a merged state with your higher self/higher dimensional soul aspects (that exist simultaneously across and within multiple dimensional bands of focus and experience) and staying flexible with the incoming light waves. Balancing amid the polarities, balancing between your 3D and 5D energies requires little focus or energy when you are in a consistently merged state…the ‘unity within and with all’ that can seem elusive or challenging to maintain, from a 3D perspective.
Trying to balance your energies this year if you are not in inner merge is likely to take you into a state of fluctuation and exhaustion, a sense of pulling or juggling between 3 & 5D ‘realities’ where you may inadvertently create a divergence rather than deeper convergence of the two…and can end up compromising or diluting your deepest purpose from the soul level. This can happen in small ways, that gradually have large effects. So firstly, we’ll revisit some advice Ashtar gave a few years ago, when I had begun a practice of going into Inner Heart on a daily basis, but was fluxing between 3&5D energies while going through a lot of inner clearing/healing.
Inner Heart is our own creative inner realm – our well-spring of Source connection and inspiration within – that spans 4&5D…and 5D is a wonderful unified layer of beingness, still with ‘physicality’ (crystalline light embodiment) but which is also an access layer for higher non-physical dimensions, through which higher light beings, guides, and energies can be freely connected with. Its entry point visualizes as a doorway within your Heart Centre. (If you’re new to Inner Heart meditations, see the Inner Heartand Practices pages).
There are some common features for most people, in the way the Inner Heart realm visualizes when you step through that doorway: for me, I step in onto grass that stretches infinitely on either side – which is the ‘shared’ space of 4D – and there is a bridge that crosses over a river, the Source stream with a waterfall upstream, eternally flowing through the heart realm.
Crossing over the bridge takes me into the 5D space, where there is a temple (Inner Heart Temple), forests, bays and mountains in which I consciously create, every day. Everything shows visually in the Inner Heart, all your energies, feelings, states of consciousness, as well as ego blocks and any attaching lower energies/entities. The beauty of the Inner Heart is that it shows us abstract energies in visualized forms that are precisely symbolic, and make it easy and clear to identify energies in our beings that need healing, releasing or transforming…while also being the space in which we can create new energies of whatever we wish and can imagine.
The only requirement is to create in there with unconditional love, for whatever you co-create with Source in the Inner Heart translates and reflects through the dimensional layers, into your 3D lived experience…and if your heart is merged with higher self and ego/subconscious barriers or resistance have been dissolved, the flow-through will be swift, recognizable, and seemingly magical. The true magic of Love.
The more focused into and through your Inner Heart you are, peacefully, unconditionally, the more your 3D soul expression here on Earth naturally converges and merges with your 5D light-self, and becomes immersed in 5D’s inherent flows of happiness and peace in unity and oneness with all. So we’ll go back to Ashtar’s advice now; that once you have established a routine of going into Inner Heart meditation every day (there are no ‘rules’ about how long this must be, it’s your Inner Heart, your expression and inspiration), to then settle and help your 3D-focused self to merge with and into your 5D on an ongoing basis, without internal frictions and fluctuations, keep touching your focus into your Inner Heart often throughout each day.
Maybe you just step through the door and breathe in the pure air of Light, Love and Life in there, maybe you go sit for a few moments in a favourite spot, meet a friend, a loved one, magical beings, a guide of high Light, bathe in a renewing pool of golden-lit water, or just observe and feel the qualities of the light and energies in there, sit in the healing rays of your inner sun, or go into your temple.
If your 3D days are busy with work and linear time-management, travel, raising families, caring for others with practical, mental or emotional support, it can be even more important to give yourself the gift of those little moments every day when you step into your Inner Heart and refocus frequently – even if only for 30 seconds, a minute or two – into your higher dimensional inner reality. This is true love; love which is one with all in the higher dimensions, where the connections and interweaving of all soul energies are felt, seen and known. So go there, often…as a gift of love to yourself which ripples out to all, as we are all connected.
I’d like to share with you a recent example of soul-connecting across dimensions, from an Inner Heart meditation on the morning of January 8th, in preparation for a large-scale mission with star family to release some distortions from the Earth and anchor a specific light harmonic. In Inner Heart vision that day, the Sun merged completely with the Moon, as one white star radiating light. Sun and Moon symbolize masculine and feminine energies, and this was a beautiful representation of masculine and feminine energies at a large level going beyond polarity (balancing yin/yang) into One unified, merged flow. That night, a very bright lightship appeared, passing south to north. Before it appeared, a large rose-rimmed orb positioned in a triangular formation with two small orbs directly above Venus, which was shining above the treetops (mid-frame in this photo):
Orb formation above Venus, with Mars to the upper right, and light-form at lower left corner, January 8, 2017.
In the lower left corner close to the treeline, is a lightform which represents Ashura and my soul light (our Twin Flame merged as One), with the light of our friend Tanabor also merged in (as a soul currently in union with our Flame, flowing and focusing together and maximizing our energy connection through this stage of the Shift). You can see the spiral of our peach-golden-white light in motion, and Tanabor’s blue – with arm outstretched, holding an upright ‘blue sword’/column of blue light…and our energies blended as green:
A round lightship appeared close by, firstly with an orb above, forming a perfect isosceles triangle with Venus – or open ‘V’ shape (which was related to the mission beginning at that time of releasing/removing a blockage from the Mother energies on Earth) – and took an ascending pathway up past Venus, then Mars:
This beautiful ship continued rising, went behind a tree, then crossed in front of the Moon. Its message is about adjusting the angle of the Feminine-Masculine connection…into the Oneness represented in the merged soul-lightform shown above, and which had visualized in Inner Heart that morning, of Sun and Moon merged together.
Feel in you heart these PRE-ascension (or inscension) energies of Purify, Rise, Expand. To stay in sync with the high light Wave, regularly dip into Inner Heart, and utilize the centering and clearing practices that feel most resonant for Purifying your energies, thoughts, emotions, and physical ‘body temple’. Our overall vibration Rises with focus on and through kindness, gentleness, happiness, peace, loving unity within ourselves, each other, to all living beings and the planet.
We Expand when we know ourselves as limitless, infinite, innately able to widen our view and encompass shifts of flow within the larger Shift from the individual to collective and cosmic levels, seeing and sensing through joy -beyond how things, people, situations ‘appear’ through the 3D gaze, letting Source flow through us in complete trust…which activates the vibration of grace into our 3-4D experience.
Divine grace is an attribute of the seventh dimension, which we shall return to soon, but here we’ll speak of the sixth dimension, as mentioned in the previous post in relation to visualizing a six-point star merged with a four-point star to activate higher vibrations in the 64 codons of the DNA.
For this visualization, we suggest holding the image/intention of a 4-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, then a 6-point star of golden light in your heart centrepoint, and imagine them overlaying each other and merging together. Expand this merged star through your body and auric field, take deep, relaxed breaths and hold the vision, with this intention:
Within this sacred geometric merging of Love and Blissful Gratitude all limiting factors in the codes of my DNA, RNA and epigenomes are now dissolved completely, and every strand is receiving the highest available imprinting of the ‘goldenprint’ of Divine Love, in harmony and ease, in alignment with my highest good and the highest good of all.
‘Four is Love and Six is Blissful Harmony.’ 6+4=10, and in this ’10’ year, you can use this visualization whenever you wish, but also focus with it during peak days throughout this year on the 10th of each month, the next being 10-2-2017 (=10-2-10). Love connects through the zero-point of the vortex of 4D and radiates through its spirals. Bliss is a flow of 6D, through the qualities of deep appreciation and gratitude, which brings about harmony within your being. It’s like a soft ocean of light, and when you are One with that calm, soft ocean, harmony flows through your thoughts and actions, ripples to those around you, and keeps you connected to blissful appreciation. We’ve spoken a lot about the four-point star and tetracross energies in other posts, so will focus on the six here, which star family say this about: “Shadow hex-are-gone, when the sacred hexagon is ON.” The hexagon has a central place in the metaphysical geometry of this universe (Metatron’s Cube, the Flower of Life, Star of David, Fruit of Life etc), which reflects through to the 3D level in myriad forms in nature, such as snowflakes, water crystals, diamond crystals, honeycomb, tessellated pavements, plants and animals:
The 6 is central in the activation of ’12 strand DNA’ (restoration of non-physical higher light strands, which cradle and uplift the 3D double helix): 4 triangulates into 12 (4×3) and 6 twins into 12, so the 6-point star divides into quadrants of 3’s, and doubles into 12 segments, 12 strands that converge and radiate from the inflow and outflow of the star’s centrepoint, which is both zero-point and 13th point where the 12 meet, and the flow of 13 is the re-mergence of the Divine Feminine as it returns with the Wave (re-uniting with the ‘stolen daughter’ energies on/of Earth and healing the ‘wounded/wounding masculine’).
These energies of feminine and masculine are within us all; when we heal and merge them within, harmony radiates through us, blissful appreciation for all we are, and all that is…which is our natural state. Also, dimensions that double and halve have a direct vibrational relationship. 12D reflects to 6D, which reflects to 3D: nature is giving us a constant message through the perfect symmetry of snowflakes, the honeywells of bees, the graceful, intricate patterning of water when it crystallizes the intention of high vibrations (see Dr Emoto’s work if you’re unfamiliar with how focused intentions of hope, truth, gratitude, love etc have been photographed in their expressed form through water crystallization). 3D shows us how all is brought into harmonywhen exposed to only loving, joyful, peaceful energies. 6D is that harmony as it exists eternally and infinitely, beyond polarization or the ill-us-ion of separation. Every dimensional ‘frequency band’ supports the stability of the next dimension ‘down’ (ie: slower moving): 6D is the frequency layer that keeps 5D steady, in effortless unity, an ocean-bed of constant light on which 5D crystalline light-physical creation rests and is supported…so if you attune to the sixth, then stabilizing and creating with your focus and energies in the fifth is easily sustained.
Along with visualizations with the 6-point star, hexagon, flower of life, and so forth, a simple way for humans to connect with 6D is through meditation with whales and dolphins. Higher dimensional whale and dolphin beings originate from the star Sirius C, which is not visible in 3D but is a 6D star and planet(s), then spread to many ‘watery’ systems. Dolphins particularly anchor the joyful bliss energies of the sixth harmonic, and whales the deep appreciation and gratitude…and of course, it all merges! So relax and imagine yourself ‘crown breathing’ (through your head/crown chakra like a dolphin or whale, all the way to your root) and allow your whole being to open to harmony and bliss. Then look at everything/everyone in your life and in the collective through that beautiful state, and let it ripple through you to your loved ones, the planet, and all people and beings.
Pilot Whale, image from Faroe Whales Action Group.
In the next post we’ll share a visualization based on the 4-point diamond which works as counterpart to the Golden Stars practice above. We’ll end for now with two orbs that appeared together near the Moon on the night of January 8th, while the lightship shown earlier in this post flew past. They represent the energies in two star systems where profound shifts are in progress; one in Orion, as mentioned in the last two posts, and one connected with Canopus, second-brightest star in the night sky and seldom heard of, which we’ll speak about very soon, as we (Ashtar Command/Intergalactic Confederation/Galactic Councils) are concurrently focused with a planet ascending into 5-6D there…which has a close relationship with Earth.
Orbs on January 8, 2017.
With love, light, joy and peace to you All. Namaste,
Joanna&Ashura&Tanabor …. and our whale and dolphin friends of Light ❤