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I stand back detached and I can hear the spirit person I am channeling, but I can’t hear it clearly - and then suddenly it goes blank, that’s really when they are in.

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Message Of Oneness From the Galactic Black Dragon By Steven Hutchinson

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222 & Full Moon Energy Activation

Started by Steve Hutchinson Feb 25. 0 Replies

...Reiki Rachael:...In this session we channel the energy of the 222 portal as well as the upcoming full moon to assist in a total energetic balancing, alignment, & expression of you most…Continue

The Invitation To The Living Light: Admission By Vibration

Started by Steve Hutchinson Jan 25. 0 Replies

The Invitation To The Living Light: Admission By VibrationDear Ones,It is…Continue

Lightworkers - Starseed - Channeling: Our Bridge to 5D - A Healed & Peaceful Life

Started by Steve Hutchinson Jan 19. 0 Replies

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Comment by Angel~a on August 7, 2010 at 6:01pm
God said:

How much you love life may equate to the amount you give to life. Give has many meanings. Give means loving, and give also means accepting. Once again, I ask you to let go of preconceived ideas of what life must look like. If you have the idea that life must look a prescribed way and it doesn’t look like that, naturally you tend to feel that life is wanting. You may feel that you were somehow overlooked. You may come to think that life owes you. No one likes to be owed. You cannot dun life for what you think it owes you. You are not to be a bill collector of life. Nor are you to be life’s spoiled pouting child. Learn to be happy.

It is your birthright to be happy. There is no question there, yet it is also your free choice. It is your choice to choose happiness. It doesn’t make sense for you to wait to win the lottery before you will be happy. Have you been making your happiness conditional? Have you been allowing your happiness to depend upon what life hands you? The odds are that that is just what you have been doing. Kicking and screaming, you have been doing that. If you have been doing just that, you can stop. You can reverse your strategy. You can appreciate life as it is one day to the next.

A bill comes in the mail, and you are not happy. A check comes in the mail, and you are happy. For the moment.

Life seems to keep switching your gears. Beloved, you do not have to hold an alliance with life that allows it to dictate to you how you will feel. If you find yourself feeling glum, you chose it. No one else chooses for you. You have the say of how you will react to your life. It is your life.

Life will offer you pretty much everything. You cannot always pick and choose. And yet you can take life in your stride and not resist what life offers you at any given moment. You don’t have to be knocked about.

You would like to be offered chocolate bon-bons every day, and yet life has its own wisdom. After a while, too many bons-bons, and you may lose your zest for them. Life has many ways of fattening you or putting you on a diet. Either way, you can be happy. Give yourself the freedom to be happy. Life has its own ways of doing things. It keeps going. And so must you.

Sometimes you get the silver apple, and sometimes you don’t. You don’t have to lose your place in life because you did or didn’t. You don’t have to take detours from life. No more pouting or moping. They can become habits that are hard to break.

The world does not owe you a living, beloveds. Be amenable with life. Consider life an employer. There are matters that the employer likes a certain way today, even if he changes his mind tomorrow. You may not like how the employer is doing things. What he is doing may even be ridiculous, yet he is the employer, and you make life as easy and beneficial for him as you can.

Life is your employer. You are not the boss of life. You are in life’s employ. Life will serve you. Nevertheless, it behooves you to serve life. Accommodate life. Don’t make a big fuss when life doesn’t accommodate you. You don’t have to take life so personally. You don’t have to avenge it.

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Comment by Joni on August 5, 2010 at 8:13pm
Archangel Gabriel: The Exponential Power of Your Choices
Received by Shanta Gabriel
August 2010

Dear Ones,

From the tiniest one-celled organism in the seas to the multi-faceted creations of Divine Light, the spark of unity exists within. This driving force in the human being causes a desire for union, misused and misunderstood from the beginning. Now being translated to a desire for global unity consciousness, this impulse for union acts as an inter-dimensional shift occurring on many levels at one time.

There are multitudes of people focused on the manifestation of peaceful union with the Divine Presence so the earth can be uplifted to higher dimensions. When you are a part of this global activity, you are working in perfect harmony with the planetary forces of evolution. There is a great level of support in the universe for a global shift in consciousness, as well as personal evolution on a soul level. This focused attention is critical in order to bring about a healing of the many discordant situations on earth at this time.

The New Empowerment

The Angelic Dimensions have been increasing the frequencies necessary to cultivate a new perception of life, one that lives in harmony with Nature so it can sustain life on this planet. When even one person looks at the whole of life in this new way, a wave of consciousness floods the earth. The new empowerment is one of Divine Love, for this is the greatest healer, the highest vibrating principle existing in the universe. When one person chooses love in each moment, 1200 are blessed with Divine Love. You don’t realize the exponential power of your choices, and the benefits that occur when you learn to choose thoughts and feelings that radiate at a higher frequency of energy.

Each person is a co-creator of global consciousness. You are creating a new model for a sustainable earth that works in harmony with a Divine Plan that contains Harmony, Peace, and Eternally Abundant Love. This is a resonance you can call forth in your life, a foundation upon which to base every decision you make individually. Consider asking yourself, “Will the choice I am making with this decision bring more peace and harmony to my life?”

You Are Not Alone

You are not alone. There are millions of people who believe there is a pulse for Divine Union connecting the many hearts to the One Heart of All That Is. You are being blessed by Realms of Angels who act at a personal level to guide and protect you as you step into new life, even though it may look very different from the life you have known. You are being surrounded in wings of Divine Love to ease the fear that naturally erupts when you face an unknown future. You are being loved and protected in boundless ways as you face a time that is unprecedented in your history.

There have been other times when humans and all species were being asked to evolve or perish. Yet never has there been such clear information about positive change, with so much support available on many planes of existence. The Universe is encouraging you to grow and evolve at a soul level and this growth will affect all life on this planet. The earth and life as you have known it will continue to change. The question becomes, what can you do to support this growth toward Harmony with Nature and Unity Consciousness? It is a question to bring into your spiritual practice knowing it will be answered because this union is a part of the Divine Plan.

You are here to live in harmony with your soul’s purpose, and that is asking you to open your mind and heart to an expansive level of consciousness. As you begin to break through your old limitations, you are using an energy force that contains Infinite Possibilities. How do you want to feel in your new life? What would an experience of work that fulfills you on all levels feel like? Play with the parameters of your mind to set your spirit free so it will bless your life in ways beyond that which you have dreamed.

Reclaim your Dreams

Reclaim your most joyous and beautiful future dreams. Now is the time. Your dreams and enthusiasm for new possibilities light the spark within you. This spark is union with the Divine that guides your way. These new paradigms of thought and action lead naturally to unity consciousness. They help you manifest your gifts and your specific God-given talents. Everyone has something to give. Each person has a soul that wants to serve in a way that is beautiful and personal. Your gifts are being called forth into a world that needs you to be all you can be right now. It begins with your intention to experience Divine Love and Union with all life. This new life starts with your desire to see the world in greater harmony with all of Nature. Know that great things are possible, in this world and in your personal life, when people work together to bring about positive change.

Your Breath is in Harmony with All of Nature

Inspiration can come on the next breath, and this breath connects you to your spirit. Imagine that you are breathing in Peace and breathing out Light. Know that your in breath takes you to the center of your being where there is Divine Union. Know your out breath serves the plants and trees as they breathe in what you breathe out. When you breathe, you are affecting all of Nature. The miracle of photosynthesis is based on Divine Light and you are a part of this great cycle. Your breath is the key. With your next breath you may be creating the mass shift to global Unity. Consider this Infinite Possibility as a part of your spiritual practice. See millions of minds and hearts joined together in a vision for Spontaneous Evolution. Commit from your heart to be a part of this great force for Unity Consciousness. When you do, you will be in alignment with the Divine Plan bringing Harmony and Peace to the Earth, right now.

And so it is.
Comment by Angel~a on July 20, 2010 at 4:22pm
Update on the
Gulf Situation

By Christ
Michael thru Candace

Jul 19, 2010 -
7:10:05 PM

Update on the
Gulf Situation

Monday July 19th 2010

Hello beloveds this is Christ Michael and its time for a bit more of an
update. We considered covering what is going on in the Gulf of Mexico in some
detail a few days ago and this is risky to our workers to go to

But tonight we will make some simple statements. Please be reading
what is in the alternative news some of which is being posted on AH for details
because they are largely correct and this prevents targeting of my people if
the material comes from elsewhere.

Things are generally worse than what is being told. And none if it
is correct on your mainstream TV but well won't go further on what is wrong.
You should be seeing the difference between the alternative news and

We can say this is an extinction level event for that local region
when it does manifest. Those of you who read her who live along especially the
US of A borders need to consider your future. When the methane "cloud" erupts,
we have little to no time to pick up unless you can be dematerialized to ship
and most of you can't survive that but we can bring your souls aboard and out
of the fray.

The air will become dangerous quickly and the evacuating small
craft cannot work in the methane and other chemical and in fact some of their
systems would help cause fires to it.

This event put the screws to our plans in essence. BP did NOT do
this intentionally in the beginning, the blow out was real. But they have made
it worse and they are not telling it all, which is why you must search the web

The rumor of the 100 mile long crack is quite true and there are
many forming as I speak that are new. The whole area is deteriorating rapidly
and your stupid stories on the news are not correct at all. There is the plan
to keep the masses living in the area uniformed and I can state the federal
government has NO intention of attempting any evacuations. The decisions are
made to let the area go as it will go.

They do not truly have good stocks of food anymore in their FEMA
camps, and they do not have the money to suddenly hire adequate personal and
you see, most of your military and local national guards are

This methane event will basically be the end. I positioned the
stasis ships a couple weeks ago again, as we watch and determine the amount of
methane released. If we can safely hold a bit we will wait, because man needs
to see this. If the methane is of too high a degree we go into stasis and get
the plant and animal life thus protected in this manner. We cannot risk to let
the concentrations get to high to living beings, or we have too much loss to

We cannot state exactly when this event will happen. Meanwhile
mother is moving again and you are also seeing more quakes. The military as
suggested somewhat on alternative news is planning also more warfare and there
is some interference to reduce this going on and I will not subject my workers
to more danger to expose what is going on.

To make a long story short, as you all have well known, the dark
brotherhood is determined to take this world out with it but you have no worry
of that happening.

While some of you are very upset of the wildlife and this oil
leak, understand during the pole reversal and other changes that will manifest,
much oil is released when the plates move during these events. But the methane
release is generally not nearly what we expect. With life in stasis we can
clean the methane and all the other pollutants that will manifest. We have the
best of the best here for that purpose.

There is nothing we can truly due to modulate this activity
building in the Gulf. There is more than one well leaking also and that is
beginning to hit your alternative news and perhaps the mainstream here

But the main stream news is not going to provide any coverage of
the extreme dangers sincle they do not wish to have to engage in any rescues in
that region. The other countries will not fair well either around the gulf, but
the massive explosion of methane well occur closer to the US of A borders and
thus the greater risk.

There will be one or more large tsunamis. Candace: after we were
finished with the piece, I went to copy it to place it on the site and it
disappeared completely, all the typing. So I closed it and then decided to see
if any of it survived. It did up to the word tsunamis above because he took a
break of about 20 minutes, during which I made corrections. None of my
corrections were left, so I corrected it all again, I hope. He told me to just
try to summarize what was said, so I will hopefully remember the bulk of it. We
have having many sorts of "disappearing' problems of late, including on the
forum. This is very annoying.

The tsunami's are caused by the large displacement, and there be
also be huge winds from this. Then the seabed of course collapses producing a
lot of quakes. There is a circular plate in the gulf offshore of Louisiana and
this puppy is going to move. A lot of the methane is under it. It will upset
much moving north and there may even be significant activity or rupture of the
New Madrid.

He advised that we could go into stasis nearly immediately or at a
time after the worst is over, depending totally on the situation at hand. He
stated they did something to stall the area east of the Tonga trench as this
would worsen the gulf situation from what it is now. I am not remembering some
of the more exacting details, it was not that much. But you are to be logically
prepared, because if they don't go immediately to stasis, there will be a huge
immediately shortage of goods and transportation of such. I think this is main
of what was covered after our break. I never had the copy feature erase a piece
before, unless I accidentally hit some key I didn't mean to hit, but I would
think the undo typing feature would work. I need to get this up. I will hit
save just in case before I copy.

Sorry about the difficulties. Take care, Candace

All writings by members of AbundantHope are copyrighted by
©2005-2010 AbundantHope - All rights reserved
Comment by Joni on July 20, 2010 at 3:44am
HEAVEN #3524
Let God Serve
July 19, 2010

God said:

Be more of an initiator and less of a reactor. It is more fun to initiate than to react. It is a better practice. Once again, I am speaking about your not zeroing in on fault. Taking offense is finding fault. Will you let go of trying to set the world and the people in it straight?

Be what you want others to be, and you will be setting the world straight.

Whatever it is in another that angers you, do not act in kind. To make progress in life, you have to do more than simply refute others' ways of portraying themselves. If there are alternatives to other's way of doing things, there are also alternatives for you.

Again, I also have to say that this doesn't mean you are not to represent yourself. This doesn't mean you put up with everything thrown your way. I don't ask you to be wishy-washy. I ask you to be straightforward, courteous, and aware that others, as well as you, sometimes come from ignorance.

When you react, odds are you are being hasty. Give yourself a chance to let the real issue at hand sink in, and address that. I know you don't want merely to perpetuate unwieldy situations. Set yourself straight first, beloveds.

Get yourself out of the mode of thinking right or wrong. Consider perhaps what the real issue is. Perhaps you have not been heard. Perhaps you have not heard what was being said to you. Perhaps there is misunderstanding or misinformation.

As best you can, stay away from judgment.

Let Us say you have difficulty putting together a jigsaw puzzle, and this is frustrating for you. You do not yell at the puzzle pieces. You do not swear at them. Maybe you get up and have an apple, and then you come back to the puzzle refreshed and ready to begin again. This makes sense to do with a jigsaw puzzle, does it not?

Use the same sense when dealing with people or situations that are frustrating puzzles for you.

Have self-expression, yet maybe wait a minute. You want to make sure that you have all the pieces of the puzzles in life in front of you.

How much of life do you spend on offense and rebuttal, and how much time on joy and joyous response? You wonder about the priorities of others. Now I ask you: What are your priorities, beloveds? Where do you put your attention? Maybe you can move it over.

What if you had no time for irritation, anger, and resentment and didn't have them? Why have them now? You can accomplish more without them.

This does not mean to relieve others of their responsibilities and take it all on yourself. This does mean to do what you can and let the emotional aspects take a break. Do you accomplish more with irritation or less? Do not think that anger and blame serve you. Have you thought that anger and blame serve you? Have you thought that judgment serves you?

Let Me serve you. Let love and wisdom and a long view serve you. Go for what you go for, and go without anger.

If you must be angry, don't vent it on any person. Punch a punching-bag instead. Kick a football. Run around the block. Or plant a garden and create beauty. Then come back to sending an email to someone. It may be less fiery.

To take care of a situation, you don't have to give in to anger. If you want results rather than to vent, surpass the situation. Get beyond it. Outdo it.
Comment by Joni on July 20, 2010 at 3:43am
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day

Beloved one, if you as spirit, if you as Light energy are unlimited—and you are—then you must blend with the Light of other ones as they seem to be individuated energy. And if you blend with the Light of all other ones that seem to be individual, you cannot deny that you are One. It follows reason, yes? It follows logic. If those of you who are into the linear mental thinking follow that reasoning, you can understand it.
Comment by Joni on July 20, 2010 at 3:41am
Comment by Joni on July 20, 2010 at 3:40am
SaLuSa: Changes on Earth Are Becoming More Widespread
July 19, 2010

Fame and wealth are looked upon as an achievement to be desired; yet so often they are difficult to handle. Your privacy which you value is intruded upon and literally your life is not your own. Some people are prepared to withstand such a loss, and live out their make believe lives in circumstances that are no guarantee of happiness. Show business is surrounded by glamour and the need for success, and failure is often experienced with inconsolable grief. So who can lead a so-called ordinary life and find happiness and satisfaction. The majority of people are in lives where they struggle to make ends meet, or even to survive. Yet some manage to find a purpose in life that does give satisfaction, and it is through serving others. When you have found a way to help others, it gives an inner feeling of having discovered a true path, that allows you to express your love and experience fulfillment.

There is within each one of you a desire to love and be loved; yet not everyone can express that in terms of freely giving of themselves. The energy of love is powerful and can work miracles, and costs you nothing to share with others. When it is given without seeking reward, and with no conditions you are well on the way to being able to give unconditional love. That indeed should be the goal you are working towards, and if you struggle to achieve it do not be too concerned. With the ever-increasing upliftment of the vibrations you will naturally attract higher energy to yourself, and it will become much easier to hold the love vibration. Everyone can work towards such levels, and those that are successful rarely seek fame or gain beyond what is necessary for their immediate requirements. Light-workers know their life plan and are not distracted by the search for fame, although it sometimes comes with success. It is knowing how to control it that prevents it from taking over your life, so that you can continue with full focus on your work.

Service to others is not necessarily seen as an attractive occupation, yet its rewards are manifold. You cannot take anything with you when you complete your life plan, but you will have the inner growth and joy of having spent it in a beneficial way. It does not require that you become one of the leading lights, and every contribution however small helps uplift the level of the mass consciousness. The capitalist way of thinking tends to promote greed, but there are of course some successful people who because they are blessed that way, do not forget to share their wealth. Because of it they sometimes achieve exceptional levels of generosity, but it is not the amount that is important but the thought behind it. This is exemplified by the biblical story of the widow’s mite, as she gave when her needs were as great as anyone else’s.

So where are we heading with our message and why now, and we will tell you that the changes on Earth are becoming more wide-spread, and leaving many people in dire need of help. That position will worsen for all manner of reasons, and it begs of you that until it changes for the better that you try to help ease other people’s distress. The challenge of these times is putting a lot of pressure on you, but you can help prevent it becoming chaotic by getting together and organizing some kind of relief. It will provide an answer until the coming of real help, and the changes in your governments that will start a new era of beneficial changes on a large worldwide scale.

Be assured that at all times we continue to keep a check on the well being of Mother Earth, with your Ascension in mind. There is a balance that we are responsible for, and it stops matters really getting out of hand. You will complete this cycle as decreed and in that sense it does not matter whatever the dark Ones attempt to do, they will not stop completion as planned. After all Dear Ones, you may conjecture that you have God on your side, and the Light is all-powerful. In reality God favors no one, but allows all souls to experience as they desire, using their God given freewill. In fact God loves all souls and is waiting to welcome them back to the Source, by which time your Light will have been completely restored.

As fellow travelers we admire your confidence and tenacity in taking on duality, as it is far removed from the wonderful levels of Light that you came from. Now you are at the end of your journey and hardly realize what you have achieved. To have left your home of absolute beauty and bliss amongst the stars, and an enduring state of being within the love vibration was an immense decision to take. You were aware of the nature of the challenge, and took heart that whatever happened you would never be forsaken. You were promised help and direction, so that no matter how far you became immersed in the lower energies you would rise up again. That promise has been kept, and already you have emerged from the dark sufficiently, to recognize your own divinity and link to the Light. The awakening continues to speed up and you are beginning to feel the expansion in your consciousness. Now Ascension is in your sights and so near to taking place, that you have only a few more years before you lift up with Mother Earth.

When you look at the larger picture, realize that you can ignore what is going on around you as it cannot last long, and you are stepping onto a new path that leaves it all behind. The new paradigm is taking shape, and as you focus on the future will imbue it with the power to manifest. You are creating all of the time but now you have the powerful energies directed to Earth, and they are far more potent than ever before. Because of this latent power it is in fact good practice to monitor your thoughts and emotions, and direct them only for the good of all. As time passes you will be helped to master such a degree of control, and it is one of our tasks when we arrive upon Earth. We come to do much that is of a physical nature, but we do not forget that your upliftment is for your spiritual evolution.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and already feel the joy at the thought of traveling with you for the last part of your journey. We come as friends and for many also as family, but more importantly as your spiritual mentors and guides. You shall feel our love that we give unconditionally, and it will lift you up out of any worries or concerns you may still have.

Thank you SaLuSa,
Comment by Joni on July 20, 2010 at 3:39am
Comment by Joni on July 20, 2010 at 3:34am
Today's Angel Message

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Last week we spoke to you about worry. This week we wish to address the topic of anxiety because so very many of you are experiencing anxiety at this time. Worry and anxiety are close cousins. When you worry, typically you are projecting a specific fear out into the future. When you are anxious, the fears are often unidentified and muddled in your mind. Worry says, "I fear this specific outcome is going to happen!" Anxiety says, "I fears something is going to go wrong! I have no idea what. I am not in control. I'm not sure I can handle it," and so on and so forth.

Just as prayer and a focus on the desired outcome can cure worry, so too prayer and a focus on your desired outcome can help calm the fears that cause anxiety.

For many of you anxiety is a habitual and learned way of being. You feel you must be concerned about every possible future scenario that might occur in your lives. This robs you of the joy in the present moment. When anxiety creeps up, breathe slowly and deeply, then sit down and write down specifically what you fear. Make a list until all the fears are identified. Now you have your power back. Now you can look your fears in the face, ask yourself if that is really what you are planning to create, and then resolve pray for what you really want.

For some of you anxiety is an emotional virus that acts up up as soon as life starts going well. There is a culture of struggle on your planet that humanity has created, believes in, and perpetuates. Beliefs such as "No Pain. No Gain," "You have to pay your dues," "No Guts. No glory," continue to reinforce the idea that struggle is required to achieve anything of value in life. While we would agree that work, effort, and labors of love are required at times, struggle is not, for when you feel you are struggling dear ones, what are you really struggling with but your own hearts? When you ignore your hearts enitrely you set up a mentality that life must be hard, drudgery, etc. And unfortunately you become used to this reality.

Suddenly, one day, after years of struggle, you change your ways. You decide to pay attention to your heart, to put your faith in God, and to pray for your dreams to come true. You surrender a bit of control, and then all of the sudden, dear ones, absolute magic begins to happen in your lives. And then the ego feels as if it is dying. It is no longer in control. And so it begins to fret and worry and create imaginary possible problems for you to worry about that rob you of your joy.

Anxiety is the ego's way of taking your soul hostage and preventing it from living in its true power and in the truth of God's love and abundance. When you become anxious, take time to sit still and ask yourself, "What do I fear?" Look each fear in the face, pray for the desired outcome, and if all else fails, sit, breathe and call upon your angels to help you feel, once again, the truth of God's abiding love.

God bless you! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels
Comment by Angel~a on July 19, 2010 at 12:21am

Members (208)



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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