Wednesday's total eclipse of the Moon may be the most striking for years but observers in Britain must be content with a view of only the closing act of the drama. The Moon stands over the southern Indian Ocean as it passes through the central dark umbra of the Earth's shadow, plunging deeper into the shadow than during any eclipse since 2000. This may well result in an unusually dark eclipse, with the Moon's disc turning a deep reddish-brown as all direct sunlight is blocked.
In fact, the umbra is never black. A little light must reach the Moon from the parts of the Sun's outer atmosphere, the corona, that are not hidden by the Earth. But more sunlight is refracted and scattered around the edge of the Earth by our planet's atmosphere. Just as sunsets and sunrises appear orange or red, so this light is predominantly red.
The umbra is not illuminated evenly, though, since less of this indirect light penetrates to its core and the amount reaching different zones of the umbra is affected by varying atmospheric conditions. In particular, dust thrown up by major volcanic eruptions can render the atmosphere less transparent and the eclipsed Moon so dark that it practically disappears.
Our image shows the previous total lunar eclipse as viewed from Florida last December. On that occasion, the Moon traversed the northern part of the umbra and its southern regions, which just missed the shadow's core, are relatively dark. This week, the Moon passes about a half Moon's-breadth farther southwards with respect to the shadow, so it will be interesting to discover just how dark and colourful it appears.
Wednesday's eclipse begins when the Moon's eastern limb begins to enter the penumbra of the Earth's shadow at 18:25 BST. While within the penumbra, some direct sunlight falls on the Moon but little darkening of the disc will be noticed until a few minutes before the Moon begins to enter the umbra at 19:23. Totality, with the Moon entirely within the umbra, lasts from 20:22 until 22:03 with mid eclipse at 21:13. The Moon's W limb has withdrawn from the umbra by 23:02 and finally exits the penumbra at 00:01.
For Britain, other than the far NW, the Moon rises in the SE during the latter half of totality. Observers in SE England may just glimpse the end of totality, but most of us may see nothing until it begins to emerge from the umbra. From London and Manchester, for example, the Moon stands less than 5° and 3° high respectively at 22:03 BST, with the Sun only a little way below the NW horizon and the sky brightly twilit. The Moon should be more obvious another 5° higher in a darker sky by 23:02.
Skywatchers anticipate spectacular lunar elipse tonight as the moon will rise in the Earth's shadow
The moon will rise in Earth's shadow this evening in a rare lunar eclipse that could turn our natural satellite a deep shade of red.
With clear skies, the celestial spectacle will be visible across the UK, with the exception of northern Scotland, as soon as the moon rises after sunset.
Moonrise time varies with location, but for observers in London, the show will begin at 9.13pm. Further north, in Glasgow, moonrise begins at 9.58pm.
A total lunar eclipse happens when the moon, Earth and sun line up, and our home planet casts a vast shadow that engulfs the moon.
When the moon moves into the darkest part of the Earth's shadow, the umbra, it will turn a slate grey or brick red colour.
The moon changes colour because blue light - and other short wavelengths - scatter more in the Earth's atmosphere, with more red light getting through.
The Royal Astronomical Society said the eclipse, if visible, could be a spectacular opportunity for photographers. The moon will remain low in the night sky, so observers will need a clear horizon and cloudless skies to see it well. Unlike solar eclipses, a lunar eclipse is safe to watch with the naked eye.
The event will be visible in Australasia, southern Japan, a large area of Asia, India, Africa, Europe and the eastern part of South America.
The total eclipse ends at 22.03pm, when the Moon starts to leave the darkest part of the umbra. At this time, the moon will be only five degrees above the south-eastern horizon from London, whilst in Glasgow the whole of the lunar disk will not yet have appeared and from northern Scotland it will not be visible at all.
In the final stage of the eclipse, the moon moves into the lighter part of Earth's shadow, the penumbra, and will likely take on a yellowish hue. The eclipse will be over just after midnight, at 00.02am Thursday morning. © Guardian News and Media Limited 2011
Cosmos and Consciousness ~Pulses~ with Allison Rae and J. Tyberron
Cosmic Time - By Master Astrologist Allison Rae
June 15 : Healing through acceptance of Facing the Challenge, and being true to SELF. Reformation of agreements into greater impeccability & liberation from 'one-way' affiliations.
Eclipses are lunar gaps, moments of timelessness that connect us with Great Mystery and the depths of the subconscious. Solstice is stillpoint, as the Sun seems to rise and set in the same place in the sky for three days before changing direction in its six-month migration of rising further north, or south.
In this season of upheaval and change, this is a supreme opportunity to consider our relationship with self, each other, and the Earth.
The catastrophic oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico last year and this year's nuclear disaster caused by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan leave no room for debate. We balancing.
Lunar and solar alignments are moments of opportunity to heal the waters, the land, the past and the people of this amazing planet. It's time to breathe, center and allow solutions to reach us amidst the chaos.
How can we harmonize with the Earth and create peace in the world? By bringing our lives into balance. By being peace. As individuals, families and communities, it's up to us.
Earth in Balance
We live in the times the Hopi of North America call the Great Purification. Day in and day out, we witness massive changes sweeping the planet in this transition to the next world age.
In March, we were blessed to have special guests Ruben Saufkie of Hopi Second Mesa and Judi Johnson, a pipe carrier of Seneca descent, join us for a special teleconference on the Equinox.
They offer messages of hope, guidance and optimism in these times of accelerating change.
Click here for details and to access the free streaming audio of the Earth in Balance teleconference:
Eclipse Season 2011
My previous posts about the eclipses include many more links, including NASA eclipse information, visual animations, Mayan Wave details, my 2011 astro forecast, suggested practices and details about global meditations.
Eclipse Season Details, Timing and Potential
Eclipse Overview
Navigating Eclipses
The Potent Eclipses of 2011
{(1) June 1 (2) June 15 (3) July 1}
In addition, 2011 will have an extremely rare aggregation of complex coded eclipses. There will be a total of 6 eclipses in 2011, and 3 of these will occur in a 30 day phase between June 1st and July 1st.
This period will be punctuated by the June Solstice~ 21 JUNE 2011~
June 15 : Healing through acceptance of Facing the Challenge, and being true to SELF. Reformation of agreements into greater impeccability & liberation from 'one-way' affiliations.
July 1: Strength and Completion of the 'New You'. Not only visualizing the attributes and events you wish to create, but taking requisite actions, steps forward to manifest them.
The mid summer solstice ( mid winter below the equator) is the amplification energetic flow of all of these. And in 2011 it adds a unique energy that calls forth the initial opening for the mega potent 11-11-11.
The 2011 Eclipses
And Masters, indeed the 4:2 combination of solar and lunar eclipses in a single year, in 2011, is quite rare, so you see there is a divine plan unrolling. We tell you that Eclipses are opportunities for energizing change.
Dear Ones, the eclipses of 2011 are an offering to make any necessary shifts that you discern appropriate in your individual and collective life stream. These are best afforded by synchronizing them through the contemplation and review that are available on equinoxes and solstices.
Perfect Order
Some of you say and feel that "Everything works out as it should, all is in perfect order". But Masters, that concept is something of a paradox, because like a face card it is upside down either way you look at it. Do you understand?
From the higher perspective all is in perfect order, but from the perspective of humankind within duality, it is not! If it were there would be no need for lesson, no need for what you term reincarnation.
One need but take a look around and know that the plight of humankind on the planet Earth is far from being perfect. Indeed it will NOT work out as it should, until you make it so!
This applies in micro and macro. There is much to manage, much to review. All in time and Masters it will occur.
Dear Humans, in closing, let me express unequivocally that I and the Angelic Realm are in a special role of supporting you far more than you may realize. For you too are Gods in creation, sparks of the Divine becoming violet flames of the All That Is.
We love each of you, all of you, and beyond the veils you are part of us.
We spin a light vortex of great honor and appreciation to you, We are sending this energy to each one of you in the 'NOW' moment that you read these words, Can you feel it, open your heart and receive what we send forth in love.
We sincerely honor you as you move into the final two years of Earths Crystalline Ascension. And we tell you it is the Ascension of the Earth that will spawn the critical mass movement of physical humanities Ascension in two to three centuries. All in free will, all by choice. And in that time, there will be no global war, no mass starvation.
You see on December 21, 2012, the Earth Ascends, and Ascension for Humanity is available. But do not expect the 3d Earth you see around you now to instantly follow suit. That will occur in three centuries, but it is the expanded energy of the planetary Crystalline Transformation that you call the Ascension that will allow for mankind's heart at a time.
In the next two years, the love of power will begin to be displaced by the power of love. Do not doubt it, for it is already in motion. This transformation occurs one heart at a time, inside each of you. As such you must BE the change you want to see!
It is a future of Ascension that you are creating...and we tell you that this period of three centuries is the blink of an eye. We salute you. You are on the appropriate path !
Before you lies an incredible awakening and completion. 2011 is a time of omnipotent review, release, re-calibration, and restructuring. It is truly a time of quickening, amplification and indeed celebration. You each have made a difference, and you will depart this planet a greater light, than from hence you entered. And you did it your way. In Love. I invite you to feel joy, for you have earned it !
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved!
And so it is...
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Jane Rubietta
Someone may have stolen your dream when it was young and fresh and you were innocent. Anger is natural. Grief is appropriate. Healing is mandatory. Restoration is possible.
Mahatma Gandhi
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.