lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Message from Archangel Michael, the Council of Radiant Light & the Galactic Dragons
Channeled by Ailia Mira
Freedom is the way home.
Freedom is how you know yourself to be in alignment with who you truly are.
When you are feeling free, you are feeling yourself as you are at your essence.
This is divine light and truth. Let it guide you into more clarity and the experience of your own wholeness and inherent capacity.
The realignments that you seek are activated by your own wholeness. We work, always, in accord with your own wholeness. For you are a sovereign being and in our function, supporting and participating in planetary ascension, we serve your divine essence.
As you live letting your essence guide you, you come into accord with you in ways that make your life easier, better, more open, more alive and ultimately freer.
In this realm of focus, you have access to tremendous freedom. This is not the case in all time/space locations in which you can be or are, actively participating. It is one of the reasons that Earth has so much magnetism as a location to create. Everyone who enters here knows that there will be spectacular diversity and challenges to remembering and yet the promise of that spectrum of opportunity coupled with freedom is a powerful lure.
The reason for this is that you find out more about who you are when you create in a material setting from a pure perspective of consciousness. You get to experience the discovery of you. This is thrilling and all of you know what we mean. You’ve all had moments in your life when you discovered something truly wonderful about yourself. Something you could do, or love, something you didn’t see before and was reflected back to you and gave you a jolt of joy. There is nothing more fabulous in embodiment than discovering your capacities and the things that call to you point out the path to open up your capacities.
As you follow your spirit increasingly, without hesitation, you come into a unity of spirit in which you know what to do and what matters in each and every moment. You then can create without inhibition for all that you are inspired to create is coming from a higher will, a vast clarity that is attuned with everything. With this awareness, divine timing becomes prevalent in your experience and you enjoy an ease and grace-filled unfolding of your life.
This is a wonderful experience to create for yourself. We encourage you as you enter the eclipse cycle and this powerful month of expanding potentials to create a way of being in your experience that allows you to discover yourself more and feel freer. All of this can easily be opened up as you learn to follow your spirit.
When we say, “follow your spirit” we mean - follow your inner knowing. The light within you that is experienced as knowing is your essence, present within you and lighting up your way. Showing you through feelings and clarity that is present within you, through resonance and affinity with things you encounter, what furthers you and what doesn’t. This is what we would call, “the spiritual signature.” When there is a signature for you, then what you are encountering will feel exquisite and your energy will be high. This is the kind of thing where you feel immense enthusiasm. For the signature is clear and present. When you are feeling that something doesn’t feel right to you, it’s because there is no signature; meaning it’s not a fit for you now. It may be a fit for you later. It may not. But learning to pay attention to where there is a signature and where there isn’t is how you learn to follow your spirit. You also can learn by listening to what feels right to you and acting on it. The more you take action on your inner knowing the more you amplify your inner knowing. You know that when you pay attention to something, you amplify it. By paying attention to your inner knowing you increase that signal, its communicative powers. By taking action on your inner knowing, in accord with your inner knowing, you bring forth a fuller expression of you, in the material.
The leading edge, the life possibilities for ascending humans at this time, have many pathways. One common theme among the leading edge way showers is a strong and unremitting call to authenticity. The ability to persist with things that do not fit you is diminishing, if not already seeming to be unavailable to you. This is a good thing. We know it’s scary sometimes, because as it fades, you don’t know how to carry on with things you are living which don’t fit you, but which you think you need. You’re sometimes afraid to lose the things that don’t fit you because you’re afraid the things that do won’t work, or you don’t deserve them, or you don’t know yet, how to make them real and alive for you.
We understand this, but this is part of stepping into your truth - to dare to live what calls out to you. It is a way of allowing the light within you to gift you, guide you show you and open up your life to more aliveness and joy. You will need to take action and possibly learn and grow in new ways to express that which calls out to you and create a life that fits you better. Why not begin to do that now? For the call to your own inner truth is only going to intensify as the path of awakening continues.
Life on Earth is shifting from an experience of duality and separation, from feeling you are broken and in need of healing, into a state of DIVINE EXPRESSION. This is a profound expansion of potentials for humanity and with this, each of you will feel the increasing need, and we mean literally a need, to be transparent and true to yourself.
The energy required to sustain things that are not a genuine expression of your natural state will only increase. For in actuality, what you are doing is standing in resistance to an increasing flow of immense incoming energy from all that is and all that you are, when you stand in opposition, refusing to live your truth.
There is no way around this for the light is growing in your world and your planet is blazing a trail into different dimensional expressions and qualities.
We suggest that it’s time to get on board with this if you’ve not already. It’s time to get on board with freeing yourself up and handling the bumps that may arise as you readjust your life to fit who you actually are and stop trying to be someone else in order to make other people happy or because you’re afraid.
Choosing things out of fear never works and they never make you happy. They cannot last and they will not help you to feel alive and joyous. Fear based choices simply generate more fear and amplify the fear-based beliefs and thought-forms you so desperately wish to be liberated from.
How then, do you do this?
Begin now, on this day, with this ripening new moon, with this solar eclipse, to reset your attitudes and orientation to being human. Consider embracing the idea that you are here simply to express the divine as you, and to do so to the hilt! For your joy! For your expansion! To discover more about yourself in the way you can in an embodied experience. To share and light up the lives of others with your presence and your uniqueness. But most of all, beloved friends, to fulfill yourself in form. To know the joy of creating here, with freedom and naturalness, bringing the mastery of your innate wholeness into the realm of human expression. Divine light, as LOVE. For this is a love-planet. This is a love-realm. And you, being you here, fully and freely, is articulating the divine light, as love, through you.
We are with you always and we love to co-create and support your intentions and desires for experiencing your own wholeness. We are here in part, to hold the vision of you being you. Do remember to ask for what you need and to believe you can have it and to take action on what feels right to you and calls to you. Even if it’s new. Even if it seems far-fetched and unfamiliar. Just begin. Start fresh.
Start now.
You are love.
We know you as divine light. We offer you these truths, in love.
I AM Archangel Michael with the Council of Radiant Light and the Galactic Dragons
The Accelerated Timeline Has Been Chosen by Jenny Schiltz
Jenny's Personal Note:
About 5 days ago as I was getting ready for bed I felt their presence (The Council) and their need for my attention. I found myself in a meeting where I was being asked questions regarding the acceleration, not only personally but my opinion on the collective. The biggest question was if humanity was ready to let go of right vs wrong and to be able to see things from all sides. Could we begin to forgive what we may deem unforgivable? Can we begin to understand that we are indeed all one and that to forgive another is in fact forgiving ourselves? Can we release the fear of the unknown and step boldly into the realm of full embodiment? Can we handle the acceleration of the energies in our form?
Two days ago, I was told that the Accelerated timeline has been chosen in the collective. However, just as there were those on an accelerated timeline while the collective was on a slower pace, there will be those who will opt for the slower growth in their personal timeline. Each soul knows exactly what they can handle. My hope is that as higher and higher energies stream into the planet that it becomes a more comfortable place for those that vibrate high, like the children.
I did ask to be shown the way through the energies and they showed me a life raft in the ocean during a huge storm. Our job is to stay on the raft (which represents maintaining calm and in our center) and that if we did fall off to quickly return to the safety of the raft. To stay out of the raft for too long could cause us to be injured by the rocks below or to be caught in the waves and pulled further and further from the raft. As the world gets louder and louder so that the things needing changing can be heard clearly we need to stay stable and anchored within ourselves. What I did find very interesting is that the raft was not out in the middle of the ocean but close to the shore where there are rocks, breakers and under currents that threaten to pull one out to sea. We are almost there and the most tenuous part of the journey is at hand.
For many they will find that things they thought were coming will come faster and for others what they felt was around the corner has shifted and is no longer in the highest interest. The more work you do within to clear the beliefs, the more you will resonate in the higher frequencies and call forth the highest possible timeline within your life. They have also showed me that when each person is ready the original DNA will be restored and the crystalline body will be activated even stronger.
It can’t be said enough that self-care is very, very important. The biggest hurdle to self-care is really connecting and listening to the body. Can we listen to the nuances of what it needs as far as nutrition, rest, exercise, supplements, and most importantly love. We can talk all about what the body physically needs to get through this process, but where we tend to neglect ourselves is in the mental and emotional categories. This component cannot be ignored.
They have also expressed to me how important it is to COMMIT fully to this venture. When I asked for an explanation, as I feel many I know have committed everything to this journey, they explained that it is the mindset that must be changed. That we have to not only rejoice on the days when we feel good, but on the days when we feel rough. That to have in the back of the mind “I want off earth as soon as possible” is not committing fully. We have to be all in. That means being committed to connecting deep within ourselves, forgiving others and self of ALL – no matter how ugly, and in every moment expressing gratitude. It also means loving ourselves and others fully; seeing them in the highest light possible, seeing their soul. It is understanding that it is OK to not like what people do, how they hurt one another and forgive them anyway. It is having boundaries and leaving behind all that no longer serves, walking away but with forgiveness and thankfulness for their role in your growth. Loving and forgiving another does not mean that we condone what happened nor that we need to play in the same sandbox; it is simply acknowledging that under all the layers and roles that they are a soul of pure light, just as you are.
It is also committing to leaving victim hood and all the ways we dis-empower ourselves behind. Often it is not the outside world that dis-empowers us the most, but our own inner talk. It is stepping into our power and really understanding to our core that we are the creators. It is understanding that when we find ourselves with things to be extracted (negative energy), it is because we were not whole and complete within ourselves. Our job is to become whole and complete so that we don’t have space for anything that does not belong to us. Nature abhors a vacuum and when we have holes, it will be filled. It is thanking the things that attached for showing us that there is more work to be done within to be complete.
We are human and we have programming and filters that we have to work through and overwrite. There will be times that we are not happy, that we feel frustrated and times when we are our own worst enemy. Commitment means that we become fully aware of it and change it as soon as possible. Commitment means actively seeking the awe and joy in each moment and understanding that our task is to fully embody our soul.
We are in for an amazing ride. The veil is thinning more and more, contact is being made in dreams, meditations, visions and through all the resources available (angel numbers, animals, songs etc.). The inner knowing within all is getting stronger and it is simply amazing. What a great time to be alive!
Sending you all love and a rope to help us get back in the raft should we become unbalanced and fall.
To read the full post - click on this link:
Copyright 2016, Jenny Schiltz
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including all the links above and the link to this original post. Thank you.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **
Laughter is powerful medicine. Who could deny the contagious joy and healing energy inherent in a child’s squeals and giggles? Or the throaty chuckle of a lover? They are empowering and life-enhancing. Laughter reduces stress hormones while triggering the release of endorphins, our bodies’ ownfeel good chemicals that alleviate pain and promote a sense of well being. It boosts the immune system, creates resilience, strengthens relationships, and promotes bonding. Laughter helps diffuse conflict and encourages teamwork. It manifests a sense of unity and oneness while dissolving isolation and separation. Did you know your body can not be in joy and pain or love and fear at the same time? Simply turning the ends of your mouth up in a smile stimulates the production of serotonin, the joy and well~being nuerotransmitter, while turning them down into a frown generates the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.
There are many ways to utilize laughter as medicine: watching a funny movie, telling jokes, playing with a child, being silly, or finding the biting humor in and thus transforming a not so fun situation such as the socio-political state of the world. There are even laughter yoga classes now which are very therapeutic especially for suppressed emotions. This form of medicine is a no-brainer. All we need to remember is that we have a choice in every moment to choose love and laughter over fear and pain. True we need to acknowledge our pain in order to release it but laughter has the capacity to transform and release our attachment to the suffering and our victim story. This is the trancendent power of laughter, release without attachment.
Dear Steve,
Thanks for this up lifting Message...
Thank you Steve,
These messages are so uplifting!
With gratitude and love,
Thank you so much for your replies Sohini & Ishema.
Unbounded Blessings of Love & Light to all,
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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