lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
The Blessed Mother Integrates Divine Acceptance
The Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond
Monday, December 6th, 2010
Recording available for Listening and Download
This is Fred speaking. This evening is going to be very special with a lot of magic in the air along with calmness and gentleness. I am not going to say anything else; thank you for being here. We look forward to the next few months of integrating the energies that are about to be brought into each of our hearts.
Love and blessings to each of you.
I am the Spokesperson for the Clarion Light Beings 911 and Beyond. Namaste
Good Evening, good evening, good evening, it is my pleasure to be here with you in this moment. It is a very beautiful moment as the Earth is now in her New Moon phase as the Sacred Heart of Light frequency is coming down on the planet. It is not quite being activated at this time but is being infused. I come to you as the Blessed Mother.
I am the spokesperson for the Christ Consciousness for the Oneness and for the acceptance of the Beingness that each of You Are and that each of Us is acquiring as we come together in our Soul Family of Light as we realize together the capacity and love we have for one another. It is unbelievably special as people awaken that they start to feel the energies within them. Some of them are very, very unsure about what is happening to them presently and they are the ones that we need to fully give compassion and love to because they do not understand the energies that are coming into them. They don’t even know that some of them that they are frequencies. All they know is that they are not feeling very good. So in the essence of what is occurring, the peacefulness that we want to bring through to you tonight, coming through me but I am not the only Being. It comes through the consciousness of the acceptability of the Spiritual Hierarchy as they have asked me to bring this blessing onto each of you. This blessing is a calmness and centeredness. We know that the energies of the New Moon have started with the opening of the Sacred Heart energies. It depends on where you are. We put individuals into three phases.
Phase 1: The Ones that are fully awakened and have been on the path for quite some time. Let’s say more than five to ten years and even more so. Those of you will be receiving the Sacred Heart energies like a release, a sigh, with a completeness that it is finally occurring for you. Within that sigh there may be emotions to come up so they may be more focused on release and that IT IS finally happening.
Phase 2: Then we have the second group of souls. These groups are the Ones that are awakened on the path but not to the extent of the first group. This group is about individuals that are on self-help pathways; they have been looking at themselves; they are looking within themselves and are looking at their mental thoughts and emotionability. They haven’t fully actualized that higher frequency within them. Some of these individuals may not have cleared as easily as they need to clear. So these people are also going to be ready to receive the energies but also they are going to be very surprised in what is happening to them; because the pain is going to come up along with the emotions and the thought forms. The cellular memory is going to be more affected with them than they have previously been receiving. That causes a lot of change within their physical essence but they are more accepting of it.
Phase 3: Then we have those that are totally unawakened, and they are not sure what has happened. Possibly in this category you can have someone that is unawakened but they are not sure what has happened to them. This is because they have no concept of what ascension is or de-ascension, the higher realms, the frequencies, the initiations, or being on a pathway of that de-ascension occurring. These are the ones that truly need the Compassionate Love and Acceptance very, very deeply. It is going to be very important that these individuals are completely put into the essence of love, and consideration in different faculties than they have ever received before. There is going to be more assistance coming from the Angelic Realms, coming from the ascended mastership realms, coming from the Christed ET’s, a lot of Pleidians, and those frequencies that are pure love essences are going to be focusing upon the planet even more so. Watch your skies, look for the clouds, look for the movement of the clouds, look for how the sun looks, look for when there isn’t any sun, look for the essences of the changes in the wind; there is s a direct result of the changes coming when the wind is whipping around and very high movements and then all of a sudden it calms completely down. It is very important to realize that the earth is changing at the same time as each of you. The Earth is receiving her Sacred Heart so the vibrancy upon the Earth is becoming stronger than it ever has been, and we have been waiting for this time to occur. We are so happy that each of you are on this pathway for it to happen. It is a magnificent time of great change and within this magnificence, the movement and the frequency that is occurring within each of you is only going to assist the Ones that are coming closer to your circle of family into the Soul Essence.
In this moment what I want to contribute to this Temple this evening, is the nurturing of the Divine Mother as I am a great representative of her energy. The aspect of the blessings to come to you in the essence of nurturing, compassion, your Will being in the Purity and Love that is part of the Divine Essence within each of you. So I want each of you just to sit back and relax. Allow that purity and essence of your soul to be activated in a different level than it has been previously. As we center upon the Sacred Heart that has been infused within each every individual in a frequency form, the actual movement of the rebirth will actually take place on the 25th of December. At the time of your Eclipse, the Full Moon, with the Winter Solstice, that is going to be when the full change will take affect. So there is going to be a lot of fluctuation at that time. Right now we just want to center upon everyone to feel the peacefulness and the love that is so much apart of this energy to bring forth the Acceptance within each of you as you fully start to integrate the frequencies that are in your body. Allow the lower frequencies to infiltrate with compassion and love as you are going through your changes. This is an essential component as the movements are changing quickly; we also want you to embrace the nurturing along with the Acceptance and Divinity of your Heart within to tap into your Higher Heart. The Heart that is connected to the Mother and Father of Divine Complement, and as we bring in these energies within each of you, you will start to see a peacefulness and serenity start to envelope within you as you allow it to filter into your Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental bodies along with the cellular structure. It is very important to let the body relax so just take a deep breath.
We bring you the frequency of a Bluish Silver, Bluish Green, frequency of no-color but all colors, and we want to center upon more of the Platinum colors. Feel the soothing energy that is coming down through you and settling from your Soul Star into your Crown and allow it to spin in droplets of magical dust. Allow it to infiltrate every part of your Being as you breathe deeply with the Silvery hues of Blues, Greens, and Lavenders. Allow that to settle into your Heart. Feel how the heart is accepting of this energy. Feel that frequency to come down through your Solar Plexus, into your Sacral, into your Root and filtering down your limbs. Allow it to integrate through your body. Allow it to blend into your muscles, tendons, bone structure, all the joints, and if there are any ailments that you have, just think of them now and allow this magical dust to go to these areas. Feel a tingling sensation as this is happening and occurs. You are being embraced by the Divine Mother and by the aspect of the frequency within you to fully accept your Divinity in a new way than you ever have before. Allow this to filter down into your Earth Star and allow it to spin upwards around you around the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and the Mental as you become a unified body of Platinum Blues, Greens, and Lavenders. The power within you, the essence within you is so beautiful. You feel your compassionate side as you embrace your nurturing energies. You feel the essence of Love that you are; the essence of the Universe; the essence of the Cosmic Rays filtering within you, the essence of your soul family within your Monad, your soul family of the 144 souls, then your soul family beyond the 144 souls as all our families intertwine with each other. Allow this moment to enfold within you, and embrace this moment of Compassion and Love. Feel the bliss; you are very blissful in this moment. There are no worries; just the essence of completeness - completeness fully within your Being.
As you bring forth this completeness within you, there is nothing for you to worry about; nothing at all. There are no thoughts, there are no emotions, there is just the element TO BE. Feel this Beingness Within You. And relax into it – Let it settle within your body. Let it move into your Solar Plexus and your Heart. Let it move into your lower chakras as we blend the higher chakras with the lower chakras. As we connect with the higher chakra of the Seat of Your Soul, allow those higher chakras of that 4th dimension to settle within the first seven chakras, the 8th in the Thymus, and 9th in to the Root, then they go upwards, the 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th. The 15th is in your Crown, the 16th is in your Crown, feel that circling within you and then you start over again. The 17th in the Root, the 18th, 19th, we jump because the Solar Plexus and the Heart are one unified chakra, then we move up into the Throat, the Third Eye and the Crown. You have now attuned yourself with 22 chakras within your entire being. Feel one unified chakra; feel all these chakras all blending within each other as you receive the Platinum Ray of the 22nd chakra. Feel the essence of that occurring for you. There are no worries; there is only the blissfulness of a 5th dimensional body. Feel this activation starting to be intertwined within you, being integrated within you. Allow that frequency to be active and as you do that your I AM Presence is now fully activated within you. You are working with 11 other soul personalities within that group consciousness. Then you connect with the 144 souls, you are not alone. We are all connecting with each other as this occurs. Just allow that to settle in. Don’t think about it, just feel it. Accept it, embrace it. Embrace yourself more fully than you ever have before as you fully attune yourself to this frequency that is your Divine right to actually accept the Divinity within you.
We are now going to blend with each other in the Temple as we become one Unified Body of Light. We are going to center these energies upon the Earth and give everyone compassion. Let’s not do it as an individual aspect this evening. We want to think of this Earth as one whole nebulous of energy and visualize ourselves around the Earth. We are just spinning around the Earth with this beautiful Platinum, Silvery Blues, Greens, and Lavenders and it goes into the core of the Earth, into the middle of the Earth, onto the planetary existence so it goes into all the countries, the cities, the states, the municipalities, all the governments, especially to areas that are really hurting right now. Haiti, needs assistance; there are many other areas in the world that needs this energy, and we want to bring up the consciousness of everyone, to realize that they have the ability to fully focus within their lives and manifest their desires on the highest frequency of the Christ Consciousness. We take a deep breath and send them what we are receiving right now, because we are very compassionate, loving and we are in Oneness. So what we are experiencing we can give to them as it is all coming back to each of us. The Earth feels Gaia now taking a sigh of relief as she is receiving these energies to assist in the process of her divinity so we can all grow together.
Bring your mind’s eye back into the Temple as we ask for the Seafoam Green to clear away any debris that you may have picked up as you were concentrating on any areas that were of ‘lack’ and to allow that Platinum Ray to take the energies of Lack into energies of Prosperity - the frequency of God’s Light of the nurturing and the compassion. It is very important for us to have compassion, but it is important not to hold onto the aspects of others as you are giving that compassion that are of a lower energy or quality as that will bring your energy back down. In this moment we take a deep breath; and we bring these colors within us again of the Platinum Silver, Blues, Greens, and Lavenders. Feel that within your Heart Center, and then feel your vibration change. As you take that deep breath, and allow the bliss to be within you once again. In one moment with that breath you are connecting to your highest essence. Your higher essence to the Divine Mother and the Divine Father that is right within each of us, and will reaffirm within your bodily structure, that frequency. Just breathe deeply; it is just a matter of remembering to assist yourself through the process. Assist yourself first, give to others, and assist yourself once again. You will see your vibration raising, you will feel differently, and you will see it reacting in your body differently. I embrace each of you within this moment with these activations that are occurring. Remember to utilize this energy as much you need to do so as you will see the changes happening upon the Earth. Many are going to be affected because as the Sacred Heart is being placed within, each individual inhabited upon this Earth, many are not going to accept this because of the lower forms of energies of the anger, frustration, and the pain. It is very important as you the Leaders, the Teachers, theWay-Showers, the Counselors, and the Healers have the compassion to realize what is happening because as a Way-Shower, you need to show the others of how to get through these times of challenges. Each of you know that you have been through these times of challenges, and will be able to accept yourself on a much deeper level than you ever have before. It is an amazing month this year in 2010. Each of you are being prepared enormously for the Divinity Within You to Enfold. Many manifestations are going to be occurring. Many of your relationships are going to be getting 100% better. But remember, whatever that does not align with this energy will need to come up. Please utilize these elements to assist you in the process. And then, you can fully be the Way-Shower that each of you are intending to be. It is my blessing and my desire to walk with each of you during this time as these energies will assist in the upcoming year greatly. I am honored to be here in the Temple this evening to be representative of the Christ Consciousness in this manner, and I look forward to working with each of you individually and collectively.
I AM the Blessed Mother at your service. My blessings and love into each of your hearts in this moment. So Mote It Be in the Name of the Christ.
This is Fred speaking. Thank you Blessed Mother, thank you for your love. I feel it deeply. I am honored. I know that everyone here feels the same. Please do come and join us this week because I think it is going to be a very beautiful week for us to commune with each other and share our Light upon each other. I know that this is going to assist the Earth even more than I have been doing so. Thank you once again, Meleriessee, for opening up your heart to each of us. Thank each of you for participating as we all love you very deeply.
I am Fred, the spokesperson for the Clarion Light Beings of 911 and Beyond.
Cosmic Oneness - December 5th, 2010 ~ Unification
[Note: I am adding the text of this call as I feel it is very important with the energies we are presenting embracing for December. Namaste~]
The Angels singing
AHHHH, AHHHH, We are the angels, The Seraphim, Cherubim, the Ophanium, and the Elohim God of Hosts. Welcome, to the Cosmic Energies of Light
I Am that I AM that I AM that I AM that I AM
I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun of the Divine Mother and Divine Father of God
We are here in this moment; we are here to bring forth the energies of a new beginning as the space that we are, that we receive, we reach out our hand to each of you, our children, of the Light. Breathe deeply, breathe deeply as the energy is now going to be infused within.
This evening we want to bring forth the energies of the Sea Foam Green, located in your 8th Chakra within the Thymus, the Seat of Your Soul. The Sea Foam Green is the cleansing ray. We are bringing this forth first to remove any debris of thought processes or energies that do not serve your highest purpose. Breathe deeply into that area; the thymus between the throat and the Heart. Allow the frequencies to expand within you. Allow yourself to feel the acceptance that You Are and to bring forth this frequency within you. As the Sea Foam Green comes fully into your Heart and expands into your Throat, it moves upwards into your Third Eye and your Crown. Allow those areas to be fully infiltrated and allowing it to go into your brain cells, into the full infiltration of your cellular memory, into your ear canals, nasal passages, sinus area, into the jaw line, the Throat; allow yourself to breathe the energies that are fully into your Being. Allow yourself to fully accept whom you are in this moment and allow it to filter down your shoulders and your fingertips as you fully allow elements to be released.
Let’s center the Seafoam Green across the chest, across the back and allow any pressure that has been put into your body to be fully released in this moment, to allow this light, to allow the essence that you are, to be fully accepted within you. We now move the Seafoam Green down into the Heart, moving deeply into the Heart of the male and female balance. Are your emotions in balance of the female? Are your mental thoughts in balance of the male? If not, let’s connect with that Seafoam Green - right now and bring it into those areas to fully allow the acceptance of your I AM Presence.
This evening we are going to be bringing forth that balance within so you can fully accept the Divinity that you are. So that you can fully allow this frequency to be within your Being. Let’s move it into the Solar Plexus and the middle of the back, go deeply into that intestinal tract. Are there any elements that you are holding onto in this frequency of your Will and your Power that are not allowing you to accept who you are in the present condition of circumstance? Allow it to move further down into your Sacral area; allow your creativity and your sexual energies to be balanced. Feel all your issues of your past elements that no longer serve you to be removed in the Seafoam Green. Now we go into the root. What about the fear, anger, and frustration? Are those lower forms still activating with you? If they are, let the Seafoam Green to cleanse. Let’s bring in the grounding, creativity, the action within that Root area as the Seafoam Green moves into the limbs. Are there any elements that you need to be taking care of in your bodily structure within your muscles, tendons, and skeletal system. Feel the frequencies within as it moves into your feet and allow your feet to be moving forward so that each step you take is supported by the rest of you. Let your feet to be strong as you walk forward and allow the knees to be flexible. Integrate the energy that we are bringing forth into the body as we center it down into the Earth Star. Feel these energies moving into your Etheric level from the Physical level. We will expand it upward around the right side of your body towards your Soul Star and then coming down the left side of the body back towards the Earth Star. All the Etheric thought forms that can get stuck in that area - we ask them to be removed and reconditioned in this moment. We now move into the Emotional level 6” beyond the Etheric and allow those energies to be cleared and processed of any emotional thoughts, that seem out of balance, elements that have been happening to you in the last few days or this past week, we ask that cleansing to go all the way up into your Soul Star and then all the way down into your Earth Star. Now we go into the Mental level. What are those logical thoughts? Are they too strong? We ask them to be in full balance completely within your Being as the energy travels all the way up to your Soul Star and then back down on the left into your Earth Star. Now there is a spinning function of all these bodies. The Mental blends with the Emotional, the Emotional blends with the Etheric, and the Etheric blends with the Physical and blends with all as you are now One unified body of Light. We now bring forth your Higher Self within the Thymus Chakra to allow the Seat of the Soul to be fully activated and blending these vibrational energies to fully take place allowing your Essence to be incorporated within your body. This energy is now cleansing and processing everything in the same moment. We are now going to infuse within you the Violet Flame. Within the Violet Flame we are going to transmute any elements that are bothering you or possibly ones that you are not aware of in this moment. Breathe it deeply into your structure; do not think of it as a separate four body system; it is one system. All chakras work as one chakra. As we move the body into the higher frequencies to receive the higher chakras and to allow this element to be fully within you, we bring this forth in this moment. Bring that element within you; allow that frequency to be fully activated as you breathe deeply; breathe deeply. Feel the occurrence and the movement.
In this moment I want each of you to think about the first thought that you desire within your life; an element to create within your present circumstance that will make it easier. To make it more abundant, more prosperous, more loving, and more accepting within yourself. As we have just removed all of the debris and all the essences that are stopping you, we now bring in the frequency that will allow you to fully transform yourself. And you are preparing for the Sacred Heart Activation - Allow that Sacred Heart to be fully within you, of the Christ Consciousness. Open up your Heart center, allow your Lotus Heart to be fully open. It is a small bud of a flower and with each breath you have taken, it is now flowering in many different colors and frequencies. Allow that fully to be within you - all the acceptance that You Are.
We, of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God, ask for a special dispensation for each person that is listening to this recording. We ask for the frequency of the Christ Consciousness to be fully within them. We bring within you the Golden Flame from the top of your Soul Star that will start from your Antakarana, Rainbow Bridge, into your Being and feel it focusing within you and around you. Your body is one body of unified light; there is no separateness. So allow yourself to feel the Oneness that You Are. Allow yourself to feel the frequency of this Light; allow yourself to feel the peacefulness that is about to occur within this New Moon. This New Moon of this frequency in the Light that you are allowing yourself to fully activate and reveal to your Heart what you truly are. We give to you in this moment that essence of your Heart, that essence of your Beingness, that essence of Whom You Are as we share from our hearts as we are now going to separate into the frequency of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father.
I Am the Divine Mother at your service, I give you Pearls of Wisdom in the palm of your hand. Put them into the left side of your heart, these Pearls of Wisdom that are part of your Goddess love and energy, your Emotional center, the aspect of your being that is the intuitive part of you, is the emotional part of you. Within these Pearls of Wisdom, they will open up as you intuit yourself within the next week. Allow the intuition within you to be fully blessed. I give to my love, I give to you my consciousness which is nurturing. I want each of you to be nurtured in this moment. I want each of you to take care of yourself. The frequencies of the Light coming upon the planet in the next month are going to allow you to fully feel this love consciousness like you have never felt before. You are going to accept the Divinity within you and know what to do with that Divinity. Accept it and embrace it; accept it and embrace it; it is yours. I Am the Divine Mother at your service. Thank you for being here my child. Thank you for being upon this Earth and doing the work that you are doing.
Good evening. I am the Divine Father of God, the Will of God, and I am here to assist the male aspect, the God within you, the God within you of the power that you have to come together with the female within you, within that Emotional level. I bring to you the thought forms to help you activate that Will within you and as I bring forth to you, in this moment, I want to center within you an essence of frequency. I give you Golden Balls of Light which are the frequency of the Christ Consciousness to activate the thought processes so that they can move into the feminine aspect, the emotional side as you come together with your male and female . Allow that aspect to be within you, as it is also a very nurturing aspect. It is not a hardness; it is not a thinking logical aspect. We bring in the Higher Mind and the Higher Emotions as the Divine Mother and myself, the Divine Father, come to you in the actualization to create the prosperity, the manifestation that is needed so desperately in each of your lives. Each of you are coming into a Beingness within yourself as you have never received before. Within this Beingness there are activations that need to be helped within that physical body. Your physical body is changing greatly. Embrace that right now as we ask the Physical body to attune itself to the frequency of your Mind, your Heart, and your Emotions. Take these Golden Balls of Light and put them into the right side of your heart as they will blend with the Pearls of Wisdom from the left side of the heart. Allow that essence to be the Christ Consciousness that is you.
I AM the Divine Father at your service.
We now come together in the frequency of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father, the I AM, the Cosmic Great Central Sun, however, you would like to call us. We are here to assist you with this process now. As we have given you the Golden Balls of Light, we have given you the Pearls of Wisdom, they are now going to meld together within you. Feel this melding happening as the male comes together with the female. The male takes the Golden Balls of Light and puts them into the female and the female takes the Pearls of Wisdom and puts them into the male. They are going to blend together because what is going to happen is a Unification within your Heart Center of Male and Female within the balance. Breathe deeply. As we bring forth this attunement, we ask for every person that is listening to this recording , at whatever time they are doing it, that they receive this activation within the physical essence within them to fully activate the bridge that is necessary.
For the I AM Presence to be fully activated within the body.
As the body is changing, please be gentle with these people. Please be gentle with their physical bodies. They are hurting; they are having a hard time. Their emotions are distraught; their thoughts are reeling; their sleep patterns are uneasy. Everything is happening all at once. Let’s just take a deep breath and allow the combination of the Male and Female within you come together as these Golden Balls and Pearls of Wisdom blend together. Allow the balance to be fully within you; to allow the acceptance that you fully are because you are about to receive a gift. Within this gift, this New Moon is helping each and everyone to accept the Sacred Heart within you. Eons ago you had the Sacred Heart but now it is going to be activated because it is time. We are ready. The planet is ready to receive. You, as the Light Workers, the Way-Showers, as the Leaders, as the Teachers, as the Healers, everyone of you need to fully activate this energy before you can do the work that is necessary. You can do the Work but you must activate this in order to allow the essence of the higher frequencies within the physical body. Yes, it can become uncomfortable but we are giving you compassion, love, joy, acceptance, faith and trust. Trust in us and you will trust in yourself. Breathe deeply as you feel this trust; breathe deeply as you feel this faith; breathe deeply as you feel the Love coming to you that is You. It is Us; it is All of Us together. As we are One; we are one essence and we are nearer to you right now.
Now the balance between the male and female occurs. You feel the balance within yourself and allow that balance to fully work through your emotions and your thoughts; you will be finding your relationships will be better this week. You will be able to speak clearer. Your emotions will be more balanced and if you are finding that you are emotional, let it come. Let the floods go; let it breathe out of you because what’s behind it, is the sun. The sun is shining brightly within each of your hearts as this beauty that is within you is being activated. It’s being activated in ways that you never thought possible and now is the time. Now is the time for everyone to breathe deeply; to remember their essence as we mirror to each of you in this moment. This essence and purity of Heart. Visualize yourself in front of a crystalline pool. Within this crystalline pool, the reflection that you are, is shining back to you. Embrace this reflection in this moment. Embrace the light that you are as you fully activate this essence. This essence within that is You, that is Us, that is all in Oneness.
We, of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father God, have our highest esteem for each of you that are walking this path before so many others. It is an amazing grace that we are seeing. We walk with you during this time and in this month of December it will be an amazing rebirth for each of you. Your Christ Consciousness is becoming into an enfoldment beyond your wildest dreams. It is the time for you to embrace - it is the time for you to fully love yourself. Remember this reflection that you have seen in the pool. It is the reflection that others see of you. This crystalline reflection is vibrating now within your Heart Center, within the Seat of your Soul, within your entire being as your full I AM Presence is now being activated into the acceptance of your physical body. Embrace this moment; Embrace; this is a rebirth – it is a process. Know that you embrace these energies in the next couple of weeks there may be fluctuations, there may be changes, there may be emotions, there may be thought forms, but December 25th will be an enormous day because it is the Rebirth of the Christ Consciousness. Not the celebration of Jesus Christ but the celebration of each of You and each of Us together.
We, of the Cosmic I AM Presence, the Great Central Sun, want to thank you for coming this evening and participating in this energy. For those of you that are listening in the later time, let it be known that you are the Ones that are activating these energies onto others; but first you must activate it upon yourself and then within yourself. Embrace it; envision it; it is yours. And see within the next three days of this New Moon, attune this energy within you; allow yourself to fully feel the activation and you shall see a change whether it’s in youir circumstance, in your thoughts, in your activation that is about to occur for you, this frequency of this Light is now fully integrated within you. Allow it to shine all the way through your Being. Allow it to go through the processes that need to be healed. Allow it to be imbued within the Light that You Are.
We are the Great Central Sun, the Cosmic energy of the Christ Consciousness coming to you in this moment and thank you for being part of our earth family along with the remembrance that you are having as we all come together in Unity upon this planet and move into these higher frequencies together as we share the Light that We Are
We Are that We Are, You Are that You Are, We Are the Oneness
I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun, I AM the Divine Mother and the Divine Father
Thank you for being of service to this earth.
Holy, Holy God of Hosts
Holy, Holy God of Hosts
Adonai ‘Tzsebayoth
Allow the vibration to be fully activated within this moment.
So Mote It Be in the Name of the Christ, I AM the Cosmic Great Central Sun at your service.
Cosmic Oneness Calls - All Recordings are Uploaded on Site for List...
This month of December is very powerful with the Christ Consciousness coming more fully into the planet and within every individual. I have been asked by the Hierarchy to provide a medium of accessing this information directly. In the next few days you will receive a newsletter in which I will provide a video and to participate in a call on December 24th in preparation for these energies. I realize that this is a very busy time and I would not be asking if it was not imperative, but Lord Sananda is asking me to step off the cliff and share his Light. I hope you will join me. Details are forthcoming through the New Earth News, my website, Facebook, and Spiritual Networks.
I look forward to the 24/25th with great anticipation, I am overwhelmed and cant find the words to express my joy at being here with you all, dear Sonja, thank you for posting. Love and Light Renate
Thankyou Sonja,
Magic is in the air. What a wonderful Xmas present. It's like all of my Xmasses have come at once.
How do I download this?
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. What a beautiful and powerful meditation.
I really needed this. I keep slipping back into judgment of my husband, trying to "fix" him. I'd better stick to the etheric levels only. Much more powerful. I seem constantly to be fighting with Fundamentalist Christianity. Let it go, Leslie. Let it go. Let it go. I'm only hurting myself and the good I can do in the world with this ascension.
Once again, thank you.
I didn't get her website URL for getting the information for December 24, 25. Can anyone assist me? Thanks.
I'm so sorry that the link did not work!
Here it is :
Sonja Myriel
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on January 11, 2025 at 10:00pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 25, 2024 at 10:00am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 24, 2024 at 11:45am 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on October 3, 2024 at 7:17pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on July 28, 2024 at 1:30pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Posted by Steve Hutchinson on July 26, 2024 at 5:30am 0 Comments 2 Likes
July 3rd-4th 2014 and March 20th-21st 2015:
SUN and Central Sun Connection
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