Oh my! Here in Virginia the leaves are turning. My mind says that
it is still summer but the heart already knows that we are flowing
into the fall of yet another year. This year has turned out to be an
incredible time of she
dding the skin of the old: No more hiding behind identities that no
longer serve the purpose of greatest expansion.
Transparency of heart is the key to creating the life of our
desire and connection to our source is what shows us the way through the maze of this great time of radical change.
We are entering that time when we are able to reset just about everything about our lives here on earth. The holographic creations that we have long ago imagined into creation are landing into and informing, and transforming, the physical patterns of manifestation now.
The new light codes of humanity have just been infused into the world grid, the grid of humanity. We are now fully living in the age of the new human.
I described this mass awakened state in the form of water: When you put an infusion of colored liquid into clear water, you can see the infusion taking place. The very
moment that the infusion has been dropped into the ocean of
clear water, everything is instantly transformed. Even though the
very edges of the water have yet to turn from clear to color, the
instant the very first drop hits the water, the entire body has
Applying this metaphor to the whole of humanity, and for that
matter all the other worlds that are connected to this world, is
exactly what has just happened. The game of life here has been
irrevocably transformed.
What has caused this radical shift?
When out in Colorado last month, I experienced this as the new
codes of humanity were activated during the work with Bill
Buehler, then later placed into the world grid by another group
in Greece.
It was the thirteenth pillar of light that had been missing from the
equation all along. In our history and folklore, there are major
references to 12 pillars, 12 disciples, 12 principles. The war lords,
long ago, extracted the key pillar, the 13th, from the wisdom base
of humanity.
What is significant about the thirteenth pillar?
Twelve is the knowledge-base that all the ancient mystery schools worked so hard
to protect. Unfortunately, it was an incomplete system which is what allowed
distortion to creep into even the purest of intentions, and caused
destabilization the grid of light that many beings swore to protect.
Now, with the infusion of the thirteenth, purity of heart, into the
entirety of the thirteen, that single most essential quality transforms
this world and all other worlds. The akashic records have been
restored and with the reordering of all the life lessons that we have
experienced as a part of our human experience are being restored
to their original meaning as well. Humanity is being reset back to
its original blueprint.
This level of massive transformation puts new meaning to the
phrase "as above so below".
What does all this mean in terms of your life now?
Pay attention to the feeling within you. Listen to your heart. Watch
as your life, your joy expands and all your desires become a reality.
It is the time of the great reconnection. The world of duality
dissolves. As we are restored so too is our world reordered by the
choices we make in this new reality of all as one.
As I sit with this understanding, the writing that came through from
the Guides the other day makes more sense in this context:
This month's message:
We have come to you on many occasions and told you to prepare
for great change--for great change in the form of challenge and
opportunity is upon you now. This is the period of time in your
human history when your humanity is to let go of what you have
come to expect, and to embrace the love of all that flows forth. It
is the time when you recognize the impossible, the improbable.
The mind of God that you are is in charge of the flow of light
coming into your sphere of influence. Light is like a wall of water.
If you allow your heart to open and set aside the constraints of the
mind to understand the impossible, this rain of love shall shower
you with grace beyond measure.
Your human mind cannot understand the magnitude of what has
already anchored into your awareness but the heart of who you
are is quite aware of your ability to open to a new way of being in
this world. Allow the grace of all other worlds to unite within you.
The new humanity is a human experience that is fully opened to
God consciousness. This renewed state of being has been birthed
into form. We are not asking you to believe in a savior: You
are that which you pray to; you are the rebirthed christed being in
human form.
Every being is complete with codes, DNA codes that are triggered
by high vibrational frequencies of light. These gateways were once
closed off from humanity, but are now open. The Keys of Enoch
explained this formation of light long ago.
Now with the spectrum of light opened up for you to receive, there
is no longer a need to divide the worlds. You have come to describe these worlds
as heaven, earth and hell to signify strata of vibrational states of being. These
realms have been merged, or open up. Prepare your mind to
receive what your heart, the heart of God that you are already, to
receive the truth of who you truly are, and as you do, know that all
is well.
# # #
It's a great time of making choice to let go of the division that we
create within us and play out as polarized versions of self.
Conscious choice changes all of that. As an example, when I
awoke this morning, I asked my husband Mark to witness my
letting go of worry about others. He too affirmed his decision to
stop the identification with deep sadness.
What habitual way of creating are you to let go of today? Your
conscious decision and affirmation sets your life into motion and
allows you to flow with all the knowledge of love beyond measure
into all the spaces of your life now.
It's time to fly.
Sending you a warm embrace,
Carol Fitzpatrick