lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light
7th July
~The Federation
of Light~
Good morning to
you. I wonder if I could bring up the issue of the eactivationf in our last
communication? Many experienced something strong, many didnft and yet found
later they could see aurafs or sensing some change from within, many didnft
experience anything at all, even though they gave it a go several times. Could
you please explain why some felt it and some didnftf?
Indeed we would
feel this appropriate. For we are aware that some were perplexed at the lack of
outcome which therefore stirred from within a disappointment of sorts. But we
ask you to KNOW when we say that whosoever made the efforts to perform the task
of activation c IT WILL HAVE OCCURRED.
Thatfs really
good to hear, and yet how come some felt it and some
Because of the
necessary adjustments to the individualfs energy field and the level of
vibration they were in at that particular moment. Not, we stress, NOT because
of the level they reside in full time, if we may express it that way. There are
many that were expecting the Earth to move c and due to the anticipation ...
the expectancy overruled the actual phenomenon and if you like edisguisedf that
which actually took place. Yet we continue to express that the event within
each one DID occur. Perhaps we would say that some have been eput on a timerf
and for those who did not feel it immediately they will WITHOUT DOUBT KNOW the
moment when their particular etimer e goes off. There can also be for some c
eactivational triggersf that shall take place at the correct time for
OK. Thank you.
Anything more you would like to add on that matter before we move
Yes. We desire to
additionally remark upon the devout intentions of so many to bring your world
into its Higher realm. The activation process deemed its self- importance and
many more than you realise succumbed to their inner voice and followed its
calling. Do you see dear ones? Do you see how the Divine Plan is coming
together? It is happening NOW. You only need to sit and FEEL it in the silence
of yourself to KNOW of its TRUTH.
Thank you. I KNOW
I have asked of this before, but there is so much speculation as to what is to
take place regarding the Gulf oil spill. So many are living in fear c
understandably. Would you feel it appropriate to speak more of this ongoing
disaster, to perhaps relieve the fears of many? If you FEEL you have said all
that needs to be said, then I shall accept that of
now, many are learning of matters that at one time they could only conceive as
make believe. We say, from the HIGHEST PLACE OF AUTHORITY c VERY SOON c AMONG
YOU shall be LIGHT that cannot be covered up or hidden from view. *A decloaking
as you know of it to be expressed c SHALL occur on a scale of that which we
have spoken in the past. Many KNOW of this in your hearts. Many FEEL this in
your hearts and at times we are aware of the yearning c the longing c for this
to take place. It is soon to be upon you.
Hate to interrupt
and of course with all respect c but as we have discussed in the past cThat
word esoonf doesnft cut it for us down here. Your version of esoonf is very
different from ours down here. Your esoonf could mean in a few years c to us c
thatfs LIGHT YEARS AWAY in the terms of expectancy!!!! eSoonf to us means in
the next couple of days or months, so to be honest c Could we scrap that word
for now c as, for us earthlings ... it is very
We accept your
proposal and we smile as we say Light- heartedly yet again c oh ye of little
And I accept it
Light-heartedly, for as you know, myself and who knows exactly how many
thousands, have KNOWING rather than faith c yet it is our etime differencef
that causes the dilemma.
Yet there is no
dilemma from our perspective. You can only see with your human eyes
And yet do we not
FEEL with our spirit hearts? And through your teachings we are learning to
listen to our FEELINGS above all else.
And what are your
feelings telling you of?
About you coming
c about you showing up in the way you have always said you would c.
And as you
have just said, have we not taught you and have you not adhered to this lesson
of KNOWING that your FEELINGS are your TRUTH? For they and only they (your
feelings) can alert you to what is. Your mindsf thoughts can wonder and
interact with all forms of energy that may confuse ANY given matter, and yet c
ask your soul, ask your heart what it is FEELING about ANYTHING and it will
always give you the TRUTH . For it cannot c it is not designed c to give you
anything other than what it is c TRUTH.
So these FEELINGS that so many of you are experiencing are what is about to
take place.
But we donft know
what these FEELINGS are saying c we can FEEL them, but what are they telling
Let us ask you
that question ... What are your feelings telling you?
Erm c are we not
going round in circles here? We started this section off by saying that the
FEELINGS were telling us that you were coming esoonf.
Thank you. Shall
we continue on this wheel or shall we move on.
Understood! What
would you like to discuss next?
Your futures. It
is so very important, more than you realise, at this time to be very precise
about decisions you make regarding your everyday existence. Lift up your
spirits into a place of great value. How much do you think you value who you
are and why you are here? It would benefit you endlessly to involve your
FEELINGS with valuing the position you are in right here, right now. For by
doing so , you will allow the activation notch to be tuned into an ever
increasing frequency that releases acceptance and understanding as you move
into that ever increasing frequency.
I sort of get
that. Are you saying that the more we value the privilege of being chosen to be
here at this wondrous time, the more are vibration rises and the more we can
value ourselves c and the more we value ourselves the more c. Etc c. You get
the picture?
That is precisely
what we are saying.
Oooh! I just
heard the next sentence you wanted to put, and thought c ehere we go!!fAnd that
sentence was????
You are waiting
for yourselves.
And you knew I
would be saying c please detail this on a deeper level if you would. Because I
am taking that sentence on the lines that many are waiting for eThe Star Kindf
to arrive and give us a helping hand in all this mess we have made down here c
so how does that tie in with your statement e Waiting for
Has it ever
occurred to you that those very eStar Kindf that you speak of may just be a
HIGHER version of yourselves? After all, you have come to know that you are
just a small aspect of who you are , experiencing a eplaytimef on this planet
Indeed c this was
the intention c this was its original purpose. To play c the derision of which
is to be of joy to have fun c is it not? THIS WAS OUR INTENTION FOR YOU. And
although the experiment did not finalise in the way we had assumed c it is none
the less IN THE BIG SCHEME OF THINGS c just a small experiment. We can FEEL
your FEELINGS Blossom as you write for us. We are aware that as a human NOW on
your planet, it appears we are of little comprehension of what it actually
entails to be experiencing elife on earthf at this
For when you are
here deep within it c all the horror and disaster and control and abuse of free
choice etc seems to FEEL a lot more than a small experiment that went c got to
say it c excuse me c. Arse up!!! I am not angry saying this , not at all, it is
just I can sort of FEEL what you are about to say and I eGET ITf, but when you
are actually here on earth playing your part it all FEELS so important that we
are doing so.
understand from your inner KNOWING that you are playing a role. You are
carrying out your destined will in order to uplift this tiny tiny planet called
Earth. IT IS OF GREAT IMPORTANCE IN THE SCHEME of things, and yet, if you were
able to comprehend the vastness of eternity , which of course in
incomprehensible, you would also come to the realisation that this eEVENTf is
merely a small aspect when you consider FOREVERNESS. Each step that is made
along the eternal path of LOVE is simply a happening. Life c all life c all
LOVE c is simply experiencing a happening.
We can FEEL too
your need to return to the matter of ewaiting for
Yes, you said, or
I FEEL you implied that those that shall arrive in the ships in the sky c are a
Higher version of ourselves?
That is correct.
And now knowing this, do you see the importance and necessity of your vibration
being of a degree that could handle this?
Well, sort of.
Guessing that if we were not ready to accept and receive this information, when
I finally met a Higher aspect of myself c this one, this human one, might keel
over in surprise, and if we all did that, there would be little point of any of
it. I am TRULY a bit lost here c So, your'e saying we are going to meet a
Higher aspect of ourselves c What ? All of us? Each one of us? A biggy is
coming, I just got the gist of what you are about to say c. THIS IS ALL SO
Let us take this
slowly when we say c consider the notion that a group of souls on your planet
earth c a large group c may together c make up c one Star
Far out!! So what
you are saying is c I FEEL c I think c that those with whom we may feel very
strongly connected to c those that we say we have a deep soul connection with c
when moulded together become one soul in the realms of the star
That is
Thatfs blown me
away. Holy Moley and any other appropriate
And then to take
it a step further c
Steady Neddy ,
because I might fall off my perch!!
Take that same
scenario and adjust it to it happening to the visitors that are to come c them
meeting up with the next Higher aspect of themselves, so that many estarkindf
who were of a soul group , then became ONE Higher Being cand so on and so on .
If you take this into account, perhaps it helps you to understand the concept
Yes, yes it does.
White Cloud once spoke of a metaphor regarding this, it has just come to mind,
as to how Love was broken down into many particles etc, too long to go into
now, and even though I had understood that, I had never really looked at it
from a point of view of people. Well, not in the way that you have just
described. Itfs so weird to try and get my head around it c so, what happens
then c when say c my soul group c meets itself c as portrayed as one Star
This dearest
inquisitive one, we must leave for another time. In some ways we would need to
discuss amongst the Higherarchy whether or not it would be appropriate to
reveal such things. For as you KNOW c the saying goes c when the pupil is ready
the teacher will come.
And I know,
simply because I am so accustomed to the KNOWING of when a session is over,
that the bell has just gone and itfs time to go out and play. As Alice in
Wonderland once said c ecuriouser and curiouser!!!!!!!f Mmm a lot to think
about today. Thank you so much for sharing all this with us. Part of the plan I
know and yet I know itfs not compulsory. Like for each one of us that is
awakening more and more into the Light we share our knowledge because we want
to , not because we have to. Ok c I guess I shall be having a real think about
WHO is ME. Who I am part of on this earth plane right now that is not just a
friend or part of my family , but is actually ME!! LORD MAUD. And what you have
shared with us today I FEEL is just a current in the cake c I canft possibly
imagine what the icing on top will contain!! Until next time oh blowers of
minds c much Love Light and thanks!! PHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!
*As I was reading
through for spelling etc, I got to this bit and FOR NO REASON AT ALL ... or for
every reason , my page changed on my site and the following channelling came
up. So I feel I should guide you towards reading this again ... after a few
years it seems!! Very strange ... Truly I was just reading , touched nothing
and it came up all by itself ... (or not)!
(around end of
August 2008 )
@The Federation of Light
3.Sorry c a little late for work today!! Was busy being your P.A.!!! Radio got
cancelled. Thatfs fine. eAll is asf etc. I have a feeling it will be more
appropriate when it is rebooked. I have to say I breathed a sigh of relief when
I heard! I was going to say eI knowc cowardfc but all things considered I donft
think I am!! Anyone about?
Challenges are ahead.
No offencec but do I really want to hear this ?
Have you not faced challenges before Blossom? And may we say with glee, you
intervened before allowing us to finish our sentence c
Oops sorry!
We in fact were not speaking directly to you. We speak to those who are of
courage and read these words knowing in their heart of the ordeals that may be
presented to your race as the coming of our ship into your skies draws near.
Yet we ask you c NOT TO BE AFRAID. You have enough fear upon your planet do you
not? Our aim is to decrease it not to enhance it. That is why we need you to
search your souls for your TRUTH. For indeed when you find it you will know
that FEAR is unnecessary. You yourself Blossom have experienced great fear
within your being from the effect that our message has brought to the sudden
change of your everyday living. You yourself have had to find a way to move
through it and come out smiling. And as you continue you are finding a strength
and indeed a joy that is surprising you are you not?
Now and then! Depends on where I allow myself to go with it all really. It
certainly is teaching me to live in the now for no-one can foresee what your
appearance shall do to those in our world and how things will change. You have
to admit, itfs a bit bigger than the Queen popping over for a visit (with all
respect Your Majesty!) And of course we are all wondering if our daily lives
will cease to be and a thousand other questions that your quest conjures
We fully accept your thoughts. We understand of the trepidation and yet, if you
follow our words as a TRUE SOURCE, then we have repeatedly expressed to you
that all shall be well. YES. There shall be initial upheaval on a large scale,
but to counteract that experience there shall be a PEACE entering your planet
that has not yet been able to be induced. If you allow yourself to breathe in
that PEACE you shall feel an understanding in your soul and you shall simply
KNOW that IT HAS BEGUN. Your fear will instantly subside, for there shall be NO
DENYING OF THIS TRUTH that we have come to guide you on the pathway home. How
your hearts will sing my warriors. How you shall shine in the Light of your
hearts contentment. For so long have you as a race been awaiting your calling.
For so long have you listened out into the silence and yet still you knew that
we would not desert you and that these days were never far away. For you could
feel it in your Being. As many of you feel it now. You can actually efeelf us
tapping into your energy. To prepare you. To just say ehellof. As we prepare
you, so you must prepare your selves. Diligently. Take/find the time in these
future days to sink into the comfort of the soulfs remembrance. You are, at
these times of meditation being efedf the nutrients your soul requires for
these times. You have long awaited these times that are coming. It is with
enormous validity (?) that what we shall present to you shall be of absolute
conviction to the answers that each one of you are asking.
Thanks for that. Got to be honest. That last bit was a little difficult to get
through and I always feel it best to stop when it feels that way, so as not to
have to TRY c if you know what I mean. So thank you for this information. We
got the e-book out today. So when you said way back that it would be in print
before the year was out and I doubted that c I shouldnft have. I know itfs not
in book form yet, but it doesnft have a cover! And c you wanted it to be called
esnapshotfc naturally it had s crossed my mind that the cover might be a
picture of eTHE VISITf!
4.Whoa! What a ride this last month has been. And I have a feeling this is just
the beginning! My mind is filled with a thousand things that I never knew of
before I sent out your message. Many channellers world wide are confirming your
announcement. Many have asked me to ask you questions. I feel more at home
sticking to the way we have always worked and just TRUSTING in the fact that
what you need to be known you shall make me aware of. I can feel your eagerness
to begin c so lets!
Indeed there is excitement commencing in your world and MANY others. Blossom,
we commend you for your bravery. Look how by being of this, we have been able
to do our side in making sure that we are heard. And as you say c this is just
the beginning. As days draw closer to our arrival, let it be known that there
will be a tremor c a rumbling would be more apt. This is to be of no fear, but
it is unavoidable.
Dear ones, who read these words. Understand this. From our hearts we wish that
you be of PEACE on our arrival. This is essential. Do not succumb to the scare
mongers of your world. We ask that you pay heed to the feeling within
yourselves and KNOW that we are of THE LIGHT. For you shall be told otherwise.
This is to deter.
We say CONGRATULATIONS to you souls of earth. For without your expectancy this
eshowingf would not be possible. There is little time left now. We shall be
there c as you say in your world c with bells on!
There are questions in my mind, such as the whereabouts etc, yet I know you
have your reasons and therefore I shall abide by your knowledge in what is best
for us as a race.
You are surprised as we are not flowing forth as you thought we may. Is this
Indeed c funnily enough though c I understand. I am keen to put up more
postings as I am aware many wish for the next installment c And yet c I can
feel that you intend to leave it as it is for now. I shall respect that.
Although a tad frustrating. On the other hand, your silence is sending me a
calmness of KNOWING and I donft know what it is I am KNOWING, but I KNOW I
KNOW! I shall try again when I feel it appropriate. Thank you my friends, for
TRUSTING in ME. I feel all the support I have been shown has been encouraged by
you c and it was much needed. I feel stronger about all this daily. When youfre
ready then. In Love.
Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.
Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!
We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.
The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.
Sonja Myriel RAouine
"About the Use of the Violet Flame"
I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.
One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.
This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.
You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!
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