lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Picture by Arctorus / Arthur


With infinite Thanks to Petra Margolis and KUTHUMI



There are not many on earth experiencing this at the moment, but some of you will know when this happens.

The ascension process is not just a spiritual process, it is physical as well.
The physical process is where the actual physical cells start holding a higher frequency.
This frequency will go higher each time you raise your spiritual frequency.

At one point the Golden Light will come in and from there the liquid light will enter the physical body. Many things will happen to the physical body.

Part of the last steps is the Diamond Light Body and from there the physical Diamond Body.

We will talk about the physical process of the Diamond Body.

Your spiritual body is the part of you that travels into the other dimensions. And this spiritual body is attached with a silver cord.
Once you are ready for the spiritual Diamond Body the silver cord will be disconnected from the physical body.

Once the silver cord is disconnected the change in the physical body begins. From the inside out all your cells will be changed into light. This process takes about 14 days to 3 months.
Once this process is completed a new cord “ the Diamond Cord” will be attached.

So at this point you have a Light Body that vibrates at a diamond frequency, and you have a physical body that vibrates at a diamond frequency. When you look at yourself, you will see only light inside of you. All physical cells are vibrating at such a high frequency that he physical has been transformed into light.

From this moment on all physical symptoms will have vanished.

And the last and final part of your ascension process starts.

Through Petra Margolis


The Diamond Doorway

We welcome you on the doorstep into a new world. A world full of possibilities.

The Diamond Doorway is the Gate into the new world of creation and manifestation.

Divine Alchemy and Divine Power are together here. Magical manifestations.

The Diamond Doorway includes several activations. One of them being the embodiment of the KA.

The KA is the life force in spirit and can only be activated when your heart is completely open and filled with compassion for all life.

The second initiation is the integration of the Christ body and Ascension Flame. The Power of Creation.

The energies of the Diamond Doorway are 13th dimensional and are coming in from the Pleiadian System.

For thousands of years we have been working on bringing back the balance between male and female. Now we all know about the balance within ourself that needs to be completed before ascension.

What is much less known is the balance between the man and the woman. For thousands of year women have been giving away the use of the female energy to man. And the man have used this energy to create. In many ways this has brought an unbalance to the planet earth and the souls living upon mother earth.

Now we are again at a turning point where we have the opportunity to create a new world.
The delicate balance between man and woman need to be restored. By delicate balance we mean that neither the woman nor the man overpower each other, but together they create, this is the Power of Creation.

Men need to learn acceptance of the women that use their power without feeling threatened, or without the need to overpower women. Women need to learn to regain and use their power without fear and without overpowering the men.

This is the task that stands before us today.

The 12 woman that were chosen a long time ago to return this balance on planet earth have incarnated at this time. And they are ready to bring in the balance to work with and to regain the Power of Creation.

Why now and how does this work?

The energy, and this means the complete balanced male and female energy, of the men is combined with the completely balanced energy of the women. This is where we receive the Power of Creation.

Now this goes beyond the 5th dimension, but the 5th dimension is where we start to create this new world.

We are all working toward ascension into the 5th dimension, but from there, a new world is being created. This is part of the ever evolving process of planet earth, the universe and the souls living in this universe.

Ascension into the 5th dimension is only the beginning of your journey back to source.


Views: 864

Replies to This Discussion

I am ready, willing and able. And really excited about this new opportunity. Thank you.
Thank you so much. Experiencing the liquid light entering, in meditations now. Thank you, so, for the validation of physical change. Also, it is always great to be reminded that this is a journey; helps me in not being destination focused. We can en joy and cherish the experience, step by step.

My growth has tripled since my arrival here. Daily, there are helpful energizers, reminders and treats that light the way along this most, Beloved journey.

Thank you SOnja, for being our anchor, teacher and most, humbly, beautiful Energy spark of the Divine

Namaste journeyers

Beloved AyAnna, you are truly a beacon of light :-)

I'm humbly reminding you that you see in me who you are - LOL!


Sonja Myriel

Thank eyes light-tear, with your beauty response :-)...the picture is awesome!

It was made by Arthur :-) - Just as the one I have added below :-)

The following was posted by Hilda today as a blog. Today is FULL MOON after the Solar Eclipse of January 4th ...

This being said - enjoy today's FREQUENCY as today is also the day of the activation of the Platinum Raythrough Children of the Sun!

Message From Archangel Michael,

January 2011 Through Rev. Michelle Coutant

"Anchor The Diamond God Light"

Dear Ones,


Remembrance, remembering.  It is the process which each of you is going through right now.  It is an intense cleansing, a purging of all that no longer serves
your highest good.  You must stay steady in the light, with diligence,
with great strength and courage, with perseverance.  We are with you in
every now moment and we remind you of this.  It is a time of remembering
your heritage, remembering who you are at the deepest levels of your
being.  It is a time of remembering every aspect and facet of who you are,
your individual  heritage, this blessed inner wisdom, the God Self which
you each are and display in great joy, through your thoughts your actions, your
words, your feelings. 

We ask you to dig deep beloved ones, dig deep to the very core of your being, your God Self.  The unconditional love, the great wisdom of the Cosmos awaits you in this now
moment.  Each now moment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your
Godliness, to be the personality of God.  You have the opportunity to
embody God in every now moment.  Choose wisely dear ones.  This
lifetime is but a breath of eternity.  It is a now moment which fleets by
on the wings of light.  Waste not one God moment of eternity.  It is
more precious than you know, each moment providing you with the opportunity to
return to your Glorious divine heritage, your birthright, to be and demonstrate


Within each of you is the radiant core cell of diamond light, blazing forth in every now moment.  This radiant core of diamond light has been activated and it is
up to each of you to make use of the diamond light radiating and flowing and
expanding upon your earth in every now moment.  This light is rarified and
of the highest vibration we may give you access to at this time.  It is
the clear diamond light of God, at the highest levels, yet stepped down so that
you may access it, integrate it wisely and fill your diamond core God cell to
overflowing, with this light.  The miracles abound, as your earth moves
into her crystalline form, and as you dear ones move into your crystalline
form.  The diamond light provides you access to greater
manifestation.  The radiation of the light in your fields allows you
greater access to your divine heritage of abundance, unconditional love, joy,
peace and harmony, with absolute ease and grace. 


The diamond light has been anchored on earth through the many brave souls who are incarnating at this time, and it is now being given as a gift, to those of you who are ready to
anchor it in greater increments.  This is a great gift and holds great
responsibility for those of you who are ready.  Misuse of the diamond
light causes imbalances in your auric field, and imbalances in your thought
processes.  This gift will only be given to those who are ready to step
into mastery.  This light will not be given to those who will misuse
it.  You must each choose to make use of the diamond light with ease and
grace.  Sit down in meditation and call in the diamond light.  Feel
it, absorb it into your field.  Feel it light up you who are now polishing
the diamond that is you, to a bright and brilliant shine.  The diamond
light is a great polisher, yet misuse, will dim your diamond to lack luster
proportions.  Feel the flow of the diamond light, and begin to radiate
this light to and through your field, filling yourselves with its


You each have a crown of light which has been dimmed over the eons, and it is now time for you to wear your crown of light with strength and courage and to stand in the truth
and integrity, the impeccability that is you.  Your crown of light blazes
forth with the Twelve Rays of God, in perfect balance and harmony, perfect
brilliance, and the diamond light complements the Rays and fulfills the
radiance of you.  See your crown of light blazing forth with ease and
grace, in balance and harmony.  Wear your crown of light with great
responsibility and great wisdom, yet wear it lightly, in love and joy.  Each
morning, place your crown of light upon your head and fill yourselves with the
diamond light, as you bring in your Divine I Am Presence, to think through you,
feel through you, speak through you, act through you, and see through you, in
every now moment.  Make this a part of your morning ritual which we have
recently given to you, dear ones.  Stand in your light with all your glory
and radiance shining forth, and as you do so, your auric field touches those
around you and they too, will awaken and move forward on their path into the
Divine light.


Rest in God, beloved ones, relax in the now moment and know that you are loved, supported and divinely guided.  See yourselves being held in the palm of God in perfect
grace, in every now moment, and all is well.  Feel the shower of God
light, feel the support and the unconditional love of God, as you rest in the
palm of the Father/Mother God. 


We of the higher realms are here beside you, in unconditional love and support as you rest in the palm of God.


I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

Dear Ones,


Remembrance, remembering.  It is the process which each of you is going through right now.  It is an intense cleansing, a purging of all that no longer serves
your highest good.  You must stay steady in the light, with diligence,
with great strength and courage, with perseverance.  We are with you in
every now moment and we remind you of this.  It is a time of remembering
your heritage, remembering who you are at the deepest levels of your
being.  It is a time of remembering every aspect and facet of who you are,
your individual  heritage, this blessed inner wisdom, the God Self which
you each are and display in great joy, through your thoughts your actions, your
words, your feelings. 

We ask you to dig deep beloved ones, dig deep to the very core of your being, your God Self.  The unconditional love, the great wisdom of the Cosmos awaits you in this now
moment.  Each now moment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your
Godliness, to be the personality of God.  You have the opportunity to
embody God in every now moment.  Choose wisely dear ones.  This
lifetime is but a breath of eternity.  It is a now moment which fleets by
on the wings of light.  Waste not one God moment of eternity.  It is
more precious than you know, each moment providing you with the opportunity to
return to your Glorious divine heritage, your birthright, to be and demonstrate


Within each of you is the radiant core cell of diamond light, blazing forth in every now moment.  This radiant core of diamond light has been activated and it is
up to each of you to make use of the diamond light radiating and flowing and
expanding upon your earth in every now moment.  This light is rarified and
of the highest vibration we may give you access to at this time.  It is
the clear diamond light of God, at the highest levels, yet stepped down so that
you may access it, integrate it wisely and fill your diamond core God cell to
overflowing, with this light.  The miracles abound, as your earth moves
into her crystalline form, and as you dear ones move into your crystalline
form.  The diamond light provides you access to greater
manifestation.  The radiation of the light in your fields allows you
greater access to your divine heritage of abundance, unconditional love, joy,
peace and harmony, with absolute ease and grace. 


The diamond light has been anchored on earth through the many brave souls who are incarnating at this time, and it is now being given as a gift, to those of you who are ready to
anchor it in greater increments.  This is a great gift and holds great
responsibility for those of you who are ready.  Misuse of the diamond
light causes imbalances in your auric field, and imbalances in your thought
processes.  This gift will only be given to those who are ready to step
into mastery.  This light will not be given to those who will misuse
it.  You must each choose to make use of the diamond light with ease and
grace.  Sit down in meditation and call in the diamond light.  Feel
it, absorb it into your field.  Feel it light up you who are now polishing
the diamond that is you, to a bright and brilliant shine.  The diamond
light is a great polisher, yet misuse, will dim your diamond to lack luster
proportions.  Feel the flow of the diamond light, and begin to radiate
this light to and through your field, filling yourselves with its


You each have a crown of light which has been dimmed over the eons, and it is now time for you to wear your crown of light with strength and courage and to stand in the truth
and integrity, the impeccability that is you.  Your crown of light blazes
forth with the Twelve Rays of God, in perfect balance and harmony, perfect
brilliance, and the diamond light complements the Rays and fulfills the
radiance of you.  See your crown of light blazing forth with ease and
grace, in balance and harmony.  Wear your crown of light with great
responsibility and great wisdom, yet wear it lightly, in love and joy.  Each
morning, place your crown of light upon your head and fill yourselves with the
diamond light, as you bring in your Divine I Am Presence, to think through you,
feel through you, speak through you, act through you, and see through you, in
every now moment.  Make this a part of your morning ritual which we have
recently given to you, dear ones.  Stand in your light with all your glory
and radiance shining forth, and as you do so, your auric field touches those
around you and they too, will awaken and move forward on their path into the
Divine light.


Rest in God, beloved ones, relax in the now moment and know that you are loved, supported and divinely guided.  See yourselves being held in the palm of God in perfect
grace, in every now moment, and all is well.  Feel the shower of God
light, feel the support and the unconditional love of God, as you rest in the
palm of the Father/Mother God. 


We of the higher realms are here beside you, in unconditional love and support as you rest in the palm of God.


I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.

Dear Ones,


Remembrance, remembering.  It is the process which each of you is going through right now.  It is an intense cleansing, a purging of all that no longer serves
your highest good.  You must stay steady in the light, with diligence,
with great strength and courage, with perseverance.  We are with you in
every now moment and we remind you of this.  It is a time of remembering
your heritage, remembering who you are at the deepest levels of your
being.  It is a time of remembering every aspect and facet of who you are,
your individual  heritage, this blessed inner wisdom, the God Self which
you each are and display in great joy, through your thoughts your actions, your
words, your feelings. 

We ask you to dig deep beloved ones, dig deep to the very core of your being, your God Self.  The unconditional love, the great wisdom of the Cosmos awaits you in this now
moment.  Each now moment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your
Godliness, to be the personality of God.  You have the opportunity to
embody God in every now moment.  Choose wisely dear ones.  This
lifetime is but a breath of eternity.  It is a now moment which fleets by
on the wings of light.  Waste not one God moment of eternity.  It is
more precious than you know, each moment providing you with the opportunity to
return to your Glorious divine heritage, your birthright, to be and demonstrate


Within each of you is the radiant core cell of diamond light, blazing forth in every now moment.  This radiant core of diamond light has been activated and it is
up to each of you to make use of the diamond light radiating and flowing and
expanding upon your earth in every now moment.  This light is rarified and
of the highest vibration we may give you access to at this time.  It is
the clear diamond light of God, at the highest levels, yet stepped down so that
you may access it, integrate it wisely and fill your diamond core God cell to
overflowing, with this light.  The miracles abound, as your earth moves
into her crystalline form, and as you dear ones move into your crystalline
form.  The diamond light provides you access to greater
manifestation.  The radiation of the light in your fields allows you
greater access to your divine heritage of abundance, unconditional love, joy,
peace and harmony, with absolute ease and grace. 


The diamond light has been anchored on earth through the many brave souls who are incarnating at this time, and it is now being given as a gift, to those of you who are ready to
anchor it in greater increments.  This is a great gift and holds great
responsibility for those of you who are ready.  Misuse of the diamond
light causes imbalances in your auric field, and imbalances in your thought
processes.  This gift will only be given to those who are ready to step
into mastery.  This light will not be given to those who will misuse
it.  You must each choose to make use of the diamond light with ease and
grace.  Sit down in meditation and call in the diamond light.  Feel
it, absorb it into your field.  Feel it light up you who are now polishing
the diamond that is you, to a bright and brilliant shine.  The diamond
light is a great polisher, yet misuse, will dim your diamond to lack luster
proportions.  Feel the flow of the diamond light, and begin to radiate
this light to and through your field, filling yourselves with its


You each have a crown of light which has been dimmed over the eons, and it is now time for you to wear your crown of light with strength and courage and to stand in the truth
and integrity, the impeccability that is you.  Your crown of light blazes
forth with the Twelve Rays of God, in perfect balance and harmony, perfect
brilliance, and the diamond light complements the Rays and fulfills the
radiance of you.  See your crown of light blazing forth with ease and
grace, in balance and harmony.  Wear your crown of light with great
responsibility and great wisdom, yet wear it lightly, in love and joy.  Each
morning, place your crown of light upon your head and fill yourselves with the
diamond light, as you bring in your Divine I Am Presence, to think through you,
feel through you, speak through you, act through you, and see through you, in
every now moment.  Make this a part of your morning ritual which we have
recently given to you, dear ones.  Stand in your light with all your glory
and radiance shining forth, and as you do so, your auric field touches those
around you and they too, will awaken and move forward on their path into the
Divine light.


Rest in God, beloved ones, relax in the now moment and know that you are loved, supported and divinely guided.  See yourselves being held in the palm of God in perfect
grace, in every now moment, and all is well.  Feel the shower of God
light, feel the support and the unconditional love of God, as you rest in the
palm of the Father/Mother God. 


We of the higher realms are here beside you, in unconditional love and support as you rest in the palm of God.


I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


With Infinite Gratitude & Blessings for ALL.   With Infinite LoveLight, CystaLin Joy



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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