lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light


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Crystalai ©2009

WE will provide two methods of ascension.

The First One is so easy, anyone can do it.

The Second One is so complex that only those

that are completely interwoven with their Cosmic

Consciousness will understand.

As those who are using Method One

complete steps 7-10, they will see their minds begin to

expand and understand the second method, because

they will have connected to their Cosmic Consciousness.


What is Ascension


1. First you learn to feel what a frequency feels like by listening

to the CD.

2. Second you listen to a new set of frequencies and begin to


the different feeling of the two sets of frequencies.

3. Begin to feel and know each frequency as an entity- a breath of


4. Feel the Breaths of Consciousness becoming a part of

your consciousness as the Entities begin to penetrate your

Consciousness with

their high frequencies.

5. Begin breathing in these frequencies and feeling the frequencies.

6. Feel the frequencies streaming through your cells and


7. Feel the frequencies tingling and sparking inside of each cell in

your body.

8. Next, feel the frequency filling your lungs with the fire of the

Divine Flame of Oneness.

9. Next, feel the frequencies as you breath and exhale the magic

into your atmosphere. Create your atmosphere divine.

10. Absorb more higher frequencies and watch your structure of

your body begin to transform.


What is Ascension

11. Absorb more and more higher frequencies and notice how you

look and feel younger every day.

12. Notice that you haven’t experienced any pain for a very long


13. Notice your life begins to shift. You start magnetizing into

your life only those persons who have the same frequency of

consciousness that you do. Some will become interested in

becoming more like you, and others will just stay away from you.

You will notice people leaving the room when you enter. This

doesn’t mean you become unpopular. It means you become

surrounded by loving compassionate people who have a strong

desire to be in a harmonious circle.

14. Notice all of your problems beginning to disappear out of your

life. You no longer magnetize to you anything negative.

15. You begin creating an Island of Light of pure Consciousness

and Mother Earth can now wrap you in her arms of magnetic

vortices that will allow your atmosphere to shift into a magical new

reality field.

Method Two

Begin Transmuting your Consciousness into Galactic

Consciousness by listening and absorbing the Frequencies of

Consciousness of the Galactic Families and the Solar Frequencies

of Sun Alcyone and all other galactic suns.

Collect Frequencies of the Christic, Cosmic, Galactic and Sun’s

Frequencies by asking Anwa to teleport the merkaba vehicle

into the dimensions of third fourth and fifth spheres and aligning

your merkaba body into these frequencies through the breaths of



What is Ascension

All in the universe are connected through streams of energetic

crystal light energy fields. These multidirectional networks of light

and sound streams of magnetic energy create vortices of multicentric

energetic radiations oscillating up through the Cosmic

Structure. Our Starry Brothers from our Aquarian Galaxy are

streaming and braiding and connecting all energetic fields from the

Cosmic Co-Creative Consciousness of the first breath of Source

into the IDEA of this grand Divine Plan. This energy field of this Idea

is woven and braided down through multitudes of vortices that braid

light and sound through the radiation of Christic Energy creating

harmonic convergence zones.

As this Cosmic Energy is woven into our Consciousness we are

realigned into the new key of home that was in our original galaxyour

Aquafarian Home. This time this key has changed dramatically

because we are now weaving the new melodies of all of the galactic

creations into a brand new Consciousness - a new Frequency.

Now is the time to start adopting this new galactic consciousness.

Now the Earth is waiting to modify her present energy fields.

Now Mother Earth desires to begin injecting and expelling a new

energetic-vibrational frequency that will generate an atmosphere

much more harmonically aligned with the Divine Atmosphere

needed for the new Golden Race.

Our Starry Brothers, our White Brotherhood, our Galactic Families,

our Cosmic Angelic Co-Creative Idea Consciousness are all

weaving and braiding their frequencies of consciousness together

into the Music of the Spheres to create a brand new Symphony

made of new ideas, higher frequencies, a stronger vortex, vortal

and portal allowing the Cosmic Consciousness to unite into ours.

Now is the time to allow Cosmic Consciousness to become woven

into every strand of our light energy, our crystal cells our waves of

Consciousness. This frequency is so harmonic, so balanced, so

refined, so pure that it melts away anything in the Consciousness


What is Ascension

that would allow any of the unrefined tendencies to enter in or

to come near to it. This vibratory frequency can be heard and

felt when one’s breaths have completely aligned into Cosmic


When enough of this Cosmic Frequency has been breathed in and

aligned to our consciousness, the body will transform to this lighter,

more refined etheric structure. The body will transform to the light

level of Consciousness. The more the frequency of Divine Love

is breathed into one’s being, the more atmosphere of Love Divine

Grids from Mother Earth’s magnetic field will connect, weave in and

create a radiation belt or vortice of connection into a new frequency

shift. The atmosphere of the perfected consciousness produces

infinite light, tolerance and compassion to become a part of the

Island of Light. This is the most elevated state of vibration. It allows

us to become a part of the Infinite Divine Plan. The limitations

of carbon based matter become replaced by the continuous recreative

dynamics of the speed of light energy of Divine Love. This

light energy creates NEWNESS moment by moment.

We must now take the responsibility to transform our

Consciousness into the Galactic and Cosmic. We don’t do this

by creating better rules to live by. We don’t do this by creating

more money. We don’t do this by simply becoming more humanly

loving and compassionate. We do this by raising our frequencies

to a much higher state of consciousness. These frequencies are

something that have never been felt or experienced on Earth before

because the harmonic alignment had been missing the last octave

of reconnecting into Sources original Star creation. The complete

third octave.

We now have enough light available to become woven into this light

network and lifted into this Higher Sphere of Reality. We must be

willing at this time to turn our backs on the ways of the old world.

We must concentrate on the Transmutation of our Density into the

lightness of the Etheric Cosmic Structure of Consciousness. The


What is Ascension

more we soak in the Frequencies of Galactic, Christic, Cosmic and

Source Consciousness, the faster we become a Star.

We are connecting into the vortices of the vibratory energetic codes

that are now re-dimensioning or shifting into parallel Consciousness

fields. The way we shift reality fields is to change to a higher

wave length. In order to change channels for 3.5 up to 5.5 we

must connect to the Frequencies of Consciousness of the Highest

Dimensions to become woven into the Allness of the Music of the

Spheres before we can resonate into the Divine Home of the Fifth


Each individual must create their own energy field. If they do not

work on raising their frequencies of consciousness into the higher

realms, they will just stay where they are at now. There is nothing

that is going to do it for them. Frequencies will raise a little bit from

spending a lot of time loving and caring and hugging. But this will

not shift anyone into the fifth dimension.

The power of the Frequency shift is the light energy that it vibrates

through the magnetic fields of the matrix to melt , transmute all

pain and destruction. All inharmonic tendencies disappear when

the harmonic conversion shifts so high in consciousness that the

shadow no longer exists. The codes of inharmonic tendency will

only melt away through the alignment of more and more Cosmic

Consciousness streaming in through Crystal Light energy, dust

and gel powering light fields from our etheric cosmic breaths of our

angelic families. These frequencies of angelic consciousness are

woven through and with the galactic consciousness of our monadic

family and the perfecting divine template of Christ Consciousness


It takes time, effort, concentration, desire to decode and reprogram

the vibratory sequence of the human expression. It requires

spending more time in the standing wave pattern of the fifth

sphere than in the first sphere. It requires aligning with the sacred

geometry that aligns our Consciousness into the navigational


What is Ascension

patterns of the frequencies of each dimension and the specific

energy codes that each of these possess.

This activation of our Immortal Being requires the absolute

alignment into the electromagnetic grids of Mother Earth and with

all Five Spheres of Consciousness. The alignment of light fields

of Frequencies or Breaths of Consciousness are the Ascension

Technology that lifts and transforms our bodies into their Immortal

Structure. It is the activation through the hearing and feeling the

breath of consciousness, the harmonizing through soaking in the

breaths of consciousness. It is the transmuting into a more etheric

structure as we are breathing the frequencies into the lungs, the

heart, the cells and igniting the spark of source in each cell to

become awakened into our Immortal Selfhood.

Presently we are experiencing the dissolving of the physical

structures of the atoms, molecules and cells. These structures

are collapsing into a new quantum field of a higher speed of

vibration. They are dissolving into the Frequencies of the Higher

Dimensions. They will dissolve faster, the more light we absorb into

our bodies. It is the lightness of the Cosmic Consciousness that

causes the quantum refinement of the molecular structure into the

perfect consciousness. The more we reflect the Divine Atmosphere

through the absorption into the crystal heart and exhale the Cosmic

consciousness into the surrounding atmosphere, the faster our

individual shifts will take place.

We cannot synchronize with the Divine Pan of the Cosmic

Consciousness unless we become saturated with the rhythm of this

divine frequency. The higher the frequency, the faster the spiritual

awakening to the Cosmic Heartbeat of the Divine Rhythm.

In order to participate in this grand rhythm of the Cosmic Law of a

faster drum beat, we must focus on this Divine Plan of the Music

of the Spheres. Because of many religious upbringings it may be

difficult to believe that all one needs to become a perfect being is to

spend all of their time harmonizing with the highest frequencies of

the universe.


What is Ascension

The present understanding is to have a grand heartfelt love. The

true meaning is to connect the spark of source from the center of

the CRYSTAL HEART which is the zero point connection point of all

magnetic vortices in our entire matrix and beyond into the allness

and the oneness of Source Consciousness. This Oneness with the

greatest Divine Love, Divine Plan, Omnipresent Consciousness can

not be thought into existence. It must be felt, it must be aligning into

every cell through the highest frequencies of light and sound until

the spark of source is ignited and connects with every magnetic

vortice in the entire music of the spheres harmonic alignment.

This doesn’t mean that it doesn’t require understanding what the

Divine Plan is. We must completely understand that the Divine

Plan is the allowing of the Spark of Source to become present in

every cellular memory of our body or spiritual selfhood, our Earth

our Galaxy, our Universe and our Cosmos. The Divine Plan of the

original breath of Source must become the most important goal

of the new Galactic Consciousness. The renewal and rebirth of

the Christ Consciousness grid streaming through our bodies and

connecting us to the Divine Structure of our Divine Being that was

created in alignment with the spark of source in the womb of Mother

Earth must become the primary goals of our present existence.

It is this understanding of the Divine Plan, the divine structures, the

process of aligning and collecting frequencies that will separate the

wheat from the chaff. The frequencies transmute consciousness by

melting away the shadows and veils from our holographic structure

as we shift more and more into our parallel reality of a higher


This is a grand responsibility for those wanting to become a part of

the new Galactic OMNIVERSE.

We have already created the harmonic convergence of Oneness

through our Cosmic Consciousness CD’s and Frequency Shift

CD’s. We have oscillated our consciousness to connect with


What is Ascension

each entity in all five spheres and then breathed each strand

of consciousness onto a mixing board. We then mix together

hundreds and thousands of these streams of Consciousness into

new melodies of alignment. Each time we record the frequencies

grow more etheric and pure because the harmonic convergence is

complete. The process of this alignment contained many strands of

mystery as the streams of light were not yet completely in harmony.

The intensity of light streams presently streaming through our

consciousness are so etheric and bright that the frequencies have

gone from mystery to magic.

Once the Consciousness has transformed into the quantum shift of

the Magic Frequency we can begin to create Islands of Light with

Mother Earth. Mother Earth cannot connect with frequencies that

are not in alignment with her mission of becoming a Star. The more

one is line with this process of helping Mother Earth become a star,

the sooner the magical shift will happen in ones life.

There are millions of planets and entities on other dimensions and

galaxies who are going through similar transmutations. We are all

working on this galactic harmonization together. The breaths of

consciousness that are recorded on our CD’s are all of the other

Entities who are on the teams and the brotherhoods of the same

mission. We invite them to breathe their consciousness onto our


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Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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