by meredith murphy
I wonder as I wander...(yes that out of season song popped into my head), what goings on are taking place behind the scenes of all that we experience here on Earth? Amidst the worry, the frazzled energy, the huge weather disruptions, the heart and pineal gland upgrades, the crown chakra openings, the lost jobs, the no-longer-relevant relationships...what are the undercurrents of these transformations? What reconfigurations are taking place that reflect the wholeness of this new awakening underway?
Orienting to the winds of change is a challenging call to clarity. What remains to be seen, though is how you do NOT allow yourself to move forward. And to get about the business of removing that obstacle, or obstacles one by one. Anything we can do to get out of the way of the tide that is rising up within us and threatening to swamp our banks, is wise and allows us to become instead aware of the speed and flow of that which moves through us, is transformed by the energetic system/vessel we are and appears then in the Universe in a uniqueness reflecting our harmonics and tones.
Coming forth into newness is configured the way it always has been: with love. This energy we consider as love is far different than what has been called love-- different than that which is longing, controlling, needing, desiring.
Love is an energy of recognition. A familial energy which experiences the bloodlines of star families and origins beyond dimensions and residing in the soul of creation; where the initial impulses for expression arise and began to be.
Living still within this ordered knowing is allowing the transmission of vast energies to arrive in your focus and realizing that the holographic reality in which you participate may transform these energetic impulses into coherent messages and direction: a perspective emerges which is compatible with the camouflaged energy of the Earth plane and yet which is governed and aligned with far more expanded and inclusive domains.
Newness always comes forth into being as love. This is and always will be, which means that newness does not come from desire nor from longing, it is not created from wanting or controlling, it emerges when the implicit wholeness,
the clarity and devotion to oneness is experienced.
In becoming the unified field and choosing to "see" an expression, energy shifts from pure potential into the flow of becoming (wave to particle). Manifestation arises from delight and recognition of the possibilities of form and experience stimulated by the intersection of contrast and your unique, multidimensional dynamic, and the unconflicted permission to create which allows energy to flow.
Heat, light, the pull of a vacuum and joy all contribute to acceleration of newness.
Go quiet. Spread out. Be everything. Watch what emerges from through you.
This is creation.