The Infinite Human: Peace
by Scott Rabalais
October 16, 2010
The experience of inner peace can be described as one of serenity, tranquility and stillness. It can also be defined as the absence of struggle, anxiety and disturbance. While peace is a condition sought by individuals, politicians, groups and countries, it remains ever so elusive. When one situation is resolved, another seems to arise. With all the effort directed towards peaceful resolution, why is peace so difficult to attain?
In higher consciousness is the recognition that peace is our natural state of being. Similar to freedom, love, harmony and truth, peace is inherent within the light. It is the very essence of our being. As we experience the light, we experience peace, commonly referred to as “peace of mind.” Yet, the peace that is of the light is not of the thinking mind, but beyond the thoughts that stream through our awareness.
The experience of the light can be akin to gazing at the tranquil waters of a still lake. When the waters are undisturbed, there exists on the surface a perfect reflection of the trees, clouds and sky. As soon as the waters ripple, no longer can nature be reflected in clarity. Likewise, the process of thinking is that which causes a disturbance in the awareness of the light. Only in stillness is the most profound peace experienced.
As our awareness moves away from light (our essence) and into the thinking mind, there develops a chasm in perception. Our attention moves into the dualistic mind, that which functions in a positive-negative polarity, a disturbance of the unity of existence. It is in this thinking mind that we create judgment and fear. This polarized condition of the mind takes us away from our true identity as light beings of peace. This perceived separation of our authentic selves from our “thinking” selves is the inner chasm that prohibits an awareness of peace.
So how do we close this inner chasm? We have two choices.
One choice is to attempt to fill the chasm with a myriad of stimuli. Some try drinking and drugs, while others resort to greed and opulence. We use relationships and activities in an effort to fill the void. Movies, books television shows and intellectual pursuits can all serve as vehicles to fill the inner vacuum. Anything and everything can be a prop to fill the emptiness within us when we lack a sense of inner peace.
Of course, this is not to say that movies or books or our fellow human beings are to be ignored or forbidden. We can co-exist with any aspect of the cosmos while in a natural state of peace, rather than using it in an attempt to fulfill what we perceive as incompleteness within.
Taking the route of “stuffing” the chasm is only a temporary solution. We are satisfied momentarily, until soon that satisfaction dissolves and we have the need for another stimulus. We must continue to feed the chasm, lest we will be faced with an emptiness that is often deemed unbearable. The chasm can be our worst nightmare, a glance into the nothingness, a feeling of being lost and confused. We often deem it better to occupy the thinking mind with an endless supply of stimulation than to face the “unknown” within.
When we wise up to the game we are playing and realize the futility in trying to close the chasm through the use of the thinking mind, we may look toward the second option. This choice is to align self-perception with the perception of light. When doing so, all the false and limited notions about who and what we are fall away. We no longer have the need to fill a chasm as the void disappears. We realize our true identity as light, and we align ourselves with our authenticity. We are aware of our completeness and our wholeness. No emptiness remains and we are at peace.
This recognition of peace and wholeness is ours as we transcend the thinking mind and enter the higher realms. We must bring the thinking mind to stillness, which is done through awareness. It’s the beauty of meditation – simply observing the thoughts that dance across the screen of our mind – that allows the “lake” to be still and perfectly reflective.
The single step in awareness that takes us out of the thinking mind and into the transcendental awareness is our first step into peace. This is a profound peace beyond description, one that is free of any and all internal discord, strife or fight. This peace has infinite depth and no boundaries. It is as extensive as the cosmos itself.
In transcendent consciousness, the thinking mind is relegated to its rightful place and purpose. It is there to serve as a tool of the light, so to speak, rather than as the master of our experience. We no longer serve at the whim of the ups and downs of our thoughts and emotions. Instead, we bask in the equanimity that is the light. We are the masters of our experience rather than the victims. We use thought to serve us, rather than to govern us.
The discord between nations, factions, religions and any other entities is simply a collective reflection of the individual’s state of consciousness. Where there is an ignorance of the light within, there will be a chasm. Where there is a chasm, there will likely be fear, fear of one’s self and what lies within. This fear says, “I am afraid of knowing who and what I am.”
When we realize there is no need to fear and that within we are whole and complete, we are ready take that step into peace. The farther we walk into the light of peace, the farther we walk away from the thinking mind and its limited perceptions. As we walk into peace, the chasm closes and we are no longer haunted by any false identity. Better yet, we live a life profound – one where we walk each step without any fear, doubt or worry – a life of boundless peace.
Peace is a state of being, rather than a state of mind. It is our experience when the thinking mind ceases, when we realize that we are infinite light beings of the cosmos. It is not necessary to find a quiet environment to experience peace, such as an isolated place in the forest or at the beach at sunset. No matter where we are and what we are doing, we become peace. It is at the very nature of our existence. In our awareness of that nature, we are peaceful.
Copyright © Scott Rabalais - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article freely on the condition that the author’s name is included with the article.