lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light



Here is another resource that is very affirming of the processes we use in Lightgrid -


Happy reading!




Hi Ana - I just copied the introduction here so everyone interested can judge better if he would not rather like to follow the link, ok?


Here it goes:




Spiritual activism is a concept within Lyricus that originates from the Sovereign

Integral (SI) state of being. At the quantum level, it is a very deep state of

emanating transmissions of unity and equality to the human family, and by

extension, to all life that surrounds it. At a more physical level, the level of the

human instrument1, it is the vibrancy of the will to understand the human condition

in its most disastrous expressions, and seek ways to improve it as a collective work.

The pathway of spiritual activism is depicted in Figure 1 below. It is a simplification

to be sure, but the essence of the journey is the same for nearly everyone, and so it

is worthy of a closer look.

Something or someone wakes us up. A “bell” rings and we begin to see the outline of

a new belief structure sprouting up around us. Perhaps our values shift or we begin

to see that what we had previously called “truth” is incomplete, or it no longer

resonates with our innermost self. Very often this disenchantment occurs because we

have observed that what is promised in our belief system is unfulfilled in our life


At a deeper level, when the wake-up call occurs, we are transformed into a sponge,

seeking the new information in books, seminars, websites, rituals, videos, nature,

and a hundred other modalities of experience. This is the “Deep Dive” that draws a

1 The human instrument is the composite of the genetic body, emotions, and mind. It is the vessel of the

higher consciousness we have come to call “soul”.

-3- © 2009 EventTemples, All Rights Reserved

person to seek the information that will re-model their belief system, aligning them

more closely to Source or Creator.

In order to take this Deep Dive, it is necessary to cleanse the old beliefs and values

that had dominated the previous belief system, or world view. This cleansing is

similar to detoxifying the mind and heart from the resonant vibrations and energetic

attractors of the old system of thoughts and feelings.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes

but in having new eyes.

- Marcel Proust

What happens for many spiritual seekers is that they begin to teach the information

gleaned from their Deep Dive as a form of “truth-telling,” and in this process they fall

back into separation. This separation is an old pattern, and consists of vestigial

energy that—like a gravitational beam—keeps the seeker in the paradigm of us and

them, saved and unsaved, enlightened and unenlightened, God-fearing and atheist,

order and chaos, and so forth.

It is this sense of separation in the truth-telling that holds judgment, ego, and an

ignorance of the reality that is our source of intelligence, and these elements have

vibrational density that creates the cycle of returning to sleep and reawakening to a

different bell, and then, once again, beginning the Deep Dive and truth-telling. This

cycle, for some of us, can repeat more than a dozen times in a single lifetime.

Each time we undertake a cycle of awakening, Deep Dive, and truth-telling, we learn

something new about our energetic responsibility. We learn that we are an

encompassing energy first and foremost. What is built from this energy in the form

of the human instrument is not our authentic self, nor is it permanent or causal. We

learn that energy is closer to who we are and that this energy is not defined by

timespace. This energy level is at a deeper level, is intelligent and able to operate as

a “Sub-God” or carrier signal of First Source.

This realization moves one out of the lower cycle and into the spiral adventure of

coherent energetic transfers. In this stage of our journey, we are not transmitters of

-4- © 2009 EventTemples, All Rights Reserved

“truth,” but rather, we are expressions of the six heart virtues—appreciation,

compassion, forgiveness, humility, understanding, and valor. Like a prism accepting

invisible light into itself and expressing seven rays of color; we accept the inner light

of the One into our human instrument and express the virtues of the heart.

The heart, not the mind, becomes our focus, for it is the heart that can bridge

separation and Oneness. We become engineers who build the bridges between

separation and Oneness-Unity. In this endeavor, we turn our attentions to

connecting and sharing, reaching out to others and helping the causes of our planet

that require our light and energy. It is from this point of the journey that we awaken

to a form of expression that we will call Spiritual Activism.

Spiritual activism is not about solving the problems of the world by energizing social

causes and adding to the polarity between those who care and those who don’t, or

those who believe the solution is “x” and those who believe the solution is “y”. This is

a subtle distinction because the will to do good in the world is often accompanied by

separation. For example, the social cause of climate change has “camps” of those

who are supporting the Earth (activists, tree-huggers, vegans, ecologists, etc.) and

those who are not (global corporations, greedy business people, military industrial

complex, governments, etc.).

If we go into Nature and inquire into her processes we observe

more than one glimmer of light. The truth is that life is not material

and that the lifestream is not a substance. Life is a force—electrical,

magnetic, a quality, not a quantity.

- Luther Burbank

Abstract but potent movements, like globalization, can carve out a city and overturn

its commerce and community, essentially copy-pasting the culture of globalization in

a place that once held its own spirit and sense of community. Those who are

opposed to globalization, and observe their communities looking more and more like

cookie-cutter McCommunities and Walmartvilles, can become activists against the

global machine, but from their fervent opposition, they actually energize the

globalization momentum that they seek to stop.

-5- © 2009 EventTemples, All Rights Reserved

The different camps of “us” and “them” have energetic signatures as well as physical

places, people, and events, and this energetic signature grows as the two sides of

polarity shine the intensity of their disagreement (energy) at one another. You can

observe this in any political system (i.e., liberals and conservatives) and see how the

energies are constructed, and make unity and oneness an abstraction instead of a


We live in the non-linear, multi-dimensional, intersecting planes of separate realities

that self-organize and transform into the world of Oneness and Unity, but only when

we operate in the surety of our hearts will we experience this unity. The heart is not

given to ideology or frameworks of rigidity. It operates in tandem with the

hippocampus and neocortex to sense, decode, and respond to our local universe and

multiverse2 in utter fluidity.

The heart is our magnet of perception—the decipherer that listens to the

electromagnetic sea in which we live, and pulls in the information we need to live in

unity with others. It perceives oneness in the living world, and interconnected

purpose in the nonliving world. This is the “flashlight” of attention that cascades

outward, rising from the depths of our Sovereign Integral consciousness and flooding

our local universe with the heart virtues of compassion, understanding, humility, and



EVT 3 is called the Temple of Spiritual Activism because its focus is on activating a

feature of the individual that connects one to the Entity of Oneness, First Source, or

the Nameless Force, from which virtually all of humanity has become desynchronized

as a result of subtle indoctrinations coming from vibratory fields that

disrupt this innate connection of Oneness.

If we are each atoms of an encompassing, composite entity that is unified, singular

in identity, and increasingly coherent in its expression (as measured by geologic

time), then we are learning to become re-synchronized to its consciousness.

2 One’s local universe is the environment of now that the individual is in moment to moment. The term

“local” in this case only means it is your present focus of attention and energy through which the five

senses have perceptual dominance. The local multiverse is the same principle, but includes the subtle

energetic fields at the quantum and sub-quantum levels which are not decipherable by the five senses.

-6- © 2009 EventTemples, All Rights Reserved

Activating and accelerating this process of re-synchronization is the focus of spiritual

activism because as this spreads throughout the individuated states of expression

within humanity, it begins to manifest a different reality. This new reality is one that

is manifested from the virtues of the heart, instead of the mind.

Activism is a word that conjures the behavior of speaking truth to power. At the core

of activism is the sense that something is wrong, and a new goal, and the method to

achieve that goal, is required to solve the problem. In general, activism is the

collective movement to increase distributed power, or democracy across the human

race. It is the notion of wresting control of humanity’s goals from the elite few, and

re-defining the goals of humanity so they are more sane, just, kind, caring, peaceful,

and liberating.

The goal of spiritual activism is to accelerate the Oneness of humanity, and as a

result, bring about the manifestations that arise from a consciousness that flows

from the heart virtues, instead of from the hierarchal structures of the indoctrinated

human mind. The methods for this are extremely subtle and bear little resemblance

to either political, or social activism.

The source of spiritual activism is not of the mind. Therefore, it requires a new way

of thinking about one’s identity. This is the first step in the method of spiritual

activism: Living in the identity of the Sovereign Integral consciousness. The wordconcept

“Sovereign Integral” is encoded, unifying the two aspects of the One Being:

Sovereign and individuated, and integral as One. We are both sovereign and unique

expressions of the one, unified Being.

Words are simply words, but the concept of the One Being as the Sovereign Integral

consciousness is the basis of spiritual activism because it is through the expression

of this consciousness—this specific level of consciousness—that we gain a familiarity

with the quantum level of our existence as a collective, potent entity that cannot be

imprisoned, marginalized, or influenced by the mind.


In order to make the Sovereign Integral consciousness more concrete, think of your

consciousness as a hub with many spokes diverging from it. The hub is your Spiritual

-7- © 2009 EventTemples, All Rights Reserved

Center, or Quantum Presence that lives beyond time and space. This Spiritual Center

is connected to every other Spiritual Center through a quantum link that facilitates

the Oneness of all living forms. This quantum link is what we refer to as the

Sovereign Integral state because it is the source and facilitation of Oneness.

The level of individual perception and expression that is fully connected to Oneness is

the Spiritual Center of your consciousness. You can think of this as the portal

through which the individual can pass into Oneness and remain an individual. The

Spiritual Center is the timeless presence of the individuated spirit-consciousness. The

personality is like a “membrane” of this pure consciousness as it enters the worlds of

spacetime. The human instrument (body, emotions, and mind) serves both the

Spiritual Center and the personality as they interact with their local universe.

In the human spirit, as in the universe, nothing is higher or lower;

everything has equal rights to a common center

which manifests its hidden existence precisely through this harmonic

relationship between every part and itself.

- Goethe

The purpose of EVT 3 is to help shift the consciousness of personality, embodied

within the human instrument, to the Spiritual Center regularly throughout the day

and utilize our Spiritual Center to interact with our local universe. In doing this we

gain a foothold on the quantum states that we dwell in, and through this deeper

awareness, we unsheathe our authentic self, aligning to its vibratory fields and

moving further into alignment with all others who are undergoing the same


There are always multiple levels of activism in the worlds of timespace. On one level

there are those who are rising up in a common voice, calling for peace, justice,

support, and equity, especially for those disadvantaged by social or economic

circumstance. On another level, are those who are imagining the Oneness of

Humanity by touching into their Spiritual Centers and allowing this vibration to flow

outward from their hearts. One level facilitates the other; in a sense, they are

conjoined in manifesting the new realities of a world in which Oneness supersedes

separation and polarity.

-8- © 2009 EventTemples, All Rights Reserved

How does one shift their consciousness from the personality that has dominated

them since early childhood, to navigating life from their Spiritual Center? There is no

master key to this realization. No incantation, mantra, or formula will evoke its state

of being. However, there are four gateways that embody the viewpoint of the

Spiritual Center, and if they are integrated into one’s life, and coupled to a consistent

practice of breathing (Quantum Pause3), the individual can access their Spiritual

Center and “slip” into the Sovereign Integral consciousness within the timespace


3 Quantum Pause is explained in the Notes section of this document.

-9- © 2009 EventTemples, All Rights Reserved


As the diagram above shows, the Spiritual Center, within the quantum domain, holds

certain perspectives or states of being. You can think of these perspectives as

“windows” into the timespace domain in which the human instrument operates, and

through which the Spiritual Center of the individual influences the material realities.

If each of the spokes radiating from the center is vibrant, then the individual is

operating more from the consciousness and vibration of Oneness, and less from the

indoctrinated mind that is pulled towards separation, analysis, polarity, and


These four states of the Spiritual Center are:

1. Facilitation

2. Observance

3. Guidance

4. Co-Creation

Accessing these states of being is a matter of consolidating your energies and being

in the present. Experiencing these states helps to keep you in the present, and the

more one’s life is lived in the moment, the easier it is to be in facilitation, guidance,

observance, and co-creation, and therefore to express out of wholeness instead of

separation; to live from coherence (inside-out emanation) rather than reflecting decoherence

(outside-in radiation).


Coherence is a key concept to understand, and not simply coherence as we think of

it in physics or biology. Coherence is a state of being that is an outgrowth of

alignment and synchronization with one’s Spiritual Center. It is the natural state of

the Spiritual Center of the individual and it derives from the paradigm that you are

part of an encompassing whole, and you are forever connected to ITS expression as

explorers, communicators, and co-creators.

In the broadest sense, coherence enables the individual to experi


Views: 75

Replies to This Discussion

Thaank you Ana!
I just copied most of the text into the text box so you get an idea what it is about - but please follow Ana's link to see the beautiful pictures and illustrations which accompany the text!


Sonja Myriel

Thank you Sonja...Love and Light, Natasa



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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