This channel is filled with some truly amazing light and warm loving vibration. The channel is on the 19th, just before the Winter Solstice. The Goddess has us tap into the energies of the solstice so we can take stock of what’s happening. She speaks of how the two solstices and two equinoxes are such power energetic times of the year. She was assisting us in feeling the energies of solstice as a means of taking stock in our life. She spoke of straddling the solstice so as to feel what’s been in the past and look towards what we are creating.
Then something truly amazing occurred. Sananda came in to speak with us for a while and to shift the energies. As he came into the gathering, he was flanked by Melchezadek, Mary Magdaline, the Arch Angels, St. Germain and more. He spoke of the energies and experiences when Yeshua walked the earth. He gave us the opportunity to align with the experience and see if perhaps we were part of what took place.
He then spoke of living on earth now. We were able to see the difference in vibration. We could see how much has shifted and how more than ever we have the ability to create our lives. It was amazing to see how much energy he could flow and shift. He then actually removed another veil as we all participated. He said the infusion of light has created a significant change and now is the time to remove another layer. He also infused light into what was without light. By do so it showed how so much of what was hidden will now come out.
In the end, during this week of Christmas he spoke of how that life for Yeshua was about bringing in the light. The intention was not to create a church; but to infuse light through all that is within and upon the earth. This is a channel truly filled with love and awareness. May you connect even more deeply and allow your light to shine forth.
Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole
I greet you beloved family! I reach out to each one of you during this holiday season as you celebrate. I send forth my wishes that whatever you may celebrate within your life is filled with the alignment of who you are.
This is a time upon the Earth when people become very chaotic or their lives are chaotic. This is the time when what you have been creating in your life may seem as if it’s more in the balance or in your face. There may be times when what you lack is more so at the forefront during those times of celebration or intense energy.
As we begin this journey tonight, I ask you to bring that up within your life. Is there something that is perhaps creating sadness, depression, a lack? And at this time when we are grounded I flow to each one of you the essence of love, of awareness and compassion; that you may feel within you, your own divinity. Let that flow down within you as I speak and let go everything else. [Deep breath]
I can already feel a transition taking place with all who are here. With that said, I invite you to allow your consciousness to shift. Have a sense of feeling as if you release your physical body. Allow your consciousness to reach out and align with the magnetic grid. As you feel your energies flow, feel what the magnetic grid is to you. This is where your higher self resides.
There are energy pathways that swirl through, not only you but everyone else who is here. Have a sense of where you are and where these other energies flow. From there I invite you to let go the magnetic pull of the Earth. Allow yourself to shift through the interlocking grid and into the crystalline grid.
As you arrive within this space, feel how already your energy expands. As you allow your consciousness to move in whatever direction it may go, let yourself discern the various aspects that are here. As you allow your focus to shift once more, I invite you to move into the energies of the soul plane.
As you arrive within the soul plane have a sense of feeling as if you are coming home. As your energies flow within and around this space look around and allow yourself to open up as you discern your divinity. You may have a sense of this, as a person that’s walking towards you; it may be light, it may be a pulsation, it may be a tone.
Putting forth the intention to link with your I AM presence allows you to blend fully with your divinity. Feel as if your consciousness streams through and merges fully within that space. As you link with your divinity, can you feel that sense of love, that sense of awareness that begins to move through you? As you feel that essence, allow yourself to open and recognize the compassion, the unconditional love, the pure essence of this experience.
I the Goddess, find myself moving within this space. As I do so, I reach out to you. I reach out and enfold you in my arms. I reach out and feel who you are as I blend and merge with you. As we create this alignment, you will find yourself shifting into the space of the All That Is. Once more you feel as if your energies expand even further. This space, the All That Is, is a place of creation; it’s a place of pure consciousness, a place of divinity.
You always have access to the energies that are here. You as a soul have the ability to create change and impact the collective energy that is created here within this space. It is influenced primarily by those people who are living upon the Earth. But even here, the vibration is shifting, it shifts in such a way that it allows for even more of the abstract energies to have an influence and create an alignment with all that is taking place.
Therefore when you come within this space, you find yourself in whatever feels good to you. You find the vibration that most resonates with you but you are also creating an opening, so that you may give and take as you create changes and shifts within yourself. Feel all of that as I speak of this with you.
There is much that I would like to do with you this evening. The winter solstice will be upon the Earth in the next day or so. (December 21, 2010) That is always a time of dramatic change, or shall I say, opportunity for you in your life. The winter solstice is for you to have an opportunity to consider what you have done during this past year, to consider your life, consider your goals and then as you are going into the next quarter of the year, you can put forth your intentions.
Whenever it is an equinox or a solstice, you can have that sense of having one foot on one side and one on the other as if you straddle this space of energy and transformation and you can feel that within your own life.
You can take an opportunity to consider what have you had within your life and then as you feel your energies flow through to the other side of the solstice it’s as if you have a new beginning. I put forth to you, what would your life be like if every day was a new beginning? I feel some of you saying it would be chaos, it would be without structure, it would be very hard and challenging because it was always starting over; indeed that is one perception.
If you could take away anything that would be related with stress, and instead look at every day as if it’s a new beginning, as if it’s a new opportunity, I would invite you to consider each new opportunity as simply that, a potential. And if every day was greeted as a new potential or a new opportunity, you then stand in this space of accepting more fully who you are in your life. Feel the flow as I speak of this, feel how it opens up opportunities for you; opportunities that will create greater ease and greater balance. Breathe deeply and feel that wash through you.
As we speak of this, I also invite you to let go anything that may be a burden. Feel as if you let that flow off your back and as I speak of that I can feel the other energies coming forth, who wish to speak with you.
This is the week of the Christmas holidays upon the Earth. We know that there are a multitude of different religious beliefs. We shine forth and honor and bless everyone for whatever your beliefs may be.
The essence that is coming in, that would like to speak with you is the essence of Sananda. I invite you to have a sense of looking to the side and you will see several individuals that are walking here within this space. Sananda, as many of you are aware, is the over soul essence for that individual that you knew as Jeshua or Jesus. Because of the Christmas holiday, he had asked to come and speak.
You see walking with him some of the other angels and energies that were present upon the Earth at the time that Jeshua walked upon the Earth. Melchizedek is also a part of this group who are coming here to be with you. As this brilliant light comes to a stop it is as if they are standing in the center of everyone.
As Sananda steps forward there is this brilliant light that begins to pulsate and shine forth from him. It is as if there is a shooting star that goes up from where he is. We see flanking him, Melchizedek on one side, Mary Magdalene on the other and standing slightly behind Mary Magdalene is the woman known as Mother Mary. The other angels create a group behind them. [Deep breathe]
I wished to give you this description, because as you are looking at what I describe, allow your consciousness to expand. Open and feel that stream of energy come to you so that you may know if you were a part of this procession in that period in time. Many, many people who are now incarnated upon the Earth were also incarnated at that point. [Deep breathe]
I shift, I release this energy and Sananda steps forth and will begin speaking in a moment.
Sananda Speaks:
I greet you beloved family. As I was moving through this group of all who are here, I had a sense of reaching out to touch each one of you. You are my family, you are my friends.
At the time that I walked upon the Earth as Jeshua there was a certain density, you might call it, there was a certain darkness it’s been referred too. Ir-regardless of how one might define that time in history it was a time for the Earth to ascend into another level of consciousness. That is one of the reasons why many called me a ‘light’, ‘the bringer of the dawn’, ‘the illuminator’. There were many other phrases of similar meanings. Over time it began to be called the Christians or the Christ energy and the religion was formed.
At this time that we are speaking of now, some of you may be surprised to see that the founders of some of the other world religions were also a part of this group. The intention when Jeshua walked upon the Earth was of creating transformation. It was not about creating a particular type of a religious sect. It is always very interesting how things come about over the course of time. It has always been that people seek others that are of a similar belief, which in turn is a similar vibration. People wish to be with other people, because that is so much a part of your human experience.
As I bring this light into our gathering, I am going to illuminate first that time when Jeshua was born. There was a great deal that led up to the birth. There was a great deal of debate on this side of the veil as to who would be the one to incarnate. It was decided that the essence of the individual incarnating upon the Earth would be a blend of different souls essence, hence Sananda. As you are listening to these words or reading these words you may have a sense of familiarity. You may think I remind you of someone else; indeed, it is due to that collective consciousness. So where were you 2010 years ago?
As you look at that life so much took place that was anticipated, so much took place that was not. This is one of the delights of being on the Earth. As Jeshua came through the veil and he was born, there was a certain degree that became veiled to him, of what his purpose was, of what his life would be. Perhaps more than many of the other people living at that time he did have a conscious awareness, as did those key people around him in that life.
The stories told about a fraction, and a percentage of perception of what life was really like. It is really not even important, what the actions were of what that life or how his life was lived. The intention was to create a shift in consciousness so as to infuse light or a higher vibration into the Earth’s reality. That was accomplished.
Now, when we were discussing the eventual outcome or what was the intention, we didn’t know, would it be 1000, 2000 4000 years before the kind of conscious shift that you are now experiencing would take place. Indeed, the Mayan with their calendar had put forth many, many intentions that have come to fruition. And we did create an alignment with the intention of working with those vibrational essences that would put forth at the time of Atlantis.
But as you know, the energies of the Earth are greatly influenced by free will and the collective consciousness of the Earth. So you can see for yourself what it was like at the time that this light was introduced to humanity.
I now turn, shifting my focus to each one of you who is here with me in this moment. I look at you, and I see you. I hear over and over again, that you or humanity is not seen or they are not heard. Wars are fought, because one does not understand another, be it individual culture, belief. I see you; I see you as you are in this moment and I see you as you are in your life. [Deep breathe]
When people are lonely, they are lonely, because they feel isolated, separate, alone. This time of year seems to accentuate that for many different people. So I see you, I flow my essence to you. I send forth love in the form of a hug. Allow my light to come into and surround you within your space. As I shine my light upon the Earth it may be that there are many different things that come to people’s awareness. Allow whatever it is that it’s been hidden to come out into the light, right now.
As I shine my light upon the Earth let all that is infused with density, with darkness, with pain, with anything at all that keeps you from feeling good in your own personal life, but also on a worldwide basis. I infuse my light, that it may shift or transition into a way that it becomes much more balanced. Each one of you already has a very conscious alignment with your divinity. Your divinity is your light. Your divinity illuminates all that is within you. Your divinity loves you unconditionally [Deep breath] so breathe that in, breath down what that feels like to you.
As I again look out at all of you who are here, I invite you to take an opportunity to look at the Earth. It is indeed profound the amount of change that has taken place since the time that Jeshua walked upon the Earth. As each one of you considers what it was like then look at what it is now. It is as if you see the Earth, perhaps at a particular dimension that was represented as the time of Jeshua’s birth and now as you look at that same Earth it has expanded in a profound manner.
There is a great deal more illumination present. There are significantly more individuals who live upon the Earth and as you consider the light that each one of them bring within their own existence, that in and of itself is a part of the change. But it’s more than that, it is the fact that the Earth has shifted into a higher consciousness. Indeed, the collective consciousness continues to have the greater diversity.
There are still people, experiences, places, things that are and will be transitioned. But you as the conscious light bearers of the Earth, you have a brilliant opportunity to work with your own divinity; to work with manifesting more of your divinity into your life. So breathe that down within you.
Look at your life from this place of illumination. If there are things you have been seeking to manifest look about you, see, what is there. If there are things that you have wanted in your life, but they have not manifested, look in a different direction for insight as to why it hasn’t happened.
As you breathe in and accept the light that is you, your life becomes illuminated. I represent the many who are here and work with you on a consistent basis. We all hear you when you ask, ‘if I’m upon this path of Ascension and I have done so much why don’t I see it in my life or why am I still struggling?’ We hear you, and we would like for you to reach out with us and let’s peel back another layer that surrounds the Earth. [Deep breath]
As we peel back this layer, it is releasing that which was unknown to you. It is releasing some of that density that works as if it’s a road block in your life. As we peel back this layer, what you seek is even closer to you than it has ever been before. You may ask what do you need to do for it to manifest. You need only find a place in which you feel good.
Yes, I hear you laughing. Yes, I hear you saying, that’s ridiculous. I believe the Goddess has mentioned it in other conferences, but when you are in the space of higher vibrations, when you’re out here in the universe, when you’re out in the All That Is, you know that by creating stress, creating a struggle, making an effort, it slows things down. When you are out here, in the All That Is and you feel all this energy, you just naturally feel the flow, you feel yourself expand. You feel the shift that takes place around you. It happens through ease, through acceptance, through allowing.
So while there are still the aspects, of what I will call the veil or those aspects of being human, the more that you are in the place of the lighter finer vibrations, the more, things are enhanced through ease, through expansion, through allowing. [Deep breath] So we have just shifted the energies again. We’ve pulled back another veil or shall I say another layer of the veil. Look at who you are, look at your life.
I Sananda have appreciated this opportunity to speak with you, but also to work with the energies who are here. You are all masters of energy; you are all evolved soul essence, who have done this type of work in one form or another many, many different times. If you don’t remember I will remember for you. [Deep breath]
I celebrate with you. I honor you and I walk as ever with you.
The Goddess Speaks:
I the Goddess, shift back within Shelly. As I do so, I can feel how much energy has been shifted this evening.
One might say, Sananda is very powerful, indeed he is, but it’s not just Sananda, it is all of you. It is the other angels. It is so much more than any one thing, it is the group and each one of you, are a very integral part of that. I feel such great love; I feel such admiration for you as you live your life.
I invite you to have a sense of coming back together. Have you noticed that as we come together as a group there is less of the need for the hologram? There is such a continuance flow of energy into your physical Earth that the hologram itself is not as much needed to transport that energy. When we first created the hologram, it was as a vehicle to transmit the energy of the experience into the Earth. So this time as that hologram comes up within the center of the group look at it. Open to feel or sense what the hologram is to you.
As you gather your energies have a sense of linking with the illumination of your light. As you link with that consciousness allow it to flow within the hologram itself. As it flows within the hologram, it is as if there is this burst of energy, this brilliance. As all of you infuse the hologram, each of you as that individual light essence becomes a part of the whole and that brilliant ball of light expands. [Deep breath]
There is a sense of releasing the hologram or releasing that ball of light. It moves down as if to move through the crystalline grid. From there it continues on, it comes into contact with the magnetic grid, as it does so there is an essence that moves through this space assisting it in shifting and expanding. The rest of the energy continues to move down, it moves into the physical Earth itself. As it does so, it links with the core essence of the Earth that links with those crystal aspects that make up the center of the Earth and that radiates out from there. [Deep breath]
Feel how that energy comes up from within the Earth; it comes up within you in your physical presence. You may have a sense of anchoring more fully due to this energy coming up from the Earth, but it also comes out through the grass, the water, the trees, the flowers. It comes out through every particle that is the Earth and that lives upon the Earth. In this way it is creating a greater shift that is in alignment with what Sananda spoke of. You may feel it, you may sense it. [Deep breath]
Allow your consciousness to shift once more, that you may come back within this space of the All That Is. As you once more take a look around, open to see who you are, open to this new perception of your life. Allow yourself to then shift more fully back within the soul plane.
Are you conscious of a greater amount of your divinity as you come back within this space? Do you have a sense of feeling as if you know yourself even better? There is the greater amount of your divinity that remains within this space, but as much as its possible shift with you coming back within the crystalline grid.
As it does so, you feel that sparkling essence, as it illuminates and enhances your own awareness. From there you shift more fully, you too move through the magnetic grid, you move through your higher self. Then have a sense of the energy as it streams down coming within and around you in your human self or your human form.
As you breathe deeply consciously breathe within you this expanded essence. Breathe it all the way down sending it into the Earth and feel as if you, in your human reality are completely aligned with all that you experienced in this journey.
As we are bringing this evening to a close, I invite you to once more reach out from your place here on Earth, that you may feel the essence of your divinity flow within and through you. Allow that divinity to clear out anything that may be holding you back or keeping you from where you wish to be. Allow yourself to be open to the support of all who are here to be with you and know that you are loved, that you are seen and that we acknowledge all of who you are in your life.
I am ever with you and within you.
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