Palace of Peace with Michelle Manders is proud to announce our latest new project
"Children of the Rainbow Ray"
Dear Friends,
I am proud to announce the launch of our "Children of the Rainbow Ray" Project and the Amethyst Ray Clan of Guardians supported by the Keepers of the Flame, which has come into being as a direct result of the Crystal Stargate Activations and Return of the Divine Inner Child events that took place in Namibia, March 2015.
My vision with this project is to enable children to remain connected to their inherent Avatar Essence so that they can lead as the true Divine Teachers of our new world. The Avatar Essence is the inner Divine Self and inner Divine Teacher consciously animating a soul incarnated in human form for the purpose of bringing peace, love, wisdom and enlightenment to the world in which they are incarnated into. Our intuition is our Inner-Tutor. Our Avatar Essence is our Divine Inner Tutor -our Divine intuition leading the way tutoring as we lead by example.
This is the Path of The Authentic Ones that our children and the children of our world are ready to embrace and become one with. If we are to prepare for the future of our children we need to ensure their future is brighter than it currently is by empowering them now. If we are to heal families, we need to raise and guide children to feel healed, whole, loved and nurtured from within, so that in the outer world they are able to create the same. If we are to have peace on Earth, we need to ensure the children of our planet feel loved and at peace within themselves and at peace with the world around them, and healed of their wounds inflicted by wounded parents, teachers, peers and the rest of the external world.
My aim is to embrace children and adolescents at whatever stage of their development they are between ages 7 - 18, and with the help of some very self-empowered and intuitive "Lightwarrior" adults, gently nurture their unique interests, personalities and preferences so that they feel they count, that their differences can be loved, and that it's okay to make mistakes and develop their coping skills to handle life's challenges.
We choose to encourage children's interaction with Mother Nature so that they can remember her voice and how nature relays the many messages spirit has to share with them. This will be carried out through our retreat programmes beginning in 2016, being held in Namibia, and other natural spaces in the areas surrounding Johannesburg, as well as Kaapsehoop in Mpumalanga, South Africa and the Kalahari and Kgalagardi Deserts in SA. We are currently investigating locations in the USA too.
Parents are encouraged to be fully present in supporting their children through these projects and programs and are thus encouraged to heal and grow with their kids and teens. The more parents are involved in their children's healing and self-empowerment journey the better.
My primary objective and that of the creative souls collaborating with me is to help empower children and guide them to remain empowered souls throughout their lifetime. The breakdown of the family unit in modern society with the absence of either one or both parents has become an issue no one can ignore any longer. In order for the future of the healed soul as an individual and the family unit to return and become a solid and familiar presence in the future, we need to groom children and adolescents now to love themselves and life as one expression of everything ~ Unity Consciousness.
Children who come from broken, orphaned, violent, and abandoned environments do not necessarily have the skills to create solid family units in the future, neither are many equipped enough to make self-empowered choices and decisions. We are here to give these children an opportunity to reclaim their sense of self-worth, self-love and build within themselves the basis of a solid life foundation; so that no matter what life throws at them they know they have the power to make the changes needed without selling themselves short or falling prey to the abuse of drugs, alcohol and sex to numb their pain or make them feel alive.
We aim to inspire children and adolescents to feed their dreams and aspirations with confidence and self-belief in their ability to dream their dreams alive. We choose to help guide the "Children of the Rainbow Ray" into the new world paradigm where love, respect, healthy morals, values, loyalty, transparency, honesty, integrity and truth is the essence thread running through their lives and weaving the tapestry of their creation. We have chosen to help our future leaders lead through their Avatar Essence.
To begin with I am inviting children, with their parents assistance, to participate in the Peace-Love-Compassion Project which is tying in directly with our current Aquarian Rising 2020 Universal Projects of Light Middle East and Hungary and Romania Bucegi Mountains - Anchoring the Gold Print for 1000 Golden Years of Peace Project. We invite the children to actively display the peace, love and compassion they wish they could extend to a war victim child in the Middle East, to instead perform it with the less fortunate, abandoned and wounded souls in their community, animals and mother nature included, and setting the intention that the energy they extend to the person of their choice be energetically shared with all the needy children in the war infested Middle East. All details for participation will be supplied upon request.
Please e-mail michelle.palaceofpeace@gmail.com and write JUNIOR LIGHTWARRIOR TRAINING in the subject line.
We encourage the participating child to be inspired by their own choice of how to go about displaying random acts of love, peace, and compassion so that the energy driving their intentions and actions is sincere and pure. Therefore the energy being projected to the children etc. in the Middle East will be felt in its raw, pure and authentic essence and make the necessary changes and shifts to peace and unity consciousness, prosperity and victory consciousness. The power of authentic love and peace can move mountains! This will be an on-going process should all parties concerned choose to follow on and make it a committed monthly programme.
All participants are free at any time to choose to take an integration break and then continue with wherever it is we are in the programme. All related channellings will also be made publically available making it easy to catch up whenever our Junior Lightwarrior chooses. Participating however as a core Amethyst Ray Clan Guardian is genuinely an awesome community platform that will enable kids to meet up and thrive in each other's company and form bonds before meeting up in person if they choose, on one of our retreats designed specifically for them.
We also ask that the child document their choice - what they chose and tell us why, and to please share it with us on our Facebook Fan Page. Please invite other children to do the same. This will be their personal arena to share their insights, ideas, and suggestions. Children connecting from all over the world, children sending healing energy to their fellow brothers and sisters in the Middle East - "Children of the Rainbow Ray" collaborating and joining hearts and intention and anchoring healing, love and peace consciousness in the Middle East inspired by their sincere acts of love and peace toward others in their community.
There is a $25 per month membership and includes a channelling every month in both Mp3 and transcribed formats, which will be delivered to mom and dad or guardians' inbox. The Junior Lightwarrior in training then follows the set of instructions for each month's assignment detailed in each channelling conducted specifically for this project.
This level of participation does require a consenting adult to work in tandem with their child/ren and apply the process in their own lives with their child/ren. Feedback presentations are required from the participating children as part of the programme making up our Junior Lightwarrior Training, as will the occasional group work assignments such as the adult core group "soul-shops" their journey through the projects together.
If you and your child/ren have the time and would enjoy a deeply bonding experience, then I highly recommend you join us for one month and see how it unfolds. Support Sessions via Skype are available with my gifted husband Sean Manders who has a natural affinity with children and is able to coax them to open up or just allow them to express their authenticity, ask questions and enjoy straight forward and honest answers, always delivered in age appropriate language. Lisa Rondan one of our Amethyst Ray moms and one of the Keepers of the Flame is also available for support sessions if a feminine touch is needed. Parents are welcome to sit in on Skype support sessions if the participating Junior Lightwarrior has given permission.
As part of the process we encourage parents/guardians/caretakers to work through the Namibia 2015 - Return of the Divine Child Project to experience some profound healing and awaken to your own realization of why children are in truth our most precious commodity and that we need to make the changes and shifts for the sake of our children and their future now!
This Project falls under the mantle of what we call "Junior Lightwarrior Training" and is suited for children between the ages of 10 - 16 for our retreats specifically. However, we do have on-line mini projects and programmes available for children and adolescents ranging from ages 7 - 18. We will also be introducing mentoring programmes managed by our older teens from 16 and some of our amazing Indigo young adults up to age 25. Once our younger members have achieved their goals they too will have opportunity to offer mentoring to other kids their age and younger, before they are 16 years of age.
For further details and enquiries please e-mail Michelle Manders on michelle.palaceofpeace@gmail.com