lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
I have finally come across an English version of the French channeling but have to admit that it is poor in Grammar and sometimes hard to understand. I'm planning to write a summary on this and the other channeling which came in German where we have been asked to connect to Shamballa tonight. Until then, BLESSINGS of LOVE and LIGHT,
Sonja Myriel
July 30, 2010
I am Marie, Queen of the Heavens and of the Earth. My well liked Children, receive my Blessings and all my Love of the Mother. I come to you, as I have said, during this end of July, in the preparatory period of your 15 days which come, corresponding to the establishment, within this humanity, of the last Keys of the Authentic Light corresponding to what Lord Metatron comes to give you and also, at the Vibratory level, to the return of Ki-Ris-Ti, in your Interior Temple, preparing, in the Sky, in the Heaven, his return.
Well liked Children of the Light and of my Heart, the preparation that you live is, today, intense. It is translated, for each one of you, through the different perceptions, within your usual Vibrations, in relation to your head, your Heart and, for certain of you, your sacrum. Within the alignment of your triple Hearths, many of you live important readjustments permitting you to undo in yourself what hinders the establishment of the Ki-Ris-Ti, which is in you. The Light comes therefore to provide light, to reveal, to unveil and to permit your installation, within the Truth.
The din of the world is being muffled. It is being masked for you by all of your media and those who hold, for a little time still, the reins of this world. They absolutely do not want you to go towards your liberation, towards your future of Light, your Ascension. And yet, as you know, it is now inescapable and inexorable.
Do a number of my Children wonder when, when, when, will this liberation come, the return within the Light? That is NOW. This now, in spiritual terms, meaning today like tomorrow, but certainly only before your life ends. In the shortest time corresponding to, now and at the maximum a little more than one year, many elements must unfold, within your Earth, permitting humanity (at least for those who wish it) to become Conscious of all of the manipulations and all the Revelations which must see the day.
Up to the last moment, the Mother Earth, which is in phase, as you know, of deliverance and childbirth, will restrain its fury so that all of My Children wake up to themselves and are revealed to themselves. And so, at the time of the coming of the last Keys of the Metatronic Light, you will have in hand, and within your Heart, as within all of your structures, the totality of the elements of the Truth, the totality of what you are, if you accept it. It is necessary for you to get through, the warning step and the outgoing Conscience, this last step which will bring you back to your Unity, your Beingness and above all to your liberty. That is NOW - but each one at your rhythm.
The Earth will live it at the ultimate moment corresponding to the maximum of souls that we will have been able to assist with their own release. But, as what a number of the Ancient Ones have said to you (as the Archangels, also), it is only you who can reach out to yourself. It is only you who can liberate yourself and reach to the spaces where there exists no conflict, no projection, no Illusion. Many of you, even awake ones, are still subject to the Illusion, from a certain number of rules self-imposed or imposed by the society. There are still, as the well liked Maître Omraam has said, a certain number of things to dust, to sweep, in order to make a clean slate of what is not the Truth.
You are in this period, and we fully understand that, for the awakened ones on the way towards their Unity, these times appear difficult, particularly compared to the previous periods of the opening which were done in the Joy of the meeting with the Light. But the meeting with the Light, within the Light, is not enough. It is necessary, today, to BECOME the Light. That necessitates not making any concession to the zones of the Shade still existing inside of you. Look towards what they are and nothing more: absence of Light.
It is enough therefore, simply, to receive the Light still more and, in particular, at the time of the addition of the last Metatronic Keys. It will be so much easier for you from the 7th of August. Only what resists suffers. Only dedication / devotion to the Light is Joy. Suffering is nothing if you transcend it with the Light. It will permit you to reach the zones, still not lived for many of you, within the Unity and within the Beingness. As you know, a certain number of astronomical events are quite real, within your Skies. The aspects are set up, as of now, and will reach their maximum of activity between the 7th of August and the end of August.
As you know also, it is during this period that I approach you intimately in order, I hope, in a few days, in spiritual time, to announce to you what I have to announce to you, to all, without exception, whether you accept it or not. But it is important that this Revelation is made to you on an individual basis, before the collective phenomena return within major elements, such as they have been announced by the prophets, whatever they are, and also among the most ancient people of the Earth.
You know that, humanity's existence is (no matter if it is falsified or not) is based on cycles. And that, like any cycle, it passes by moments of total dissolution bringing about a release. You approach that in a sure and obvious way even if it seems less obvious, for some of you, because of your impatience. But do not be impatient. Take advantage of the time which is granted to you to come to terms with yourself, to find the Peace, to find the serenity and to permit you to live what shall be lived, in a simple manner. Many things, really, at the level of this Earth, will become less and less simple and more and more difficult, whereas the Interior way will, on the contrary, become more and more simple and more and more easy.
You will notice, very distinctly, at the level of your Consciouness, that you are inhabited literally by two Consciounesses: a limited Consciousness built of fear, which rebels. A limited Consiousness which, conscious of itself, is conscious also of being locked up within an Illusion, but to which it clings. And, on the other hand, over more or less broad spaces of time, for many of you, an Unlimited Consiousness where there is no longer the prison, where there are no longer the limits. There is only Joy and Presence and purity of being. You will perceive in you this difference between the limited Consciousness and the Unlimited Consiousness. This perceived difference is important to permit you, in all clarity, once my Announcement will be made, to direct yourself where you must, where you can.
And so, the period that you live is one intense period on the plane of the Consiousness. Intense also on the plane of your Vibration and intense also in the signs which are sent to you Interiorly and soon, very soon, outside. No one will be able to claim, at that time, that he did not know. No one will be able to claim then that he or she was misled, because the Light reveals itself. The manipulation reveals itself. The falsification will be revealed, totally.
Look, within even your limited Consiousness, at all the events which are revealed to you. These things up to the present have been completely occulted to you, completely locked up, so that you were not consious about them. But the liberty permits the Truth to appear and explode, literally, in your eyes and in your Conscience. No one will be able to say, in effect, that he did not know. What was still the case a few years ago, simply, behind you, where many did not know, did not experience and did not understand. From the moment when the last Metatronic Keys will be revealed (between the 7th and the 15th of August), you will see, lucidly, at the time, in you, what you are really and not what you believe. You will see, also, the Truth of this world, such as it is. That will appear to you more and more clearly, more and more in Light.
It is by putting in Light what has been hidden up to now that humanity re-awakens and re-awakens more and more. But, you know it already, you cannot force anybody to follow you on the path of your liberation. You can only be an example. You can only be a way, a Light which shines within the night. The night which will be soon on your planet and which will permit you, during these three days, to observe who you are in reality. And, for those who have refused the Light, to see what is and what the absence of the Light represents, within even their Conscience.
Believe me that the majority of the human beings, which are at the level of limited Consiousness, today, do not have the clarity of what the Light is. They do not know what they do. They do not know what they create. But, during this period, after my Announcement, you will know what you create and what you put today within your life. In that moment, no one any longer will be able to say that he or she was ignorant of what this world is and its Illusion. Benefit from the spaces which are offered to you, and from the time which is given to you, to approach yourself. You approach Mother Earth and you approach the Heaven, in a single step of the Unification of your Consciousness and the Unity because it is within you that you will find who you are. It is within that, and only within that, that you will be in accord with yourself and will be able to live what is promised to this Earth.
The deadlines are very close, on all the levels. There remains very little time. Very little time to find yourself. Very little time to establish your Light, in you. Very little time to attest to your Light. Put to good use this period to become, really, yourself. Have eyes only for the Truth and do not avoid, above all, to look face to face with yourself, just as you look facing each of the Brothers and Sisters who surround you.
The new Metatronic Keys, the last Metatronic Keys of the Light, when they are revealed, will activate, in you, the 12 Stars of Marie and therefore the 12 points of Consiousness existing within your head, allowing you to be equipped, I would say, with all of the spiritual functions permitting you to see the Truth, such as it is. These are the 12 Stars, at the level of the Radiant Crown of the Head, which light up from now on.
I will come back in much more detail, once the realization of the Metatronic intervention takes place, in order to reveal, first, the role of the 12 Stars of Marie. Not the Sisters who accompany me but your own 12 Stars existing within your head and the 12 functions which are linked with them. I will reveal to you, also, how the Archangel Lucifer, through the manipulation of these 12 Stars, had permitted this world to be under the influence of the good and the evil. The good and the evil which are, certainly, among the virtues existing within the Stars of your head but this aspect has been profoundly limited because these two Stars are nothing, without the other Stars, without the Alpha and the Omega, without the Here and the Now, without the Clarity and the Precision, without the Depth and the Truth, without the other functions.
That said, you have experienced this world of the Good and the Evil, this world of Light and Shade, opposition, confrontation but, today, that is enough. You are free, if you wish it, to reach to your Unitary level. There, there exists no longer neither Good nor Evil, but only the Light, where the Shade no longer has any weight, no longer has any existence. This is real, if your Consiousness accepts it and lives it even within this world which draws to its end. It must, neither alarm you, nor make you proud of this world which draws to its end. Because this world, even falsified, conserves a certain number of the elements which have permitted it to live up to that point.
The beauty is still present, as Snow has said, within nature or within even the contacts which you establish with us. Each one of you is called to become a Messenger. A Messenger of the Light, an Anchor of the Light, as Beloved Michael has said. But also Messenger of all the Unitary planes. As you know, the whole of the Intergalactic Fleet of the Authentic Light is now very close to this planet. We approach you progressively and, in the same way, you yourself, approach us. It is within this meeting that the mechanism called Ascension will take place. This upward mechanism will be realized through the putting to work, within your structures, of what is called the Merkabah vehicle, vehicle of Light, beyond the illusory Light of the astral world, permitting you to rejoin the Unity.
The Vibrations which you live, the ones and the others, at the level of your various lamps, new like old, results in the activation of this new body which is unknown to you until now. It will permit you to pass through the veils of the Illusion and particularly to dissociate yourself from the astral world, or world of the emotions, in order to penetrate, in all clearness and in Glory, what has been called the Eternal Body. This moment is coming soon. It remains for you to complete your preparation. It remains for you to complete the lighting of the 12 Stars, within your Radiant Crown of the Head, corresponding to the six virtues of the Heart which have been given to you, the previous year, by Maitre RAM. It is within this meeting that you will become whole and discover the real Truth. That which frees you from the world of the Illusion.
You must, for that, still be patient a few days. The time when the last Stars of Marie become active within your Radiant Crown of the Head and the Thread of Light uniting the scepter of Crystal or the fountain of Crystal, whatever is the name that you give it, or still the 13th body, constructs its reality within the Radiant Crown of the Head. And so, you will have linked Marie, my Presence, to your Presence. You will have linked the 12 Stars and, in that moment, you will be ready.
Remember, as Un Ami has developed at length, that Consiousness is Vibration and there cannot be Unlimited Consiousness without perception of the Vibration. This one is established in you, within even your physical structure. It is within this one that you will discover the Truth, in you, within even this body. It is within even this body that you will live the Unlimited Consiousness and it is the fact of living this Unlimited Consiousness, within this limited body, which will permit the total dissolution of the Illusion and of the projection of your Consiousness within this world. It is this precise mechanism of the Ascension which is on the way towards you.
Then, do not take notice, really, of a certain number of geophysical mechanisms in relation to the unveiling of the elements, within even this world, which are put, as you have seen since the beginning of your year, little by little, in place, following the action of the Archangel Michael, within the deconstruction.
Once again, we delay, more specifically, the whole of the major events having to take place within this world, in order to let be born the New World, in order that the maximum of souls are in the Awakening and live, in all clarity, what occurs. Then, yes, you rejoice. And above all, do the cleaning in the existing zones of the Shade inside of you. As long as you are not in the Joy, you are not in the clear. As long as you have not found the serenity and Peace, existing in the interior of what you are, in Eternity, you cannot claim to live the Joy, the Peace or, as Un Ami has said, the Samadhi. The Samadhi, if you live it, is truly the precise and stable sign that you have touched your Unity and that you will be able to go where you must go, when the time comes.
Soon, the last Keys which will be delivered to you will permit you, in all clearness, to travel within your Unlimited Consiousnes. It is that which is promised to you. And then, once the Cross in the Sky will be realized at the astronomical level, and certainly visible also in a time which will follow it, in that moment, you will understand and you will have, in you, the ins and outs of all that you have lived and all that you have to live. That is now, my dear Children. Rejoice. There is no more time. There is no more delay. All is in order. All is complete. Now.
Well liked Children of the Light, I will not return to the details, now, of these 12 Stars but, soon, we will do it together, once Metatron will have revealed them to you. In that moment, it will become possible for you, really, to activate the 12 points of Consiousness and the central point, at the level of the Radiant Crown of the Head. In that moment, you will become free, if such is your choice. There, my Children, is the goal of my intervention.
My dear children, wherever you are on this planet, my Blessing accompanies you, each minute of your life, from now on. I am so close to your Conscience. So close to my Revelation, in your Conscience.
Be lucid. Be true. Be humble. And, above all, cultivate the Peace, cultivate the Joy because what comes is Light and pure Light. So, I transmit my Blessings to you and I will return certainly, together or right after the intervention of the Archangel Metatron and the unveiling of the last Keys of the Light, in order to explain what will be these 12 points of the Conscience existing within the Unified Worlds: this famous halo of the Saints, which is described in certain of your portrayals, this Crown of Light that many of you feel, now, at the level of the head, which represents, really, your crowning within the One Light. It is through this Crown, linked with that of your Heart, that you see through and realize what you are. I bless you and I say to you therefore, see you soon.
French Source:
December 26, 2008
Ndr: this message has been posted also, in its entirety, in the heading "protocols".
I am RAM. Look now nearly 4 months that I come to instruct you by the words, by the vibration, by the Light and by the silence, on the heart. Beyond the words, beyond the vibration, beyond the Light and beyond the silence, it will be necessary now, by yourself, through what I would call the conscience/energy, to be able to reproduce at will this level of conscience. I thus propose to you, first of all, that we join together in the interior silence, to bring through to the conscience the perception of the conscience/energy. This conscience/energy appears when you center your conscience itself on the present instant, on the moment and on the body.
The state that you must perceive before starting to use the conscience/energy is a state of interior calm deprived of emotions, deprived of thoughts, deprived of movements. You must resemble the surface of a lake, without currents and without movement. You can help yourselves by breathing, without directing this breathing, only in refocusing yourself on the inspiration, the expiration and the pause between the inspiration and the expiration. This exercise of silence is preliminary to what we are going do and it will have to be established before beginning work on the conscience/energy. You must resemble the surface of a lake that nothing comes to affect, neither on the interior, nor on the outside.
While you stabilize this state, some words on the conscience/energy. In a state of meditation, in a state of interiorization (in a state of meditation, if you prefer), your conscience, while moving, while locating itself on certain points or certain zones, will be accompanied by energy. Energy is the key which unlocks the door of the heart. We will cover a way in the interior of your body which will correspond to the unlocking of the 6 points of the heart, to penetrate, in an easy and simple way, your interior sanctuary. But, for now, continue to maintain the surface of a calm lake where nothing interior nor exterior can come to alter this surface without movements. The process which we will enter can be reproduced. It will take you, in terrestrial time, from 20 to 30 of your minutes. It will consist of putting your attention, and thus your conscience, on the places and points of the body extremely precise, in a precise order, in order to unlock the 6 locks to your interiority. It will be sufficient to follow the steps which I will propose and the places on your body where I will ask you, successively, to transfer your conscience. Thus will settle, in the area of the chest, a vibratory level, which, for some of you, is new. It is in this vibratory level of the conscience/energy that is found the unity, the external fullness |extase| and the internal fullness |intase| and the access to your Divinity.
There is no other door, there is not another way. Even for those who have lived it without knowing it, they passed by the activation of these 6 nodes or these points or these 6 bolts. All that you will have to do will be to carry your conscience on the point that I will indicate to you. During these few minutes when your conscience will be centered on this zone of your body, you will activate vibrationally the interior sacred space of your being. But we return, for the moment, to the surface of the lake.
… Overflowing of energy…
Your conscience will now fall on your vertebral column, at the height of the scapulae. That's a zone and not a point. Your conscience, in its totality, goes now to the middle of your spinal column, between the 2 scapulae. A broad zone. The simple fact of carrying your conscience on this zone will create rapidly a source of heat, light, in your back. We do that together, now. This heat gains and irradiates the interior of your chest. Leave it to act. You continue to carry your conscience on this broad zone of approximately 10 to 15 centimeters in diameter at the level of your back. Do not be disturbed by the vibration and heat. Be content to be conscious and to carry your conscience on that.
… Overflowing of energy…
You will now relocate your conscience between the solar plexus and the cardiac plexus, at the point of your sternum. You gather your conscience on this point without occupying yourself with what happens in the whole of the region. Do not seek to analyze, to comprehend. Be content to carry the conscience where I say. We are not any more on one zone but on a point: at the point of the sternum.
… Overflowing of energy…
Your conscience will now go above your right breast and below the clavicle: a broad zone from 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter. Do not preoccupy yourself with what you feel apart from this point, for the moment.
… Overflowing of energy…
Your conscience goes now on the symmetrical zone, on the left side of the chest, at the top of the left breast and the lower part of the left clavicle.
… Overflowing of energy…
Your conscience moves now to the base of your throat, where exists a hollow, in this precise point.
… Overflowing of energy…
Lastly, your conscience goes on the 6th point which is found in the center of the cardiac plexus, in the middle of the chest, in front.
… Overflowing of energy…
We will, if you want it, do again a second time this circuit of the conscience/energy. Again your conscience goes to the level of your back, between the scapulas. It is about a broad zone 10 centimeters in diameter.
… Overflowing of energy…
Your conscience is relocated now on a point between your solar plexus and your cardiac plexus, at the point of the sternum. Leave what happens elsewhere in the body.
… Overflowing of energy…
Then the conscience goes above your right breast and below the clavicle on a zone about 7 centimeters in diameter.
… Overflowing of energy…
Then your conscience is relocated on the symmetrical zone, on the left side.
… Overflowing of energy…
Then your conscience is relocated on the fifth point: the part below the throat, in the hollow, at the top of the sternum. It is about a point.
… Overflowing of energy…
And your conscience is relocated then to the last point of conscience, in the middle of your chest, right in the center of the heart chakra, on the anterior surface of the chest.
… Overflowing of energy…
You have now opened the 6 locks and you penetrate finally within the chest, to the interior.
… Overflowing of energy…
Your conscience can be turned now on some complementary explanations which I have to give you in relation to this work of the conscience/energy. There thus exist 6 successive keys making it possible to unbolt, once again, the access to your interiority. Many human beings stop themselves at the moment of the perception of their own heart chakra which turns at the front of the chest. There exists a stage, after this one, which is the passage of this exterior radiation towards an interior radiation. The 6 points about which I spoke to you, and which were illustrated by the vibration of your conscience at this level, are the 6 guardians who look after those who are not ready nor able to penetrate the sanctuary. The source of what you are is not only linked to your heart chakra but much more to this central point in the middle of the heart, inside the middle of the chest. It is here, and nowhere elsewhere, that reside the Unity, the joy, the plenitude and the totality of what the human being has come to seek in incarnation. All started from this point and all must return to this point.
The unlocking of the keys and the locks of these 6 points must be done at each seance. These doors and these locks are closed as from the moment when, once again, your conscience is interested in the ordinary life. It is only by being realized, by being awakened totally that that will become permanent and a stable state. The stable state is not the radiation of the heart towards the exterior but the radiation of the heart towards this center, in the center of being. If you have questions compared to this process, I will respond.
Ndr: none of the participants raises questions.
Your silence is the guarantee that the process that we have come to initialize in you can be reproduced in a faithful and authentic manner. You will be able to implement this process as many times as you want it. At first, respect the essential step, the preliminary, of the surface of a mountain lake. After a certain number of repetitions of this process, you will be able to open these doors and these locks in the ordinary life. The ultimate stage will correspond to the moment when you will perceive the interior vibration of the heart chakra, in the center of the center of the chest. You do not linger in concern on the manifestations which occur. Be content to live them. That is essential to the good progress of the process.
Brothers and sisters, if you do not have questions, I bring my blessing to you, once again, and I say to you see you soon.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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