Today I received a short channeled transmission about the experiences we manifest and those we don't. This points to the primacy of our relationship with our Divine Self and All That Is relative to our manifest life and how we might live in ways that are way more abundant.
So it is that you are living here now, and it is easy for you to realize that the spirit beyond you is driving this whole experience.
This is such a relief, this is such a relief, this is such a relief. It can really set you free if you let it.
If you allow yourself to realize that everything that has felt sturdy and supportive to your well-being up until now has, of course been created and delivered by spirit. Created and delivered by spirit. This takes the pressure off your ideas that you need to create and make things happen. Everything you've experienced so far has been created and delivered by spirit.
Can you allow yourself to receive more? That is the question. Can you allow yourself to receive more? Can you allow yourself to let it flow more?
Receiving more and letting it flow more are the same thing. Receiving more and letting it flow more are the same thing. Receiving more and letting it flow more are the same thing. Can you let yourself receive more?
Receiving more is letting yourself flow more. Receiving more is releasing the need for analyzing and thinking and hesitation.
The more you let yourself flow, the more you're receiving, the more you're receiving the more exalted you become. The more exalted your physicality, your emotional and mental states, the more expanded your spiritual embodiment, the more expanded your capacity for inter-dimensional channeling of all that you are into this realm of focus here.
So the question is not, what do I have to do to get what I want? The question is, what exactly am I letting in and what would it take for me to let more in? And the measure of letting more in is the degree of flow. The degree of unhesitatingly following your spirit, which is occurring in the experience of being you.