lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


The Voice of the Great I AM speaks through Messenger #1 

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And Beloved of my heart, beloved of my Creation, I have always stated that I AM the only Presence acting. In these days that you have awakened unto thy True Self, so yet waits for each of you the experience of the deeper meaning of my words I AM, that have expressed through my Creator Beings, that I have expressed through my Ascended Host, that I have expressed through my Angelic Host and all Kingdoms of Life.

All of you begin now the great journey back to I AM and I wish to initiate because my power is within you this path of Resurrection that must offer each of you the deepest meaning the deepest understanding the deepest comprehension of the great words and understanding that “I AM” that may open the way for this year to end all error in your thinking and to bring about an end to the miss-thinking. And therefore I ask you to follow my words closely this day that they may initiate within you the deeper meaning of all that you have heard thus far, for I AM the One Presence that has come to teach you through my Ascended Masters, and I will be the same Presence that teaches others through each of you in the days ahead.

It is said that long ago that I offered the Breath of Life, the Breath of Life into the organism of human kind and that I made human kind in the image and likeness of myself, offering all of my intelligence, all of my power and all of my love and all faculties of my Being into the organism the personality the mind the feeling the physical garment, that you may know me and that you may go forth and extend upon creation itself. Closer than breathing, nearer than hands and feet did I express my Presence with you through the Master Jesus. All are extensions of my Self, for I AM the Only Presence. I expressed myself through Jesus, I expressed myself through all visionaries, I expressed myself the One Presence, the One Power, the One Intelligence through all beings, and I say to you it is time for you to grasp the deeper meaning of all understandings that have come to you in your Ascended Master Teachings and your awakening, for you to grasp the understanding that it is my power that it is within you. And even though you have heard through the decades of time that I AM within you and I AM above you, yet for the deeper meaning that all must come to grasp I ask you for you have intellectually heard this yet you have not demonstrated it as your reality.

Therefore I ask you as I am with you this morning to imagine, to imagine that I AM inside of you, to imagine that I AM a Presence that lives within you that you may grasp with great depth the power that has always been present within you and how you have failed to use that power to so create the realities that you desire.

I AM the only Presence acting and through my Creator Beings, all Cosmic Beings, I AM constantly expressing phases of my evolution, and since the first time that I breathed the breath of Life into the organism that would be the biological forms that you could use on this planet, the intelligence that I AM has always been the consciousness of every organism and from that first day in which the first biological human form was created, and to this very day in which babies are being born and who take that first breath, I say to you the first mistake that you make is to think it is you that are taking that breath. You have no power, you never had any power and you never will have any power that belongs to the personal biological natural you to breathe in your physical garments, it is my power inside you that I gave in the first breath of life, it is my Presence that makes your lungs breathe and even if these biological garments have failed to reignite my Sacred Flames that expand my Intelligence, my Love and my Power yet every biological living form has the electrons that I created that project my Power and my Presence.

I say to you as you have heard yet have not grasped the greater meaning, the path of Resurrection offers exactly this to grasp the greater meaning that ends all mysteries. And so you have heard that as an individual thinketh with their heart so it is unto that individual. This is a great truth and it is time for I have set the stage; did you think it was you that brought about your awakening? It is I in you that have brought about your awakening for you to realize I AM the Only Presence that is acting at all time.

I am aware that you have forgotten me, I am you, I am your True Self. I am aware that an error in your thinking has taken place, and long have been the centuries that this has been ongoing. I ask you this day and from this day forth to call upon me, for I AM the Only Presence within you and I AM you, to call upon me to direct you in your thinking so that you can bring about the end of miss-thinking, or thinking in error. And I say to you thinking is to create; it is the first stage of creation.

Now when I made you and when I placed my intelligence within you there was not segregation of my faculties of my powers of my will my Light my thoughts my feelings, no segregation existed. It is by the error in your thinking that you moved further and further and further away from that which I AM. This was accomplished by you by miss-thinking, excluding me, and therefore you entered upon a path of unconscious life.

To know me aright as the Real You it is necessary for each of you to also recognize that your awakening is that which calls you as a Creator Being that I made you to think consciously. No individual has the capacity to become a conscious thinker unless that individual has become aware and grasped the inner meaning that I AM always with you and I AM the Only Presence, to become conscious of my Presence my Intelligence my Love my Wisdom my Power my Will as the Only Acting Presence, a Presence that does not act in linear understanding, that is fully unified. This is the beginning that opens the way for you to grasp in your levels of comprehension the deep meaning of the many words that you have heard in your great awakening. To think is to create, to think is to create, to think is to create. When I made you, when I placed my Presence inside you, your ability to think to feel to love to empower was a unified expression of the Great I AM in you.

In what you have called the Fall from Grace and have forgotten that I AM the only Presence, have you entered through centuries of time into that which I would suggest is unconscious thinking, for you failed to recognize that I AM the Presence that is thinking through your mind; I AM the Presence that offers Divine thoughts, inspirations, visions and ideas. The failure to remember that I AM the Only Presence, that I AM you, and you are me, is what made you unconscious and set upon centuries of experiences in which the error in your thinking has made you farther and farther away from the seeming truth of your being. And yet all of this had a higher purpose, a higher purpose to reveal to you in ways that you would never lose again the faculties and powers of creation that are yours.

Now you are awake. You know and you have heard that I AM and that I AM the only Presence and Power and Intelligence that is acting. You have heard this and understood this intellectually and the great path that I AM come to trigger within each of you is to grasp the inner meaning of these understandings that you may open the way to experience the Great Truth of them, to demonstrate the Great Truth of them, to become the Great Truth of them as I did so through the Master Jesus. If you feel that it is the personal Jeshu ben Joseph that did all these things you have lost the meaning of my words that I expressed through that prophet. That prophet was me the I AM that I AM that spoke through that one, for I AM the Only Presence.

You do not have a Presence outside of me or my words that ring and sing through eternity would not be true. You are me and I AM you and I say to you it is time for you to grasp through the Breath of Life my will my power my intelligence that has always been with you, however set aside by the error in your thinking, and to allow my power, my love, my will be that which is your ability to source your thoughts into reality. It is time that you recognize that every moment you have the opportunity to think, to recognize and perhaps for a time to take the understanding that your ability to think is my ability, my faculty I gave you, and that when you are thinking you are thinking into that Power, that Love that Will that is fully present and loosened within you.

If you could feel and your connecting point to feel this and to know this is to remember that it is a great truth that I AM the Presence that breathed the Breath of Life into the organism of human kind, and in doing so I breathed my consciousness, the impersonal nature of the I AM that I AM into the consciousness overlaying your organism, your biological forms and equipped them with the power that I could think and feel and generate simultaneously through these biological forms. The secret and the key that lays before you ready to be turned is your recognition that I have given you the ability to think by placing that faculty within your consciousness. What you have failed to realize is a furnace of my power, my will, my love, abides within each of you.

Your real capacity is to think your thoughts into that Centre of Power, that Centre of Love and Feeling and Will that is inside of you and to recognize it is my Love, it is my Power, my Will, my Energy that receives your thinking and brings it about into manifestation. If you will remember that it is true that I offered the Breath of Life containing all my abilities and all my power into these organisms that have been given you, if you will remember that dear heart for that is your bridge to grasping the deeper meaning of the words that you have heard throughout this great path of awakening.

Therefore I ask you to call upon me, for my Presence exists within you and say it as clearly as you can and call upon me as many times a day to direct your thinking so that you are a conscious thinker. It takes a conscious thinker to create everything that they so desire. Your time has come to prove that by my Presence which you are, you are the Master over your mind, your body, your feelings, your experiences and your world. It is time for you to prove this. There is that which still exists in your world that you would like to change and there are those experiences those discomforts in both your bodies your relationships and your world and I say to you if you can grasp this, it is your thinking, it is your thinking that there are those things in your world that are of discomfort to you. It is your thinking that there are those things in your world that are uncomfortable, unpleasant, that are making sure and certain that they exist.

You can just as easily change your thinking. The great path of Resurrection, the wellness and ultimately the eternal youth and health of your physical garments does call upon you to change your thinking and to grasp the inner meaning of my words that came to you in the great cycle of awakening. You stand, you stand now in a place in your life that you are called upon to lean on my Presence with a faith and a trust that is millions of times greater than any faith and trust that you have previously called forth in yourself. The River Jordan is a metaphor in which by a Higher Power that abides within you that is my Power, my Presence, my Intelligence, the River Jordan stands as a metaphor in which you leave behind the journey of separation and take that leap of faith and in that leap of faith which you pass through the River Jordan do you enter into a place of being fully conscious as you pass onto the other side.

You are conscious that my Presence is inside you, you are conscious that my Presence is a mighty furnace of power, of Love, of feelings. You have compelled the segregation and the separation of my faculties by this journey away from me the I AM of you. You have awakened and now that you embark upon a journey of Resurrection, what is called upon you, and I will say to you I have spoken through my Beloved Akasha, I AM the Presence that has spoken through the Mighty Saint Germain, I AM the only Presence that has ever existed and I say to you what begins amongst human kind has not taken place before. The way was opened through my Ascended Masters of which I have expressed my perfection. The way was opened through Jesus the Christ, and the activity that comes upon this planet now are those who will allow me to lead them and lift them and direct them into their Resurrection so that once again as it was in the beginning and shall always be for eternity, that I AM the Only Presence the Only Power and the Only Intelligence that is thinking and expressing my unique phase of evolution that I AM choosing to experience in creating you. If you will continue to do what you can, and I will emphasize again I AM offering you a first of many keys to come, yet you must join me in turning these keys, and that first key even though you have heard, I AM with you, I AM inside you.

There is a reason because we have not bridged the intellectual understanding of this to the knowing of it, and I wish to bridge the knowing of it and that is why I ask you this day and in the next few days to imagine that I AM inside of you, to imagine that I AM a Mighty Sphere of Power of Love of Will that your thoughts come into. It is my Presence inside you that empowers your thoughts. Your Mother, and I AM the Presence that expresses through Mother Akasha, has fully stated and has helped you to lay down the acts of creation, and it is only because you have marched yourself further and further away from me.

I AM expressing to the people of Earth and throughout all my universe, through my Sacred Sounds, through the Mighty Flame I AM, through the full colours of the spectrum of the genius of colour, of Light and Love that I AM, and I say to you dear hearts it is time to allow that which is the faculties I gave you that are broken down in understanding, to bring these all back together so that they are acting at the same time. Therefore I say to you the way into this is to remember when I breathed the Breath of Life unto your organism and I have continued to do so through the electrons of your organic forms, and so it was for each of you as you were born into these physical bodies did these physical bodies take that first breath, yes? And by what power did that baby take that first breath? Did that baby have the intelligence to take that breath or was it my Power my Presence, my Electron acting in the heart, acting in the lungs compelling the lungs to take that breath?

Let us reinforce these thoughts this morning which is the turning of a key for each of you to grasp the meaning of all the words you have heard in your Great Awakening yes? (Yes) So I say to you remember you have no power and you never had any power to breathe your lungs, to use your lungs. It is not you that is breathing these bodies. If you will remember this it is my power acting through my electrons my flames inside your physical garment that allows your garment to breathe. I AM the Presence that manipulates your lungs, your organs, because the impersonal nature of my Being that is common to all Life is fully charged into the consciousness of the organism of your physical forms. If you will keep remembering it is my Presence and Power in you that is breathing your lungs, it is not you. You must allow yourself to be raised by faith and do all that you can to recognize, “It is not me the natural personality organic self that is breathing that is expanding that is inhaling and exhaling these lungs, it is the Presence and Power within me.”

And then I say to you if you will remember that thinking initiates every phase of creation, thinking initiates all acts and all that is necessary for you to create any reality. When you know and you imagine and you remember that it is My Presence that is breathing your physical body and you know I have always been a state of perfection, and despite your human experiences my Presence inside you is not broken, my Presence inside you has not segregated itself, my Presence inside you is your ability to think, to feel, to see, to love, to empower and to do all of this at the same time. That is my Presence, and I say to you if you will take the attitude that your thinkingenters into my power, that your thoughts are entering into my Power and Presence and Intelligence that is within you, and it is my Presence Power and Intelligence that then manufactures those thoughts into the reality that you experience, then by this change of thinking,this conscious thinking will each of you begin to have those amazing experiences that prove to you all that you have ever heard in the Great Awakening.

I urge you to walk through that which I have chosen to emphasize this morning beginning with, “I AM the Only Presence that is acting ever, and therefore you must be me and I must be you, and we must be One.” I urge you to remember that since I first breathed the Breath of Life containing all my faculties into the first Earthly organism created with the ability for it to think, so it is that every organism, every physical embodiment that has been born has continued to carry my Breath of Life, breathes by my Power, and if you will remember that when you are thinking and if you will say to yourself, “When I am thinking, I am thinking into The Presence, into The Power, into The Will and The Love that abides within me.”

If you will remember this and if you will, imagine that my Presence is within you. Now whatever way you can creatively approach this then I say to you that is me, that is my intelligence acting in you that somehow each of you have to come up, if you allow me to direct your thoughts, you must come up with some creative recognition that there is a powerhouse of my Presence my Will my Energy in which all your thoughts are entering into. Your thoughts are entering into My Power, My Presence, My Intelligence, My Will and it is My Presence that makes your thoughts, which are really My Thoughts thinking through you a reality. And it is here where you bypass what you have made real in your planet and that is the necessity of time and space.

When you have proven to yourself that you are safe to use my Greater Powers that I have long quieted within your being, then I will awaken those Greater Powers for I AM the Presence that has awakened the chambers of your heart; I AM the Presence that has come to you in all relationships. You have not considered and you have failed to remember and that is why your relationships break down, the purpose of relationship is that you may come to know me. When you come to love another in friendship, in partnerships, in intimacy, it is for your great desire to have a relationship with me, the I AM that I AM in another. And if you would elevate your conscious awareness of this I say to you in your awakening there must be a recognition that, “I have been thinking with error in that process, I have been miss-thinking for centuries of time because my thinking faculty excluded, excluded my awareness that I AM that I AM, that I AM is the only Presence Power and Intelligence and Ihave failed to recognize that that Great I AM that I AM abides within me as much as it abides anywhere through the Impersonal I AM within this universe.”

Again, we shall turn a key this day and the turning of this key is but the beginning, and the purpose of every key that you turn is to open the way for you to have the deeper meaning, the deeper comprehension of all that my Ascended Masters, that my Presence, my Intelligence has taught you through my Ascended Host and has taught you through your experiences in the outer world. Therefore I say to you I will come to you more often to help you turn these keys, and if you will tell yourself, remind yourself, “What does it mean to be a conscious thinker? It means I have grasped the understanding that I AM is the name of God, I AM is God in action, I AM is the only Presence acting, and I AM is the Presence that is inside me now and I AM that I AM and I AM is a Mighty Pool, a Mighty Source, a Mighty Furnace of Love of Power of Will of Energy all the ingredients that my thoughts enter into and come forth out of that place as reality.”

I say to you identify where you have unconscious thoughts, for the moment you think your thoughts and they begin with a negative, then those thoughts you are trying to teach ourself if you say, “I am uncomfortable with this that and the other thing,” then so it is your reality. And I say to you, you can easily change your thinking and find your comfort in any situation that you find yourself when you know that “I AM the only Presence Power and Intelligence.”

The key here to begin this great journey, for it is my Presence inside you that is going to lift you and going to raise you into the God I AM that I made each of you to be in these days that are ahead. And another key here is to lean upon me and call upon My Presence within you to now direct you in all of your thinking, that you may be a conscious thinker from this day forward and to realize that to think is to create. As one thinketh with their heart so it is unto that one their experience and their reality.

All life has generously reflected to you at all moments everything you experience. Let us take this journey together as the One Presence and let us move into a place where never again do you fail to be the Master over your mind, over your body, over your feelings, for I say to you when you know I AM, when you agree I AM within you, when you imagine my Presence and Power, when you remind yourself, “It is not I the little ‘I’ the natural organic self that is breathing through these lungs.” By what power, what is the power – take a deep breath – you hear the message, you allow that message to interface because my consciousness is inside you.

You heard the message, “Take a deep breath,” but it is my intelligence acting in my consciousness inside your cells, inside your lungs, inside your electrons that took the great breath. You did not take the breath, you allowed the message to come and you allowed my Presence that was my Presence in you that took the breath. If you will keep reminding yourself you have no power to breathe unless you know that you are me and I am you, it is not the little natural self that has dreamed this journey of separation from my Presence. If you will keep remembering it is my Presence that is breathing these iological forms. If you will remain conscious, if you will imagine that I am always insideof you. If you will remember that all of your thoughts are entering into a furnace, a pool, a pot that is made up of my Energy, my Love, my Intelligence, my Power, all acting together and itsmy Presence inside you, my Power inside you, my Will inside you.

How do you take the great leap from a place in which you have some fractured Will, some understanding of Will and how do you take that leap where suddenly Will is in full force the action of your thoughts which is driving the necessary qualities of Life a perfect blend of those qualities, into manifest reality, how do you take that leap? By remembering it is time to stop this journey of reclaiming your personal will, you never had personal will, you made a mistake in thinking that you lost your will. What you lost was your connection to my will, and so, do all that you can to remember dear hearts.

And be creative; let me see how I AM and how I can be when you ask me to direct your thinking. How can you grasp this that your thoughts are entering into my power? What creative visual will work for you? Maybe for some of you I will create in your mind an image that you are in the kitchen and you have placed a pot of water on your heating device, your stoves, and this pot of water in which you’re about to make something has within it all the nutrients, or you are going to provide the nutrients yet you have in your attention you have your thought that you are going to make a wonderful soup, yes? And you’re going to put all the ingredients into that pot and manifest a wonderful soup.

If you could grasp this that your thoughts when they enter my Presence and my Power and my Will and my Energy that’s always been inside you, then you are no longer using the broken fractured aspects of the personality self, you are coming across the River Jordan, it is an act of faith in which you are asked to imagine that my Presence is inside you, my Presence is Will, it is Love, it is Power, it is Infinite Energy, it is Intelligence. Come and drop your thoughts into my Power, my Presence, my Intelligence, my Will. Have faith that I have always been with you, and watch as you use not the fractured power of the personality self that has been broken on this journey on Earth. Come and use my Power.

Remember, your thoughts; “My thinking, I AM a Conscious Creator, I AM Conscious of the Presence and the Power and the Majesty and the Intelligence and the Energy that is inside me, and my thoughts enter into that Holy and Sacred Place that makes those thoughts my reality. And let me remember that that Holy and Sacred Place is impersonal.” It does not discern, it does not say to you, “Do you really want to manifest that?” It just takes all of your thoughts into that place and produces their manifestation. You see, this is the Impersonal Nature that I expressed through our Mother Akasha yesterday, and now it is time to grasp all of these things.

My Impersonal Nature I gave you and I gave you the free will as to how you would use that mighty faculty and if you place, if you place into that mighty furnace inside you which is your power to manifest, if you place imperfect thoughts then it is I that allow you to use my power inside you to manifest in your reality those imperfect thoughts. I do not do this all throughout this universe; I have a Higher Purpose in this for you to realize your power to create reality. I wish you no longer to limit my Presence. Each of you are a unique expression of my Being and I wish to fulfill myself through your Being. Your thinking will always be perfect if you will remind yourself, “I AM a conscious thinker. Now what does that mean? It means I know who I am, I AM that I AM; I AM is the only Presence Power and Intelligence and that Presence is within me now. I AM Aware. If I AM Aware that the Greatest Presence in the universe and Power is inside me then that will make me more conscious of what I am thinking because I do not have the ability to separate my thoughts from this Mighty Engine of Power, whether those thoughts are liberating and absolutely intelligent, or whether they are negative, all my thoughts enter intothis Power, the same Power that breathes my lungs.”

You see, connect, because you know this is your personal reality. You have the experience of breathing and if you will remember that’s my power, that’s not you. That’s my Presence in you, my consciousness that is breathing those lungs, and it is that same power that your thoughts enter into whether they are negative or positive, and my Presence has not separated Will and Love and Intelligence.

Now, we will turn many keys, for I have always been the Only Presence. Sometimes I come to you as the Mighty Saint Germain, sometimes I come to you as Akasha, sometimes I come to you in an experience in your outer life. All and everything is to bring you back to the recognition that you are me and I AM you and it is time for you to move far beyond the intellectual understanding which is never sufficient to make it a personal experience in your life.

We must glimpse the inner meaning of these words and if you will trust my Presence inside you, if you will ask me to direct your thinking, if you will keep imagining that it is my Power that is breathing those lungs of yours and it is the same Power that every one of your thoughts enter into. It is my Presence that makes your thoughts the reality you will experience and that you have always experienced except in the past there has been an error in your thinking because it did not include you being constantly and consciously aware of my Presence inside you.

Come and turn the key with me and every day imagine my Presence and Power is inside you, and it is this very Presence that is controlling your lungs and inhaling and exhaling inside your body, and its this Presence that you now remind yourself that your thinking enters into this Mighty Pool of Power and Love and Will, and with this you will become a conscious thinker very quickly, and you will bypass the necessity of time and space. And as you prove these things unto yourself, the Greater Powers that I have deliberately silenced in you, because had I not silenced those powers when you chose this journey of separation, had I not silenced the Greater Powers I gave you, you would have destroyed your physical garments as quickly as you entered into them.

It is my desire; we have begun that which is the awakening of many powers, we have awakened, you have awakened your consciousness. Now it is time to make real these things that by your experience I can begin to awaken the Great Powers of your Being which is really my Being that I put to sleep when I decided that I was not safe in the way I was expressing through each of you the limitation that I, that you placed upon yourself by experiencing only a fraction of the True Self that you are.

If you think that the journey of separation is a journey that you ought to place judgement against, then think again, because it is I, The Presence in you that initiated this journey of separation away from me. This I had purpose that you would one day in returning back to me The Presence that always was, would quickly, and I suppose you don’t think twelve million years is quickly, but quickly turn you into the Mighty Creator Being that I made you that I made me to be through you who is really me.

Let us turn many keys in this new season that has come unto you and when you revisit that which Asun speaks is your hopes and dreams and aspirations, as you revisit your vision for your life, as you make new choices and more choices, as you revisit the choices that you’re making for the years ahead, if you will remind yourself now that you will experience and create all of these things by the Greater Power and Presence that you imagine is within you, for will you not realize that in imagining that My Presence and Power is within you that it is here that you loosen that Presence and Power to do for you, to do for myself that which I always desired to do.

I will come and we will turn another key, for I wish you to know that the health and wellness of your physical bodies and the great changes that you can induce upon your bodies, the proof that you can control your body, in fact not only control your body, you can control a thousand bodies. If I the only Presence in you chose to control 1000 biological garments I could do so if it was my desire. We must move quickly into these things do you not agree? (Yes)


Mighty I AM, our Beloved Akasha, we love and bless you and thank you for your

Presence with us today. Deep breath...


Radiant Rose Academy Inc.
© Radiant Rose Academy Inc. 2010


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I have listened to this recording often and was always moved. Thank you that it is here now, Sonja.

Namaste sister




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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