lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

The Power of "I Love You"
by Joe Weaver
January 8, 2011
Just sharing something that has become a very powerful experience for me, and that is using the words "I LOVE YOU."
There are many levels of the POWER the words I LOVE YOU can carry. The power comes from the FEELING, not just by "thinking" the words. FEEL the words I LOVE YOU, embeds your DIVINE LOVE "without conditions" within the channel that you are extending to who or whatever you are focusing on.
Once you FEEL pure LOVE without conditions from your I AM, Source, God or another BEING of Light you know the FEELING for which I am speaking of. It is the FEELING and KNOWINGNESS that there is nothing more pure, so FREE, beyond duality where no darkness can ever exist within. It is this FEELING for which I am describing that YOU focus on when using the words I LOVE YOU. The main reason being, you/we are already this LIGHT beyond duality, it's just that our brains cannot conceive this. So the FEELING, is the connection through the heart not through the brain. The brain works to make the image for which we are focusing on, but it is the connection through the heart which brings the ENERGY that can "dissolve" ANYTHING within the lower heavens for which we exist.
In the past we might have looked in the other direction of "darkness" or have tried to shield ourselves from it. The deep and dark energies that lie within us or that you may see within other areas of reality. It is within darkness that lies a part of us all. So simply not facing this side of yourself or having fear of it will not just make it go away. It will just intensify and present itself to you in different ways. So the next time you get in a situation like this, you can FACE this energy, and try to embrace it. Say to it I LOVE YOU! I do not fear you for I AM the LIGHT that created YOU and I LOVE YOU! Again I say this has to be done through the HEART, not just through the words of the brain. I LOVE YOU! This will dissolve ANY control, ties or limitation. Pure beauty IT IS and within us ALL lies this beauty, this LIGHT that NO darkness can exist. These days I try and HUG IT, of course I can never catch IT. . . LOL. . . it dissipates. I have been doing this so much that now wherever I walk I am projecting this LIGHT consciously/unconsciously to everything I see. The people, parks, buildings, Earth, all SEEN and also UNSEEN, I HUG IT. Nothing but the LIGHT beyond duality of I LOVE YOU to EVERYTHING!
The same principle works with building your channels and clearing them so that you have a clear stream of Light coming through you. For example with your I AM Presence. M/F Source, or any of the Ascended Masters, Buddhas or other Beings of Light. WE in ourselves are really just a circuit for energy to flow through, within this can flow the knowledge and energy of many streams of Light. Within all Light is energy and within energy is information and consciousness. By dissolving the barriers that restrict these channels from flowing you have the potential to embody an endless supply of knowledge and Light energy within your physical presence.
So the next time you are confronted with a family member, co-worker or anyone on the street that is projecting fear, drama or anger against you or someone else say to them "I LOVE YOU."  It does not have to be said out loud, just through your heart. FEEL IT!
To build or clear your channels say to your I AM through your heart I LOVE YOU. To M/F Source I LOVE YOU or to any Being of Light that you wish to connect more closely with say I LOVE YOU through your heart. Most importantly say to your physical body I LOVE YOU! For it is the vehicle for which you are experiencing this reality through. By doing this you will dissolve all boundaries and limitations that limit your awareness and connection with all that IS.
The choice in NOW for all to choose. To live and exist from the heart or from the brain of limitation which only sees fear and judgment. Make your choice by your daily activities and how you treat people. Not just through a thought, but the feeling of I LOVE YOU to ALL. By doing this you will be moving your perception of what IS from a belief to a physical experience and knowing. From a brain filled with beliefs and illusions to a knowingness and feeling of I KNOW what IS. This knowingness for which I describe is beyond religion, beyond practice, it is the living reality for what IS. This WHAT IS, is only found through your heart, not through someone else's truth or something written in a book, but the truth within your heart. The choice is yours and the doors are open for all to SEE, who wish to SEE. With every choice we make we are creating tomorrows reality and the life beyond for which is currently know. The choice is ours.
I LOVE YOU. . . may the Light of your Divine Presence shine through every element of your Being. Thank YOU for BEING YOU!
Happy Days to ALL!
Joe Weaver of *  Check out our NEW radio shows and music on  *     

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Message from Spirit on Healing Love
Received by Barbara Dutcher, M.A.
January 6, 2011

Dearest One,
You know well that love is the path to healing. While this concept may make sense to you, you may not realize the extent of healing power your own love has. Your love is the most powerful force in the Universe. Your love, practiced daily, faithfully, devotionally, loyally, will accomplish your perfect healing.
Give your love generously to yourself. Let your own love, recognizing it as the very Love of God, wash over your precious self each day. See that you set aside time each day to sit in love of yourself, love of your precious body, your mind, your heart, your circumstances. Do not withhold your love from any aspect of your situation.

As you notice more ways in which to love, bring those into your practice as well. When you recognize unloving thoughts, bring those into your love practice as well. Notice that you can actually feel the working of love in your body, mind and heart.

As others come to mind, let your healing love wash over them as well. Let your love extend until it covers everything you can think of. Open your heart to ways in which you will allow love to heal you more and more.

Apply your healing methods in complete love and faith and gratitude. Love heals all, Beloved. Love practiced in gratitude will heal you. Amen.

Barbara Dutcher, M.A., is a Certified Spiritual Counselor. She teaches a method for achieving a conversational connection
Sananda's Magic Wand of Love
Given through Susan Leland
December 28, 2010
Sananda addressing the December 28, 2010 Ashtar teleconference:
Greetings Beloved Family, it is I, Sananda.  And on the wings of that beautiful music* I come in so joyfully to greet you, even as the dawn of a beautiful day is greeting Planet Earth.  And I add to Ashtar’s words my own thanks and Love to each and every one of you. We are so close, so close together in hearts, in minds and yes, in our paths, for we are together upon the high road to Ascension.
And it is with great joy that we greet you upon this path and we say to you, ‘Well done, Beloveds, well done,’ you have stayed the course and you have completed a year which for many was not the grandest year that you have ever enjoyed, and yet was so necessary. And so now let us turn our hearts, our minds and our voices toward the year that is coming in. This is the glorious year. This is where all that you have been so beautifully working toward and moving toward becomes the reality.  This is where all of the illusion falls away, and what remains is the shining Truth of you and Who You Really Are, and of us and the One We All Are!
And so, Beloved Ones, let us join together, hands holding hands - all; all of us beings of Light - you, your guides, angels, all of the ascended Masters, and all of the representatives of the galaxy and those who come from beyond, our starseed brothers and sisters, indeed.  And let us join together and soar up above Planet Earth so that we can look down and we are one huge circle, solid.  And each one of us can see all over Planet Earth as it turns.
And now if you will, stay right where you are but pull from your hearts a wand - a very special wand, its name is Love.  Feel it in your hands, it sparkles and it is light and yet powerful. Feel the joy of holding your wand, yes your wand is magic and it is yours, Beloved Ones, to do magic with.  Now, gently, very gently, send your Love up through this wand to its very tip and see it light.  You might envision that there is a star at the top of your wand, or perhaps a circle or a spiral.  Go ahead, envision it exactly how it is for you, this is your magic wand, Beloved Ones.
And as you see Planet Earth below you, and you have an opportunity to point your wand so as to create a kind of a magnification, so that you can see what is going on directly below you; perhaps what you are seeing is a place of war.  W­­ell then, wave your wand and send the rays of Peace out from your wand to that zone of war.  And send with it your intentions for Peace, worldwide and beyond in the coming year.  Empower it with your wand, send it out from your heart and speak words of Peace if you desire, in any way that you choose.  Remember, your wand is Love; that is the most powerful, powerful energy in the universe!
And so with your Love you give Peace to that place on Planet Earth, and perhaps while you’re at it, you can encircle the Earth with that Peace and the power of Love so that you are really sending it to the entire Planet.  It makes no difference if it is a war zone or if it is someone whose mind is in torment, or if it is two friends who are having such a bitter argument that they may not remain friends – send it all over the Planet. Let Peace prevail in the coming year.
And now perhaps you see a child, a child who is homeless and has no food, a child who is a child, but not enjoying a childhood.  And this child is but a symbol of many upon the Planet.  So you can send that child Freedom to be the child, you can send that child Abundance, Love, always with that magic wand which is Love.  Create the visions for this child that you would send to this child, because you are doing it now.  This is Truth; this is reality.  This is not an illusion, this is what we are doing in this glorious moment of togetherness.
So go ahead, send everything to that child that you want that child to have and to enjoy.  And once your vision is firmly anchored within the heart of that child, then send it out to all of the other children in the same or similar circumstances, and expand it to include the children who are the victims of war, of famine, or genocide, who remain to deal with what they have been experiencing.  Send them their childhood, Beloved Ones, restore it back to them with Love.
And then while you are at it let us expand the vision to include the children of every being on Planet Earth, no matter what the calendar says their age is. Love. Love gets it done; Love is powerful enough, and you have the wands of Love in your hands so, go ahead, send that reunion. As people age they oftentimes deny their inner children, they neglect them.  They are so busy with their lives.  Light the child up in their hearts for them and let them know what awaits for them in this coming year because you, Beloved Ones, love them enough and care for them enough – every man, woman, and child upon the planet.
And let us rejuvenate the animals while we are at it, and send new life, even for regeneration to the plants, regeneration as whole, complete, healthy and well. And let us send this message to the crystals as well, indeed, out over the entire Earth. Now we have Peace and we have Joy, and the child, alive and loved, and security for the children no matter what their age, Planet wide, and Abundance!
And now let us send healing for all relationships which may be seeming to be quite unhappy, and even those which seem as though they cannot be healed because healing can always take place, and indeed there is a part of every individual upon the planet where the healing has already taken place.  But if it is not in the conscious awareness let us send it now with Love, as Love, that all relationships may heal so that they are resolved. This is in addition to Peace. It is one thing to have Peace everywhere, it is another to feel as though Resolution has taken place. That is the difference between the coming year and the Golden Age, and all Peace treaties that have ever been entered into on planet Earth, because with Resolution, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, Peace is permanently anchored on Planet Earth and nothing that is not of Peace will be able to exist.  No new wars can break out when relationships are resolved and healed.
And let us send Forgiveness as part of that Resolution, and let us send Gratitude and thanks beyond measure. And for this coming year, because not everyone will receive these gifts at exactly the same time, even though they are all delivered now, not everyone will open them, I should say. Let us send understanding, let us send awakening, let us send awareness of a higher dimensionality of being with this so that we empower the coming year with fresh new inspirations.  And we invite you now to add whatever you might want to add to this with your wands, fully extended, empowered by Love, infinite, universal and ongoing. So pause for just a moment and add your own vision, your own gifts - yes, your own magic, to be sent forth in this great moment of transition. Use your wands and send forth your visions to the entire Planet, indeed.
And now, while you are still pointing your wands at Planet Earth, look down; the great Light of Love and all of the visions that you send are being met now with a great Joy and a great Thanks and Gratitude!  You may even hear some special singing or music, you may feel a glow as this Love, this Thanks is sent out to you up above Planet Earth. See the Lights now, more and more of them coming, more and more of them being sent. Thanks to you, Beloved Ones, thanks to you for lighting up Planet Earth as the Truth of the Golden Age has been sent by you, as fresh and beautiful as the New Year dawns.
Golden Joy, Peace, Love and Abundance for all, and Dreams come true, realities coming forth, and illusions are over.  This is the coming year, it has begun for us together in this Now, this golden moment.  This is a grand day, it is a day of One because we have come together and sent these gifts to Planet Earth to announce and anchor the truth, the reality of the Golden Age. So here are the roses again, all colors, all tipped with gold, see them sparkle, see the roses sparkle and shine - Lights unto themselves!
My mother stands with me and offers them to each of you. Please take as many as you choose into your hearts for they tell the universe that you were here and that you helped to create this vision just so. And for those who come after this gathering, remember, it is only to give intent and you too are with this group in this now moment. There will never be another like it. And so we thank you Beloved Ones, from our hearts to yours, accept your roses with the Love that they bring you, for they signify the reality and the Truth of what we have just created together as One. And so it is, Beloveds, and so it is. Namaste.
Mother Sekhmet:
I shall be discreet. I know that most of you are still flying high. I hope you know I’m there with you. You are fabulous! You are Lights to the world and the universe beyond. Together we move through the final days and into the year of eleven. So as is tradition, we’re going to have a New Year’s party, and it’s going to start in just a moment. Come as you are, but you might want to get your dancing shoes on because I have asked my froggie friend to join us. So this is my gift and I, Sekhmet, dedicate this song to all of you – Joooooy to the world.** Namaste.
Transcribed by Brian Coe
Given through Susan Leland, December 28, 2010. © Ashtar on the Road Publications 2010.  All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

Dear Sonja,

"I Love  You" The sentance is very magic and gives instant flow of Energy removing all the differences and will work as a best medicine....

It gives you support and Courage.....It has power to remove all the Doubts and it's a very Pure Energy coming from the Source....God....

If you can forgive then you can have pure love !

When you say "I Love You" means you have forgiven and started the relations from the new begining.....

From child to old people are eager to here these words and it gives you inner strength....


So it is :-) Thank you for your loving comment, dear SohiniBen! I especially like what you say about new beginnings! i have not seen it like this up to now - but you are absolutely right!


I LOVE YOU is like a new beginning!


Thank you!


Sonja Myriel




Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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