lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

  Article By : James Tyberonn


  Most people go to cathedrals to obtain holy water. The Andeans of Peru and Bolivia go to Lake Titicaca.


The stunningly beautiful site of this holy lake is simply breathtaking, literally, lying some two and one half miles above sea level, its elevation  alone is capable of creating altered states. At 12,300 feet above sea level, Titicaca is the highest navigable lake on the planet, and the second largest lake in South America. Some say it is one of the most sacred places on the planet. I have been there eight times, & whole heartedly agree.




 Sacred Gate-Arch of Island of the Sun- Overlooking area of the submerged Golden Sun Disc


The most powerful energy of Lake Titicaca is a transformational axial point on island of the Sun. It is called 'El Rocque'. Local mystics refer to it as the 12th Gate, believing that the twelth Sun Disc is near the Island, and holds thefrequencial  key to a sacred and powerful Wisdom Initiation.


Lake Titicaca is in fact the largest vortex portal in South America, and performs a unique role. The complex vortex of Lake Titicaca is, per Metatron, in unique synchronicity with the Sedona Vortex in Arizona, but spinning in the opposite direction. Sedona is counterclockwise, Titicaca is clockwise. This unparagoned counterbalance effect puts the two in an exceptional synergetic interchange, and holds a direct communication portalgate, that indigenous Elders from the Mayan and Hopi have referred to as the 'Gateway of the Condor & Eagle'. Local mystics refer to the epicentre of Titicaca (El Rocque on the sacred Island of the Sun), as the12th gate of Initiation.




The Stone Alter of El Rocque on Boliva's Sacred Island of the Sun.


Both areas are activation centers, both Sedona and Titicaca are part of ancient LeMuria. What is now Bolivia and Peru was in ancient times called the land of OG, and was a LeMurian (and later Atlantean) colony.


The importance of the Titicaca Vortex cannot be understated. Its pristine vitality has been recognized & honored by guardians for millennia on both sides of the veil. The indigenous Earthkeeper's and Lightworkers are being called to participate in the 'Activation' of Titicaca and its important alignment to Sedona. This is an aspect of the Hopi prophecy termed the 'Eagle and Condor'. In essence the alignment of Titicaca to Sedona allows the balance of Sedona to be restored.


 Many state that Titicaca carries a feminine energy. Indeed it does, but it also carries the masculine. It is an exemplary marriage of both. In fact it is Titicaca's perfectly heterogeneous balance of male and female that attracts so many to the healing terraqueous energy colloid. The holy lake does receive and blend enormous inflows of the female energy so necessary for our planet to achieve balance, but it is the female/male balance that Gaia ultimately seeks to project, not a predominantly male or female field. However, the ongoing influx of female energy is required to achieve planetary neutrality with the male energy that has predominated since the sinking of Mu.


The primary telluric source of concentrate female energy (anionic charge) that feeds into the Lake is from a little known power site, several hundred miles south of Titicaca called Salar de Uyuni. Located in remote southern Bolivia, near the border of Chile.  It is not a journey for the weak-spirited, it takes a 10 -hour bus trip, and then a 2-hour four-wheel drive SUV ride. But the end result is extreme serendipity, it is profound beyond measure.  Salar de Uyuni is an amazing (protected) UNESCO site of the largest complex salt field on the planet. The salt flat is a pristine alabaster white, often surface crystallized into an exquisite hexagonally tiled mosaic.



Sacredfeminine 'Grandmother' Volcano of Salar Uyuni Crystal Salts .


 Salar Uyuni glows.  It is white beyond white, it is crystalline and seemingly exudes a light from within. The Uyuni salt flat is enormous, measuring approximately 70 miles by 25 miles, with the halite and kyolite salt reaching as deep as 200 feet. It is stunning to see, and even more stunning to experience. It is in this writer's opinion, the most potent location of mineralogical female energy on the planets surface. The salt flats refract sunlight such that the surface emanates incredible refraction mirages, and one cannot discern where the salt horizon ends and the skyscape begins. Two potent burnt orange stratcone volcanoes are aligned on opposite sides of Uyuni. The result is an intertwined energetic cocktail that atmospherically tri-helixes with the energy of Lake Titicaca.


The massive anionic plasma of the pure salt creates in essence a telluric battery that is incredibly cleansing. One's chakras are aligned and ones energy field is balanced and charged. Auric fields of the human body become crystallized into Mer-Ka-Na stars within this energy.  I spent 3 remarkable days in an adobe hut, with indigenous resident hosts there in 2002.  There is a hotel, no longer functional, in the center of Salar de Uyuni, built entirely of salt blocks, including beds, tables and chairs fashioned and carved from pure salt. A church built of salt lies on its edge. It is located in the center of a snow-white world, and is a focal Light Temple of plasma & crystal....salt crystal.




The  Pristine Crystal Salts Carry Goddess-Energy at Salar Uyuni- Feminine Energy Centre.


Salar de Uyuni is a dried salt sea, and is the underpinning 'wind beneath the wings' of the Titicaca vortex. It is one of the most powerful and pristine energy generators, on the planet.


As a result the waters of Titicaca are indeed holy, robustly sanctified with a plasmic colloid of cationic solar photons, anionic electrons, & a rich array of trace minerals....ah but there's more...the Solar Disc of MU !


Peruvian and Bolivian legends speak of a sacred  LeMurian Golden Sun Disc, having been placed in Cusco , in the Temple of the Sun, just before the sinking of MU. It is said to have been placed in the waters of Lake Titicaca , just off of the Island of the Sun, ( in the etheric city of light said to exist below  the clear waters of the translucent green lake) before the Spanish Conquistadors ravaged the Incan civilization. 



Map of Ancient OG - Colony of Mu and later of Atlantis.


The Andean's of Bolivia and Peru inherited a rich, spiritual culture. The Andeans are a humble yet proud people, very much in touch with the living energies of the planet. There are four very sacred animals in the indigenous spiritual tradition of the Andes. The Condor, the Llama, the Anaconda and the Puma or Jaguar. The Condor represents the upper world, the element of Air. The Llama the sustenance of the Earth, The Anaconda (snake) represents the underworld, the element of fire, Vulcan. The Puma represents the female energy of water, the Lake. In fact, the origin of the word 'Titicaca' is believed to have come from the ancient Ayamara & Quechua tongue, and is believed to mean " Stone Puma'...El Rocque deTitikaka, Stone Puma.


The Lake and surrounding area is a massive vortex containing many many sacred energies. The two most potent points within the 'Sacred Puma' waters, are the 'Island of the Sun ' and the Island of the Moon. The etheric city beneath the waters is said to have been guarded by a society of warrior priests on the Island of the Sun. Andean legends claim that the first two-leggeds, the 'Adam & Eve' of the Incans,  M'anko Qapak and Mama Oqllo, were 'materialized' on the Island of the Sun , from deep within the Living Earth, Pachamama, at a powerful point called ' El Rocque' , the  'Holy of Holies'. It is located at a high point on the Isla del Sol near the ruins of the Incan (Guardian Priest) monastery.


Titicaca lies between Andean ranges in a vast basin of about 22,400 square miles in area that comprises most of the Altiplano of the northern Bolivian Andes. In the snow-covered Cordillera Real on the northeastern shore of the lake, some of the highest peaks in the Bolivian Andes rise to heights of more than 25,000 feet .


Tyb's Journal :


I arrived in the Bolivian Lake port of Copacabana, after spending two marvelous days exploring the Pyramid city of Tiahuanaco, the  'Machu Pichu of Bolivia. (see separate article on Machu Pichu in  " The Energy & Geometry of Sacred Sites"-Tyberonn's first book ).


The four-hour drive from Tiahuanaco had been tiring, and the combination of elevation and being stuffed in a rather small taxi I had hired for the excursion, left me stiff and thick headed. My taxi had rolled along a beautiful verdant expanse of road surrounded by high snow capped mountains, reaching as high as 25,000 feet. Open tundra fields waved in the wind like velvet chartreuse. Between the cordilleras of the Andean mountains, we drove past a myriad of high elevation landscapes that varied from lush green sweet-grass to burgundy and red rock moonscapes. Finally we reached our turning point, and our destination came into distant  view. As we  began our descent,  Copacabana sparkled in the horizon like a jewel at the bottom of the descending serpentine road. Beautiful eucalyptus trees lined the road and  the lakeshore. Titicaca  glowed like a fluid aquamarine, contained between the majestic snowcapped peaks of the Andean spine.  The vista is simply surreal. My first impression was that it looked like and felt like Lake Como in the Italian Alps. The tranquility and sense of well being was overwhelming.


I found the city of Copacabana delightfully pleasant, cobbled streets, shops with open doors, hanging a variety of bright wares for locals and tourist alike. Quite a relaxing change from the rather prognostic beauty of the remote Tiahuanaco pyramid ruins. Bright cloths, alpaca ponchos, hats, leather goods, fruits and vegetables adorned the plaza shops tables and high hanging displays.




The beautiful Cathedral near the Central Plaza of Copacabana, Bolivia on the banks of Titikaka.



An amazing Cathedral dominated the city plaza, and captured my awe with its beautiful white stucco and splendid domed and spired architecture. Local lore of many healings within the Cathedral abounds, and made the Cathedral a pilgrimage point for the Catholic population. . Built by Spanish missionaries in the post-Inca era of the late 1500s and early 1600s, it is an impressive Moorish-influenced structure with whitewashed stonewalls and domes decorated with deep blue tiles. Inside, worshipers were gathering for evening Mass.

A misty rain began to fall as we drove to the waters edge, and viewed hundreds of colorful boats, lined up along the docks and moored in the waters. There were boats of all sizes and types, brightly painted and flagged, most wooden, and appearing somewhat homemade, some like row boats others like houseboats. The air had a fresh clean smell, crisp and cool. The lake had a pleasant sweet smell , an aromatic blend of sweetgrass, eucalyptus and sea.


There were dozens of hostels and several stucco hotels. Copacabana is a popular destination for foreign travelers, primarily students & pilgrims doing the 'Lonely Planet' backpack trek. The hostels and internet cafes were full of happy European, Australian and North American backpackers, thumbing through travel guidebooks and pocket English-Spanish dictionaries. It took me back to Europe in the 70's...I liked the vibe.


Touting  a population of 5,000, Copacabana is a picturesque cluster of low-rise adobe structures with red-tile roofs extending upward from the edge of the water to the sloped sides of the altiplano mountains.


 Along the stunning lakefront camino, shawled and bolo-hatted Andino women were  selling fruit and fish. Artisans offered handicrafts of every description. Restaurants and  shops were neatly arranged in sequential fashion along the waterfront plaza enclave. The exteriors were strung neatly with  multi colored lights, creating a  warm festive ambiance. I chose an open air eatery with thatched palm roofing, and savored an exquisite meal of  lemon-butter garnished grilled lake trout, black beans, roasted yucca  and fresh mango juice - comeda tipico.  It was 'gustoso', quite delicious.

I found a small hotel with a reasonable bed and private shower, and slept with the window open. The fresh cool breeze from Titicaca gently filled my sleep.


I woke early, and to my dismay, a heavy torrential rain began as I sipped a small cup of aromatic café andino. I overheard several trekkers saying that the tour boats would not make the 90-minute boat trip to the island of the Sun. The regular excursion boats had cancelled the trip for the day, due to inclimate weather.


My taxilero had slept in his car, and offered to help me hire a private boat, through an acquaintance. We drove down to the docks and in a few minutes a young Aramayan man in his mid twenties , approached me with the driver. His name was Miguel-Luis, and he seemed very pleasant. After a few negotiations we mutually agreed on a  private charter rate . I made arrangements to be taken to the Island of the Sun and Moon, despite the torrential rain. I chartered a 30-foot plywood-canopy covered 'tour boat' for the day. After a brief but thorough inspection of the rather rickety appearing vessel, the 'Graca Maria', I was reasonably convinced she was 'seaworthy', er-uh 'lake-worthy', better said. 


I made arrangements with my taxi, to be waiting for me on my return, and  climbed aboard the boat. I was the lone passenger and sat under the roofed shelter, taking one of a dozen seats as we departed across the choppy rain pelted waters toward the sacred island.  The morning sky was an ominous gray , heavy rain hammered the wooden roof as streams of water rolled off the top into the open hull in the back. The battered looking Johnson 75 outboard puttered and belched an occasional plume of white-gray smoke as Carlos and Miguel, Luis' younger brothers used coffee cans to bail out rain water that gathered in pools along the hulls gutter. That issue concerned me, but my Andino marinero's did not seem worried. After an hour the rain slowed to a drizzle, and then stopped. Yes ! The canopy of dark clouds blew open to reveal patches of  sky and a beaming mid morning sun. The water soon became as smooth as glass. What a different view! I ventured out of the covered area, and took a seat on the roof ala sundeck of the 'Graca Maria'.


The last of the rain clouds drifted westward, and within a few minutes were replaced by a  powder blue sky and a few puffy white cumulous clouds. The sky and lake transformed into a picture of beauty. The sun was brilliantly sunny and the visibility was crystal clear. The panorama around me was in high definition, the colors were simply mesmerizing.


It is an interesting point, but certain places I have visited within exceptionally high energy centers seem to have a higher lucidity of apperception. A greater amassing, if you will,  of visage pixel, photon concentrate. Coagulated light...Akashic Life Force Units ! It is a phenomenon I have observed in parts of the Highland Lochs of Scotland yet, nothing can quite compare to the quality of light over Titicaca on a clear day.


Indeed at Titicaca, the pristine air at this exceptionally high altitude seems to combine with the fast-moving air, water and light  to create a constantly shifting theatrical display of such a deep blue that the visible spectral  panorama often looks as if it is being viewed thru a high definition photo filters. The rays of the sun seemed individually defined and etched in silver and blue beams as their light danced onto the turquoise  water in strobing pulse-flashes. Visibility burst the paradigm of mere length, width and height, and became a ballet of exquisitely complex multidimensional holograms.





 The water was remarkably clear, refracting the sunlight into its translucent greenish-blue in shimmering geometric beams. The towering Andes peaks on all sides seemed animated, shifting in the sun like towering giant snow beings. I found myself in a state of pure joy, fully drinking in the magic of this NOW moment, sun and wind  on my face,. What an amazing magical place. What an incredible lake. I gave thanks for being here, and for the clearing weather,  that would now allow me to fulfill my strong desire to explore the spiritual depths of this mystical place. I had to pinch myself !


At last I was nearing the shores of the Island of the Sun, on Lake Titicaca, at 12,300 feet. The Island of the Sun is so called because the Incas believed it to be the sun's birthplace. Perhaps there is more to that legend that meets the eye, for it is truly a place of variegated, complex geometric light.


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The Island of the SUN

After 90 minutes, the Isla del Sol loomed in front of us. It looked a bit like a massive sleeping sphinx. It was farm terraced in the symmetrical farm shelving of the Incans. Its terraced green-velvet sides vaulted high above the water and emitted a powerful pulsing energy that was both exciting and tangible. The island is about 12 miles in length and has some 2500 permanent residents, primarily Aramayan farmers.

Isla del Sol is Titicaca's largest and most important island. A religious shrine for local tribes as long ago as A.D. 350, it was transformed by the Incas into a major pilgrimage destination in the 15th century. Perhaps coinciding with the placement of the Solar Disc. In fact, 'the Rock Sanctuary' on the island has been recognized as a major stargate since the time of Mu, in the ancient land of OG. A mystery school of Lemurian priest has been here since the beginning. The Incans carried that tradition forward and the remains of their Incan monastery are but a hundred meters from the hallowed Puma Rock. The 'Creation Zero-Point' where the Incan Folklore says the Sun emerged and manifested the first two humans. Titikaka's Garden of Eden indeed!

The island sloped up to a prominent steep mesa- peak , with jutting granite outcroppings and sandstone domes forming the head and shoulders of the islands sphinx shape. It was easy to see where the energy was most potently centered. I asked my boatman, Luis, if it looked like a sphinx to the locals. He didn't quite understand what a sphinx was, so I explained like a lion, he smiled and said " Leon no, Puma, si ! ! Puma, of course, claro que si ! With the terraced farms it looked like a puma with corn rows!

My guide was a full blooded Bolivian Aramayan. I told him I wanted to go to the holiest place, El Roque, and offer blessings, and do a prayer ceremony in the Lakota modality. That seemed to please him, and he enthusiastically agreed to take me and participate in the ceremony. I gathered my 'chenupa' bundle and we began our trek to El Roque, perhaps the most powerful point of the Titicaca portal complex.

Luis explained to me that El Roque was also called ' El Sanctuario' and detailed his concept of the Stone Puma. " We believe it is a place of great power, he added, " and we come here when we want receive strength and guidance. It is the most sacred place of the Inca."

I felt invigorated, and imagined the sense of reverence from the thousands of Incan & Pre Columbian pilgrims who had made this pilgrimage over past centuries. Perhaps their religious fervor had been imprinted here in the fiber of the energetic matrix. I wondered how many modern day tourists truly understood the massive energy that this place magnetically pulsed.

We hiked upward along a steep stone paved trail, past terraces of maize and fields of grazing sheep. Along the way, Luis continued sharing the history of the Incan site, and the traditions of the Incan pilgrimages. Woman in bolo hats herded gaunt looking cattle into make-shift stonewall pens, while children dressed in brightly colored clothes laughed innocently. They darted and ran freely ,peering at us from behind boulders, their round brown eyes a mix of bashfulness and curiosity. Soon we were on a high ridge, away from the village, above the coastal loam. After climbing five hundred feet, the terrain expeditiously transformed from lush pasture into an arid laterite, impervious with cactus and flowering desert sage. Flocks of small black birds with a yellow striped wings would occasionally thrush upward frantically from one sage bush to another making a succinct fluttering sound as their wings whirred busily. Apart from the birds, we had the trail to ourselves.

Path of the Golden Light

Luis told me that he was an apprentice of the 'Camino de Luz d'Oro'(Path of the Golden Light). To my delight, he added that 'most' of the local residents, followed the ancient wisdom teachings of the Indigenous traditions, and took part in annual ceremonial pilgrimages to the island.

Incan pilgrimages to El Rocque, were highly ritualized, and passed through 3 initiation tests, or gates, before being allowed to the Puma Stone, El Sanctuario. Few Incan pilgrims made it through the third gate on their first pilgrimage. In essence it was a journey of succession, of learning the disciplines & mysteries, and evolving into the status of an Elder. I was very pleased to know that these traditions were continuing.

In ancient days, per Luis's teaching, there were numerous rituals and ceremonies at El Rocque.. Each ceremony was designated for special dates, such as the equinox, solstices and moon phases. The most important pilgrimage was the camino ( path) of the 'Shaman-Warrior', which he referred to as the 'Golden Light'. I wondered if that specific term had was coined in connection to the legend of the 'Golden Solar Disc'.

The pilgrimage to the Island of the Sun began on the south of the island, and the pilgrims walked along the high spine ridge on a stone path that is still intact. Each pilgrim passed through three sacred gateways, after first purifying themselves in the 'Fountain of the Inca' an amazing spring that gushes pure water from a deep spring along the south ridge of Isla del Sol. To this day locals go there to drink the healing waters and for purification rites.

Elder Shamanic Priests presided at the three gateways, and determined the merit of each pilgrim, either blessing their passage or disallowing them from further advancement. To be granted access thru the three doorways was a great honor, one that was earned. One imagines that this trek was akin to the Islamic Hodge (holy pilgrimage to Mecca) as an enormously important Holy rite that defines ones life.

The first 'Holy Gate' was called Pumapunku, meaning "the arch of the Sacred Puma" because an etheric Puma guarded it. The Puma was said to have emerged from the Waters as a Stone being, and represented strength and nurturing.

The second, Kentipunku, "the arch of the humming bird", was covered with the iridescent green-blue feathers of that bird. Hummingbirds were felt to be emissaries of the higher worlds, and able to exist in other dimensions. They represented purity and the ability to 'fly' in other realms.

The final gateway, Pillcopunku, "the door of Joyous Pure Hope ", was covered with the larger green feathers of the pillco bird and blessed with incense with wing feathers of the mighty Condor. This was the final blessing and archway. The passing through this arch required that the pilgrim had met hisshadow- death, and recognized his immortality as a being of light. Only those souls who had achieved impeccability could enter to El Roque as a pure Warriors of Light. These were the elite, the symbology apparent. Among these some, the most pure, the most dedicated were endowed with the12th level of Initiation.

I considered my own worthiness, as I huffed up the path to El Rocque. The rarified air became even thinner as we passed 13,000 feet in route to the holy shrine.. As the holy rock came in view, something in me shifted. Somehow the elevation brought with it an altered state that both allowed me to engineer my heretofore over-toiled physical movements with surprising ease and simultaneously opened my third eye in a most unique and profound manner. I suddenly began to weep, unexpectedly and intensely as I walked forward, and my path became a movement of prayer. Luis had given me sacred coca leaves to offer as blessings at specific points along the walk. I mixed these with small prayer ties of tobacco, as was the Lakota way. I acknowledged the 'Spirit of Place' and the powerful spiritual energy that abounded. I respectfully asked permission to proceed.

Although we had climbed only a thousand feet or so above the lake, it felt much higher


The elevation was nearing 13,500 feet, and the sheer exertion required in the rarified air created little starburst that appeared in my field of vision. These star-bursts were perhaps physical reaction due to fatigue and the lack of oxygen, but none the less gave me the sensation of being far more than corporeal. It was as if I had entered another dimension, and part of me knew that indeed I had. The perspective down to the water's edge seemed greater than its measured distance, and gave the illusion that I was walking on top of the world. The sun had risen to the mid-point and the lakes surface look like a blue green mirror and at some points it glowed an incandescent white. Was it the Sun Disc?

Looking down at the vast panorama of the lake and its surrounding peaks, was a study of blue, every possible hue & nuance of blue seemed to dance from the lake, patchworked into the massive surface below. The areas near the shoreline were a beautiful Caribbean turquoise that evolved into larimar, emerald, lapis and even a fiery amethyst. Even the snow capping the enormous spine of the Andes had an indigo violet tint.

As we began to approach the Sacred Rock , I could not help but recognize certain elements of how perfect the energetic blend of this point was. Each feature of the landscape now started to be dramatized with great pulsing intensity. 'El Rocque' was a jutting section of natural rock, that seemed to be sliced into a half dome, like an enormous ball sliced in half. It was situated atop the island, perfect centered, with a view of three sides of the Lake below. The sacred Incan Monastery ruins were 100 meters to the southeast, facing an open bay that I perceived on some level to be the location of the submerged Golden Sun Disc. Indeed an unusual strobed-twinkling of light seemed to dance inside the waters in that vector.

The open face of the Holy Rock had a wall built in front of it that served as an alter, and was laden with offerings; feathers, fruit, coca leaves, small ribbons and crosses. About 50 meters in front of the Holy Rock was an enormous stone table , looking like an Irish dolman, set on three smaller stones. It was circled, by 12 chiseled stone monoliths, about 2 ½ feet in height and about eighteen inches in diameter; and again circled by a larger diameter circle. These were more recent additions, placed there within the last decade, but served the energy well. The placement was correct, and looked like a smaller version of the inner circle of Avebury. One circle flowing with clockwise energy, the other counterclockwise


The Golden Sun Disc of MU

Luis and I approached El Rocque in reverence, stopping at three points to offer coca leaves. We then went forward to the rock and knelt individually in prayer. After an appropriate time we moved to the alter, and walked the stone circle, counterclockwise, then clockwise on the inner circle, before kneeling at the table alter. I unrolled by bundle and we prepared a pipe prayer ceremony in the Lakota way. Luis, offered coca leaves to each direction, and to each element in the local Incan tradition. After our prayers, we each found a stone within the circle and went into meditative silence. I sat for well over an hour, and then walked to the nearby Incan Monastery ruins. I gazed over the turquoise waters in awe. I visualized an enormous condor etching spiralled figure 8's across the powderblue sky. I closed my eyes and went into a deep trance-like meditation. I felt the energy of a home I had known long long ago. Tears welled in my eyes and my heart cried out as I became one with this sacred place.

Center of the Earth

Incan folklore and Aramayan legends speak of an ancient forgotten
time in which Pachamama decided to cover herself in water in order to purify her body. The entire body of the Mother Earth was covered with devastating tsunamis and floods. All of the known regions of Earth were covered in darkness, and icy winds blew for countless ages. Most of mankind was erased from the land of OG. Some went into the innerchasms of the earth to await the clearing.

In time Pachamama felt clean, & allowed the purifying waters to recede. The remaining waters of purification remained cupped in a high sacred part of the Earth.... and formed a Holy Lake. From here, creator god, Viracocha arose from the depths of the sanctified waters of Lake Titicaca. Journeying to the islands of Sol, Luna and Amantani, Viracocha commanded the sun (Inti), the moon (Mama-Kilya) and the stars to rise. Next going to the island of Tiahuanaco, he fashioned new men and women out of stones and, sending them to the four quarters, began the repopulation of the world. Titicaca became, and has remains to this day the sacred purification cradle of man, and the gateway of the Gods.

As I began my descent I felt drained and pure. Reborn. I imagined a great condor arising from the purity of the great salt desert, circling the island and in a graceful downward sweep, drinking from the Holy Lake, and then heading north. ......Article End.....

Above Text Written By James Tyberonn & Copywritten to Earth-Keeper.



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Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


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