lightgrid, St-Germain, gridwork, 7-Ray, Violet Ray, net-of-light

I don't know if anyone has seen the video footage of what is happening nightly in Jerusalem-but it is beautiful and goes along with this article.



Sananda: From The New Jerusalem

Given through Susan Leland
Sananda addressing the March 8, 2011 teleconference: 
Greetings, Beloved Family, it is I, Sananda, and I thank you that we are all together here in such a sacred and, yes, a high place.  And I say to you, "Welcome aboard the New Jerusalem!"  Come right in, come right in and look out the great windows and see flying with us, the Fleet.  And notice, if you will, we are accompanied by the Star of Bethlehem and by Niburu.  All are here, everyone is here - you and your guides make it complete and we kneel at your feet in honor that you join us for such high purpose and in such Love! 
For truly our coming together is powerful beyond words.  So we ask that you keep your visions in front of you as we do this Exercise.  We ask that you join with your Hearts and indeed with the All that You Are, which is mighty and sacred.  And yes, it does take a certain amount of  Courage to raise yourselves up so high as you join in with this mission.  And so we thank you, in advance even, of that which we are about to do, because it is our gift to each other, and to the entire of Planet Earth, below, on and above, and to the Universe, the Great Universe, beyond. 
And this is what you would call the eleventh hour for Planet Earth, and the hands of the clock are moving even now, and when they stand straight up together, that is your Ascension.  There is no accident, that is the month of twelve and the year of twelve, is it?  No accidents, only synchronicities. 
So with your visions very clear and with your Hearts open to join each other and to join with us, let us form that wondrous circle, and let us come together into each others’ fields of energy, all of us.  No one of us is any more or any less than any other.  We are all great and grand beings coming consciously to do great works, and let the message go out from here.  Let the message sound throughout the Universe that we put out, and let it especially touch planet Earth as we fly above, as we soar. 
And we are going to do something that might seem to be a bit magic, but it is entirely within our empowerment to do.  As we fly above Planet Earth, look down and see humanity and choose a place that you would particularly like to hover above for a moment, suspended as it were in this Light of Spirit.  Let it be a place where you have a vision to be, whether it be your home place now or another place; whether it be a permanent place or a place that you know you’re going to travel to in pursuit of your own mission and purpose. 
And let us stop everywhere that the voices are raised, everywhere you know, and everywhere that comes into your mind and your mind’s eye at this moment; where voices are being raised to rise up into the higher realms, to rise up and out of the box, the muck and the mire of the tar pits; to stop being stuck and to fly and soar.  And let us join with the children, all of the children of Planet Earth, the crystalline ones particularly, and let us send the message out to them: "We are here.  We are with you, Beloved Ones, and we honor you and see you as the leaders that you came here to be.  We empower you to join with us and together, together we create this world according to our highest visions, with Love as the answer, as the truth, and as the empowerment to all." 
So say with me, say it aloud or say it to yourselves, however you choose, but communicate this throughout your fields, send this message to you, each and every one of you and then allow it, allow it to go beyond each and every one of you as we do with you: 
I come with my courageous Heart and it’s full of Love for all creation!  I stand tall in my fields of energy because Love and the Light of it are all that I truly Am, and as my crystalline body forms I communicate even more this Love throughout my fields of energy and beyond to the world.  I am messenger, I am in mission and I devote all of my self, all that I Am, to Love and its messages. 
I came here long ago and I know where planet Earth is going as it rises, and I am committed, not only to going with it, but to bringing everyone else, my brothers, my sisters here on this great ship, my brothers and sisters on all of the ships that I see outside.  And as I look down and I see planet Earth so beautiful, shimmering in this Light of Love, I commit to bringing all of Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants who are desirous of coming with me into this higher reality, because this is my shining, this is my truth-telling, this is my shining-forth, this message to all who would hear it and open it. 
And I am shining it forth to all who would not open it, even this moment knowing, knowing that they will.  I am empowered to do this and I accept this as my mission, and I stand with all of my brothers and sisters who come from the lighted realms and I accept our togetherness, our partnering and our Oneness. And I allow the empowerment of this moment to come into my fields and stay with me and to empower me even more as I move joyfully and in highest of vibrations upon my path of Ascension. 
I know that We Are One and I now say, We’ are together; We are co-creating the most glorious and beautiful of visions for this Golden Age which is so close.  Our Hearts are joined now in this mission! We connect and communicate and commune with each other from now on in new ways of feeling, of flying together and soaring, and I thank myself, the glorious, sacred and divine being I Am, for being here in this company.  And I thank all of those in this company for being One with me in this mission of Light and Love. Together we co-create the highest and the best of times to come, and we have, together, come to a new and higher level from which to do so. 
And so, let us hug each other and let us light each other up with this great outpouring and upswelling of Love!  And, Beloved Ones, I tell you, from my Heart to yours that you shine even brighter and that we are together as One with no barriers, no resistance, just simply Love flowing freely and endlessly, shining bright and beautiful. 
And so my Mother stands with me.  Come forward now and accept, if you will, the Kumara roses into your Hearts.  Savor their velvety softness and yet feel their Strength and their Courage, which is offered to you.  Let us be One always.  The Truth is that we always have been, and we have done away with and beamed our way through whatever sensations of separation we may have had in this time together - We Are Truly One!  So let us welcome each other home to our Hearts and the One We All Are.  Thank you, Beloved Ones, and Namaste! 

I honor all of you and I bring the softness of my Love to you.  You’re awesome, Beloved Ones, and I feel your Love and I ask that you feel mine, and I assure you that whatever mission that I and my Paschat Warriors have, we shall do it with your Love accompanying us, as we are now One, together, in the creation of the vision of Freedom and Peace and Love upon Planet Earth, within, on and above. Thank you, Beloved Ones - the Joy continues to upswell!  Namaste!

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Beautiful Angela, as I read it I felt so good in my heart chakra....Thank you

Soooooo Beautiful!  Thank You Angela and All of Our BeLoved Masters, Elders, Peace and Love Warriors, LightWorkers Everywhere!  Hugs for All!  ~~~

Thank you so much for this reading.  I got a bad diagnosis at the doctor's last week.  Heart no less.  But this repeats what happened 25 years ago.  When the surgeon came in to repair the problem it had disappeared.  I had had a blessing by my church.  He left in amazement.  Our oneness will create that kind of miracle, again.   I'm going to see my shaman tonight, have put out requests for prayer at several churches, and also in this network.

I know we can prevail.

Ana Antaka



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!



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