Observations are showing us that our Solar system is now entering an area of space within the outer reaches of the galaxy that has physical and energetic quaities that no human has ever witnessed in our planetary system’s locality before. We are also percieving utterly immense new energy forms above the poles of the galactic hub that do not obey the laws of physics according to the gravitational/black hole model. The gravitational model upon which we base our most entrenched astro-physics paradigms is being radically challenged by the emergent ‘electric’ model. Highlighted by the nature of the increasing influence of solar and galactic energies upon our Earth, this is a model that speaks of simultaneity, interconnectedness and provides the basis for a new cosmology of consciousness. It is also providing explanations for the missing dark matter and energy that permeates our universe, throwing light on the continuous interdependant nature of life across time and space. The Sun’s prolonged dormancy has been broken by a spectacular display of plasma plumes, with increasing sun-spot , solar flare and Coronal Mass Ejection activity – and the solar maximum has not yet peaked; NASA is sending out warnings of complete disruption to communications and power systems on earth. The Earths magnetic poles are shifting with speed, the North faster than the South, and its electro-magnetic field is weakening, as is the Sun’s – we can see the same effect at work across the unified field of the solar system. A very large ‘planetary’ object has been observed within the Ort Cloud at the edge of our solar system; some believe it to be a Brown Dwarf, an unrealised star with not enough mass to ignite, now with a solid center – others hold that it is a super massive gas giant like Jupiter, only, at least twice the diameter – such an object will have a strong influence on the planetary field – we will feel the effects. Plasma bursts that have a degree of power normally associated with stellar phenomenon are being observed issuing from above thunderstorms. Spiral aurora, cloud patterns unlike any previously recorded are being observed globally. It gets more bizarre….sink holes, some immense within polar ice and others unusualy sheer sided within the earth’s surface, are appearing, apparently randomly. Luminous entities are being captured on film that reveal intelligent behaviour and internal organic structure, signs of ‘other-dimensional’ life co-existant with our earth plane. All these have been known of for some time – yet, their presence has been supressed for many years….until now.
We will soon see how the electric model, as it becomes more fully grounded for us to work consciously with, opens our eyes to the presence of intersecting dimensions of reality – dimensional entities that inhabit further dimensions beyond the 3D world, some of which affect and feed off of our emotional bodies, others which aid and abet our evolution, are entering our consciousness and will force us to review our habitual ideas of just what is ‘real’ – these are however facts long known to indigenous, healing and esoteric communities. Our insistance upon hard empirical evidence has kept this a reality at arms length…this too is now changing with increasing pace. We live in ‘interesting times’…..
So, lets see what the stars are saying to us at the onset of the March lunation in Pisces.
With our readings focusing primarily on the lunation cycles over the last seven months the role of the Moon’s nodes is seen to be of high importance – we have witnessed a season of eclipses, particularly framed within the characteristics of and with reference to a most significant transit, Pluto transiting the North Node of the Moon – see ‘Pluto Rides the Dragon’s Head’. This transit is epoch making in its scope and prefigures the current upheavals and struggles to birth ourselves anew.
As we have been exploring at ‘Owlmirror’, the ongoing process described within these lunations has given us a template for action to work with and, as we do, the outer events that we see unfolding show us clearly where the stress falls…our inner work is in direct relation to the qualities we perceive within our experiences. The current March lunation brings the emphasis back to the process in a more subtle way this time, but, later in the year we will see the outer stresses of this process step-up as Pluto and Uranus square up through a prolonged period, and this too will change our perspectives on all that we are experiencing now. But, more of this later…..
First lets look at the planetary alignments now in process. The March lunation will take us through the equinoxial Full Moon, the Equinox itself and beyond – for, while this Moon has a presence of its own, it is its unfoldment through the complete lunation that reveals its meanings more fully – within this time frame are a number of key astrological events, not least of all the transit of the ‘awakener’ Uranus into tropical Aries.
The planets are presently strung out across the three final signs of the tropical zodiac, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces – only Saturn and Jupiter hang in the balance outside of this ‘freight-train’ stellium in the culminating quarter of the zodiac. In mid Libra and early Aries respectively we find the gravitational form-giving influence of Saturn at work on the collective, and Jupiter stimulating our individual involvement with a counter expansive energy – there is an inner tension that is working both ways in this, igniting and expanding our passions and drive while our attention is being pulled towards how the processes of change are crystalising. This is pushing from within on old structures. And this is a global influence….
…..If we view the solar system from above, as in a heliocentric chart, we see that Saturn and Jupiter are currently on opposite sides of the Sun. Saturn and Jupiter’s opposition across the Solar field is a powerful trigger for tectonic upheaval – this is a well known phenomenon, and we can expect this influence to prevail at least until mid to late April – at that time they will also come into opposition fully in the tropical zodiac. This in turn will bring their tectonic effects into the human realms. Collectively we can expect increasingly intense focus upon our global ‘body-politic’. We will be compelled to re-evalute our over-reaching lifestyles and face the facts. Let alone the geo-physical challenges, we know that our profit motives are defunct and misplaced, and ultimately do nothing for us as individuals, but, ultimately, serve only those at the top of the pyramid of power. This will be a softening up process that will allow the truly radical effects of Uranus squaring Pluto to fully have impact – and this influence will bring a true test in the ongoing re-structuring of our outer reality.
We do also need this powerful influence, to become free of the old paradigm….but, it will not be easy and uncertainty will increasingly be the halmark. But, its not all ‘bad’ news. Once Uranus enters Aries it will be accompanied by astounding insights and innovations as well – the degree to which we are able to ground these will be further tested by our ability to aspire and create while in the midst of devolutionary structural processess – this will be Saturn and Jupiter’s challenge and we will look further into this below.
With Jupiter now back in tropical Aries, he has also been triggering key astrological points of sensitivity that marked the onset of this seven month series of Moon cycles. These were initiated in August 2010, through the Cardinal Grand Cross and Jupiter’s conjunction with Uranus in the initial degrees of Aries. Most recently, just prior to his transit into tropical Aries, Jupiter has reverberated with quickening energy the solstice eclipse point in the last degree of Sagittarius. We have seen the radical expansion of revolution in the Middle East through this time of Jupiter’s re-catalysing influence. Uranus, now on the verge of transit back into Aries, is also currently squaring the December solstice eclipse point – this too is a powerful stimulant and has primed the field for the Moon’s North Node transiting into Sagittarius, occuring as this article is posted. We could see flash-points in the Mid-East.
The 2010 solstice eclipse also gave us a window of opportunity to engage with the subtle realms, bring our alignment with the greater forces of the cosmos into the personal realms and to begin resonating together with their creative force – regardless of whether we have been working with this consciously or not, the influences at work have truly opened the gateway that we described in ‘Howling Moon’.
What are the nodes telling us now as they enter the Sagittarius/Gemini axis? Our philosophy for living and our inter-relatedness with the Earth and each other are coming to the fore – as a natural consequence of the current events in the world, as well as through the cosmic energising of our consciousness. This ‘mirroring’ within awareness will come up repeatedly within this lunation. This suggests major global idealogical shifts over the next year, and given Neptune’s upcoming transit into tropical Pisces, we should both feel and see a spiritual shift within our forward vision, as well as in the stress points that expose their unfolding. Much of the action that has been stimulating the North Node will now shift and our attention will be drawn towards the South Node as the inner planets transit this sensitive point. We will be asked to bring our innate abilities to bear while jetisoning all that no longer serves us. A karmic process.
Pluto’s influence continues to uproot all that stands in the way of this, especially within the political power field. He is slow moving in early Capricorn, and will leave no stone unturned. Power is being released as we sweep away the old structures and their blocking/containing effects and return to original form and forming. The form that we give to this power release will be determined to a large extent by the resistance to change thrown up by those in the human realms who seek to hold onto the old political forms that contain ‘power’; but, their grip on us is loosening! Ours is the challenge to manage the power we are naturally invested with wisely. We must learn new respect for Nature from this, quit our commodifying and reckless devouring of ‘natural resources’. Earth’s empowering gifts can no longer be seen as dead matter…we destroy ourselves if we continue with this mentality.
Pluto’s effects will accordingly continue to ‘raise the ground’ beneath the power brokers in the long run, continue to revolutionise ‘the people’s’ empowerment. For the ‘Elite‘ the use of Disaster Management will become an increasing imperative and question, and this itself is already putting communities and nations under great stress. Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are at work in this together. Western leaders are striving to sound more and more grandiose, both idealistic and pragmatic as they respond, maneuvering for position – ever the political opportunists, they know that the bigger the hiatus, the more opportunity for control and profit, and we can be sure that they are planning behind the scenes, waiting to bring the forces and mechanisms of the old order to bear upon the newly emerging picture, unless we can persuade them otherwise. Historically, we can see that this kind of negative political reaction has become embedded as movement towards use of force as the counter to upheaval – at worst the military state is its natural end, Saturnine in the extreme. All eyes are on Libya. Yet, this too must now change – for, intervention through political martial force can no longer sustain or be sustained by the power base without further polarising it in relation to ‘the people’ – and, we know they will fail if they do so, for the strength of ‘the People’s’ awareness and passion can no longer be denied or contained – here is Jupiter at work. No matter which nation, no matter what the nation’s politic, ‘usury’ and ‘power-over’ is being exposed for what it is – Pluto will not be denied! The political and economic climate, like our weather patterns and Earth’s geo-physical activity, has, as the stars have been telling us, become ‘predictably unstable’ and growing in strength of influence as a result. Greater powers are at work that supercede political dominance and have the capacity to over-ride such control reflexes.
The natural consequence of all these highly stressed and seemingly chaotic qualities, and our experience of them, is that the emotional body of the planet is becoming filled out and charged up with our personal and collective emotional energetic responses. This is activating the 4th dimensional matrix, the emotive field that links us into the archetypal realms, and with this we will find reality taking on new dimensions, as we have indicated above. There are two esoteric functions at work in this; the one opens us to greater perception beyond the physical, the other opens us to greater influence from both the inhabitants of the 4th dimension as well as from the incoming energies from the 5th and beyond. Our inner work has been preparing us for this and our ‘seeing’ eyes will enable us to discern their influence the more effectively. Those who are paying attention to these aspects of the ongoing process, taking personal responsibility for working with it, will experience the outer events quite differently from those who have not – however, compassion will enable us to make the transition together…..the planets at this New Moon also remind us of where this will be most needed.
Compassion, the most pragmatic form of Love, can help us transmute the emotional field to a higher order and stabilise the process. It is an extention of the inner process outwards, bringing healing and reconciliation. This is not a superficial process, a mundane diagnostic curative – compassion must first be developed and have its roots within. We will find ourselves funded within this process from the Piscean realms both through this lunation and beyond, but, more on this in a moment.
Venus stands at the mid-point between Chiron and Pluto. And, Mars sextiles Pluto to add to the power of the corrective; so Venus holds the balance between revolution and healing, bringing the question of what we value most to the fore. We cannot buy our way out of our current dis-ease; and, the health of our relationship with wealth is in direct proportion to our power to carry the change through. Individual empowerment when united collectively creates an unstoppable force – but, we must be careful not to slip back into our old ways.
Venus amidst Chiron and Pluto also reminds us that we know that the world banking system is on the brink and have full awareness of the underhand ways in which we have been sucked dry by debt, false securities and egotistical manipulation at leadership level. Economies have been built upon this paradigm of subversive evaluation while we continue to suffer at large – it has produced widening seperation and inequality where there needs be none and is essentially competative and patriarchal in nature. The wounds of patriarchal dominance must now be healed. We need to bring ‘Soul’ back into exchange, and that means balance within giving and receiving – balance here means equality and, with Venus, equality also means a true appreciation of value. Men can no longer hold court to the exclusion of women. Venus in Aquarius disseminates this as a collective conscious potential for change.
Neptune sextiles the North node and, working independantly of Uranus, spiritualises our collective ‘soul’s purpose’ – an important function that will be given powerful assistance when Neptune enters tropical Pisces two days after the April New Moon…so, more on this at that time. For now, the Neptunian Piscean influence augers in an all or nothing revision of our materialistic paradigm. This will also help balance the ‘Eastern’ influence with the ‘Western’, and not only in the spiritual sense. It should be remembered that it is primarily the Western paradigm that is at the root of our problems – half a millenia of Western expansion and dominance within the world is now being undone.
Either side of the March New moon we find Mars and Mercury. Mars has already been mentioned in relation to the New Moon but the inner planets are swapping places through this complete lunation, with Mars very close to Mercury’s NM degree when the FM arrives. Mercury has largely been a behind the scenes player since the solstice eclipse – the inner eye that is both capable of seeing all from a clandestine vantage point, and which equally cannot be fooled through double dealing and turning the tables. Ever the diviner’s ally we should look to Mercury to spill the beans when he opposes Saturn on the Full Moon – then he will open the way for Jupiter to amplify and broadcast what he has found out. Jupiter and Mercury will resonate with the Nodal shift into Sagittarius and Gemini.
Mercury, however, brings us back within this ongoing process to Saturn in mid Libra. Now in a prolonged retrograde phase, the old patriarch is going to express inner tensions where rigidity prevails. Quincunx the March New Moon this will add a compulsive flavour to our desire to see the balance tip in our collective favour, new partnerships initiated – it makes a needs must energy of the subtle inner work we are now called to address with this New Moon.
We find the New Moon embedded within the influence of the ‘freight-train’ stellium, but, in widening 6 degree conjunct to both Mercury and Mars, exact on their mid-point, this lunation holds a balance of their energies. Mutable Piscean influence may be hightened by Mercury, may open routes of perception beyond the norm, spiritual manifestations and communications; Mars may pull our attention away, into the drama unfolding around us and, as such we will miss the inner meaning of the events, any psychic connections remaining in the unconscious. If combined within these energies will magnify our perceptive abilities – on a personal level we can expect vivid intentional dreaming, personal revelations and uncanny insights…..and this is where Mercury’s influence comes into focus through this New Moon. Mercury is also associated with Hermes and hermetic lore…..the initiate embodies this lore through disciplined inner work within developmental experience.
“That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing”
……this quote from ‘The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus’ has become familiar to us all in truncated form – ’as above, so below’, a talismanic maxim for astrologers and esotericists alike. The editing of the original is itself a subtle ruse, very pertinent to the new lunation now opening through March – through this editing the maxim itself has become a decoy, drawing our attention to the effects, hiding the inner process……our challenge, as it is for the initiate, is to remain with the inner process, it’s ‘purposefulness’ within our inter-connectedness, to embody the ‘One Thing’. Reading (‘seeing’) the outer will also reveal the inner. Hermes/Mercury will not let us be distracted any more…..
With the Moon’s South Node now entering Gemini Mercury will be key in initiating the retrieval of our indigenous, inherent and inherited esoteric knowledge and abilities and renewing them in the ‘now’. This is fully supported by this lunation. The symbol of the inner meaning here is an ancient mirror, a lens of perception, hidden, waiting to be unearthed from within the bedrock of our collective psyche. It represents awakened awareness, inner sight empowered through initiatic experience. It gives us access to unity within consciousness and offers awareness as the active agency of change – that which we percieve we change, as every quantum physicist and initiate knows. Intent becomes key, so, managing our emotions also. With clarity, however, we can now work with the knowledge that ‘energy flows where attention goes’, and this too will be key to our collective evolution, how we manifest our innate power. And, attention requires intent for this to become focused.
In the midst of such radical change the nodal shift becomes key here. The emergence of a ‘new paradigm’ has long been touted as a shamanic, spiritual shift. When Neptune and Ceres meet on the March Full Moon this will auger in the reality of this shift and, when Neptune enters tropical Pisces, following on Chirons heals, mid year, the shift will open collectively within. This Moon cycle asks us to hold our attention simultaneously with the unseen realms as the outer unfolds the effects of their increasing presence – here we come to the crux of the process, the emergence of the inner consciousness inherent within all Life. As archetypal as this may seem the full process, if we are to see it through, will call on us as a people, as a species, to accept and take responsibility for ensuring that every aspect and level of our presence on Earth be radically transformed. We know that we are here to fulfill something extra-ordinary…….
Yes, we can continue along our path of outer change, continue to hold to our old ways in the hope that something of their effectiveness will continue to serve us in the process and, if we confine ourselves to this alone, we will also find ourselves increasingly challenged as we do so. This need not be our path however – this lunation will help us find spirit within, at the heart. The renewal of our balanced way of living is totally necessary. When the Moon’s North Node aligns with the Galactic Center we will begin to fully understand why. Hermes has the message….we are all called to take heed.
In the long run our current state of change will seem more akin to a trail run! In the short term, our window of opportunity to prepare the ground on which the new can be solidly built runs from mid March through late October, coinciding with the last phase of the Mayan count that ends 28th October 2011. Beyond that, the period up until next year’s December solstice will be the window in which we have time to adjust our plans and begin laying the real foundations for our new world, this period coinciding with the Mayan count that ends 21st December 2012. After that we will truly have become the experiment – we will be in uncharted territory……
“What an exciting life we live…..everything could be turned upside down in a moment – for no apparent reason whatsoever”…..
Posted March 4, 2011 by rob purday in divination
Andrea by Lucian E. Marin. — Blog at WordPress.com.