by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
September 1, 2010
http://eraofpeace.org For just a moment, take a deep breath and enter the Divinity of your heart. Feel the elation pouring forth from the Company of Heaven in response to the unprecedented Victory in the Light the God Selves of Humanity have cocreated during the miraculous summer of 2010. Never in the history of time has the collective energy, vibration, and consciousness of Humanity taken such a quantum leap into the frequencies of Light.
Through the unified efforts of millions of Lightworkers who participated in hundreds of activities of Light, and the rare celestial alignments that opened Heavenly Portals allowing monumental influxes of Divine Light, we have succeeded beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven. Through the cooperative endeavors of Heaven and Earth, we reached a critical mass that allowed the God Self, the I AM Presence, of every man, woman, and child to burst the oppressive bonds of our human egos.
Every single person on the planet who turned his or her attention to a Higher Power and invoked the Light of God in any way this summer was instrumental in bringing this facet of the Divine Plan to God Victorious fruition. What I will share with you in this article is just one part of this unified effort. This is what occurred at the 24th Annual World Congress on Illumination which was held within the forcefield of Washington, D.C., August 14-19, 2010.
The 24th World Congress on Illumination began with our Opening Ceremonies on August 14th. There were over 500 people in attendance from 22 countries. Twenty-two is the master number that reflects power on all planes and the ability to change the course of history. There were also hundreds of thousands of Lightworkers consciously joining with us from around the world. This event took place in the embrace of a rare Grand Cardinal Cross which involved the planets aligned in Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn. These astrological signs represent the elements of fire, air, water, and earth which comprise Humanity’s Earthly bodies. This alignment was a very important factor in raising the frequency of our physical/earth, etheric/air, mental/fire, and emotional/water bodies into a vibrational tone that would burst the bonds and transcend the grasp of our human egos.
Spiritual astrologers around the world reported that they had never seen a Grand Cardinal Cross alignment with such a large number of planets involved in such a tight mathematical degree. Those investigating this alignment could not find a similar Grand Cardinal Cross for 500 years before or 500 years after this event.
It is difficult to comprehend the magnitude of what has occurred for Humanity, but to demonstrate the assistance we received from On High I will share with you that this activity of Light drew the attention of the entire Company of Heaven. During our Opening Ceremonies the Mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form, created an colossal amphitheater of Light that encircled the planet and extended into the Heavens as far as the eye could see. Then our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light serving the Earth invoked the Legions of Light throughout Infinity to join us by projecting their luminous Presence into the amphitheater. The radiant Presences of the Legions of Light throughout the whole of Creation filled the amphitheater. These selfless messengers of God empowered our efforts a thousand times a thousand fold and assisted us every step of the way throughout the entire week.
August 15th, was Mother Mary’s Ascension Day. This is always a powerful day when the Feminine Aspects of Deity assist Humanity with the process of integrating the Love Nature of our Mother God, the Holy Spirit, into every person’s Heart Flame.
After aeons of separation, our Mother God began her return to Earth during the initial impulse of the Shift of the Ages which took place during an activity of Light called Harmonic Concordance. This event took place between very powerful Lunar and Solar Eclipses in November 2003. Since that time, our Mother God has been gently integrating her Love into the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in every person’s heart. This Flame consists of the Blue Flame of Divine Will and Power from our Father God, the Pink Flame of Divine Love and Reverence for Life from our Mother God, and the Yellow-Gold Flame of Wisdom and Enlightenment from the Sons and Daughters of God. It is the true reflection of the Holy Trinity.
In the beginning, our Threefold Flames were balanced, but after our fall from Grace we lost awareness of the Love Nature of our Mother God. Since that fateful time, we have been using our masculine power without the balance of our feminine love. This has wreaked havoc on Earth, and it is the main reason we developed the fragmented, fear-based aspect of our consciousness we refer to as our human ego.
On August 15, 2010, our Mother God was at long last able to integrate effectively enough to permanently balance the Pink Flame of Divine Love within every person’s Heart Flame. This miraculous event catapulted the frequency of every person into a higher vibrational tone than we have ever experienced. This allowed the I AM Presence of each person to take more control of their Earthly Bodies.
When the Flame of Divine Love expanded through every Heart Flame, the I AM Presence of every person on Earth breathed this Divine Love into the Heart Flame of every other person’s I AM Presence. This created an enhanced and extremely powerful grid of Transfiguring Divine Love around the planet. This grid of Love extends from the lowest frequencies of Humanity’s miscreations into the highest frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light. This grid of Divine Love is the
Bridge to Freedom over which this planet and all her Life will Ascend out of the darkness into the Light. This wondrous event paved the way for the next step of the unfolding Divine Plan.
On August 16th, oceans of our Mother God’s Divine Love flowed through Humanity’s newly balanced Threefold Flames into our newly established grid of Transfiguring Divine Love. This unprecedented influx of Divine Love flowed in, through, and around every particle of Life on Earth and penetrated into the core of purity in every electron of Humanity’s misqualified thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. As the Love of our Mother God bathed every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life, a fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential was created upon which the patterns of perfection for a Higher Order of Being would be imprinted. With the guidance of the Company of Heaven, this event would take place the following day.
August 17th, 2010, was the 23rd anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. On that very powerful day the Beings of Light who abide in the Complex of Etheric Temples above Washington, D.C. took their strategic positions around the planet. The Goddess of Liberty projected her luminous Presence to the Cardinal Point at the North. The Goddess of Divine Justice took her position at the Cardinal Point to the East. The Goddess of Freedom took her position at the Cardinal Point to the South, and the Goddess of Victory took her position at the Cardinal Point to the West. When that was complete, Saint Germain directed his Regal Court of Violet Fire Angels to take their positions within the energy fields of every person, place, condition, and thing in Washington, D.C.
Saint Germain said that Washington, D.C. is modeling the microcosm of the macrocosm for this planet. He said that from its inception until this very moment Washington, D.C. has reflected everything that is right with the world and everything that is wrong with the world. It reflects the Divinity within every person, the Oneness of Life, and the innate ability for Humanity to reach our highest potential as Sons and Daughters of God through Love and Reverence for ALL Life. It also reflects the epitome of the abuse of power, greed, corruption, and selfishness that our fear-based human egos have manipulated us with for aeons of time. We were told by Saint Germain and the Company of Heaven that on that sacred and holy day the Lightworkers at the World Congress on Illumination would be escorted throughout Washington, D.C. by the Violet Fire Angels associated with the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. With the assistance of these precious Angels, our I AM Presences would imprint onto the newly created fluid field of unmanifest Divine Potential the archetypes for a Higher Order of Being for Humanity and all Life on this planet.
In deep humility and gratitude the Lightworkers in attendance at the WCI accepted this awesome responsibility and traversed Washington, D.C. North, South, East, and West. We surrendered to our I AM Presences and offered our Heart Flames as the Open Door through which the Light of God would flow to imprint a Higher Order of Being into the physical plane of Earth. Through this activity, the Light God was Liberated into every physical and chemical interaction within the people, places, conditions, and things in Washington, D.C., thus healing and restoring all of the distorted and mutated energy bonds between atoms and within atoms that were miscreated by Humanity’s human egos.
Then, through the willingness of the I AM Presences of the Lightworkers joining in consciousness from all over the world, and the assistance of the Legions of Light throughout Infinity who had projected their luminous Presence into the amphitheater of Light encircling the planet, this activity of Light expanded from the microcosm of Washington, D.C. to the macrocosm of Planet Earth.
Contained within the archetypes of a Higher Order of Being, was the necessary Divine Light to raise the vibrational tone of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies high enough to burst the bonds and transcend the paralyzing grip of our human egos. This Light was able to set straight the orbit, spin, and electronic charge of every cell, atom, and electron of Life on Earth in preparation for the activity of Light that would take place the following day.
On August 18th, we were blessed with the luminous Presence of the Directors of the Elements. These selfless servants of Light took their positions at the four Cardinal Points of the planet. The Directors of the Air Element, Thor and Aires, joined the Goddess of Liberty at the Cardinal Point to the North. The Directors of the Water Element, Neptune and Lunara, joined the Goddess of Divine Justice at the Cardinal Point to the East. The Directors of the Earth Element, Pelleur and Virgo, joined the Goddess of Freedom at the Cardinal Point to the South, and the Directors of the Fire Element, Helios and Vesta, joined the Goddess of Victory at the Cardinal Point to the West.
When all was in readiness, Mother Earth sent her clarion call to the Mighty Elohim and the Elemental Beings who sustain the elements within the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata of the Earth. In an unparalleled activity of Divine Healing, the Elohim and the Directors of the Elements guided the Elemental Beings who cocreate the earth, air, fire, and water elements to purge the dross that had been created by Humanity’s human egos. In an act of amazing Divine Grace, this cleansing occurred through the bodies of Humanity and Mother Earth with the maximum intensity that Cosmic Law would allow. This was the final step of preparation before the activity of Light that would liberate Humanity from the manipulative grasp of our human egos.
On August 19th, the Cosmic Moment had arrived. The I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth, and the Legions of Light throughout the whole of Creation were standing in readiness. Saint Germain and the Beings of Light from the Etheric Temples over Washington, D.C. were ready to receive from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God the most intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection, and the Divine Qualities of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, and Victory that the Earth could withstand. These were the Divine Qualities that would complete the process of raising Humanity’s four Earthly Bodies into a vibrational tone that would transcend the reach of our human egos.
When our Father-Mother God sounded their Cosmic Keynote, the Mighty Elohim began their descent into the Center of the Earth. On the Holy Breath, the Builders of Form magnetized into their Heart Flames the full Divine Momentum of the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection. When the Mighty Elohim entered the Sun of Even Pressure in the Heart of Mother Earth, they knelt before the shaft of Light that forms the axis of this planet. Then as one unified force of Light, the Elohim breathed the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection into the axis of the Earth. The Violet Flame merged with Mother Earth’s Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame and expanded through the Crystal Grid System of Earth like a tremendous starburst. The Violet Flame blazed into every acupuncture point in the body of Mother Earth and was securely anchored there. The Lightworkers joining in consciousness from around the world absorbed this Sacred Fire into their Heart Flames and breathed it into the Heart Flame of the I AM Presence of every person on Earth.
When this facet of the Divine Plan was complete, the Goddesses of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, and Victory inbreathed these Divine Qualities from the Heart of God into their Heart Flames and projected them through the 5th-Dimensional Portal of Light above Washington, D.C. This glorious influx of Divine Light opened the portal to full breadth establishing a permanent flow of these precious Gifts from our Father-Mother God in, through, and around every particle of Life on Earth. The 5th-Dimensional frequencies of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, and Victory, which were beyond anything Humanity or the Earth had ever experienced, expanded through the Heart Flame of every person’s I AM Presence and radiated through the greatly enhanced grid of Transfiguring Divine Love that is now enveloping this planet.
Once this facet of the Divine Plan was complete, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth breathed this Healing Light into the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies that have been controlled and manipulated by the fragmented, fear-based human ego since our fall from Grace. The Divine Qualities of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, and Victory were then projected into every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Humanity’s Earthly Bodies. This influx of Light created a critical mass, an unstoppable shift, that allowed our I AM Presence to emit the vibrational tone that was needed in order to raise the energy, vibration, and consciousness of our Earthly Bodies into a frequency that transcended the grasp of our human ego. As this vibrational tone reverberated through the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of ALL Humanity, the oppressive bonds that our egos have used for millennia to keep us hostage and trapped in fear were burst asunder and our egos dropped away.
Our I AM Presence then gathered this wayward aspect of our personality into its loving arms, and escorted our ego into the schools of learning in the Inner Planes. This is where our ego will be transformed into a higher expression of Life, and eventually returned to the heart of our I AM Presence.
This miraculous event God Victoriously liberated the Earthly Bodies of Humanity from the grip of our human egos. What that means for each and every person evolving on this planet is that...
We are FREE! We are FREE! We are Eternally FREE!
Now comes the critical next step for each of us. Our Etheric Bodies are known as
“the seat of all memory.” Everything we have experienced through all of our Earthly sojourns is recorded in this vehicle. That means that the memories of our human ego’s devious schemes and deceptions are recorded in this vehicle. Since we are all creatures of habit, if we do not stay focused on our I AM Presence, it will be easy for us to have a reflex response to our life experiences that imitate our ego’s behavior. That will occur, simply because that is the way we were used to acting in the past. It is our responsibility to be PRESENT in every moment of our lives. Daily and hourly, we must think and feel aligned with our I AM Presence BEFORE we respond to a situation. Move away from any trace of fear, and say to yourself,
“I AM my I AM Presence. From this level of Divine Consciousness, how will I respond to this situation? How will I add to the Light of the world with my thoughts, words, feelings, actions, beliefs, and attitudes in this instance?” Then with listening Grace, respond to the Divine Guidance of your I AM Presence.
Without the interference of our human egos, we will hear the guidance of our I AM Presence in new and profound ways. This has been extremely difficult in the past, but that is over. Everything has changed! Listen and Trust yourself.
An easy test to be sure you are responding to the guidance of your I AM Presence and not merely connecting with the etheric records of your human ego, is to ask yourself
“Is this response free from fear? Is it the most positive way of handling this situation? Does this response involve the highest good for all concerned? Am I adding to the Light of the world by responding in this way?” If your answer is “NO” to any of these questions, the guidance is not coming from your I AM Presence. You are responding from a residual habit of your ego from the past.
Instead of acting out of that old habit, center yourself and ask your I AM Presence for guidance again. Do this as many times as you need to until you are able to answer “YES” to all of the questions.
Many people are not aware on a conscious level that their I AM Presence has succeeded in bursting the bonds of their human ego and that they are now free from their ego’s fear-based manipulation. They may not even realize that they have an I AM Presence. Consequently, they will not know about asking their I AM Presence these important questions before responding to the situations in their life. These people are going to be more prone to act out of the old habits and the obsolete behavior patterns of their human ego. But, fortunately, their is an answer to this problem, and the Company of Heaven is asking for our assistance in resolving this situation.
Since we are One with ALL of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity, we can invoke their I AM Presence on their behalf. Everyone still has the free will to ignore the inner guidance of their I AM Presence, but without the interference from their human ego they will hear this guidance much more easily. The important thing to remember is that our I AM Presence is very practical, therefore, the guidance always involves viable options and solutions that will enhance our lives and the lives of others. It is hard to keep resisting this kind of guidance. As we perpetually invoke the I AM Presences of our sisters and brothers around the world and ask THEM to intervene in their lives, eventually even the most resistant person is going to respond to the heart call of their I AM Presence. Then that person will see the life-enhancing results of their actions, which will motivate them to listen to that inner guidance on a regular basis.
It is impossible for us to truly comprehend the magnitude of what it means for all of us to be free from the manipulation of our egos, but our lives have been transformed. Instead of feeling like we are struggling to accomplish our goals by walking through tar with gale force winds blowing in our face, we are now empowered in new ways by our I AM Presence and the Divine Intervention of the Heavenly Realms. The patterns of perfection we focus on for our individual life and our collective lives as the Family of Humanity will manifest much more quickly. Through the newly created template of Unity Consciousness and Humanity’s newfound freedom from our human egos, we will cocreate the New Earth in a very tangible way sooner than we ever dreamed possible.
Day by day, things are going to get better on this planet. Pay attention, and empower only that which reflects the Higher Order of Being associated with your I AM Presence. Then you will automatically empower the patterns of perfection for the New Earth through your thoughts, words, actions, and feelings.
KNOW that through your I AM Presence, you are the Divine Qualities of Liberty, Divine Justice, Freedom, and Victory freeing Humanity, and all of the energy bonds within Humanity which include the relationships and the interactions of all people, all races, all religions, all organizations, and all nations. You are your I AM Presence liberating these interactions into the harmony of a Higher Order of Being, thus expanding the influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth. You know this Higher Reality within your heart and mind, and through your I AM Presence you are a calm ocean of these Divine Qualities flooding the Earth.
We have God Victoriously made a quantum leap up the 5th-Dimensional Spiral of Evolution. There is no turning back! Be at Peace, and enjoy the ride. Your time has come. And so it is.
Here is a link to a YouTube video that will help you to assimilate your I AM Presence now that the human ego has been released.
If this link does not work, please cut and paste it in your browser.
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
http://eraofpeace.org FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.
©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
The information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.