lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
What an outrageous 24 hours it has been! For any of you living in the United States, or even elsewhere, who felt the repercussions from the election upset, I want to share with you, what I shared on my personal Facebook page this morning:
I feel great. Last night I took time to come fully into my own center and be present. I got very chill before I slept and as a result, woke up feeling rested and curious about my day.
One thing I do every morning is make lists of positive aspects, and what I'm appreciating, and grateful for.
I want to bring out the best in all the people in my life so I started making a list of positive aspects about our President-elect. Why? Because it feels good to me to line up this way. It was easy to list a few things that I truly, sincerely value: Not afraid to speak his mind. Thinks big. Believes in himself. An eccentric individual.
These are qualities I love in life. I am happy to tune on those aspects and feel good. We can each choose how we participate in our world and how we play with the way we experience life. I choose to claim the power of my focus to create and to continue to take pleasure in my thoughts by choosing thoughts that give me pleasure.
We're all One and everyone, at their core, is divine. I am going to tune to that level of experience, because that's what I enjoy. Hope you are choosing whatever works best for you and makes you happy!!
The diversity of our world is expanding and it's only going to continue to open up further. Given this, learning how to live in clarity becomes key.
Today's New Channeled Message speaks directly and succinctly to this:
Navigating Life On the Ascending Energy Arc & In Clarity by Ailia Mira
Message from the Council of Radiant Light:
Hello Dear Friends,
We greet you in love.
Immense disruptions in your experience have occurred in the past 24 hours. We know this, and we see in this, your projection into the future of your intentions and thoughts and the way the fluidity of manifest life can destabilize you. This contrast is beneficial to you, for it points to the unclaimed gifts of your sovereignty.
You have within you the capacity to create your experience and we encourage you to try this out and live it. You cannot create a world in which things you dislike never happen. Your world is meant for a diversity of expression and individuation. You can, however, create your experience of this world such that you are most intentionally shaping your experience and in that shaping, creating ever-expanding joy and all the other things you want to feel.
Life is enriched when you are fulfilled. You cannot fulfill your dreams without tending to your vibration, and it is your state of being, that determines what you perceive and how you feel. Along with the patterns of thought you’ve amplified and established, creates your mindset, your emotions, and your manifest experience.
Even if you wish that this was not the case, you can live at odds, in disagreement or dismissal of these principles of energy, yet they still are in play and shaping your life. The ironic truth: the only way in which you cannot choose freely is that you cannot choose while embodied here, to live outside these laws within Creation. There are only a few laws within Creation, and beyond that, even here, your life is wide open. Wide open and as free as you allow yourself to claim and establish your identity and your frequency.
Life on Earth is bringing home this truth to you in a variety of ways. When you are focused on external outcomes to generate your happiness, you feel far less capable. When you are focused on alignment with the vaster you, as a mode of priority and orientation, then you feel better and in that better feeling state, better things are demonstrated to you.
The benevolent universe supports you unquestioningly. We wish to see you happy, yet you are entirely free to choose otherwise and to shape your life in accord with whatever focus appeals to you, and also, to change that in an instant.
So then, beloved ones, what will it be? Freedom embraced? Or denial of your powers. Of some mix thereof?
We are putting it bluntly, so it’s clear.
You have this choice in each and every moment. You may not yet know how to use your powers to their full potential, but as you begin to use your focus and develop the muscle of conscious creation and intentional thinking, your capacity will expand.
You were not mean to be here and live your life in an endless stream of frustration wanting more and feeling it is out of reach.
There is a quiet, steady, bright, clear center within each and every one of you. This soulful connection, the presence of your essence energy, is pure and clear and ever present, ever available. You either learn to relate to this inner wellspring recognizing it’s reliable and generous energy, or you don’t. You either align with that as your compass or you look outwards to other people, their paths and insights, their opinions and feedback. If you look to the outer world for guidance, you will learn that it never quite works for you, because it’s not for you. It’s not yours. Your guidance, that which is particular to you, is within you. You also can see it reflected when you resonate with something. That is the path lighting up before you.
We’re painting for you the stark contrast of living an uplifted and inspired life of inner knowing, a life arising from your truth or, a life of looking to the outer world for your security, sense of self, validation, and joy.
We paint this picture in sharp relief so you might explicitly choose.
All in your world is constructed of light. There is only a continuum of light throughout all of creation, nothing else.
Brighter or less bright is the choice before you. Know that the continuum of light moving into expanding brightness is infinite and infinitely fulfilling.
You alone shape your presence, moment to moment and thereby set your standards, generate your emotions and attract thoughts and experiences that further that point of focus. This creation is happening freely even if you do not choose to see it that way.
On the planet where you are focused there are an infinite number of locations in which to know life on Earth. Some are much more brilliantly populated, some less so. These potentials are exponentially expanding moment to moment. You can experience a life in which you move into ever increasing higher frequency light and consciousness. As you orient, amplify, tune, and focus your attention, so you experience.
Let yourself consider this and choose what you truly desire. Let yourself claim the freedom that is yours.
We cannot do it for you, nor can anyone else. But we hope today, to point it out and light the way, making it easier and simpler for you. Regardless of all the noise around you, this bright, authentic soulful path, is stable and available.
We are with you, in love.
We are the Council of Light
Video: "Awakening Your Higher Emotional Centers With The Council of Light Through Melanie Beckler" -
It is always such a delight to be surprised by things, rather than have an expectation about something. For me, the Moon phases surprise me, as I don't follow Astrology, Moon phases, the calendar, etc; so when I happen to see the Moon, the stars and other beautiful things in the Universe, I am delighted, blessed and my Heart swells with Joy. Isn't this the way everything is in the New? We are surprised and delighted by even the tiniest miracles.
This is seeing through new eyes; as when old patterns, attachments, expectations, beliefs and other old ways still linger within, it is not possible to see with new eyes. We then move into expecting things to be as they always have been. It is so much fun to not have predictability in our life, perhaps having no expectations is not such a fun thing for some. Do you like predictability or do you enjoy being surprised? This will tell you a lot about yourself.
We are in an energetic phase where we can view our deep core beliefs, as well as transform through anything limiting. It is up to us to discern what serves us and what doesn't. When we let go of predictability, we open to new ways of seeing things and we learn new things; things we didn't know before. So much is being revealed now, if we choose to see with new eyes and be open to the New.
For those who are ready, there is a merging of chakras. They are not separate from each other. For me, I was told that my Solar Plexus (Will and Power), Heart (Love and Compassion) and High Heart (Joy) are merging as one chakra. What a beautiful blending of Power, Love and Joy...being Love and Joy in all I choose to do, think and be.
Ah, this explains the Solar Plexus and Heart pain and the itching over my High Heart I have been experiencing! When we experience changes and upgrades, they are specifically designed for us by our Souls and cannot be lumped generally, so it may be what you experience or not; no-one else experiences exactly the same. It is best to not seek out generalized “symptoms,” but to be in Acceptance of What Is.
Many believe our Ascension is coming to completion; at least the sometimes difficult passage into Ascension. However, while we have an Opportunity to complete much, there is no beginning or ending of Ascension. It is infinite, as we are; as all the universes are. There is no time, for in Truth, all “time” is Now. Humans have made up time and this includes the past and future. Is this another illusion when we know that only the present moment is real? All truly is based on personal choice, so powerful are we.
If you believe things are completing, perhaps they are for you. If you trust that we continue to evolve, then you will. We are all products of our belief systems. If this is true, then how is it that universal energies affect us? Or do they? For me, they do; I feel it when I download. The universal high dimensional energies are available for us to integrate them for whatever purpose we choose. Many pay no attention, so the energies remain dormant in them. The higher energies are neutral. They may be used to enhance and help us or not; it is up to us.
Some of us did not have nurturing adults in our childhood. I speak specifically of mothers, since mothers have a very powerful role in our lives. If this is the case for you, it's important to mother yourself. What kind of mother are you to you? Are you a nurturing mom or a critical and cold mom? Go within and ask your Inner Child to come to you. Ask him/her what he/she needs. What nurturing does he/she want to receive? Hold him/her in your arms, rock him/her and tell him/her how much she/he is loved. Do this often.
The purpose of merging with your Soul/Higher Self
is so that every thought, feeling and action is of the highest vibration, thus helping you to thrive; not merely survive. Becoming One with your Highest Self, you act from a higher perspective.
The Soul needs no healing, yet the separate self does. This includes your subconscious; all you've experienced; all your limiting patterns and beliefs. The purpose of the separate ego is to become the ascending ego...the expressor of Soul mentally, emotionally and physically.
You know when you have integrated Soul by how you feel. You feel loving and expansive. When thoughts originate from separate ego, it feels constricted, old and not loving. When integrated, your guidance comes from your Soul - The Divine You.
Guides are helpers and cheerleaders. Those of the higher dimensions do not interfere with your Free Will and will wait to be invited. This includes your Soul. Guides you invite must match your consciousness. You may say, once you invite your guides, “Only those of the highest Love and Light be present now.”
Merging with Soul, you also merge with Source, and you greatly evolve to be more than you ever thought possible. Becoming One with Soul takes practice. Usually it does not take just one meditation. Do honor your separate ego. Treat it like a toddler; otherwise it feels rejected and will try to interfere with your merging. Like you do with your Inner Child, love it and invite it along to be a part of your journey. It wants Love; not rejection or punishment. Merging with Soul enhances life; it does not take away your experience as an incarnate Soul.
Being spiritual is not simply in one's intellect or a belief;
it is being Love in all you think, say and do. A spiritual being would not think of harming any aspect of life, including the tiniest insects to that smallest pebble. This is being Love.
If you see with a higher perspective, you see that all is in Divine Order. Duality is transcended and you truly understand that there is no right or wrong, good or evil, love or hate; for you understand that all is in perfect Divine Order.
As you see through New Eyes, your Awareness is heightened and therefore, your perceptions and consciousness are elevated. You then attract what you are. At first, it is a practice and in time it becomes automatic; this is when you are integrated.
Remember that there is a higher purpose to everything, even while separate ego may distract you into the duality of right/wrong, this or that, us and them, etc. Be patient and ask often where your thoughts and feelings are. Adjust when necessary.
Realize you are not alone.
Your Soul guides you through your Heart-feelings and the ongoing high dimensional energies continue to infuse you. Through guidance and energies, there are many changes occurring within you and all around you.
What you have assumed as true may reveal themselves as illusions. What you have been programmed with may not be true at all. You are asked to see clearly through everything without relying on past information. See with new eyes and with Innocence. Everything is shifting.
If you have a need to be in control, you cannot be, for you cannot control anything or anyone. See from a higher perspective; see with new eyes. Stay grounded and centered in love as the world transforms. Do this without judgment. As you accept things as they are, you surrender to Divine Order. When in Acceptance, you help move the Transformation forward. When you judge, you bring forth resistance to Transformation.
Know within your Heart and trust that you are always guided. You are guided to people, events, books, movies, articles, etc. Be aware of what each is helping you see. Everything you are guided to has a message and everything that you are unconsciously guided to has a message for you; there are no mistakes.
When you experience physical manifestations, trust that it is for your your highest integration. Everything you are is shifting higher...your mind, your Heart, your body, your chakras and your life. Be in Acceptance as you take just one step at a time. Do not be in a rush; honor each moment as you honor yourself and your process.
Copyright: Feel free to share any portion of the Ascension Notes. I would appreciate being credited.
Video: "I Am The Embodiment Of My Divine Self" -
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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