Pioneers of the New Earth!
Today is a day to celebrate an ideal enormously dear to us: alignment of the personal, the planetary, the galactic and ultimately the cosmic.
Reflecting on this today I thought of the astonishing, inspiring, kaleidoscopic shapes of the Pilobolus Dancers. Having seen them live, I am well aware of the crackling and vigorous energy of their work, and their impeccable focus. I thought it would be fun to share some images of their work with some observations about alignment and balance.
Balance is not something I do separate from the world or other people. But I can be in balance regardless of the world or other people.
We are all interconnected. So me being in balance reflects my tuning within to the vastness of being in a quantum informed fashion. I don't have to understand how I do this, it's not a mental things--it's more a sensation of poise, of equanimity, of ease and harmony. It's something I feel my way into.
Life exists in movement and my experiences and how I "roll" with them, or not, determines my balance, my alignment. My flexibility, my attitude, my attunement to my own joy, can keep my in balance regardless of what seems to poke me or interrupt my joyous state of being.
When I am in alignment amazing things are possible. I can be held and supported by forces beyond my physical form and rest in innocence and trust as I feel the strength and support this alignment allows.
Harmony and balance are like a kaleidoscope; continually created. In movement. And like the images in a kaleidoscope I can create balance in complex or simple ways. I can exist in balance when I am with others, when I am with my dog, when I am alone and when I am in the most intimate of love relationships. My balance remains within my command regardless of the setting.
I can sense when tension or discord appear and recognize this as a fire alarm from my very being: HEY!!!!!!! Your attention is taking you out of your safe place, your true place, your connection! I can know that my body my sensations are always right and listen. I can find my place of alignment again, releasing and coming into harmony and balance once more.
As I tune in this way, I organically exist in harmony with everything! I don't pay attention to other people--in fact, it's important that I not use others to find my balance. What if they're not in balance? I just have to stay in my own inner alignment, in that groove, creating balance and stability within me, then everything else works.
When I create my own inner state of equanimity, on an ongoing basis, my energy field distills and elevates, vibrates peace and harmony and I create heaven on earth. Alignment and balance allow beauty to emerge.
The Equinox is a day we specifically attune to our alignment and balance. May we see the unexpected potential in doing this continually. Imagine the creative collaboration possible with such elements involved.
Equinox blessings to you. Love, light and much appreciation,