The Invitation of the August Energies.
by Meredith Murphy
YOU are a an eternally valid being, creating not just multiple versions of you, but expanding and recreating time jumping forward, backward, sideways...
This has become very real to me lately. Are you too, discovering this amazing circular, looping, confident continual creative nature of experience?
The invitation to claim your infinite participation in All-That-Is, is at hand.
As many of you know, I have not been channeling messages to publish lately. Instead there has been a series of profound, inner, introductions taking place as the multi-dimensional vortex in which my soul is currently focused, aligns with and enters full knowing of it’s ancestral lines and the primary form intended as a vehicle for expressing the blueprint. I have met a team of elders with whom I’ve worked many times before and in reconnecting and remembering with them, I have had cycles of joy, healing and expansion. This is the playground we are each entering in our own perfect time.
I have been fiercely educated about standards. The choices we make now as our fields are opened up to more expansive contact and communication, are absolutely critical. We much choose who and with what purpose we are open for business. If I wish to uplift myself, to participate in the evolution of the human species and support the earth in her trajectory toward the light-filled heaven-on-earth of a new dimension, then I must not only choose this, but welcome those who support and assist, who with me are aligned to this focus and this vibration of unity and love. Declining to participate in the indulgent energetic contact of those who are not on the boat with me and part of this—together looking in the same direction, with the same standards for experience—has become increasingly critical to using my abilities and gifts with discernment and devotion to the Law of One.
We are learning how to transmit our energies to create an ideal we each must determine and then choose. Each of us carries an important perspective as to how we might create an evolved civilization of human life in harmony and cooperation with the Earth and all beings who choose to participate in these standards and at this frequency will be welcomed and allowed to also participate in this ultimate co-creative Eden of diversity and quantum information.
Within the beginnings we find ourselves in of late, there is an increasing level of awareness of All-That-Is and the reality of the new world is pressing into all crevices in our body—filling the space and the cellular within our forms with higher vibrating light, which we intend and yet struggle at times to digest, anchor, ground and integrate.
The activity within our sphere is at a pitch now and this is perfect for it allows us to just yield and submit to what has manifested already and what is now diversifying and evolving into increasingly specific form: the new earth!
We live many of us increasingly in this field of glorious, unified energy and we are now being drawn into the soul groups—physical and non-physical—with whom we wish and have intended to collaborate. The task at hand is to go beyond now knowing our own blueprint and to remembering the civilizations in which we are already an active participant. It is to realizing the emergence of significant lifetimes--in dreams or visions or memories or resonance--is happening for a reason: to inform and participate in this quantum moment of NOW. For it is this too which has led us to want to be here in this now-point of evolution—that we might move forward, backward and sideways—healing and making whole other aspects of ourselves who did not have these current solutions or opportunities for wholeness.
The life of our being is about creatively expressing our unique blueprint and using this marvelous perspective to enhance and evolve each civilization in which we are a player. Continually we, across the universe, in various guises, show up and have experiences which stimulate us, expose us to new ideas, heal us, reunite us with other sparks of ourselves and those we are connected to—all in an effort to make whole, to expand, to create anew, to bring forth a culture and a civilization which moves increasingly toward expansion AND wholeness. Peace and creativity. Joyful living and harmonious diversity. The Earth is such a beautiful space! We have chosen an amazing home in which to ground our energies and our vessels and evolve!
Let us realize the moment which has dawned...
The eternal loop of energy which is us—cycling in all directions and cross-informed across time and space and beyond time and space—is becoming self-aware.
The new multi-dimensional, grounded human is stepping forward and realizing that this is the moment we have intended to come forth. The moment when we realize our eternally valid, multi-dimensional nature directly in our experience!
The Archangel Michael during our June Expect Wonderful Lightworker Collective gave us the image of the infinity symbol to be placed on our third eye. To orient to the center point and realize all possible locations in the Omni-verse available to us, and our orientation being the center point--this NOW focal point in this amazingly beautiful human vessel; the home of our spirit in this awareness.
I did not fully understand this at the time. Only now, as I realize that I'm multi-dimensional, I'm in charge of my experience and there is no time and space--there are merely locator points--have I discovered in experience that I AM, in part, a time-jumper!
I am an eternally valid being, creating not just multiple versions of me, but expanding and recreating time jumping forward, backward, sideways...
Our focus is to create culture based on our own unique preferences and to cultivate an energetic signature which is ours, increasingly whole and in harmony and balance, and from our own perspective: beautiful!
As each of us comes online, in our own perfect time, we pre-pave the way for those who have decided to come next; creating a vibration which at the perfect moment, they may begin to resonate with, and those singing the song, vibrating the tones of this enhanced awareness, grows.
Celebrate the lucidity of your awakening. Ask for information that is practical, useful, and pertinent and listen. The whole world wishes to speak with you, as do many beings and energetic forms within the Universe. Set your standards and determine who is allowed to merge and blend with you, based on sharing your intentions and your frequency standards. Then open yourself up and let the conversations begin!
You will need a notebook, and the ability to quickly integrate truly awesome things one after another, so drop your humble human limitations by your side and step up to the innate worthiness which has always been yours to experience. Give yourself permission and intend to know the glory and expansiveness which is YOU.
You are needed and vital to the success of this and perhaps even other civilizations. It will be as you choose it, so choose well, and choose often. And raise your standards far higher than you ever considered before. Then raise them again.
The present springs from the future as well…this whole point at which you experience and ground yourself—the home base for this multi-dimensional exploration—is your way to take it all in and stay clear. Love your body. Love yourself. Let us together re-dream our society and our lives in great abundance! Let us live the Law of One with confidence and creativity!
Claim the ownership which is yours. Rise to the opportunity. Discover and trust abilities you had no idea you had! Claim what you know.
We are, you are, expanding the expression of civilization itself. Love and cooperation are what facilitate us finding one another and working together to focus and give form to the light we now know and receive continually. Do not be distracted by anything which does not meet your frequency standards. Devotion to our intentions is imperative for keeping our Lightbody in balance and clear. For when we are not clear about our intentions, then confusion ensues. Our bodies await and listen to our direction! May we enable them and give them permission to function at their highest capacity, trusting them to know how to do this, continually viewing them with love, and then doing the most important thing we can do: orienting to the heart.
Speak, ask, and inquire from the heart. Place your mind in service to exploring and expressing the ideal of love. We are each powerful beyond measure. Consider this. Does it resonate within your heart? Give your entire allegiance to your own, internal knowing. Become the peacemaker of your own life, and bring this orientation to the civilization at hand. This is the way of the new human!
What a wonderful and amazing thing life is. I am moved to take care of this life I have chosen--to embrace being the caretaker of my LIFE--not my things--my life, and the cultures, civilizations and connections in which I am currently in play. The game is really really really getting to be more FUN!
Suit up and join me? It's time to expect more...
All love to you,