Note: This channeling arose from my meditation and preparation to create the Lightworker Collective Event Calendar for July - September 2012. I was guided through a most beautiful experience of our new emerging way of being. I felt the need for us to gather in different ways and with a more specific focus. After grounding, I summoned the energies I felt inspired to call upon and prayed, invoking the guidance I was seeking.
Here is that prayer, and the response, given on behalf of all, by Sanat Kumara, describing the energies of this time, what focus in our gatherings will best serve us and giving the whole time frame this theme: Beyond the Mayan Veil.
You can see the Event Series given following this channeling on the EVENT page.
I look forward to this co-creation with you over the next three months.
Love and light we are!
the invocation
I call upon the I AM THAT I AM, Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara, the Council of Light, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, the Great White Brotherhood, Archangel Metatron, Sananda, Mother Mary, the Gautama Buddha, the Shambhala Masters, the Telos Masters, St. Germaine, Ashira, Naeshira, the Dolphins and my Arcturian Brothers.
I call upon you now for insight and wisdom. For guidance and forecasting on the Earth Plane. I call upon the Omni Mind of Creation.
I am a willing servant, an oracle of creation ready to receive direction and clarity about what themes to use to create gatherings of Lightworkers between now and the time after the September Equinox.
Message from Sanat Kumara
Received 13 July 2012
Channeled by Meredith Murphy
I, Sanat Kumara will speak on behalf of those of us you have summoned to share with you our sense of how you might be of service during this time frame. Many on Earth are opening to deeper levels of self-awareness and self-love. This is appropriate as the expansion of self-love liberates the return of remembering and empowerment. To serve this theme within the collective it will be useful to initiate several levels of clearing and healing as it relates to past life lineages, current life childhoods, current relationships with others--especially "family" or lack of, and current relationship to your own body and your own dreams. All of these are indicative of the ways in which you are able to love yourself. Within each of these areas of life lie opportunities for retrieval of cosmic energies within your IAM field and remembering of your own divine wholeness.
As you call forth your wholeness with increasing attention and compassion toward yourself in these areas of life, you will discover your energy clarifying and building. This will assist you with manifestation, with the worthiness you need to receive what you desire, and it will give you the knowing you seek to make decisions about changes that will bring you more fulfillment and happiness. It is of the utmost importance that you approach all of this with great gentleness, each of you, and to empower yourself with expanded perspectives in approaching these areas, especially past-life lineages. That particular session might be better served a little further into this time frame as the strengthening from paying attention to current relationships of support and to self will empower one to align more fully with their Divine Wholeness and elevate to merge with that perspective while working with parallel and past life timelines.
The implications of doing this work is organizing already within the collective wholeness. Those who seek reunion with their cosmic selves are calling forth this work, these opportunities to participate in regular programs to ensure their elevation of vibration as the planetary and galactic alignments progress in 2012.
When we call upon those who have summoned this work within you, the Light Bearers on Earth who will participate in these events, and co-create with them, here is what will be most beneficial in answering their intent and thus what we will co-create with all of you in each of these experiences, with specific focus on the areas we delineated:
- Affirmation of their existing pathways of expansion and healing which are working;
- Access to expanded energy available in a collective gathering empowered by cosmic forces of Light and Love;
- Opportunities to build their confidence in using their focus to remove the Mayan Veil by participating in a series of events that build upon one another;
- Regular opportunities to share and talk with one another and the reflection and love that is exchanged is deep nourishment for the soul in the human energy field;
- Insight into current energy alignments in the galaxy and how this relates to their current evolutionary efforts; and
- Sacred space in which we make work individually with them while entering into a guided, zero-point meditation so that we might provide customized support of information and energy based on the unique needs of each participant at the time they join in this communion.
To facilitate this you will need to find other means of providing your events that allow for conversation and small group or pair sharing. You will want to allow them time to be intimate with one another and to also be available for ongoing energy infusions and activations as we deem appropriate during this time.
We, the Council of the Temple of the Golden Dawn have now stepped forth fully to intercede on your behalf to ensure that your work in this time frame is of the utmost relevance, accessibility and impact in supporting conscious multidimensional embodiment in human form.
Gaia, Helios and Vista are also with us and have confirmed our intentions for this time together.
We know this is different than your usual program of services and we feel confident that both you and your friends and fellow Light Bearers will benefit from this shift in focus.
We look forward to these Communions of Light which will nourish us all, deepening the bonds we already share and creating a collective field of light and love that may be accessed beyond these events for strength, clarity and ongoing evolutionary support.
We are with you as One.
I AM Sanat Kumara