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Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light

Weekly Channelled Message

11-11-11 Energy Wave and Activation by Archangel Metatron, Lord Merlin and Lady Portia

Part 2

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 09-11-11

In our previous communication we explained the qualities of love from truth, openness, unity and happiness, we will continue with our clarification of the remaining qualities of the 11-11-11 energy wave.


The quality of empowerment is extremely important within the energy wave; it is the energy of enhancement and magnification. As we enter into the new cycle of 2012 there is a need to focus on what we wish to create and manifest physically but also along our spiritual paths. The energy of empowerment will magnify our desires and allow them to manifest with a greater speed. It is important to choose what we wish to magnify and at this time it is essential to remain connected to your soul and the Creator, with a strong awareness of the thoughts and emotions that you are creating. The quality of empowerment offers humanity a helping hand up their spiritual ladder but also offers humanity a greater role in their spiritual growth process. Now you truly have to take responsibility for your thoughts and projections as they will manifest supported by the power of the energy wave. As with the 08-08-08 energy wave which was focused on abundance the 11-11-11 energy wave is also focused upon abundance as it is creating an abundance of what you wish to experience. Now is the time to prepare your being to ensure that what you desire is what you truly wish to experience, observing your actions, reactions and thought to realise any projections that may cause greater challenges within your reality in the future. With empowerment comes the essence of responsibility which encourages you to master your being, mind and emotions. Release all thoughts that are unneeded, ask for them to be erased by the Creator's light. Focus upon what you wish to manifest when you connect with the new energy wave and you will notice that your thoughts are now fuelled with tremendous strength. It is truly a blessing to experience the energy of empowerment, which you can connect with at any time within your daily routine to enhance your reality but it brings with it new lessons to master.

Empowerment is also focused upon the soul. The new energy wave anchors with the intention of creating a greater sensitivity and awareness of the soul. Allowing the soul to become empowered boosts your connection and experience of your soul, permitting merge with enhanced depth. Empowerment gives confidence to the soul and to your entire being in the process of integration occurring within your being.

It is appropriate to invoke the 11-11-11 energy wave and to ask for the quality of empowerment to surround your heart and soul. Ask that the energy of empowerment seeps gently into your soul and enhances your connection, understanding and bond with your soul. Then simply sit and allow the energy of empowerment to merge with your soul, gradually building the presence of your soul.


To permit you to embody your soul more completely than you are currently experiencing is the goal of the 11-11-11 energy wave. It is programmed to activate your soul, promoting an embodiment of your soul's truth, love and wisdom in your expressions, actions, words, thoughts and in all manner of your existence on the Earth. Embodiment of the soul is not only allowing your soul to align with your physical being but encourages you to express your soul in creative ways. This assists in a greater understanding of your soul and therefore the Creator. Empowerment assists with embodiment; through the quality of empowerment you will allow a process of embodiment. Both qualities give more power and leadership to your soul and withdraw the same from your ego.

The quality of embodiment speaks of embodying or enacting all that you have discovered along your spiritual path whether it is your current path or your journeys in your past lifetimes.  No longer can you hide your wisdom or ignore the consciousness of your soul as it guides you. The process of embodiment is acknowledging your inner light and letting it come forward to integrate with your being and reality in a way that is appropriate for you.

The Creator wishes you to embody the light of the Earth and nature kingdoms as well as the inner planes. It is to link your energies, to merge your vibration, to appreciate and to hold light within your being.

Invoking the new energy wave you can ask for the light and quality of embodiment to encourage your soul to flow with greater intensity into your being and reality. Ask that your soul settles within your physical being and cellular level. Then allow yourself to ask or to understand what others energies, consciousness or light you need to hold within your being. Ask for these energies to be anchored into your being so that you may fully embody and exist as a representative of their energy. Embodiment is also a process of acceptance, accepting energies as your own. After all we are all one, from the same source, it is appropriate that we embody all aspects of our being and the Creator.


The energy of sensitivity is connected to a greater awareness of the soul, the embodiment of the Creator's energies, being open and experiencing a unity with all that is the Creator. Sensitivity encourages us to work upon our awareness of energy, emotions, thoughts and experiences. To look closer, to listen with greater attention, to feel with greater patience. Enhancing and developing our sensitivity to our reality, to ourselves and to the Creator is the goal of the quality of sensitivity. It is to allow yourself to hold a greater understanding of yourself and your reality which is beyond limitations and illusions. Sensitivity may encourage you to be kinder and more loving to yourself, your path and to others upon the Earth thus increasing your unity with your own energies and that of humanity. Sensitivity is the glue that binds these qualities together as one, as each of the qualities is persuading you to be more sensitive, more aware, more awake and conscious. Let the energy of sensitivity encourage you to be conscious in your spiritual and physical reality on the Earth, a conscious connection will allow your complete integration with and embodiment of the Creator.

This quality only needs to be anchored from the 11-11-11 energy wave into your being as you make a mental note that through your growth process on the Earth you may notice or focus upon your sensitivity to energy, your thoughts, emotions, actions etc, questioning whether they are appropriate or aligned with the Creator's soul and your own manifestation of your soul. Let the energy of sensitivity wash away all energies and beliefs that are hindering you from being sensitive, conscious and aware, this can be a deep cleansing process.

It is important to realise that the energy of sensitivity may influence you by allowing feelings of being vulnerable, insecure or unsupported to arise. These are simply energies from the past that need to be released, because with the acceptance of all other qualities you will realise a deep seated strength rising from within you.


The quality of liberation could be recognised as a cleansing energy as it encourages you to create a freedom within your being and reality. A thought process and reality that is free from limitations that can be expansive and generous. Freedom is the existence that can be experienced in meditation, a freedom with the chattering mind and a focus upon the light and energy of your being. The presence of liberation can offer a sanctuary for you to retreat to, nurturing and nourishing your being but predominantly encouraging you to create an existence focused upon clarity, exploring your spiritual being and insights with depth and flow. As the quality of openness speaks of a flowing energy so does the quality of liberation, allowing all your energy to flow expansively. It is a release of unneeded energies and development of the essence of your being. We see that all qualities are focused upon the sensitivity to the soul, we are encouraged to love from the soul, open our heart chakra to express the soul more fully, unite our soul with the Creator and aspects of the Creator on the Earth to enthuse a journey of enlightenment. As well as empowering the soul and embodying the soul, therefore offering the soul more freedom to express and communicate its truth, love and wisdom. By liberating the soul or offering the soul more freedom you will liberate your enter being and reality.

You can call upon the quality of liberation from the new energy wave to inspire your soul's expansion and to free you from limitations and hindrance connected to your spiritual path. Asking to embody the energy of freedom from the energy wave during meditation can assist you in glimpsing your truth and essence as you are taken away from your physical reality to sit within your truth and love.

While we have taken time to explain the qualities of the energy wave and how you may connect or use them in your reality it is important to realise that a simple connection is appropriate. The main purpose is for you to experience, accept and understand the new energy wave flowing through your being. Over the past weeks we have shared with you practices, these will advance your spiritual growth and heighten your experience at this time but it is essential that you follow the guidance of your soul as to what is appropriate for you to achieve at these special time of empowerment.

Anchoring the 11-11-11 Energy Wave

Below is an invocation that you may use to assist your experience of anchoring of the 11-11-11 energy wave,

I call upon Archangel Metatron, my Community of Guides, my Angels and Archangels as well as all light beings wishing to share their love and to aid in the anchoring of the 11-11-11 energy wave. Please surround me and bathe me completely in your love and high vibrational light.

I call upon Archangel Metatron to stand at the front of my being, Archangel Raphael to stand on my left side, Archangel Gabriel on my right side and Archangel Michael behind my being. I ask that Archangel Zadkeil and Archangel Amethyst stand either side of Archangel Metatron adding their energy and support. Enthuse my being with angelic light of unconditional love. Allow me to accept and to radiate love in preparation for accepting the 11-11-11 energy wave.

I call upon the Ascended Masters of love and enlightenment to surround me and to assist in the activation and mastery of my being.

I call upon the Goddess beings of light to surround me completely and to support my intention of connecting with and embodying the new energy wave.

I activate my soul, allowing my soul to radiate its light brightly from within my being into my body, aura and reality.

I call upon my soul group to connect on a deeper level with my soul and to surround me in your unconditional love. Assist me in experiencing your presence around me and your alignment to my soul.

I call upon the energy of the Creator to flow over and through my being, pouring the most appropriate vibration of light into my energy.

From the source of the Creator I ask that the 11-11-11 new energy wave descends and flows deep into the Earth, its many energy levels and consciousness. Let the 11-11-11 energy wave of the most appropriate vibration and intensity flow into my entire being, flowing from all directions to connect with my heart chakra. Let the light flow deep into my soul as I breathe the light into all aspects and areas of my being.

I now accept, experience and embody the 11-11-11 energy wave within my being and soul allowing new activations to occur within me that heighten my spiritual advancement.

As I accept the qualities of light from the energy wave, I project and anchor them into the Earth also.

·         I accept, experience and embody the quality of Love from truth

(Sit and breathe this light into your being, noticing any insights or colours, achieve the same for each quality.)

·         I accept, experience and embody the quality of Openess

·         I accept, experience and embody the quality of Unity

·         I accept, experience and embody the quality of Happiness

·         I accept, experience and embody the quality of Empowerment

·         I accept, experience and embody the quality of Embodiment

·         I accept, experience and embody the quality of Sensitivity

·         I accept, experience and embody the quality of Liberation

I now allow the 11-11-11 energy wave to integrate within my being and merge with my soul, allowing me to become more sensitive to the presence of my soul, empowering and embodying my soul with ease.

I now sit in acceptance of the 11-11-11 energy wave and the activations that need to occur at this time. I know that everything is divinely guided by my soul and the will of the Creator.

(Sit for as long as you feel is appropriate, breathing in the light.)

With Love and abundant blessings,

We are Archangel Metatron, Lord Merlin and Lady Portia

Latest News

Check out the 11-11-11 Energy Wave and Activation page on the Sacred school of Om Na to view all past messages about 11-11-11 and to listen to audio meditations.

Archangel Metatron's Capsules of Wisdom

Archangel Metatron has channelled two capsules to assist your integration with the 11-11-11 energy wave.

Capsule 8- 1st November 2011

11-11-11- Empowerment

By Archangel Metatron

In this Capsule Archangel Metatron explains about the 11-11-11 energy wave, how to connect and absorb the qualities and consciousness of the energy wave appropriately. One aspect of the energy wave is focused upon empowerment, Archangel Metatron guides you to understand the energy of empowerment and how it is appropriate for you to use this in your reality as well as how to focus upon empowerment of your being on the date of 11-11-11. Archangel Metatron shares a guided meditation to assist in the empowerment of your soul, with encouragement upon allowing your soul to take leadership in your spiritual path.

Explanation & 1 Meditation
50.29mins Audio

Capsule 9- 9th November 2011

11-11-11- Unity

By Archangel Metatron

Meditation to be Completed on 11-11-11

In this Capsule Archangel Metatron explains the quality of Unity and how it is held within the new energy wave of 11-11-11. Archangel Metatron explains how we can merge our energies with all aspects of the Creator and with like minded souls upon the Earth to create a new consciousness for humanity, feeling a greater security and support in our own spiritual path. Archangel Metatron guides you in a special meditation to be completed on the date of 11-11-11 at any time throughout the day to allow your consciousness to blossom from your soul, sharing your wisdom with all upon the Earth. He will assist you in uniting your consciousness, feel a greater oneness, anchor the new energy wave and accept new wisdom for yourself to support and guide you in 2012 and beyond.

Explanation & 1 Meditation
47.20mins Audio

Click Here


   11/11/11 Messages and Meditations

Free Audio- Completion of Energy Wave Embodiment Meditation

The Magic Of This Time by Lord Merlin

Energy Wave Transitions by Archangel Metatron

11-11-11 Energy Wave by Archangel Metatron  


  Spiritual Educational Courses, More Information

Four Week Preparation Course only £5, More Information

 Twelve Rays of Light Book Available Now

        Understand the Twelve Rays of Light. Though commonly spoken of, the wealth of knowledge that they hold is very rarely comprehended or utilised. Learn how they could transform your life and enhance your spiritual progression.

            Liberate yourself from the cycle of life and merge once more with the infinite aspect of your soul and the Creator by working diligently with the Twelve Rays. Through study of and integration with the rays and spiritual hierarchy, you will discover the keys to your own ascension process on the Earth.

The Twelve Rays of Light is a unique guidebook to the spiritual hierarchy and energy levels beyond the Earth. It helps you to discover the guides, teachers, leaders and Ascended Masters of the spiritual planes upon whom you may call daily to advance your development, expand your awareness and awaken your true self. The book explains how to experience the qualities of the Creator's soul with which you can align, and which you can use as healing, support and inspiration both in your reality and to aid others.

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Wow!!! Very powerful I have been feeling the activation from the last week



Help us to anchor the energy of the New Age on Earth. Get inspired and set up a grid with the intention to help HEAL Mother Earth and all Her Beings from the wounds of the past and WEAVE a new net of living LIGHT all around the planet to help all life forms evolve into Unity Consciousness.


Ascension is not about leaving the world - it is about bringing HEAVEN down to EARTH!


We are the living BRIDGE between the worlds and dimensions, between HEAVEN AND EARTH. We are free to move in TIME and SPACE when we enter the SACRED SPACE of the Divine Chamber of the HEART  where the ThreeFold Flame resides and the god given Divine Blueprint is waiting to be downloaded into our earth bodies.


The TIME to ACTIVATE our Light Body is NOW.




Sonja Myriel RAouine

"About the Use of the Violet Flame" 


I have to tell you that when you as a conscious disciple manage the Violet Flame, a parallel activity of the Violet Flame is initiated internally. This results in the vibrational awakening of your chakras. Therefore, each time when you use the gift of the Violet Flame you are asked not only to focalize your attention on what you want to transmute but also on the internal activity which takes place within yourself.

One of the consequences of the continual use of the Violet Flame is the accelerated awakening of all your chakras, you will, step by step, wake up in a different world from where you live now.


Lightgrid CONNEXION Groups

This is the space for you to ORGANISE your personal connexion group, to look for likeminded people, to introduce yourSELF and say what you would like to contribute to the every expanding NET OF LIGHT around the world.


You have received clear guidance on a project,type of meditation, course of action to take? You are WELCOME to share here so we can start DREAMING and thus CREATING together!


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