lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
Today is November 16th and it has been a few days since the onset of the 11-11-11 energies onto the planet. We are being tested as never before to stand up to our Divine Essence within as the Female Divinity is now being our guide upon this Earth.
I have read many accounts of this glorious day and some did not feel any difference but yet, if you truly are walking onto a spiritual pathway how can you not see the changes within you. To me that says there is a lack of awareness of what is within and without. Those of us that have been awaiting for this time are fully embracing our new world but not without challenges. Each of us are being tested and prodded in many different ways depending upon the essence of your pathway. It depends upon where you are presently, how you feel about yourself, and are you willing to look at the changes that need to be created.
I am no different in this phase of our existence. I have been asked by the Lady Masters to fully imbue their energies within my physical world. Not an easy task as that is my challenge presently to fully embody the highest Feminine Divine within to fully assist myself and others. You will see a difference in my teachings and my messages of Light. They will be imbued with this essence more so than ever before. Assisting me with these elements is a gentleman who has been a good friend for a couple of years. Mike Hayden has relocated to Mt. Shasta, and we will be partnering for this spiritual pathway. Mike is also embodying the balancing energies of the Divine Masculine and is learning about his gifts that have been locked away. He will be assisting me in my calls and classes along with other projects that we are asked to create through Lord Adama and the Team of Light. This will allow me to fully embrace the Goddess Within, the Priestess of Lemuria more deeply. It is a big change for me giving up the logistics and worrying about how to go about the details of my presentations. I am honored that my pilgrimage to Mount Shasta has brought me to this new phase of my existence. I thank Lord Adama and Saint Germain deeply for pushing me to get to this position in my life. I now am grateful for all of the Lady Masters as their energies will be shining more deeply through me.
The class that took place in October for the Preparation of the 11:11:11 energies will continue as we delve deeper into fully releasing the blockages, debris, karmic ties, and all elements that are not allowing us to feel our full potential. “Learning to Embrace the Golden Energies of 11:11:11” will be a multi-step program into the depths of our fears and worries that may be locked within our Etheric Body and the Chakra System. More information about these classes is provided under “Event Calendar” on my website.
We are all experiencing the element of rebirth as our Soul’s Essence is fully being integrated within us as the Feminine Divine is now our guide. The old ways of Being will be removed and this is the process we are going under. The Cellular Memory is being restructured with the essence of our divinity in this moment of time. Embrace the change within, and you will thank yourself through the process. In summation it is very important to fully get to the Core Essence of your Beingness, and we are here to assist you in this process. Each of us is moving into the 5th dimensional level of awareness but we need to fully intuit it within the physical realm. This is not an easy task but we are all here to assist one another.
In Expressions of Oneness,
Rev. Christine Meleriessee
Embracing Compassion and Mercy Within
Lady Quan Yin
I come to you in this moment as Lady Quan Yin wanting to share some thoughts on what has occurred for everyone onto this planet. 11:11:11 was a frequency of great proportion and the essence that is being embodied within you is an element that you never have experienced physically. This is why it can be very challenging.
The challenge lies in where you hold the most frequency of your Yang energies as these elements are the ones that truly need the most compassion and love. As the frequencies are expressed within you, the elements will arise for you to feel. Some are going to be expressing it in different parts of their Being but the True Essence will come from the Cellular Memory. This is where the pockets of debris have been stored through your Soul’s Essence from lifetime to lifetime and within your inter-planetary travels. It is within these confines that it can be very challenging to fully awaken onto your conscious awareness. This is where the true test will be of knowing where you may be in your acceleration process.
The body is readjusting to fully allow the integration of your fullness to be incorporated. Many will not get to this stage or may feel it in different segments. It depends upon how and when you are allowing it to be fully incorporated within you. Some of you may fight the process without even knowing that you are doing so. You will have moments of euphoria and then that can change very quickly. The most important element I can share with you is to fully be compassionate with yourself through the whole process.
It is very important to allow the tears to flow as this shows that the Yin energies are coming fully into your Being. Part of the essence of the feminine divine is allowing the emotions to flow. Those that have the ability to allow the tears to be a major part of their healing are way beyond others that hold those elements back. It is part of the process of allowing oneself to fully acquire the Divinity Within. The female essence has a way of fully incorporating the truth through the emotion and then the result is the movement of the tears. So do not stop the tears; allow them to be part of the healing process. It is a very important part of surrendering onto the frequencies that are presently actualizing within the Earth and within each of you.
As you walk into the unknown areas of your new life, embrace each of these moments. You shall treasure them deeply within your Heart as they are the allowance within You that is being actualized. Your soul has never experienced such beauty and light within a physical body so it is completely new and can be very raw to the emotions. It is very important to realize all these elements as you are going through your days. Whatever you experienced on the day of November 11th,, that set the precedence of the energies to incorporate within your life. Some may have meditated alone or with others, performed a ceremony, sat in nature, experienced being with large groups of people or possibly just a few people gathering together. Think about your intentions on this day and how you went about sharing your Light with Gaia. Those that are fully connected to the Earth will have a deep-seeded need to continue in that realm of experience. Those that were alone will find the silence is their friend. Individuals that gathered together in groups will find that this element is very important in their lives. And those that were conduits for the energy will feel it deeply within their lives as this is their purpose. Please know that people that shared with one another on this day will be bonded for an eternity, and will always have a deep desire to connect within their essences in various ways.
I say to each of the men on this pathway, “Please honor yourselves very deeply through this process. It is important to allow your tears to flow also just like the women and honor your emotional body more than you ever have done so previously. Share onto the women in your life what you are feeling as expressing the words can have great power within the meaning. As you do this, you will see a difference in how you feel and incorporate these frequencies. It is time for you to honor the women of the world and let go of your fears that have held you in bondage.”
I now share with the women, “It is your time to fully be in your power without the lower ego getting in the way. Many of you are very independent and have had to make ways for yourself but the time is coming for you to trust yourself deeply more than ever through this process. Tears will flow and the more that you connect with each of us, the Divine Mother and the Lady Masters, you will allow those emotions to heal the world. Tears are an essential component for you and will help the masses to feel. So please, trust in this process, allow your controls that you have held in your life to be removed and trust the men around you when the circumstances allow it to be. When you fully trust within yourself, then you will trust the relationships that you create. Without it, you will fully fall into the old habits from the past. Receiving these frequencies is the beginning to a life filled with love and sharing with others.”
I know share with all of consciousness, men and women that are walking this pathway of light, “Thank you, everyone for allowing yourselves to be in this space of continuum and fully are the Way-Showers upon this planet. Each of you are being prepared for a pathway that only one could dream about; some are about to embark upon a completely new way of living and loving one another. It is a glorious time but glory does not occur until One is fully ready to accept their Divinity, Purpose, and Pathway sharing the Light that they Are.”
Keep aspiring to more as the more you create and dream the more you will realize within your lives. We are happy to stand with each of you through this process. Know that the challenges do come with great rewards and it will not be at the end of the transformation, but in each moment, stop to take a breath and feel your Essence becoming Divinely Attuned to your Being in each moment.
It is my pleasure to be of service. I Am Quan Yin
So Mote It Be. It Is Done.
In the Name of YHWH and All Of Creation, We Are One
Wow-Thank You Quan Yin.I love her so much-so beautiful.Yes-the tears have flown a lot recently and I have always known they are important-they cleanse.So great to hear this!
Blessed be. Amanda
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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SUN and Central Sun Connection
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