lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

Every individual who becomes "enlightened" contributes to the awakening of the human groupmind, and through the human groupmind, the re-awakening of the One Consciousness in every being, every river and mountain ... Human consciousness and the consciousness of the rest of creation have always been linked. The One Consciousness has been experimenting with a special brand of consciousness through us humans, but that experiment has run its course -- and now, as we awaken, the distinctive human modes of consciousness and other modes of consciousness (plants, minerals, etc) will be reintegrated, and we will all of us (all beings) have access to all modes of consciousness. Because we are all the same being.

Copyright © 2010 Utah Street Networks, Inc

How do we get there from here?

We, as energy beings, are each responsible for our journey; no one like the other and ALL significant, to the whole.

Consciousness elevation/ascension/evolving/converging: Anchoring our highest vibratory light, as we live each day. Many refer to this as aligning with the Crystalline Consciousness.

Some of what Crystalline Consciousness is: It’s the field of conscious awareness, where we can re-member ourselves as divine beings. The remembering takes place, not only in our minds, but at a cellular, DNA, and subatomic level. To rewrite the definition of resonant tuning, we could say:
Crystalline Consciousness triggers states of unified states of alignment, integration, balance, and wholeness between the microcosm (your system within) and the macrocosm (everything external).
The metaphor that comes to mind to explain this shift in awareness is like a new type of an echo. The old echo works like this: God stands on a mountain top and yells, “You are Divine!” And we (as the echo) all yell back, “You are divine!”
The new form of echo works like this: God stands on a mountain top and yells, “You are Divine!” This time we all yell back, “I am Divine!”

The human body already does this through its living crystalline matrix, i.e. crystalline consciousness. Just as light has different properties, if you look at it as a wave versus a photon, we can access different properties of consciousness when we identify with our crystalline nature.
Okay, so we are comprised of a crystalline, living matrix which orders and transmits information in nanoseconds. But there is more to it all than just what is within us. In a Crystalline Consciousness, something very curious happens. The body hooks or links up to a field of vibrational energy: Crystalline Consciousness. When it does this, the body instantaneously begins to release distortions in its matrix or lattice like a diamond releasing flaws and becoming clearer (hence more valuable). The value for the human body is to regain health, manifest at a quicker or more amplified rate and evolve in consciousness. In physics, this is called resonant tuning. From the book Elegant Empowerment by David P. Lapierre and Peggy Phoenix Dubro, the definition of resonant tuning is:
“A process of triggering the natural internal, and interdimensional, unified states of alignment, integration and balance within a system. Tuning results in expanding states of internal coherence, unification towards the whole.”

Published by gia combs-ramirez


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Thankyou Sonja. This all feels just so right in the heart. I've found home, my family. For the past few years I occassionally get what I call a crystal/diamond field in my aura. It's quite expansive. Nobody has been able to explain this to me. Can you tell me what I'm seeing?
Thankyou in appreciation and gratitude
Hi Glenda. Thank you for being here and sharing yourself. Welcome to Light Grid.
Here is some information on the diamond, as a symbol & as a meditation. I suggest that you continue to explore and be open to receiving the information that is coming from within you. Your inner self will guide you towards exactly what you seek. Pay attention to what you're drawn to & what excites you, as you are doing.

Blessings to you, along your journey.

Diamond Symbol Meaning by Avia

The diamond symbol, triangle symbol and similar motifs that form a construction of other (more complex) symbolic designs occur in every era, culture, religion and esoteric sect.

Overwhelmingly, the diamond symbol or the triangle symbol motif expresses itself in terms of clarity, ascension and wisdom. Not of the ordinary sort of wisdom though. I speak of a clarity and wisdom that transcends the banalities of our everyday realm.

I begin this essay with some diamond symbol meanings that are foundational in various cultures and can be easily translated into a concept of your choosing.

I believe the underlying foundation of these diamond symbol meanings to be profound in our quest to pierce the fog that sometimes surrounds these common symbolic motifs in time and culture.

Furthermore, it is in this spirit of metaphor, analogy, and symbolism that I would like our attentions to turn. More than the literal translation of the symbol, it is the vibrational tone, or the higher energetic wisdom with which the symbol meaning resonates that I wish to convey.

After contemplating these various concepts, a larger story will begin to unveil itself to your understanding, which will offer clarity unique to your needs.

And so we begin:

Shown left is a common motif among Native peoples indigenous to North America, Canada, and Mexico. It signifies the butterfly. Indian nations identify the butterfly with the concept of “immortality.”

Immortality here is seen in the migratory patterns of the butterfly where they flock by the millions after traveling thousands of miles – coming home.

This homecoming was seen as intensely powerful to Native thought. To explain, the Native American symbolic mode of thought moves on a multitude of levels. Therefore, a Monarch’s return home was translated to mean the soul’s journey home.

This encapsulates the divine journey in which man is born, moves through his world ever-gleaning more insight into his true identity and finally, (ideally) returns to the site of his first breath to realize he is immortal in his existence because of the path he chooses. In other words, man leaves a legacy, which is his key to immortality.

Furthermore, the diamond butterfly motif conveys the element of rebirth, revitalization, and metamorphosis. Just as the migratory journey is analogous of the spiritual path of reuniting with the Divine self – so too is the biological journey of the butterfly symbolic of the same said spiritual path. From egg, larva, pupa, to butterfly each stage holds merit and each step is taken to the advancement of an enlightened, immortal conclusion (which, to the Native, would not be a conclusion at all, but leading to a gateway of eternal expression through the Mother upon the completion of metamorphosis).

Now shown left is an alchemical, mystical, and astrological symbol for “Earth.” Also seen with a circle around it, it symbolizes the movement and rhythm of nature’s cycles (i.e., four seasons) as well as the Aristotelian elements (see end of page).

The earth has long been worshipped by ancient mystics. It is a representation of harmony, stability, and oneness with all things – a communal arena in which the core (center point of the 4 diamond cross) represents a foundational energy of unity and well-being.

Indeed, earth magic is rooted in the ideology that all things of the earth are born from her, and therefore vibrate with earth energy. Early mystics and alchemists believed this earth energy could be drawn from all things, and ultimately used for further clarification. This clarification came in the form of manipulation of vibrations (earth energy waves), drawing elements into an experience, interpreting patterns within the vibrations (seeking answers) – to name a few uses for these practices. This symbol would be used in ritual for such clarifications.

This diamond symbol (shown left) as well as the next consecutive one, are both from northern Europe and are identified as the runic system of “Futhark” – a symbolic language housing tremendous meaning in each emblem. This rune is called the Dagaz and is the Symbol of the Dawn.

It is considered to be the rune of break-through’s and represents attainment of the meaning of life – enlightenment, satisfaction, “ultimate truth” – that which the seeker holds most valuable is obtained. Further, the Dagaz embodies the concepts of: Awakening, insight, clarification, awareness, epiphany, new beginnings, and connections to the mystical in all things.

It is also emblematic of time and space as complimentary elements. This rune speaks of the partnership between night and day with the center-point represented as the dawn. Metaphorically, the dawn marks an awakening to all new understandings. This (shown left) diamond motif is seen throughout the ages and cultures. For our purposes, we look again to the Futhark for symbolic insight where this is known as the Ingwuz rune and is the foundational geometric symbol of creation. Indeed, ancient European tribes deemed this symbol to represent the literal image of the birth canal or vagina. So, literally, this symbol means creation of life.

Interestingly, this lozenge is seen in the Native American symbolic language as a symbol for wind and I’ve written more on this aspect here.

This diamond symbol is also found in alchemical philosophies. Metaphysically speaking, this foundational image tells of creativity that is expressed by the culmination of the four elements: Four sides indicating earth, fire, air, and water.

In the alchemical realm, the skillful employment of all four of these elements leads the practitioner to infinite potential and Divine creativity. We see the center of this (alchemical) symbol void of design – indicating creation takes place through the path of least resistance. In other words, it is by allowing that we obtain our true creative purpose.

Lastly, I invite you to consider the above shown diamond symbols (more accurately, triangle symbols), which are also alchemical in origin. These symbols are considered to be the building blocks of all matter, of everything. We see that each is comprised of the same triangular/diamond/crystal features we’ve been investigating in this exploratory essay.

Indeed, diamonds themselves are made from carbon, which is a foundational building block of matter.

Furthermore, the diamond symbol is synonymous with refracting light to the alchemist’s perspective. As such, the diamond and triangle symbol is indicative of the journey our souls make while we are achieving higher understanding (it is an enlightened or clarified soul that is able to refract its light from the insight out and serve as a beacon to the outer world). The goal for mankind is to walk a path on which our souls will shine and sparkle as brightly as diamonds.

On this path there will be many labyrinth turns (representative of the angles and facets of the diamond). But if we travel the path with honorable hearts, and if we are aware of the reflective nature of our lives (our actions reflecting in our reality), we will accomplish our mission of light.
(for more info & geometric drawings)

Also, if you feel drawn to it, explore sacred geometry.


Thankyou AyAnna,
Wow, I wasn't able to receive any information and here it is.
I've downloaded the video clip. It's great.
I'm sure much more is to come of this.
The people on this site are just magical.
Hi Glenda. How are you? Thank you, so much, for this inquiry. Please accept my apology, for the lengthy response time, in responding to your question. Diamonds began presenting themselves to me, as well and I'm happy to share and learn more. If you have any other info, insights or perspectives, I look forward to hearing from you.

Diamonds correspond to many, recurring, geometric patterns throughout organic life-forms. The face-centered cubic crystal is called a diamond lattice (Grid); sounds familiar- Crystalline Grid?They are a part of the whole, of existence, geometrically. For example, in the Earth's electromagnetic grid, the angular segments appear as diamonds, when viewed 2-dimensionally. In the information grids, within humans, DNA strands, when elongated, as they rotate (torsionally) and segments appear diamond-shaped (or as horizontal 8's-the symbol for infinity) in intervals (when in 2-Dimensional view). Thus, I've personally concluded diamonds to be a part of Sacred Form; interesting that it's a shape we're drawn to...

As in Fractal Geometry, the patterns can be found throughout nature.

I believe we begin to notice them in our surroundings and in meditation, because we are attracted to that particular shape and it's the consciousness of existence, attempting to begin drawing our attention to the myriad of Divine/energy existence consciousness.

Usually, as we seek, we find. Thank you for your question and please, feel free to continue this correspondence and inquisitive journey.

I'm grateful for your presence here Glenda.


Thank you Glenda. Namaste


Here's a little extra info:

11:11 : The Diamond Grid and the "Sacred Heart" of the Planet

The Sacred Union of the Christos/Magdalena Energies

"For Your Heart is the Creation matrix for the New Earth. It is from and through your Hearts that you will create. It is in co-operation with all the other Hearts on the Grid of Love that you will create all that you desire Together."

Dearest Lightworkers, this was the message that we gave to you at the 10:10 portal, as you moved through what we termed the "Diamond Doorway" into a new and radiant level of consciousness. Now we can say to you that at this time, on the 11:11, the Diamond Grid has stabilized on Planet Earth. Because of your intentions and your focus, you have healed and created this grid of Heart energy around the planet in co-operation with Spirit and the Angelic Realms. The work is complete. And now, because the Diamond Grid is stable, the Sacred Heart of the Planet is once again stable and able to open out and pulse with the love of the Source that comes to you through the Heartbeat or pulses of the Great Cosmic Heart. Dearest Lightworkers, we cannot tell you what joy is felt in the Higher Realms of Angelic Love as we see the Sacred Heart of the Planet once more revealed in Perfect Love. Indeed, the planet is entering into that blessed and beautiful state of Sacred Union, where the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are in Perfect Balance.

This balance creates the power and the energy for the process of Creation in a perfect and balanced way. Dearest Lightworkers, we know that you have struggled to create in a balanced way, and that has been because the balance was not there on your planet. The mental or mind grid had become too strong, and those creations that came from the Heart were not able to manifest in purity and balance. And so, no matter how hard you tried, you never seemed to find that path of balance and joy. But, over the past years of your transformation, you have opened your Hearts and you have agreed to hold the Heart energy so that the Heart Grid could once again become a shining and beautiful reality on your planet. And we know, dearest ones, how hard you have had to work in order to hold that energy as it has connected up from Heart to Heart. We have seen how you have opened your Hearts to the Divine Feminine and how you have opened your hearts to each other. And so, you created a Shining grid of Radiant Diamond Light that encircles the Planet, from Heart to Heart. And, this Heart Grid which radiates Divine Unconditional Love will be the Grid that will provide the foundation for the New Earth. On this Grid you will create in Love and Harmony and with Divine Grace.

So, dearest ones, we celebrate with you the brilliant Diamond Light and Radiance of the 11:11. We see this Radiance surround your Planet as the Heart Grid is stabilized and takes shape once again. On the 12:12 of this Year...the Sacred Union or Marriage will be completed on this Grid, and the Creation of the New Earth will flow out of this Divine Sacred Union.

This will be a time of great power and joy - for the Balance will be Held. The Balance will return. The Great Goddess or Feminine Archetypal energy who holds the Balance in the Cosmos - Ma'at - will once again hold the Balance of Love on your Planet. And, All Life will return once again into a state of Balance and Divine Love. You have made that Choice for yourselves!

Dearest ones, we will be giving to you a "Sacred Heart" meditation in the next weeks which will enable you, as individuals, to work with the Sacred Heart energies within yourselves, and as such, to also work with these energies for the planet in preparation for the 12:12.

At this time, we would just ask that you see the balance of Masculine and Feminine energies on the Planet at this time as the Balance returns. First, dearest ones, with the help of the Indigo Children, you worked to establish the Christos of Christ grid on the planet. This was a grid of pure awareness and Higher Consciousness, that represented the Divine Masculine energies. It contained within itself the energy of the Spiritual Warrior, and it enabled you to reach for your Freedom to create beyond the limitations of the Third-dimensional mental matrix, and to create from the power of your I AM essence. It enabled you to connect with the Power within your being and to open yourselves to receive more and more Light into your Being.

And then, there were those of you who opened your Heart's to the Radiance of the Divine Feminine. With the help of the Crystal Children, you welcomed the Goddess and honored her in your Life and in your Bodies and in your Hearts. You created a space for her in your Heart's once again. And you accepted her in all her Solar Manifestation, with her power to create, and her passion and her sensuality. And so, the Magdalena Grids, or the Goddess grids, which had been closed and dormant, were re-activated, and then cleansed and filled with Light. This was not an easy process, and in this year of 2007, many dedicated Lightworkers have travelled to sacred sites all over the planet with the express purpose of cleansing the Magdalena grids and re-activating the Goddess energies, so that the Sacred Heart of the Planet might once more awaken. And so, the Sacred Heart might also awaken in every human on the planet who has made the choice to live in a Fifth Dimensional Reality of Divine Inter-connected Love.

And so, the work is done, and the Diamond grid shines around your planet and the Sacred Heart shines with a brilliant radiance.

We ask you to see how the two grids, the Christos Masculine Flame and the Magdalena Feminine Flame blend together. They are like alternate pulses within that one heartbeat, and they come together to create that perfect moment when the Two Flames of Love fuse to Become One in the Manifestation of Source Love that you call the "Twin Flame".

And so, dearest Lightworkers, if you ask, what does this mean for you and your planet, we will say that it will mean that you will begin to feel a softness and a gentleness and deep love returning to your planet. You will begin to feel that flow of love and nurturing that comes through the Magdalena grids, to lift your Hearts and Spirits. The time of struggle will pass away, and you will feel how you are supported and loved by the energy that flows from this new Diamond Heart grid. Dearest ones, we ask you to open your Hearts at this time! It is only with an Open Heart that you will be able to connect with the Diamond Grid and feel the flow of the Heart energy as it moves through you and surrounds you with the Love and Grace of the Creator and the Abundance that comes through Love.

You will see this with the "eyes" of the Heart and not the Mind. In time, the mind will come to accept the Love and Support of this Shining Grid. It will come to feel the Love that pours from the Sacred Heart of the Planet. And then, Humanity will awaken to the Love within each and every Sacred Heart on the Planet, and then you will Create a New Earth from that Love.

Dearest Lightworkers, this is your moment. Rejoice with us and feel the Love and Support that flows to You at this time. You are abundantly blessed!

© 2006-10 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - You are free to copy, distribute,
Thank you. Glorious.
Thank you so much, dear AyAnna! The post and the explanation below are both fantastic :-)

Glenda, as I don't know exactly what you see, I'm not sure what to tell you, but what immediately comes to my mind is the picture given above from the crystal which is clearing itself ... "releasing distortions in the matrix" so to say!
I hae witnessed this process with my crystal ball. In the beginning it was all foggy inside. Then I decided to match my consciousness with its and start the cleansing and clearing process ... It took at about a year or two - and these were really intense years - lol! I used it whenever I was meditating or doing Healing work. I took it with me on my walk into nature and I left it for a while in a sparkling river or under a beautiful tree ... Now it is absolutely CLEAR - no traces of white left inside - only the natural structure is now visible. This experiment told me a lot of our interconnection with ALL that is ... and if we connect on purpose with someone or something - as I did with the crystal - we can enhance mutual Healing Processes ....

I don't know if that helps you - but your question triggered this response, lol ;-)

Blessings of Love and Light,

Sonja Myriel
Sonja Myriel,
Thankyou for your response. It glitters and is is very clear and sparkling. The facets are edged with shimmering pale colours. It seems to expand out to 10 feet or so. It's more prominent on the right side. I have low vision in my right eye (15%). It comes and goes at it's own will. Sometimes it may be 3-4 weeks befor I see it again.
Yesterday I went into your site and for two hours looking for the meditation of Saint Germaine on healing ourselves and healing energy hot spots in the earth. I did take notes when I first read it. I went to bed distressed but when I woke up this morning went into what I could recall of what Saint Germaine said about using an etheric crystal for self healing. What I did was to bring in a facet of that diamond/crystal that I experience into a smaller form and I placed it over my third eye. I intend doing this till I see clearly out of my third eye then I can move further into my body and out into the earth. This was very powerful for me. I invoked the Violet Flame to surround the crystal and then gave the decree. I realized while doing this I was also balancing the hormones being released out of my pituitary.
I also would like to join the group for Saint Germaines Earth Healing Grid.
This morning I read his transmission and my definate goal is for Ascension - it always has been. I'm a past student of RSE and the first card I found on the fence was the symbol Ram uses for Superconsciousness.
I also enjoyed AA Michael's flight on Albert.
Thankyou very much in appreciation and gratitude,
Hi Glenda :-)

You seem to do very well using your inspiration and insight :-) - I think that if you follow your inner guidance you will surely find out what it is exactly - I'm sure it is a BLESSING ;-)

Would you like to explain what RSE is? I'm from Austria and do not have the slightest idea what this abbreviation stands for - lol!

I'm sending you a rainbow of LOVE, dear Glenda,

Sonja Myriel

Sonja Myriel
Thankyou for this photo, It depicts just how grand we are.
RSE stands for Ramtha School of Enlightenment. The school is based in Yelm, Washington State and was started in the late seventies. Ramtha ascended from earth 35,000 years ago in the Lemurian days. Ram came back to teach those who tuned into his call. Straight off his teaching were that we are all Gods and that the time was coming that we, out of choice, had the opportunity to ascend along with the earth into the 5th dimensional realm, superconsciousness. He's spoken of the earth changes for 20 years plus now. His mission was to break through the fears and programming of humanity into embracing Love through the expression of joy and happiness. He was a hard task Master - He is on a Mission. He channels through JZ Knight who he claimed as a daughter back in his one and only life time here on Earth. He teaches through experience, saying that to gain wisdom you need to experience philosophy. The particular discipline that I was speaking of was finding my card (drawn by me and signed - I use symbols). This card is then placed and taped onto a fence with a blank card over it and inserted in a plastic folder, along with hundreds of others, in an arena similar to that of the size of a football field. Just picture you standing with hundreds of other people in a football arena and on the fence there are hundreds of cards - one or two being yours. You are then blindfolded and through total and absolute concentration with focus on what you have drawn on the card in your third eye, observed by the observer, you procede walking along with hundreds of other people to find your card. This is quite an experience. It's determination and being one with your God and being what you're desiring. It takes you out of your personality self. It's putting into the quantum field your desire of manifestation from a higher perspective. It's one thing putting it out there and another to not have any doubts or fears to manifest what it is you're desiring i.e. Not good enough, Taking on other people's perception, and on and on it goes. You need to believe 100% in your own power and have the will and determination to achieve your goal. You need to believe and know that you are a creator God. It's basically Love vs Fear. One of Ramtha's cornerstones is Consciousness and Energy create the nature of reality. Another is Know that I am God. I think I'm lucky because I don't have deep religious beliefs to overcome but I have had a fear centre to overcome. His teachings are wonderful and have put a lot in perspective for me. It was like putting the jigsaw together. It's not all together yet. I'm getting there piece by piece.
Hope this gives you a better picture of RSE.
Thankyou in apprection and gratitude for your interest
Wow, I see ... sounds like Ram was a fantastic teacher! I think I've heard one or the other thing about Ram, but never quite knew what to do about it ...

So you were actually out there on a football field looking for your card? Or is this just to be taken figuratively? Like when you draw a card from a deck of cards ... if you take it seriously, it's exactly the same as what you describe - and only with FAITH you are finally able to trust the guidance you receive through a deck of cards ...

Funny that you mention a jigsaw puzzle - when I started to read spiritual literature, it all looked like a jigsaw puzzle to me - and I knew somehow that I simply had to continue reading and that all which was important for me would stay with me - and the rest could be "forgotten" - it is there whenever I REALLY need it - lol!

Now I'm at a point where you can already see certain parts and bits of the bigger picture :-) and I'm very much looking forward to finding the remaining parts and fit them in :-)

Blessed BE, dear Glenda, and thank you for your detailed reply which helped me understand another part of the puzzle: who Ramtha / Ram was :-)

Sonja Myriel Aouine
Sonja Myriel
We were actually out on a field.
It's a hugh jigsaw. We'll all will be blessed with the complete picture soon.
Lots of Love and Light
You are absolutely right - this is why I encourage everyone to share their insights and visions - because we all recieve parts of the bigger picture and it's amazing to see how they all fit together!



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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