Carol Fitzpatrick Channel, Visionary Guide and Soul Coach Follow your heart, change the world. |
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"Thank you for coming into my life at a time when I am totally defeated to my core of being.
"After the session I really felt uplifted and Happy. THANK YOU!!!! "Though I still have cloudy days, on those days I bring myself to the present moment and remember that I have all the support, love and light in my life [to change my environment], which makes the cloud disperse. "
Angelic beings are flooding into the planetary grid system to catch the fallen, the lame or weak at heart. The frequency has shifted. The timelines are moving into the reality of All as One -- one harmonic whole where humanity is merged into One Race.
Like any multi-ethnic beginning, those who are incarnate have origins in the multitude of star cultures -- Arcturia, Pleiades, Ocassio-and the list goes on. Soul memories can be retrieved from other worlds, other times, but the benefit of the learning is applicable to life here on earth.
The earth is dying to the old way. The scars from subjugation and control dramas are being removed. In its place is the original matrix of light. Entire civilizations of ethereal beings are resurfacing now. All that was thought to be abandoned is now being reactivated.
The star codes that have always been here (left by our ancestors) are now available for access and infusion into our very DNA. The activation and transference occurs through the purity of one's heartfelt intention, followed by the frequency shift in the harmonic resonant field. Sound is the wave carrier to all the star races. Pure tone is produced from the earth grid. Inter-galactic lines, as they intersect the ley lines of the earth, produce a tonal range that activates the core resonance of the ancient temple system. The temples emit wave patterns designed to amplify the higher tonal range for connecting the star tribes to remember home. The ancient temple system is now joined by new vortexes of light. Together this complete system is being populated by individuals who hear the call to move about and / or relocate to these locations. We are literally receiving instructions from home through this grid system. Most hear the grid as a high-pitched undulating streaming sound above and beyond our normal hearing range. It's a vast communication system that keeps us connected to one another and our inter-dimensional helpers. No one group or commander has complete knowledge or access to the entire grid. All are to be as one, to work, play, laugh, and build as one. As you are so called, go forth and embrace your soul path, and know that all is truly well. This writing flows forth as so many of the ancient temples are being revisited and reactivated. The spiritual treks are familiar in their retelling of joyous self-discovery, of awakening, that occur, lifelong friendships that form, and life works that are birthed into form. This is the way of the Spiritual Warrior. The flow is soft and melodic in our retelling of long forgotten memories of where we have come from. The stars hold significance to us. We not only look to the Mother which is our home but also to the stars. The indigenous have always looked to the stars for guidance. Religious leaders seek out divine masters to show the way to the heavens above. Little children paint their stories into the clouds while astronomers, astrologers, cosmologists study, measure and summize what might be. As beings with our origins from the stars, we know who we are, and inherently understand that this is our temporary home. We have the capacity to come and go at will, but have chosen to remain and embody human consciousness. Our gifts are many but there is one common to all--our capacity to Love. Some are incarnate angels. Others are elf-like in their energetic make-up. And yet, more are from many distant and not so distant galaxies of light. All are here in one big cosmic melting pot. Why is this an important piece of information? Because, truly, we are the ones that we have been waiting for. All the solutions to every challenge, every dilemma is found within us. Some of us come from star nations where healing technologies, free energy, anti-gravity or inter-dimensional travel is a part of our very DNA. We have only to stop the inner noise, and reject any frequency transmission that would have us feeling dumbed down. We know how to clear the field around us, but to do so as a collective force of light is a thing of beauty. What if it is really true that all it takes to change the world is inner peace-the kind of peace without attachment to any outcome at all-where love of self and others acts as an infusion of light and transforms the entire grid of consciousness? The wave forms caused from such a shift would be epic. With absolutely no focus at all on what is wrong that needs fixing, and only on the amplification of the positive field, imagine the potential. Together, we are birthing of a new form of global consciousness. Joyously so,
Carol Fitzpatrick
The View from the Ground
We passed through the energetic spike of mid-September, which called forth the delightful realizations of long-held hopes and dreams right along side the release of heavier emotional baggage. If you were holding on to old stuff, you likely experienced some challenging times but no doubt, you are on the other side of that now. If you were able to let go and let the divine lead the way, you experienced some revelations about yourself, your life and your path.
September prompted us to begin again. Whatever you are focused on now feels like familiar territory but with a brand new twist. You've spiraled upward in the five or so years that it took for you to get here.
You've discovered your legacy, or at least let go of what you don't want. This, big "let go" puts you in a lighter brighter place emotionally, mentally and physically.
By late October, you'll be wishing that you would have spent a bitmore time reflecting what you desire because you are bound to find yourself steeped in forward momentum by then. Just be clear about what you truly desire now before you get too far ahead of yourself.
Relationships will continue to rock your world for awhile but rest assured that you are positioned correctly to move your life forward in a way that brings you deep peace and fulfillment.
Keep your focus, love yourself and know that all is truly well.
Group SessionAccess is by phone.
Are you feeling stuck or just need some clarity or support?
These intimate follow-up group sessions are designed to provide you with 1) the energetic upliftment to create the opening in your life, and 2) channeled / mentored guidance.
Exchange: $27 You'll receive the access number immediately after registration.
Free to Living LIbrary Members. Look for the access number to arrive in your inbox.

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One Planet. One Family.
Our Greatest Calling is to:
Activate higher awareness.
Empower the heart of who we are to lead the way.
Transform our lives.
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Private Sessions
(by appointment)
Private sessions are for accessing soul-level awareness by receiving guidance from the angelic realms, ascended masters and your guardian angels. Gain an intimate look at your soul's path and purpose. Sessions help you unlock the karmic way of creating and expand beyond the fear patterns that are holding you back.
First time session is 90-minutes to allow plenty of time for Q & A. Follow-up sessions are 60-minutes with extra time purchased as requested. All sessions are "by appointment" only. To learn more or to schedule a session, find me on the web at:
Or call 540.785.7770 or send an email to request an appointment.