lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
This discourse was given the day before the full alignment of the Harmonic Concordance of November 8, 2003. We received this meditation when the alignment of six major planetary bodies made a perfect six-pointed star and amidst solar and lunar eclipses and major solar flares. A lunar eclipse was in progress as this discourse was given. There were many solar flares, and many people were down energetically, sleepless and exhausted.
Lord Metatron brought the feminine life force energies from the palace of Shamballa on Venus to heal our tired and weary bodies, which were bombarded with the fire of transmutation from solar flares and Harmonic Concordance. He then took us on a journey to Orionis in the Constellation Orion in the company of the Great Being from Venus to receive the masculine life force energies of the Orion for the balancing of our body and beingness. After the release that came from the events of Concordance, he filled us with the new mother/father energies to help us heal and renew our beingness.
Lord Metatron also spoke of synchronic lines in these journeys. These are interplanetary highway systems where information and light travels. Synchronic lines are therefore gateways for the alignments of events and information. Inside of these tunnels of light, thoughts can become manifest with greater speed and forcefulness. If there is a place where the adage “thoughts are things” would be true, it would be inside the synchronic lines.
Beloved of my own heart, I am Metatron.
Envision in front of you a portal of light. It is in the shape of a diamond. The size of this portal is about ten inches from top to bottom and about eight inches from left to right, point to point. This portal is positioned approximately twelve inches outside of your heart chakra suspended in air. In other words, if you draw a line from the center of your chest outward to a distance of one foot and then look down at your chest, you will see this portal of light. This portal has its own consciousness. In the center, there is a vertical eye. It is a slit in the very center that looks like an eye. The eye is pointed north to south, and the pupil of the eye is looking down in the direction of South. The central point of the eye is very important because when that portal opens, I want to take you on a journey.
Inside the diamond, between where that eye sits and the four edges of the portal, you’ll notice translucent emerald green fluid light. These are new energies that we are bringing through, and your bodies are sensitive to these energies. Focus your attention on that emerald green fluid light. I would like to call upon the Great Being from Venus to take you on this journey. This is a being of light whose name I shall not give you. I will simply use the name of the Great Being from Venus. Someday as you get more and more involved with these energies, you will get to know this being better. Once you know the essence of this being, you will open up to newer higher vibrations of light. For now, the Great Being from Venus will suffice. Your consciousness must move to the eye, and when you arrive at the other side you’ll be in a time warp, and through the time warp you will be taken through a tunnel of time space continuum which opens up to you. At the very end of that tunnel the Great Being is waiting for you.
Our first point of entry is planet Venus itself. You are suspended in the air and observing the vibration of this planet as we approach it. The great system of the planet vibrates an emerald green and purple light. Shimmering, shining, golden purple and emerald green light. There is a great deal of activity going on around the great system of this planet.
If you turn around and look at the Earth from space, you would see that she is imbued by a ball of orange-red light. This is what is happening at this present moment to your planet. She is burning the dross, and every one of you is burning your dross. All the negativity is coming to the surface. You are experiencing it in the form of hardship and negative things that may be happening in your lives. These hardships have a wide range: someone you trust is taking advantage of you, your own child is acting strangely, people that you have called coworkers are betraying you, you are losing the job that you trusted for so long, people you have worked with don’t deserve or desire your friendship because they are showing their true colors, people around you are acting selfishly, people are choosing confrontations rather than compassionate solutions. All of this is the burning of the dross.
To ultimately choose compassionate solutions, human beings have to burn their conflicting behavior. To burn the conflicting behavior, they have to bring it to the surface. To bring it to the surface, they have to act on it. And that applies in a large spectrum from border to border, point to point for people, places and things. It is not just happening in one area. As you can see, the entire planet is imbued by the fire of conflict. The solar flares are not affecting one location differently from others. They are affecting all, everywhere. The entire globe, your planet, is immersed in these energies. It is also important to understand that these energies will go on to become accelerated as they continue on this path. As they burn, they turn into light. And in order to burn, the sun of your own solar system helps you by sending more fire to your atmosphere in the form of the solar flares.
We approach the atmosphere of planet Venus. You are now in the presence of the Great Being. As you begin to descend in the atmosphere or the auric field of Venus, you feel a new sense of peace and calmness. We are entering through the synchronic lines which look like a tunnel of golden light. From a distance it may look like you are entering into filaments of gold, liquid light. It is actually a tunnel of liquid light when you enter it. As you glide through it, you turn into liquid matter yourself (the body is not as solid as it is on Earth).
A golden gateway begins to open up as you approach in the presence of the Great Being, and as you enter into the great hall notice that everything around you has a golden-pink hue. This is the Great Hall in the Palace of Shamballa. In the center of that hall, there is an oval shaped stage that is set much like a very large altar. You may step on the first tier of this raised stage. As you stand on the first step, you have a greater view and better feel for what is on the altar. As you stand in that position, say a prayer and make a wish. The Great Being will take his/her position in the very center of that stage, and an illumination of light begins to vibrate like a pillar that extends outwards emanating toward you, entering through your heart chakra, your third eye and your solar plexus. This feels like liquid gold. Pause for a long moment and breathe deeply, absorbing all the light and feminine vibration that you are receiving. Take a few long breaths. Absorb the light and intend it to stay with you.
The emanations of light recede. The Great Being steps down, and you are beckoned to leave in the same way that you entered. As you move to the golden gateway, let us bless this opportunity to receive such high illumination of light from the Palace of Shamballa. Take a deep breath and pause to receive the full effect of these energies.
(Author’s Note: Continue this meditation with the following discourse as Lord Metatron takes us to the planet Orion is in the center of constellation Orion in the company of the Great Being of Venus.)
Although the five days of Harmonic Concordance have passed, we can always connect with the energies and request the clearing that we need to be provided to us, wherever in the scheme of things we may be. Remember, time as we know it, does not exist. All things are happening simultaneously in space. Time and space are one and the same continuum except from our linear point of view. In our duality we see them as separate entities. When the Masters tell us that we can create our own reality, they are asking us to pick and choose from the events that are sitting inside the time-space continuum according to the universal law of Divine Love, in harmony, peace and compassion. Not because of some cause we created at 5 a.m., which invokes a reaction by 6 a.m., which then needs to be rectified the following day, the following year, or even the following lifetime!
This journey should follow after the journey to Venus in the previous chapter. The previous chapter was about receiving the feminine principle. This journey is about receiving the masculine principle.
Beloved of my own heart, I am Metatron.
We move through the golden gateway entering into the tunnel of light, in the presence of the Great Being. We shall proceed to planet Orion is in the constellation Orion. Entering through the time-space continuum in the tunnel of light, accelerating faster and faster until everything becomes a point of light. Then you begin to slow down and see the atmosphere of Orion is, a planet in the center of the constellation Orion.
This planet has a very different energy. An energy which feels as though liquid gold was poured around it. There are no other colors but liquid gold. This planet is very strong, very powerful, very wise, very masculine. Whereas Venus, with all the purples and all the greens and the liquid lights – the shimmering lights with energy emanating around it – is an expanded state of the Feminine Principle, this one is the concentrated form of the Masculine Principle. This is why it is important for the combined energies of Orion and Venus to create a double Helix – the Mother and Father – aligning with one another so that the Earth can be the child, creating the triune aspect. Orion as the Father, Venus as the Mother. Earth as the child. With the sun of your solar system as the Godfather and the Moon as the Godmother.
As you become immersed in the energy of the atmosphere of Orion, all you see is liquid gold. It will take you a moment to acquaint yourself with these energies and realize that you are also entering into the synchronic line, yet another time tunnel. You are entering through the golden gateway into the great hall where the energy is very grand and extremely strong. The energy is very anchored, very focused. The energy is like a laser beam, compared to Venus where the energy emanates and expands. This is a laser beam fully focused. Very different from anything you experience on Earth because of its strrength and its grand nature. It automatically requires your respect and your reverence. It automatically brings you to your knees as though you are standing in the Presence of the Holy Father.
Here also, in the center there is a golden oval shaped altar with a raised stage. In the middle around the edge of the stage is a platform. As you step onto the platform you get a better view of the top of the stage. The Great Being will take his/her position in the center. The pillar of light descends. The emanations move through the Great Being and enter your crown chakra, your thymus and your personal heart. Pause, take a deep breath and absorb the energies. Close your eyes. Take a few deep and long breaths.
We will exit in the same way that we entered. You will move through the golden gateway, into the time-space continuum, through the tunnel of light. You are speeding to the point of light, through the point of light back into your own solar system and into the atmosphere of Earth. And again, as you come in, notice the fire; the orange colored light that is emanating from Earth. I bring you back to your bodies and I ask you to hold on to these energies and practice these meditations for seven days from today. It is very important that you focus your energies on building a future of light, love and compassion during the seven day period. Realize that what you will put into your personal grid for this time, will impact the next seven years. Be positive, be vigilant, be clear.
And write down your thoughts. The moment you begin writing down your thoughts, you will process them – right there – and then something new will emerge from those thoughts that you would not have noticed if you do not give yourself time to write them down. Make a ceremony and a prayer for light and for compassion out of everything that you do: the food that you eat, the clothes that you put in the wash, the thoughts that come to your mind, the drive in the car, the cleaning that you do.
Cleaning (your home, car, office as well as your body) is very important right now. As you clean and relieve yourself of all that no longer serves you, symbolically you are cleansing your own emotional and mental bodies and releasing the dirt from your own body and being. Release all those things that no longer serve you. Go through mental processes, sift through thoughts, realize that certain thoughtforms which have brought you certain realities no longer serve you. Then release those that have no place in your future and give them up to this ball of light, this ball of fire that your planet is in right now. Your planet has become “yagna,” a fire pit for sacred ceremonies for the span of the five days of Harmonic Concordance 2003. This is the best time to burn or transmute anything you don’t want. Transmute the unhappiness, transmute the sadness, burn the pain of the energy of people who have abused you, situations where you have felt mistreated, those you have misbehaved towards, and those who have misbehaved in your direction. People, places and things need to be cleared and cleansed of their dross to bring them to the state of purity and innocence that was originally intended in the Divine Plan. The purpose of these five days of burning is to clear the multitude and masses and the consciousness of all souls from all impurities and to reinstate the state of purity and innocence.
I bring you back to the portal. Move through the golden gateways through the diamond-shaped portal and begin to see the emerald green. The eye will open up for you to move through. Once on this side you simply lodge yourselves back in your bodies and I close the portal.
With great love, and the joy of being in your presence, I am your Father Metatron.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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SUN and Central Sun Connection
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