What if you gave up feeling less than, well, less than ... anything?
So much in life can be eased, opened up, liberated and elevated by you coming into a truly, unconditionally loving relationship to YOU!
Self-doubt, unworthiness, comparison, shame, feeling incapable, interpreting things as failure, self-criticism, etcetera... All of these are OPTIONAL states of being.
Why not just give all that up? What if you actually decided right here, right now, to
You really are so powerful that you can make yourself feel awesome or you can make yourself feel lame, and everything in between. Why not choose awesome?
For a love-filled channeled transmission to support this even further, check this out:
We greet you in love. We are excited because you're starting to discover your capacity for unconditional love. You're starting to pay more attention to your ability to choose what you focus upon, and many of you are taking to heart this idea that you might focus on what you easily love. That is the most effortless to bring more ease and alignment into your experience.
You're also discovering that ease comes from allowing yourself to flow, allowing yourself to flow, allowing your life energy to flow freely, from not pushing yourself, not making so much effort, not trying so hard, to flow more easily, to flow with more allowing, is to let yourself flow as it feels right.
You're beginning to understand how your orientation to the moment, to the present, expresses your point of view energetically. You're feeling the outcome of that, and you're making the connection between all these things and sensing too how your point of view manifests tonally. Your point of view, when it manifests energetically, has tonal quality. You feel that tonal quality as your mood.
From our perspective, the encouragement we have for you and the suggestion we have is to completely focus on allowing your life to flow.
Focus on allowing yourself to be who you are. Let that be your aspiration and experience. You don't need any other aspiration. If you were to aspire in your embodiment to allow yourself to be who you are and allow what wants to come through you to come through you, you would have a very beautiful, expressive life that benefits everyone in the most powerful way.
You can feel this flow that wants to come through you very easily, because this flow will always feel good. What wants to come through you, what is your true self, will always, always, always feel good. What wants to flow through you and into your experience, what is arising within you and what gives you clarity in the moment, will always feel good to you.
We want to expand on this and offer some further clarity. The true you, the clarity in the moment, the coherence you are, what wants to flow through you, will never feel bad. It will never feel stressful. It will never feel overwhelming. It will never feel demanding. It will never feel scary to you.
What wants to flow through you, what you can allow and know you are furthering your experience, will always feel good.
Once you not only get this, but embrace this, life gets easier. Once you understand that what wants to flow in your life and through you always, always, always feels good, you stop feeling ambivalent. You stop feeling confused. You stop feeling like you don't know what to do. You stop pushing yourself. You stop feeling bad about what you're not inspired to do, and you stop trying to make yourself do things that aren't arising effortlessly and naturally. Instead you feel caught up.
Can you imagine feeling caught up? You no longer have a to-do list. There's no longer a long list of things you're supposed to be doing in every moment. You feel right where you need to be.
The interesting thing that happens when you really start to live the way we're describing is you feel perfect. Now, isn't that a beautiful thing? You discover the feeling of your own perfection. Imagine that.
You, when you allow yourself to flow, allow the manifestations that demonstrate this new energy state to arise.
When you focus on the feeling & knowing of your wholeness flowing through you, and the feeling of pleasure you get when you let it be easy, then everything that you truly need & desire will manifest in your life easily. Enjoy life. Enjoy life and let it come easily.
One of the other things that will happen from this in addition to discovering your own feeling of your own perfection, is your body is going to sigh a big sigh of relief. What feels good is best for the good health of your body. And what feels best will liberate your body.
When you focus on what feels good and on feeling better & better - your body can do its thing. Your intelligent, wise body will be liberated to thrive, and things that you couldn't fix for the longest time in regards to your health and your body and also the rest of your life and your finances and your relationships, just start to sort themselves out.
Your life will really start not only to work, it will start to hum. Again, we're going to say this, you will feel the perfection of you. You will discover the perfect way you're present, the perfect guidance system in your energy and your emotions, and you will feel powerful and perfect and free and happy.
To experience this doesn't mean there's not going to be ups and downs and moments when you get off track, because living here if full of newness and you're not always going to be completely in sync with what is coming forth. Yet because you know that when you're feeling good and letting it be easy, it all works better, you'll get back to it.
You'll get back to it more quickly and more easily, so continue. Let it be easy now. Let the easy way guide you, and do this as much as you can. Let life be gentle. Let yourself feel no pressure about anything. Let no criticism or making yourself wrong be the way you view experiences.
What if you just let it be easy and continued this, continued this focus on more pleasure and learn to spend more time enjoying life and less time thinking and trying to figure things out. When you spend less time thinking, your energy gets better, because thinking is so often about trying so hard, and you're emanating energy all the time, and when you're thinking and trying hard, are you emanating the energy you want to be emanating, and do you want more moments like that? No, you want the relief on the other side of that. Step into the relief now.
When you let it be easier cooperating with creation, and that's what this whole Soar Fest is all about, you're learning how to expect good things and let pleasure be your guide and to allow your life to get even better as you allow your flow. That's ease.
What you don't know in all this is that the way you're learning to think and feel and focus and shape your life will bring you to an experience in which there is this kind of crazy, natural, steady sense of your own perfection.
e love this for you, because we feel an unconditional enthusiasm about you, and we're excited for you to feel it. If you're not feeling it already, we promise you living this way, you will feel so good about you.
You will find in this way of living you feel a profound sense of love and relaxation and completely natural enthusiasm about you. As you create pleasure and joy in your choices, as you let your life flow, you will find that you just kind of feel perfect, and we can't choose another word, for no other word would do, especially given the meaning this word has in your world, it's exactly the right word.
You will find that when you choose and tune this way that the beauty and perfection of life is resonant with you. You will bring out the best in others and in your experience, and you will notice the best in life, and that will shape everything, including how you feel about you. You will find that you have the most natural love for yourself and for life.
Then you'll know what it's like to be who you really are.
Then you'll know what it's like to be in the ascending current, loving unconditionally.
If you stay focused on your pleasure, this will be your life. Ease is the way there, and you're getting it. You're understanding it. You're seeing the reason for it. You're tuning to it.
We feel you doing this with more comfort and more confidence, so we say today, get hooked on it.
Get hooked on feeling good. Get hooked on pleasing yourself and discover how this works in a very real way. Stay focused on what feels good and allows the natural flow of your life, for this allows the divine energies of the universe of the Creator to manifest through you effortlessly and bring out your own divine perfection.
Because of this, life gets better, and you will find shift after shift occurring for you, and you will find that you will be in your groove much more often and feeling good much more often. In that, feeling the perfection of you and your life manifests in a really profound and new way. So easy.
We are complete. We are the Council of Radiant Light.
Video: "8 /8 Gateway Of Light Transmission By Anrita Melchizedek"
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!