Weekly Digest
29th April 2011
Hello you beautiful being ♥
We're moving into a state of wholeness.
If you are becoming more sensitive to life moving in waves of energy, and on multiple levels, perhaps you feel this coming.
My 49th birthday is the first week in June and I've noticed lately I am integrating many of the channeled transmissions I've received this year--my own and those of others which are significant in bringing energy and information as light into my system.
I realize as an oracle more and more that channeling, of any kind, tells us things we may not realize about ourselves, or have not consciously claimed. As an artist who in hindsight always is in an expanded state of being a channel when I paint--I found my paintings taught me about myself. They and the process of making them is a way to tap into expanded perspectives and ground them in a way--like a channeled message is--so that I could interact with them and learn from them. Absorb them.
There is a lot of absorbing going on lately, I see, and also a lot of things coming full circle. I channeled a new message from Archangel Michael today which speaks to this and other things. I am told it is only part of the message, so I will send that separately as I receive the rest of it. But it is clear that what goes around, has gone around, is indeed, coming around--for us individually, as a planet, as a galaxy and on the cosmic stage.
All That Is is priming for a massive upgrade.
For us, here, we're on a journey of grounding fully in human form, an expanded, timeless cosmic consciousness...the ultimate emergence of Unity Consciousness. This is happening, as all growth does, in a natural way where one thing builds upon another. What no longer fits, is let go (yes I know you're SO tired of that) and we are tempered to accommodate the higher frequencies of our own Divine Light.
We take the reins and begin this process by declaring our intention and willingness.
There were a lot of amazing transmissions last fall about Wholeness. I recently revisited Naeshira's message from last November, Enter Wholeness. It speaks very strongly to our need to make a commitment to our new world, and reminds us of what wholeness is on a cosmic level.
I realized recently I wanted to formally celebrate my own commitment to what I'm up to here, to make a ritual of it and also to declare with my focus, that I'm ready and willing to receive all that I need to fulfill my role. I shared my own way of expressing this in a post recently called, Initiate Yourself.
It ought to have been no surprise that after this, BIG changes happened in my life. Lately there have been big transitions and changes for many of us.
I am moving in May back to Altadena--a small community against the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains, just north of Pasadena. You may have heard--in the summer of 2009, the Station Fire was in these mountains, an enormous fire which burned over 150,000 acres. I had moved from this area a few years before the fire and at the time of the fire felt sure that I was removed because of the energy transition to take place during the fire. I felt, without knowing how I knew this, that the fires were essential to releasing certain key energies of the Lemurian Grid which was held for safe keeping in these mountains.
About a year ago, I began to see glyphs coming out of these mountains. I also began to learn that I had helped build this Lemurian Grid and that I hold the lens for Archangel Michael to work through me with the grid, and with the dolphins (another whole wonderful story) and bring energy into the Los Angeles area.
The area where I used to walk daily for over 10 years, is still closed from the fire, but I feel the energies in this area where my new house is and in Altadena in general and I have a long and old relationship. Just driving into the area I am filled with peace.
I now know this is an energetic vortex and a sacred spot and a portal through which the Arcturians have been able to travel and communicate with these ancient Lemurian energies hidden in the mountains. Driving up there to see the house I asked Archangel Michael to help me know if it was the right place and heard that the energies have been released and a settling has taken place and that it's time for me to return there, that the energy had been prepared for me and it was now time.
So to make my long story short: when the place was ready for me (as I had been asking for some time), I got immediately very clear and the whole thing happened very fast and easy.
We are being prepared and re-positioned to be in alignment with our own role in the Divine Plan. The Divine Plan, need I remind us all, happens in, yes, Divine Timing--meaning that there are often things linked together which need to happen to open the way for aspects of this plan to line up and open. Do you remember the link I shared about
how a combination lock works? It is SO relevant to the openings within us which are coming into alignment, and the cosmic triggers which then can activate us--because there is an opening!
Another things I've noticed lately (amidst the continued experience of release which so many are continuing to experience) is a feeling that one is on the "brink of change." A huge sense of anticipation and eagerness about this and feeling it coming. There is a reason for this.
There are breakthroughs coming--they are the natural result of building foundations based on new ideals and values, and aligning energetically with these. They happen in stages, kind of again like how the combination lock gets unlocked, and we feel the cycle of energy as we ground wave into particle (form).
This evolution of vertical alignment requires a great skillfulness with focus. As the most recent message from Ashira reminds me, our energy goes where our attention or focus is.
You may also being feeling a sense of completion as wholeness anchors more fully into our experience. Remember from our event in October--the 10-10-10 Portal Celebration--we learned from Archangel Michael and Naeshira about wholeness becoming available. I realize now that much of that is anchoring and seeding our new lives now. That since that powerful point in October, we've now had a progression of alignments, upgrades, shifts and so has the Earth.
There was a message from Michael in late January called, The Soul SpeaksIn this message he spoke of "The Perfect Storm," coming,
"The perfect storm to awaken those still asleep is forming. Remain steadfast in your new dimensional home of peace and calm. This is your gift, or one of them, certainly."
It's a great message to remember as the Earth allows the birth of the New Earth, and all that it requires. I read an amazing channeled message in March about how Lightworkers were actually creating obstacles by trying to get the Earth to stop with all this shifting. It's important to remember that everything is moving toward this elevation and up-shift. We live as light, in faith by cultivating energy and making available energy which supports the Divine Plan. It was very inspiring to me the way so many members of the Family of Light came together and chose to BE love, peace, and calm during the recent upheaval on our planet--providing an amplified resonance of these qualities making it easier for others to vibrate in kind, and find peace and calm amidst so much chaos.
The other thing I have noticed lately is the theme of JOY. I realized writing this today, that Archangel Michael's message for this year is all about this: 2011: The Energy of Joy. In the most recent message from Ashira we realize the source of joy in our experience is that we are made from the energy of joy! So our pathway in 2011, is to realize this, ground it, become it. Thus we return, full circle to the completion which is growing within us: moving into a state of wholeness. Becoming our True Identity and Divine Nature. Consciously. In the unique and beautiful way which is ours alone and vital to the whole.
How do we do all this? We're present. We're grounded. We accept the Invitation to be the New Human, with the way we choose to flow our attention, give our focus, shape the energy we are.
I offer this digest--insights and the harvest from what I've taken in lately and experienced. May you find all you need to inspire, celebrate and nourish you.
May you, in becoming all that you are, shine brightly, paving the way and easing the path for any who wish to join us.
Until next week,
Much love and many blessings to you,
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