The continued increase in the flow of energy is magnifying over time. Not only is there more of the universal energy available, it comes into the earth plane with greater and greater ease. There are of course many reasons for why this is happening, but this channel is focusing on one’s personal benefit of this increased flow. One statement from the Goddess was:
One of the reasons that the veil was put into place was because as a human it was difficult to fully take in all the energy that was involved in having multiple life existences occurring at the same time. Your brain as a human is still programmed to take in information and awareness in a more limiting manner.
While we are in the All That Is, the Goddess has us open to understand how many of us have other lives in existence at this time. As you align here within the All That Is and your Divinity it’s as if you are looking down upon the many different experiences of your soul at this time.
She went on to say that as we expand our consciousness, so too we are expanding out DNA; which in turn is also allowing this greater amount of our divinity to live within us. Through this expansion and awareness, everyone was able to receive greater and greater amounts of information. When one speaks of the ‘the answers or the truth is within’, it’s within your I AM presence through these and other experiences that your divinity has had.
Finally, the Goddess brought all of this down into our every day lives. This is a manner of grounding the energy. The more you work with your divinity the more important it is for you to ground. That's a large part of what truly allows you to integrate your shifting and expansion.
Nama sika: venia benya I AM the one; I AM the whole
I greet you my beloved family! I reach out to each one of you; I reach out with my energy; I reach out with my intention and awareness. I see you, I sense you and I can feel you. I find that each one of you as you live your life upon the Earth become more and more unique as an individual and yet more and more of a representation of your divinity.
I’m gathering the energies of all who are here and I also reach out to those who link with the intention, whether their consciousness is a part of this or not.
This time upon the Earth is opening up to another level of transition. Transition is something that is an intrinsic part of being a human and living your life upon the Earth.
Times change, your personal life changes, the consciousness of the Earth plane changes; and then there’s also the consciousness of the Universe. All the energies that are out here in this space; they too continue to shift and change.
So as you consider your life, as you consider what might be coming from within you versus what might be coming from outside of you, let that flow through your awareness and feel what it means to you. You may question whether or not it makes a difference if it’s internalized or something outside of you because the end result is that you are still feeling the transition; you are still feeling perhaps out of sorts within yourselves. But when you know that you can find that link, you can find that essence of who you are.
When you are balanced and when you are grounded within your body, then you will feel your strength; you will feel your essence that emanates. I wanted you to consider this as we’re still here and grounded upon the Earth because your perception is different when you are in a space of the All That Is.
I now invite you to take one more deep breath. As you feel your energies grounding within you, have a sense of releasing consciousness that you may reach or shift your focus into the energies of the magnetic grid. As you arrive here within this space feel your alignment to your higher self. Feel how it is to blend your energies with those of your divinity and all that merges in between.
As you look around be open to see the impulses of light and awareness. Not only are you sending these out to the others who are here, but you can be open to receive whatever may be in alignment with you.
As you feel yourself shift your consciousness once more, allow your energy to move through the interlocking grid so that you may merge with the crystalline grid. As you let go of the magnetic pull of the Earth you can instantly feel your energies expand even further.
As you feel this flow of the crystalline energies allow yourself to look around. Have a sense of the flow, have a sense of the shift in vibration; have a sense of your own essence within this space.
Once you have become acclimated I invite you to allow your consciousness to shift again. This time move into the energies of the soul plane.
This is a space where you may encounter all of your I AM presence. Have a sense of opening up to feel, perhaps see or sense your divinity. You may first of all sense it as something separate to you that is coming towards you; or you may sense it all around you. Having the intention to reach out and link or merge within your divinity allows this to happen.
As you blend your energies feel the sense of belonging; feel the welcome home. Feel how good it is to be here and in this alignment with all of your divinity.
I the Goddess begin to move in and amongst all of you. I move through this space in which you are as I do so I reach out to embrace each one of you.
As we merge, as we blend our energies together, allow yourself to shift into the All That Is. As you first arrive within the All That Is, most often you find your energies expanding even further.
I invite you to let your consciousness soar for however long you feel you need to. As if you are an eagle that is taking flight, let your consciousness expand and feel yourself as you move through this space.
This space is limitless; this space has available to you anything that you may seek to have within your life. Feel what it is to be in complete freedom. For those of you who desire to continue soaring I invite you to do so as long as you choose. For the rest I invite you to gather around.
The last time that we were here together with one another I spoke of how the veil is thinning. I spoke of how the teachers, the guides, God, Goddess, all of us, are more available to you. But one thing we did not go into was just how much your own divinity is more available to you also.
As you are here within this space, as you are more fully blended with your divinity, I invite you to take a moment and look around. As you are looking around open to see other parts of your own self; other parts of your divinity and how it may relate to you right now.
From here within your I AM presence there is more than one aspect of you already incarnated upon the Earth. You may also come to recognize that there are aspects of you that are pure consciousness out within the Universe.
One of the reasons that the veil was put into place was because as a human it was difficult to fully take in all the energy that was involved in having multiple life existences occurring at the same time. Your brain as a human is still programmed to take in information and awareness in a more limiting manner.
That is something that will take perhaps years to outgrow or it is something that could shift very quickly. As your DNA continues to expand, as you have more strands of consciousness that become available to you, you will be able to open up and tap into these other existences.
For some of you I see how you might choose to do this simply for the fun of it; for the experience to see what is there for you to see.
There are instances in which you are living the same life that you are in right now with almost the same experiences but you are doing so in a different dimension. It may be that linking with other aspects of yourself or linking with other life existences will make things even more confused for you, but it also has the potential to make things more clear for you.
I invite you from here within the essence of your I AM presence to take this moment and allow yourself to feel as if you are at the top and looking down, not only upon the life in which you are currently living, but also as if you are looking down at other life existences. As you are looking at these other lives what comes to your awareness?
As you allow your consciousness to expand, perhaps you want to let yourself move or link with one life in particular. The intention for doing this is that you are able to gather more information or you are able to create a new alignment for yourself that allows you to find the answers that you are seeking in this current life.
As I have spoken of this and as I observe each of you reaching out to these different aspects of yourself, there are streams of energy and knowledge that flow back and forth. I see that some of you are very cognizant of what’s coming through, and others remain somewhat at a distance.
So be aware that even if you don’t know exactly what it is, that you are receiving whatever information or energy is there for you.
Perhaps you would like to create a deeper link to your divinity. You may shift this open awareness that you are feeling right now and let yourself feel the link to your divinity and let whatever information or essence is here to just wash over you. As this is occurring let yourself truly feel all that is here for you.
Allow your focus to come back within your consciousness for just a moment. You have experienced this deeper awareness or opening to other aspects of your divinity that may be currently incarnated upon the Earth. You have opened to receive a deeper awareness from your divinity itself.
As you allow your focus or your consciousness to now come back within yourself as your human essence, I invite you to ask the question ‘Is it possible for all of this to fully integrate within me?’
I heard many different answers but I have to say the majority leaned towards one form or another of ‘no’. Some said not as much, others said not at all, and still others said ‘I think so but I’m not sure how.’
For those of you that already can feel the truth and the reality that this is for you, I invite you to simply let yourself strengthen what you are already feeling. And let those energies move through you and then experience whatever is there for you.
For the rest of you, as you allow yourself to feel that link to your human essence, as I asked you that question I could see how certain numbers of you began to step into that belief that you as a human are less than you as your divinity. If that resonates with you I invite you to bring up that belief within your consciousness right now.
As you breathe deeply feel that essence or that energy as it comes up within you, as it comes up within your consciousness. As you allow it to come to the forefront, let yourself link for a moment and ask ‘is this resistance?’ ‘is this fear?’ ‘is this about deserving?’ or is it something else entirely?
As you have this perception of your human experience I invite you to let go of whatever that resistance may be.
You breathe in and as you breathe out and you feel the flow of the energy as it moves through here, it clears out everything within your consciousness. I then invite you to let your awareness circle back around one more time.
Look at the essence of yourself in your lifetime. As you take in your human awareness, open up the door, release any blockage or increase the amount of your essence or your energy that flows into you as the human.
Shift your focus now as if you were coming back into your human self. From the space of your consciousness and the space of your alignment within, open to feel the flow of those energies.
From your human perspective is there resistance? From your human perspective does it feel possible to have that flow of everything that you feel up in the All That Is? From your human perspective can you feel yourself expanding?
Breathe down that experience and just as it washed through and cleared out the energies while you were in the All That Is, let it wash through and clear out your own energies as you are there upon the Earth.
Once more let your focus go back within the All That Is. As you arrive you have a new perception of everything that’s here and around you. Each time you allow yourself to feel that link or that alignment from your human to your divine, it’s as if you can consciously receive an even greater expansion.
This is how you create change in your daily life. You allow yourself to feel and know the truth of all these potentials from here within the All That Is and then you let that reality shift into you in your space upon the Earth plane. And again you let that wash through you as it becomes a belief and a reality for you in your daily life.
Bring up for the moment something that you are experiencing as a challenge in your life right now. As you think about whatever it may be can you feel how your energy diminishes to a degree? Breathe in awareness and let that move through whatever that limitation may be and then breathe it out and let it flow.
Come back in a minute and now consider something that is going right within your life, something that feels good, something that you really enjoy. Immediately you feel the expansion; you can feel the difference when you are wide open.
Now I understand how it is that it would be very challenging to walk through your days and be in that space of opening or awareness 24/7. In truth it’s not even necessary for you to be always within that space. What I would invite each one of you to do is to begin to recognize when your energies feel constricted and when your energies feel open.
When you’re moving through your days and your energies feel open and as if there’s a flow moving through you, let that bolster you or boost you up. When you recognize that your energy feels constricted - sometimes there’s no particular reason, other times you know exactly what that reason may be - I invite you to consciously breathe in such a manner that you release that constriction.
You release it and you breathe out and then allow yourself to find that balance and come back into a space that feels good. This is not about perfection. This is about finding balance. This is about recognizing when you are falling into a pattern that keeps you constricted and then consciously making a choice to move outside that pattern.
Coming back to the thinning of the veil and that deeper awareness of your own divinity, consider perhaps something you seek to manifest within your life. As you are thinking about that awareness allow yourself to reach towards your divinity or to reach towards whatever part of yourself is already past this place or is already within this space of receiving what you seek to manifest.
This knowledge will help you if you seek transformation within your life. Consider the idea or the potential of opening simply to whatever may be out there that you have not even considered. Let that essence or that energy move through you right now.
Feel the excitement of something new coming into your life. Feel the awareness of knowing that you have all of your divinity as a support for you.
When you think about love, when you think about relationships, it may at times come with a sense of frustration or feeling alone. As you open to this deeper flow or this deeper alignment with your divinity, let yourself feel a complete saturation from your divinity of love, of acceptance, and of well-being.
From the space of your divinity you can do no wrong. From the space of your divinity there is complete love and acceptance. You as the human I invite to fully accept this as your reality. There is so very much that is here for you. There is such love, such compassion, such awareness and it’s there, available to you at all times.
As you are living your life, feel yourself shifting through anything that is constricted and feel yourself consciously embracing anything that feels open and expansive.
With that I invite you to gather around as a group. As you come together there is a sense of the hologram as it comes up within the center of this group. As you look at this hologram of the Earth, truly see the various dimensions that are represented within this hologram.
There is also the essence or the aspect of the New Earth. There are some people who speak of there being multiple New Earths, not just one. Indeed it’s a matter of perception. Some of those are actually expanded dimensions not only around your current Earth but around other parts of the Universe and the other planet, Ariellis.
Therefore as you perceive this hologram in front of you, allow yourself to flow the essence of your experience into this hologram. As it flows within and around this space you can feel how your own essence is strengthening.
We then release this alignment to the hologram. You may have a sense of it as it shifts moving down; it moves through the crystalline grid.
There is a separation and you see those various dimensions shifting to wherever they need to go. And then the core essence of this hologram moves down through the magnetic grid; it moves down into the center of the Earth.
As it does so it anchors within those crystals that are here within the center of the Earth. As these continue to grow and expand you see how they become illuminated. You see how more and more of them are becoming activated and then that energy begins to emanate from within those crystals.
There is a pulsation that moves through all the layers of the Earth. It comes up through the grass, the water, the trees. It comes up within you. This is more fully present for you than it has ever been before. You may recognize that in your daily life as you go about your lives.
Have a sense of shifting. Allow your focus to come back within the All That Is. As you do so I can feel an impatience as each of you are ready to move forward within your lives. You are ready to more fully integrate everything that has occurred this evening.
Your consciousness moves back through the energy of the soul plane. As you are here within your divinity, within your I Am presence, look around. Open to perceive if there is more here and available to you.
You may allow your attention to shift once more. You merge with the crystalline grid. You feel your consciousness move through that space and through the interlocking grid until you find yourself in the magnetic. Here within the magnetic grid there is an expansion that takes place as all of you come back within this space.
You bring with you your expanded consciousness and that creates a change and a shift to the magnetic grid itself. It allows it to expand; it allows it to open into something even more.
And then I invite you to let your focus come back within your human self. As if you are feeling that expanded awareness even more fully come back within you in your human reality; stop for a moment and take in a deep breath.
As you breathe deeply and easily breathe in everything that’s taken place, let it move down through you. Let it move into the Earth and as it goes into the Earth you are linking with those crystals and you are feeling the deeper alignment as that energy comes back up within you in your human presence.
Feel who you are. Allow yourself to feel your own energies; feel what it is to be in that expanded state. Let it all flow through you right now.
As you allow your focus to return more fully into your human experience, I invite you to come back into the room if you would like to ask a question.
All right, beloved family. For those of you who were unable to have your questions answered, know that I am sending you a stream of energy, a stream of love, a stream of awareness, and know that I do hear you in your prayers and in your meditation.
Know that I am communicating with you whenever you reach out to me.
As you are seeking to find that greater balance within yourself - that balance of humanity and divinity - I invite you to consciously choose to open to a flow.
A flow that brings ease and a flow that allows you to step outside of the challenges; to step outside of difficulty and that which might be considered a block in your way.
Breathe deeply and know that you are fully connected within yourself.
I am ever with you and within.