lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
At the top of the island
The main temple was raised
Where Sanat Kumara’s
Blessed feet one day would graze.The task was completed
The altars were groomed
With delicate flowers
Picked from most fragrant blooms.A sacred space was created
Where brotherhood shone
The builders called it Shamballa
To remind them of home.
Unknown Master of the Himalayas
The unknown master of the Himalayas comes out of the East and in the center of Krishna. He peaks from the very heart of the Eternal Guru, Sanat Kumara. This master has not released
name and we can get to know him through the flame of the Ancient
of Days that he bears.
God Himalaya
35. God Himalaya:
God Himalaya serves from the Temple of the Blue Lotus in the heart of the Himalayan mountain ranges and is the guardian of the Masculine Ray to the Earth. He governs the energy of the holy Himalayas, a most sacred place of great illumination and God Power in which many spiritual adepts take their deepest initiations. He is a Master of Masters, demanding the absolute and unwavering Will of God in all activity of life. His students have been Lord Gautama (the Buddha), Lord Maitreya, Jesus, El Morya, Kuthumi and thousands of others. He teaches us to become one with the 3-Fold Flame, to receive the ideations of Divine Mind through his radiation and teachings, although never a word is spoken. Those who master the art of telepathy may receive his swift flowing currents of illumination. Ask to go to his Himalaya retreat during sleep. His sacred fire radiance is described as Golden Snow.
# Also known as:
* Lord Himalaya
* God Himalaya
* God of the Mountains
# First Public Dictation / Discourse:
* Sunday June 27, 1937 in Pasadena, California U.S.A.
# Office in Hierarchy
* Manu of the Fourth Root Race
# Divine Ray & Sacred Fire
* "Golden Snow"
# Retreat
* Retreat of the Blue Lotus & The Temple of the Blue Lotus in the Himalayan Mountains 3 4 "Oh, there are those that do not make the trek to My Abode for fear of the Absolute Will of God that I demand. But you can rest assured that El Morya made the trek. Kuthumi made the trek. You are invited to make the trek if you feel within your own Illumination’s Flame that you are ready.*
The Voice
The Temple
Dictations of the Ascended Masters
July 25, 2010 Tucson, Arizona Lord Himalaya
When you allow your consciousness to soar beyond the bounds of
your human creation, you begin to understand how glorious is the Body
of God. Many often find themselves immersed in the day-to-day life that
does not allow them to forge their True Identity. Therefore, there is a
breach in the flow of what the Presence of God would convey to the outer
vehicles moment to moment. And many find themselves wanting for that
communion, striving in all manner of ways, but most of which are the ways
of the world.
You have come to know certain disciplines of the Law wherein you are
able to call forth that Light, call forth that Momentum of God, and establish
that Presence — if not for the entirety of your day-to-day life, certainly in
those critical times when you must make wise decisions for your lifestream.
The Will of God for many is intangible, for they have been so long
under the guise of their own human will, their human ego, the desires of
the emotional body and of the flesh. Not having learned how to forge the
communion with God by the disciplines that many of you have come to
know leaves them bereft upon the shores, beaten by the human riptides of
thought and feeling.
This, we, the Ascended Ones, would not wish for any of the Sons
and Daughters of God. But every lifestream must awaken to that
decision to be within the Presence of God for themself. Oftimes they
do not even known that a decision must be made. For long, long ago the
lifestream left the precinct and the Radiance of the Presence of God
Forever Love the Will of God!
Lord Himalaya July 25, 2010
and entered into worldly living, masquerading as the Nature of God.
Many have entered into so-called religious studies, both East and West,
buying into the understanding woven out of the human mind of another
that surely God would bestow upon them all his Gifts and Graces if they
would but follow that particular way. Where is Christ Discrimination
within the fabric of the lives of these Sons and Daughters of God? Is it
so completely lost that many will not find their way save they first endure
great cataclysm?
In speaking to you, the disciples and students of the Ascended Master
Teachings, you understand well what I AM speaking of. Many of you have
come to this awareness because you found no other place to turn save to that
internal God, your own I AM Presence, and to be in the midst of a company
of others that believed as you believe, that honored the Presence of God
as you honor. You were called to come to this Altar. How blessed you are
to know that inner Voice of your own God Presence, to have received the
prompting and had the clarity of consciousness and Christ Discrimination
to recognize the Ascended Master Vibration, the Teachings and the
Consciousness that would resonate with your own Threefold Flame and
the momentum that your God Presence desired for you to follow. So once
more you are called to follow, not the human ego, the human pride, or the
human consciousness, but to follow the Voice of your own God Presence
and have that Voice expanded, multiplied by your communion with the
Holy Angels, with the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.
When you make the election to go beyond what you have already
experienced, you will find there are new vistas, new horizons for you to
behold as you continue your journey. For though you have embraced the
Presence of God, have made room for that Presence in your life, and daily
strive to maintain your disciplines, I, Himalaya, am here to announce to
you there is more!
How glorious it is to know that there is more of the Presence that you
can attain to in your life. No matter how far you travel in consciousness,
how much you expand the Light in your vehicles, how disciplined you may
be at present, there is always more of God to realize.
Realization means that you have successfully internalized certain key
elements of the Fabric of God Consciousness in all of the varied dimensions
that God would have you maintain. Then, at any given time and cycle,
you are sure to find new dimensions that your Mighty I AM Presence has
Lord Himalaya July 25, 2010
elected for you to begin to draw forth into full realization of your life. This
is why one can never become bored in the sameness of God; because, blessed
hearts, your realization of the Presence of God is always changing, always
expanding, revealing new dimensions, new awareness, new momentum.
And that, blessed hearts, is the glorious Opportunity that abounds in the
Grace that God continually bestows upon you by your striving, listening,
absorbing God Consciousness, and adhering to every detail that you are
required to obtain.
There are all manner of ways in which your day-to-day life is utilized
by your own God Presence to teach you. Any aspect of the Qualities of
God, the Virtues of the Christ, and all the varied dimensions within each
Divine Ideal of the way of life that you must live, all these your Presence
sets in motion — challenges, situations, relationships — all so that you
might develop the awareness of God at work in your life. And as you make
the right choices, always allowing for your Presence to flow through the
Threefold Flame of your Heart and unfurl into those areas of life, you will
be fulfilling the Will of God.
When you move into the Christ Consciousness, allowing for
your own momentum of God Good to be that driving force in
your life, to clear away the debris that has in times past called you
into a situation, a path that led away from the Presence of God
that did not allow for the Will of God to be present, then, blessed
hearts, you will begin to have more of the internalization of that Christ
Consciousness taking hold in your life. You cannot take it for granted.
It is a constant that must be maintained. And surely, as my Presence
will establish in your world a certain increment of the Momentum of
my own Mastery, you, blessed hearts, must have something that that
Momentum can play upon. There must be, even if so very slight, an erg
of energy established as the Will of God already present and active in your
life for you to begin to appreciate how that momentum of yours can be
expanded in my Presence.
Likewise, you must have the awareness, in your outer consciousness, of
your own vibration. You must take stock of who you are, how you approach
life. What is it that absorbs most of your time and attention? What do you
wish to gain as a result of your attention feeding into those areas of life? Do
you love the brothers and sisters of Light with whom you come in contact?
Do you honor and respect the Flame of God within them? Is the Presence
Lord Himalaya July 25, 2010
of God in evidence in their life? These are questions, blessed hearts, that
are the constant in your life, that allow your own Mighty I AM Presence
to illumine to your outer mind the areas that require the change that you
have come to know is that right change, that right momentum that you
desire within your heart.
To ignore the promptings that you have received of the change that is
required is a travesty against your own God Presence, to say nothing of
the Momentums that the Ascended and Cosmic Beings have drawn forth
by way of Dispensation for your lifestream. Taking responsibility for your
life and allowing for that Flame of God that truly burns upon the Altar
of your Heart to expand and hold fast to the level of Consciousness that
your Presence has conveyed as God Direction and God Good — this,
blessed hearts, will establish momentums for you that lead to your own
attainment and mastery.
But if you are constantly ignoring what your Presence announces to
you upon the Altar of your Heart as correction, change, direction that
must occur, clarity that you must obtain — all of these considerations, blessed
hearts, would but bring you into a greater association and communion with
your own Presence. If there is the constant ignor-ance of these promptings,
then you may find for a time that you will be required to stand alone,
sustained by the Light of the Threefold Flame that you have managed to
externalize, making your way back to our Communion once more.
Does this sound harsh? Does this portend an uncaring God in your
life? It is not. And it does not mean that God, your own Presence, does
not love you. On the contrary, it is the greatest Love of God that is always
demanding the very best from you, requiring that you do your part in
striving, in trying with every erg of energy, and then holding fast to the
Light of God as you await the Direction of your Presence.
No initiate on the Path has ever been able to circumvent these Initiations.
The very Ascended and Cosmic Beings that address you from this Altar
have, one and all, learned and passed these same Initiations, garnering great
Momentum in their own awareness of God and how to draw forth that
Momentum of God Consciousness at will. You are a Son and Daughter of
God. You have all of the Opportunity availed to you that you can utilize
wisely. Where there is misuse of Opportunity, that Opportunity will drop
away, leaving you to wonder how you have missed the mark, striving to
address whatever has gone wrong, what must change and be transmuted,
Lord Himalaya July 25, 2010
what Momentum of God must be drawn into your life through your
disciplines. All of these questions you should ask if you find yourself outside
of the daily communion and Momentum of the Nature of your own God
Presence flooding into your life.
How I would love to have each one who is a sincere student of the
Ascended Master Teachings that desires their Ascension in the Light and
the Mastery and attunement with their own God Presence to come and be
in my Presence, if only for one hour, in my Retreat. Surely you must realize
that a certain level of attainment must already have been garnered to enter
my Retreat and be in my Presence in that Retreat. For when I come to you
as I AM today, there is a mitigating of my Momentum according to your
attainment where you are. However, when you come to me, you have the
full thrust of my Momentum; and thus, you must be able to hold enough
of your own God Presence in your vehicles of consciousness, even in the
Christ Consciousness, so that you might hold to the conscious awareness
of what is at work in our Communion.
Your personal attainment does not come by the Ascended Masters
merely giving you their Attainment. Our Momentum in God Consciousness
is released to show you the example that you can register on your vehicles
of consciousness as Vibration, as Teaching and instruction, to retain the
co-measurement once you have settled back into your own forcefield. In the
quiet, in the silence, will you register, will you remember the Momentum
when you were in Himalaya’s Presence? Is my Momentum still with you, or
has it faded away, leaving you to look around and wonder who you truly are?
I would have you ever constantly searching out your own God Presence,
even in the midst of all your affairs. For it is when you are capable of holding
on to the Momentum of your own Individual I AM Presence that that
Presence can flow easily into your affairs, directing you to the right action,
the right vibration, and ultimately fulfilling the Divine Will of your Presence.
Holding to the Consciousness of your own God Presence is not easy,
but it does become more effortless as you practice. For yes, blessed hearts,
eventually you will gain such a momentum that, within a blink of an eye,
you will be in the Heart of your own God Presence. And your Presence
will speak volumes to you, instructing you even in the immediacy of the
hour. Do not think that merely because you have not already reached the
mountaintop where your Presence resides that somehow it is not possible
for you. It only means, blessed hearts, that you must continue to whittle
Lord Himalaya July 25, 2010
away all of the rough edges of your life — refining, honing, fashioning
every aspect of your life to be that Diamond of the Christ Consciousness
that resides upon the Altar of your Heart.
You did not come to be the outer person that you are today overnight.
Many lifetimes of living outside of the brooding Presence of God have
made their mark upon you; and thus, you must have patience. But all the
while you are exercising patience, you are striving with all your might! For
you know that one lifetime is really very short in comparison to the many
lifetimes in which you have lived in the physical body; and therefore, you
desire to accomplish all that your Presence has foretold that you are capable
of in this incarnation. Your Presence has not only announced this to your
own Heart Flame as the written record of this lifetime for you, but it has
telegraphed its Will throughout the greater Will of the Allness of God!
And thus, all of the vastness of God will coalesce and come together for you
individually when you make yourself ready for the Will of the One God.
Holding fast to that Will is not easy. It requires you to oftimes go
through what you have heard as the eye of the needle, refining all of your
vehicles of consciousness so that when you are called in that refinement to
move into the vastness of the conscious awareness of the Infinite Mind of
God, you will not be held back by lesser vibrations than the Christ.
I hold in my gaze your Victory so that as you go through all that is required
of you in this lifetime by your Presence, you will have the attunement with
the Heart of God sufficient to receive the reinforcements that I, Himalaya,
and every Ascended and Cosmic Being would bestow upon you; so that
at the end of the day, you will rest in the arms of your own God Presence,
knowing that all that you have accomplished in that day is worthy to lay
upon the Altar of the Most High. What a glorious day that will be —
when every erg of energy that has passed through you has registered a high
enough Vibration to abide forever within the Momentums of your Causal
Body as God Victory!
Let your Crown receive the Fire of Illumination’s Flame so that you
might recognize what is right before you that your Presence desires to reveal.
Let your Crown so fire that you are elevated in consciousness sufficiently
to draw the Mother Light of the Kundalini Fires through your spiritual
centers and align you in that Rod of Power that transfers to your outer
vehicles on the instant the Will of God.
Lord Himalaya July 25, 2010
I, Himalaya, will reside at this Altar for the next twenty-four hours for
those who wish to come and bathe in my Momentum of the Will of God.
Let the forcefield be sealed and protected, and let your consciousness be
so bathed in my Momentum that you will forever Love the Will of God.
Ever Constant in God, I AM
Copyright © 2010 The Temple of The Presence, Inc.
PO Box 17839 • Tucson, Arizona 85731 USA • 1-520-751-2039
Public addresses to the Students presented in The Voice From
The Temple have been prepared by the presiding Master for
release in written form for our present use and for posterity.
Dictations of the Ascended Masters, The Voice From The Temple, and
Acropolis Sophia Books & Works are trademarks, and The Temple of The
Presence is a registered trademark of The Temple of The Presence, Inc.
All rights to their use are reserved.Himalaya
Manu of the Fourth Root Race
Service to God in Life
- Sunday June 27, 1937 in Pasadena, California U.S.A. 1
- "Golden Snow"4
- Retreat of the Blue Lotus & The Temple of the Blue Lotus in the Himalayan Mountains 3 4 "Oh, there are those that do not make the trek to My Abode for fear of the Absolute Will of God that I demand. But you can rest assured that El
Morya made the trek. Kuthumi made the trek. You are invited to make the
trek if you feel within your own Illumination’s Flame that you are
ready." 5- Also known as:
- First Public Dictation / Discourse:
- Office in Hierarchy
- Divine Ray & Sacred Fire
- Retreat
Himalayan Mountains"When you allow your consciousness to soar beyond the bounds of your human creation, you begin to understand how glorious is the Body of God.
Many often find themselves immersed in the day-to-day life that does
not allow them to forge their True Identity. Therefore, there is a
breach in the flow of what the Presence of God would convey to the outer
vehicles moment to moment. And many find themselves wanting for that
communion, striving in all manner of ways, but most of which are the
ways of the world."You have come to know certain disciplines of the Law wherein you are able to call forth that Light, call forth that Momentum of God, and
establish that Presence — if not for the entirety of your day-to-day
life, certainly in those critical times when you must make wise
decisions for your lifestream."The Will of God for many is intangible, for they have been so long under the guise of their own human will, their human ego, the desires of
the emotional body and of the flesh. Not having learned how to forge
the communion with God by the disciplines that many of you have come to
know leaves them bereft upon the shores, beaten by the human riptides of
thought and feeling."This, we, the Ascended Ones, would not wish for any of the Sons and Daughters of God. But every lifestream must awaken to that decision to
be within the Presence of God for themself. Oftimes they do not even
known that a decision must be made. For long, long ago the lifestream
left the precinct and the Radiance of the Presence of God and entered
into worldly living, masquerading as the Nature of God. . . . ""Many have entered into so-called religious studies, both East and West, buying into the understanding woven out of the human mind of another
that surely God would bestow upon them all his Gifts and Graces if they
would but follow that particular way. Where is Christ Discrimination
within the fabric of the lives of these Sons and Daughters of God? . .
."" . . . When you make the election to go beyond what you have already experienced, you will find there are new vistas, new horizons for you to
behold as you continue your journey. For though you have embraced the
Presence of God, have made room for that Presence in your life, and
daily strive to maintain your disciplines, I, Himalaya, am here to
announce to
you there is more!"How glorious it is to know that there is more of the Presence that you can attain to in your life. No matter how far you travel in
consciousness, how much you expand the Light in your vehicles, how
disciplined you may be at present, there is always more of God to
realize."Realization means that you have successfully internalized certain key elements of the Fabric of God Consciousness in all of the varied
dimensions that God would have you maintain. Then, at any given time and
cycle, you are sure to find new dimensions that your Mighty I AM
Presence has elected for you to begin to draw forth into full
realization of your life. This is why one can never become bored in the
sameness of God; because, blessed hearts, your realization of the
Presence of God is always changing, always expanding, revealing new
dimensions, new awareness, new momentum. And that, blessed hearts, is
the glorious Opportunity that abounds in the Grace that God continually
bestows upon you by your striving, listening,
absorbing God Consciousness, and adhering to every detail that you are
required to obtain. . . ."
Beloved Lord Himalaya
through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, July 25, 2010, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. 8![]()
Himalayan Mountains" . . . Many of you have been in physical embodiment for thousands of years — indeed, more than you would care to recall. In the silence, when
you enter into your meditations, suddenly, all of those incarnations,
all of the sense of struggle fade away, almost disappearing from your
awareness. For you enter into a Realm where there is only the teeming
pressure of God, moving you in a dimension that before seemed out of
reach. So you return often to that place in consciousness, expecting to
find the very same climate and atmosphere. But I, Himalaya, AM here to
tell you, just as quickly as you become accustomed to the sameness of
any plateau, you will be thrust into new initiations and cycles so that
you might learn, so that there will not be too long a rest by the stream
of the sameness of your life. Perhaps this does not seem fair, but it
is indeed in order. For all of Life is constantly moving, accelerating
or decelerating, but never the same state of being in a stagnant
consistency."Oh yes, you are given time to catch your breath so that you will have the strength and energy to make the climb. But don’t wait too long
before you begin to exert your next step, your next opportunity to
embrace, for the Will of God desires you to open your consciousness to
the possibilities of all things under the Sun. And, indeed, is this not
why you have been drawn to this Conclave and Journey to the Great
Central Sun? Have you not anticipated what was to come? The change you
would experience? The renewed, resurrected Flame, coursing through your
vehicles and allowing you to move beyond the sameness of your life?"How many of you I have observed that have come just so far on your journey and have thought to yourself, “Well, this is far enough for this
lifetime. I will be content to coast into the next life, for surely I
have not achieved sufficient Light in my vehicles to make the Ascension.
I recall this karma and that, even of this incarnation. Have I really
invoked enough of the Light of God to transmute it and pay that debt to
life?” So you wait for the final hour when the Presence says it is time.
"Do you suppose you will make your Ascension the next lifetime if you come back into embodiment adopting the same attitude of life? If there
is not enough of the Presence of God as a pressure of Light moving
through you at the close of this lifetime, how can you be assured that
you will remember the next time? Will you even make it to the Altar of
the Ascended Masters? Or will you get caught in all of the malaise of
the human thought and feeling going on in the world around you?"The Grace of God has given you the Opportunity to choose. This is why the Victory is so sweet, so glorious, so grand. Because it is you that
will internalize the Light of God into this vehicle that you wear. It is
the Flame of God awakened in the lower vehicles that will say, 'I stand
and continue to stand as a Pillar of Light!' Will you will the outer vehicles by the Flame of God to be disciplined so that you might meet the appointed cycle of your Destiny?"Yes, Blessed Hearts, your Destiny has an identity. It is a thoughtform filled with the Desire of your God Presence. At each point of the
awareness of this thoughtform is the firing of the Light Rays required
to ignite in your outer vehicles the Determination, the Wisdom, and the
Love, to bring it into manifestation. But if you decide to slumber on in
the sweet comfort of your sameness, then all of Heaven bows before you.
Even your own God Presence will release you at every level of your
being. The freewill election reigns supreme. If you doubt, let your mind
continue to rule for a time, absent the Consciousness of the Threefold
Flame of the Heart igniting any Christ Discrimination, and you will
quickly see how the deterioration of life begins to fall about your
feet."And this is the state of affairs of many of the Sons and Daughters of God that do not embrace a Higher Way of Life, a Godly Way of Life, a
Virtuous Way of Life in the Christ. And yet, life continues on. And you
would wonder why those very lifestreams still receive Opportunity to
embody. It is because all is not lost as long as there is a Threefold
Flame upon the Altar of the Heart. That is opportunity for the outer
vehicles to be trained and tutored, oft times, to be cut off
sufficiently in one or more of the vehicles from the Light of the
Presence, long enough to create dis-ease so that that one will awaken to
the reality that their life must change."Is this harsh? The Presence does not think so. For would you allow a child of your very own to continue to be undisciplined, untutored and
untaught, to the detriment of their own safety and well-being, time and
time again, without interceding on behalf of that one, so little and
formative, that has come into your responsibility? It is indeed the
parents role, just as it is the role of the Mighty I AM Presence, to
entreat you into the Flame of God, to nourish you, protect you, soothe
your wrinkled brow, and allow you to have as much opportunity as
possible to overcome, to awaken, and take the full Opportunity to
exhibit the Virtues of the Christ, the God Qualities of the ONE, God,
and a greater Nature of your own God Presence. . . . "
Beloved Himalaya
through the Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer, January 2, 2010, Tucson, Arizona U.S.A. 5
Dear Sonja,
In this site of temple of the Presence I could not find these details....Eleen has also posted on her Site But I will have to find it out....Because all the masters Teachings are there !
Thanks for posting I also wanted to post this......
From here I want to post on the site of the Better World.....
Sure, you are most welcome to do so :)
BLESSINGS of Love and Light,
Sonja Myriel
Thank you for Part two on God Himalaya :-) I added it to the above discussion.
Love and Light and JOY,
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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