lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light




the latest channelings pertinent to the day...

Members: 208
Latest Activity: on Wednesday

I stand back detached and I can hear the spirit person I am channeling, but I can’t hear it clearly - and then suddenly it goes blank, that’s really when they are in.

Discussion Forum

The Fire For Transformation By Jamie Ong

Started by Steve Hutchinson on Wednesday. 0 Replies

...The Fire of Transformation By Jamie OngThe Fire of Transformation -…Continue

Follow Your Loving Heart To Higher Pathways of Living By Blossom Goodchild & The Federation of Light

Started by Steve Hutchinson May 14. 0 Replies

Follow Your Loving Heart To Higher Pathways of LivingBy Blossom Goodchild…Continue

Light Language For Karmic Board Clearing By Jamie Ong

Started by Steve Hutchinson Apr 22. 0 Replies

Light Language For Karmic Board ClearingBy Jamie OngWe're experiencing…Continue

Jesus: Easter - The Open Heart - By Yael & Doug Powell

Started by Steve Hutchinson Mar 31. 0 Replies


Message Of Oneness From the Galactic Black Dragon By Steven Hutchinson

Started by Steve Hutchinson Mar 4. 0 Replies

Message Of Oneness From the Galactic Black DragonBy Steven Hutchinson I…Continue

222 & Full Moon Energy Activation

Started by Steve Hutchinson Feb 25. 0 Replies

...Reiki Rachael:...In this session we channel the energy of the 222 portal as well as the upcoming full moon to assist in a total energetic balancing, alignment, & expression of you most…Continue

The Invitation To The Living Light: Admission By Vibration

Started by Steve Hutchinson Jan 25. 0 Replies

The Invitation To The Living Light: Admission By VibrationDear Ones,It is…Continue

Lightworkers - Starseed - Channeling: Our Bridge to 5D - A Healed & Peaceful Life

Started by Steve Hutchinson Jan 19. 0 Replies

Lightworkers - Starseed - Channeling: Our Bridge to 5D - A Healed &…Continue

Divine Presence Resides In All of Creation By Christine Bush From Ascended Master Babaji

Started by Steve Hutchinson Jan 10. 0 Replies

Divine Presence Resides In All of Creation By Christine BushFrom Ascended…Continue

The Divine Plan Unfolds Through Your Own Awakening To Divine Love & Joy - The Federation Of Light With Blossom Goodchild

Started by Steve Hutchinson Dec 31, 2023. 0 Replies

The Divine Plan Unfolds Through Your Own Awakening To Divine Love &…Continue

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of CHANNELINGS OF THE DAY to add comments!

Comment by Steve Hutchinson on March 10, 2024 at 12:51pm
Comment by Steve Hutchinson on December 17, 2023 at 12:11pm



It has been revealed that the New Earth, the Golden Age, will involve the merging of 4 golden timelines of Atlantis, Lemuria, Avalon, and Shambhala.


You play a part in the merging of these 4 golden timelines and assisting the collective in raising their vibrations to enter the New Earth, the Golden Age.

Comment by Steve Hutchinson on December 12, 2023 at 6:04am
Comment by Steve Hutchinson on November 12, 2023 at 8:03am
Comment by Steve Hutchinson on October 20, 2023 at 12:50am
Comment by Steve Hutchinson on October 6, 2023 at 8:54pm
Comment by Steve Hutchinson on September 21, 2023 at 8:31am
Comment by Steve Hutchinson on June 1, 2023 at 11:21am
Comment by Steve Hutchinson on February 27, 2023 at 1:15pm
Comment by Steve Hutchinson on February 14, 2023 at 8:18pm

Steve Nobel
Dear Starseed,

Global Ascension News
I would not say my life has been easy, there have been so many challenges and at times I have felt stretched to the limit of my strength and capacity. Maybe many of you can relate.
It was not until my early thirties that I began to feel the spiritual path calling out of my 3D sleepiness. Since my first awakening in 1991 I would say that a strong element of spiritual support and magic entered my life.
After my second awakening in 2010 I went through a very difficult six years that felt I was experiencing the darkness of the world. When I came out of this 'Dark Night of the Soul' I began this work.
I have discovered that challenges, even extreme ones hold lessons and gifts. In a way, the challenges I have faced have shaped me, my current perspective on the world and my ability to connect with multidimensional aspects of myself.
So, my message is do not fear darkness, do not fear challenges. Everything can be utilised by your soul for your upliftment and growth!
Much love
Steve Nobel

Members (208)



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
