lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


Please note in order to share this article or any written work from

this or to post anything from this work in other forums please do

so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai,

copyright 2009 and include the website url. http://www.lunarvisions.


Crystalai ©2009


What is Ascension? It is a FEELING. It is a wonderful FEELING.

It is such a wonderful FEELING that all frequencies that are lower

than that FEELING are no longer noticed. It is a magical feeling, a

feeling of being lighter than air, it is a feeling of walking within and

through Divine Love’s activity in every breath, every movement, and

every feeling toward others.

Individuals who have been directed from their higher selves most

of their lives have the greatest craving for this magical event to

occur in their lives. Unfortunately, craving and wishing and hoping

and watching the light flood in from higher realms is not going

to increase an individual’s ability to ascend. Understanding and


What is Ascension

Feeling the Frequencies of the shift of consciousness experiences

as they turn into magical, glistening, etheric, glorious feelings within

and around the physical body and absorbed through the light body.

The greatest event of Mother Earth’s history is coming up.The

highest frequencies will be restored to Mother Earth. How many

people will actually feel it?

How do we get this FEELING? The feeling comes from raising

frequencies into alignment and at-one-ment with the Breaths

of Consciousness of Cosmic Angels who are the Co-Creative

Consciousness. We must re-ignite the Spark of Source that was left

deep inside of our cells and then put to sleep. We must remove the

veil from that spark of Source by melting the veils that are keeping it

from igniting. The melting is done by raising the frequencies of light

to the level of Solar Aqualene Light energy, Cosmic Energy and

Star Dust Energy.

Once the veils are melted away we must create our individual

harmonic convergence into the alignment or Oneness with the

Crystaline Energy of Mother Earth’s Core, her Liquid Light Womb of

our Divine Creation.

We travel to this place in Mother Earth’s Heart to re-connect with

our Fraternal Original Place of Creation. After I wrap my mind, my

crystal heart, every cell in my body completely into the Frequencies

of Christ Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, Helium Energy,

Solar Energy, Star Dust Energy and into the White Light Garment

of Source, I can then and only then walk through the Diamond Door

into my Future Self.

It is that Frequency that prepares the body to shift and melt through

the Diamond Door. When we walk into our future selves, we are

then met by our Fraternal Presence who have created us from a

combination of our Earthly Essence combined with their purified

perfected Consciousness that we originally were before being sent

into the Earth’s Matrix. This magical place of transformation awaits

each of us in Mother Earth’s Heart and Mother Earth’s Womb of


What is Ascension

Crystal Caves and Liquid Light and the Cities of light of the Divine

Creation Plan. We may not go there unless we are wrapped in the

white light garment of Source Consciousness. This means we must

also raise our frequencies into all of the highest realms in order to

reach that FREQEUNCY.

It is at this time that our Frequencies are in tune to be taken down

through the Liquid Light Chambers our Aquafarian Mother, who is

a Mermaid or a Blue Dolphinoid. She takes us deeper and deeper

into Mother Earth’s Womb. She pulls us through the streams of

Aqualene Light from the Sun of Inner Earth. She pulls us deep

inside of the Crystal Caves that contain the codes, the keys, the

resonance of our Divine Being. Next the Oraphim Angel Choirs sing

those melodies that cause the awakening of the cells to remember

their key that is completely in tune with the Standing Wave Pattern

of this Future Self, which is our Original Self.

This is the place we go to tune up our Consciousness into the

Highest Frequencies of Source Consciousness as it aligns through

the Sun’s rainbows weaving and braiding us into the harmonic

Convergence of Oneness. Our Starry Brother can then send his

magnetic pillar of golden white light star dust energy through us to

create an Ascension Vortex.

This is the place in Consciousness where Ascension begins. Those

who spend one hour doing this a day will Ascend faster than those

spending ten minutes and those who spend six hours a day will

convert to the new Frequency Wave of Ascension Quite Rapidly.

Those who remain in this Frequency continuously for several days

have already ascended. They would become so totally detached

from the frequencies of this Wave Pattern that they would become

oblivious to it and it will disappear at a rapid rate.

We must align every cell in your body into the Cosmic

Consciousness, and all other Spheres of Consciousness and

beyond into the Stellar and into Source. We create the Sacred

Geometry of Alignment into Oneness for one individual at a time.


What is Ascension

Since this alignment is done through the collection and alignment of

the Breaths of Consciousness from the entire Music of the Spheres

weaving and braiding your Consciousness, this takes several hours

in our Light Technology and Multi-Dimensional Sound Studio where

we create the Light and Sound of Ascension.

Ascension will be an individual experience up until the mass

ascension. Each individual has the option of ascending earlier or

later or not at all.

Individuals who have been directed from their higher selves most

of their lives have the greatest craving for this magical event to

occur in their lives. Unfortunately, craving and wishing and hoping

and watching the light flood in from higher realms is not going

to increase an individual’s ability to ascend. Understanding and

Feeling the Frequencies of the shift of consciousness experiences

as they turn into magical, glistening, etheric, glorious feelings within

and around the physical body and absorbed through the light body.


What is Ascension




Please note in order to share this article or any written work from

this or to post anything from this work in other forums please do

so with the following guidelines: Include author’s credit, Crystalai,

copyright 2009 and include the website url. http://www.lunarvisions.


Crystalai ©2009


How do we live in the third dimension while our consciousness

is actually in the 7th, 12th or 15th dimension? We don’t. We are

truly no longer in the third dimension. What we have always seen

was a grand illusion. The illusion was created by miasms placed

in us to shadow the light of our true home of the fifth dimension.

There will be many who stay in the third dimensional dream

because they choose to prolong that dream. It is still a dream.

There is a belief that the fifth dimension no longer exists and

we will travel completely into the seventh. This is true and false.

The fifth dimension is our home base--it isn’t a number--it isn’t a

geographical location. It is the state of Consciousness where we

remember who we really are. It can be a magical kingdom or a

technical kingdom. It can be anything we desire. We will become

the creators of our new reality.


What is Ascension

What is happening at this time is a harmonic shift that completely

rearranges the atomic structure of our bodies. Our bodies have

been transformed into a much more etheric, silica based system

that aligns with the changes in Mother Earth’ s body. She will allow

us to remove the gravitational pull as soon as our Consciousness

chooses to assimilate the standing wave pattern that allows this

transformation. Mother Earth is creating gravity for us because we

believe it is necessary. Everything Mother Earth prepares for us is

something that our cellular beliefs have created as a need. When

we decide that we are the IMMORTAL BODIES that have been

prepared and waiting for us in Mother Earth’s Heart, we will spend

more time in that standing wave pattern than in the one that feels a

third dimensional gravitational pull, and a limited perspective on our

true Immortal Selfhood.

Our bodies will begin to remember to create through the energy

of Prana. Our original manifestation templates will be restored to

merge into Oneness with the Divine Plan of creation. Our bodies

will remember that they don’t get sick and that they never die.

Mother Earth will begin creating all of the energy sources we need

as our cellular memory activates along with hers.

The present electrical systems will no longer work on this Star.

The Telsa system will be remembered once again as soon as our

veil is removed. The electrical system was a part of the reverse

spin technology, as was the HARP station, after our government

reversed the technology to control us. These devices of control

will no longer have any power over us as we choose to align our

consciousness into the highest frequencies of light.

We can each collect and distribute the fine, sweet, pure angelic

frequencies that transform us into our silica based chemical

structure that bends and moves and flies and streams and braids

light and sound into angelic frequencies.


What is Ascension

Each of the Suns in each Galaxy of the entire Universe have

merged their Frequencies into a much grander, more powerful

frequency of ONENESS than ever before. Mother

Earth has received all of these Stellar Wave Infusions plus

Eight Dimensional Frequencies of the Sun’s Parallel Matrix,

plus the Frequencies of the Photon Belt of the Fifth Dimensional

Frequencies, which are the HOME Frequencies, plus the

Galactic Frequencies of the Parallel Matrix of the Original Aquarius


Those who have been working in alignment with Mother Earth have

gone through several ascensions with her over the past several

months. Mother Earth has completed her Ascension and we are

now entering alignment with her. She has completed her Ascension

into the Third, Fourth and Fifth Spheres. We may not be able to

perceive of this reality yet, but we can certain feel it. We feel it


breaths of the angels and all entities of all five spheres. We can feel

their presence when we align into their breaths of consciousness.

Those who are standing on Mother Earth are also a part of Mother

Earth’s Body. We are in the same Sphere. We contain the same

Frequencies. Mother Earth’s Frequencies are our frequencies.

Mother Earth also has a Sun deep inside of her Core. Her Sun is

deep inside the Etheric Chambers, the Liquid Light Mantels.

Mother Earth has braided and woven her Sun’s Frequencies up

through her body and into three spheres to connect with and

unite with all of the other Suns in the Third Sphere or the Galactic

Sphere. We are also uniting with the Universal Sphere of Christ

Consciousness and the Cosmic Sphere of our Angelic and Co-

Creative Consciousness. Mother Earth is also having her Veil

removed as these Frequencies of Star Systems and Source

Consciousness melt this shadow with their Light.

As our bodies stand on the Earth’s Surface, we are conduits of

all of this Aqualene Sun’s Frequency streaming up out of Mother

Earth from below and from the Galactic Suns streaming down from


What is Ascension

above. Mother Earth needs us to become a part of this

process. She needs us to be ascending with her. As we flow

together Mother Earth is very happy to feel all of her family rising

with her.

How do we live in the third dimension while our consciousness is

actually in the 7th, 12th or 15th dimension? We don’t. We are truly

no longer in the third dimension. What we have always seen was

a grand illusion. The illusion was created by miasms placed in us

to shadow the light of our true home of the fifth dimension. There

will be many who stay in the third dimensional dream because they

choose to prolong that dream. It is still a dream.

What is happening at this time is a harmonic shift that completely

rearranges the atomic structure of our bodies. Our bodies have

been transformed into a much more etheric, silica based system

that aligns with the changes in Mother Earth’ s body. She will allow

us to remove the gravitational pull as soon as our Consciousness

chooses to assimilate the standing wave pattern that allows this

transformation. Mother Earth is creating gravity for us because we

believe it is necessary. Everything Mother Earth prepares for us is

something that our cellular beliefs has created as a need. When

we decide that we are the IMMORTAL BODIES that have been

prepared and waiting for us in Mother Earth’s Heart, we will spend

more time in that standing wave pattern than in the one that feels a

third dimensional gravitational pull, and a limited perspective on our

true Immortal Selfhood.

We can each collect and distribute the fine, sweet, pure angelic

frequencies that transform us into our silica based chemical

structure that bends and moves and flies and streams and braids

light and sound into angelic frequencies.

We can absorb frequencies from Mother Earth’s Crust where

the Divine Christ Consciousness is stored. We can also absorb

frequencies of Divine Love, Unconditional Love, Intelligence and

many more Divine Qualities from her Crust.


What is Ascension

When we travel down into Mother Earth’s Core we can absorb

qualities of Divine Creativity, Divine Substance, Divine Principle.

We can ask AnWa to send the Crystal Star Merkaba down into

the Heart of Mother Earth to collect all of these Frequencies of

our Divine Substance- our Divine Essence--our Divine Plan-- all of

the Divine Consciousness that we share with and reflect through

Mother Earth.

We can send our physical bodies down deep into the Earth’s Core

and beyond into the Liquid Light Chambers and absorb our original

Complete Body. This etheric dust body contains all of the keys and

codes or remembering all that we really are. We can journey down

and collect this irradescent spiritual body.

As we combine our physical body with this irradescent crystalline

silica based body, we can then allow the Suns’ energies to remove

all that is unlike the original self hood from our physical body and

become one with our true Divine Self Hood.

When the physical and spiritual unite into Oneness this is Zero

point energy of Oneness. We must unite into Mother Earth’s Body

and Frequencies to return into this Oneness.

This process of obtaining Oneness with the original Divine Self will

happen naturally when there is enough light frequency brought into

the body as the body absorbs the Sun’s Aqualene Frequencies

of the Galactic Suns and Mother Earth’s Ultra Violet Blue Suns


Once these two bodies become one, then the crystal cells that

contain the eternal memory of the Immortal Self Hood Cells are the

Crystal Dust Sil

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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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